Research and application of multi-scenario optimization operation modelfor water supply of multi-reservoir in an inter-basin water transfer system
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Policymakers should balance the cost and profit contradiction of water supply when made decisions reg arding simulation and optimization o f multi-reservoir operation in an inter-basin water transfer system. Considering obvious differences between the cost of local and diverted water, we established an optimization and multi-scenario model for water resources management based on cost of water-supply sources. In this paper , we analyzed the conditions and harmony of multi-water resources through the above model with minimum water supply shortage as an objective function, restricted diverted water as a constraint condition. In this study, Hongze Lake, Luoma Lake and the east route of So uth-to-North Water Diversion Project was selected as resea rch object. The results indicated that: ( 1) local water from Hong ze Lake and Luoma Lake can meet the water demand in normal and high flow years. ( 2) we could reduce the water short ages of HongZe Lake and comunity by diver ting water from Hongze Lake to Luo ma Lake, while the inflow of Hong ze Lake was normal or high and inflow of the Luoma Lake was high. ( 3) The water shortage problem in low flow year could be solved through an effective agreed amount of annual diverted water from Yangtze River ( 4) under the multi-year av erage condition, 0. 6 times of the agreed diversion volume was a compromise scheme which can balance the consideration of reducing the w ater shortage and diversion cost of the system. Through the above research, we can get some references for optimization operation in an inter-basin water transfer system.