Comparison of several hydrological methods to determine the ecological flow for instream river—A case study of Zhoukou hydrological station in Shaying River
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As the amount of ecological flow is one of the important factors in maintain aquatic ecosystem,the accurate estimation of it has important practical significances.The Shaying River,a typical river in the Huai River Basin,was used in this study.In order to explore the advantages and disadvantages of five commonly used hydrological methods,the ecological flow was estimated based on the 44year natural daily streamflow data at Zhoukou hydrological station.The results showed that the Q50_Q90 method had the largest water demand and the Tennant method had the smallest.Q50_Q90 method would increase water pressure.Meanwhile,the simulation result of natural flow regime with different hydrological methods showed that the Tessman method,the Monthly Flow variation method and the Lyon method all had obvious advantages over the Q50_Q90 method and the Tennant method.It was found that the Tennant method and the Lyon method had the highest satisfaction rates than the other method,and the Lyon method had the highest satisfaction rates in dry hydrological years than other four methods.Therefore,the Lyon method was the most reasonable method to calculate the ecological flow in seasonal river,such as Shaying River.