The development of underground complex as a new multi-functional urban waterlogging control structure
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With the r apid urbanization of China, urban pluv ial floo ds and waterlo gg ing become incr easing ly frequent and serio us. Prev ious engineering measur es to alleviate urban w aterlog ging mainly focused o n impro ving the design standards of urban dr ain2 ag e system, lacking consider ation of o ther r elated pr oblems. Thus, we pr oposed a new multifunctional ur ban w aterlog ging con2 tr ol structur e2an under gr ound complex2to tackle the three urban pr oblems: waterlo gg ing, tr affic congestio n, and lay ing pipes & wires in the ut ility tunnel. The r eser ved ro om of the utility tunnel la yer in the under gr ound complex can effectively avo id repeat2 ed ex cavation o f r oads due to installatio n and repair of va rio us pipelines. The differ ent operat ion functions o f the traffic layer can effectively relieve the ur ban waterlo gg ing and t raffic pr essure. We put forw ar d an underg round complex str ucture scheme fo r the first time, established its 3D numerical mo del with ABAQUS, and conducted static analy sis. T he waterlo gg ing co nt rol effect of the underg r ound complex was analy zed based on the hy dr o2dynamic mo del and a case study. T he results show ed that the me2 chanical pro perties of the structure wer e reasonable; the v ertical displacement and stress w ere small in the two o per ating peri2 o ds. However, r einforcement sho uld be applied in t he tensile stress concent ratio n ar ea. The underg round complex can gr eatly al2 leviate the w aterlog ging situation of t he study area.