Study on pressure fluctuation characteristics of axial flow pump in reverse power generation under different cavitation conditions
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Taking a pumping station of South2to2North Water Transfer Project as a model, we conducted full2channel numerical simula2 tion of the cav itation conditions of large2scale axial flow pumps in the pumping station during reverse power gener ation. We studied the steady and unsteady cavitation phenomena under the condition of reverse pow er generatio n, and compared the ex perimental results. We obtained the bubble vo lume distribution law under different cavitation co nditions, and predicted the development characteristics of blade cavitation. The pressure fluctuation of the three mo nitoring surfaces was studied under the condit ion o f r everse power g ener ation. The r esults showed that the pressur e fluctuatio n amplit ude w as the smallest at the g uide blade inlet and the lar gest at the runner outlet, which w as about 7 times of that at the runner inlet. The wat er flow was serio usly affected by the r unner ro tation and the main frequency was the frequency of t he runner. The amplit ude of pressur e fluctuatio n before and after the r unner wo uld in2 cr ease w ith t he decr ease of the cavitation co efficient under differ ent cavitat ion numbers, and the main frequency of pr essure fluc2 tuatio n w as not affected by the cavitation co efficient. T he sma ller t he cav itation number, the less the r adial fo rce o f the blade, the gr eat er the axial force, incr easing the instability o f the runner. To ensur e the stable and efficient operat ion of the axial flow pump in reverser power generation, the dev ice sho uld be running under a hig h cav itation co efficient.