Influence of height of throat section of elbow inlet channel on performance of vertical pump system
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In or der to ensure a goo d flow patter n when the w ater flows into the curv e, the end cr oss2 sectio n of the inlet of the el2 bow inlet flow channel usua lly has a small heig ht, and is called "t he thro at". Based on CFD numerica l simulatio n, we carried o ut scheme desig n and modeling calculatio n, co nduct ed quantitative analysis on the heig ht of the thr oat sect ion of the f low channel, and studied the inter nal flow stat e and pump system perfo rmance in each scheme. The r esults showed that t he scheme w ith a lar ge thro at height had a slow flow velocit y at the cur ve and small hydraulic lo ss, but the flow v elocity changed rapidly w ith un2 ev en distribution. The small height scheme had a fast flow velo city and larg e hydraulic loss, but t he flow v elocit y changed slow2 ly, with high uniform ity at t he o utlet. T he optima l solution fo r the throat heig ht in the study w as 01 8 times t he impeller diame2 ter. T he pum p system efficiency o f this scheme reached 791 08% at 340 L/s.