Research on four2dimensional simulation of national water consumption based on neural network model
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It is o f g reat sig nificance of a nationwide water use ev aluatio n, efficient use of w ater resour ces and manag ement to achiev e sustainable eco nomic dev elo pment by analy zing the facto rs affecting the w ater consumptio n data and simulatio n data in each administrative reg ion o f China. Based on the statist ical data such as land use distributio n, po pulation, eco nomy and w ater co nsumpt ion in administr ativ e reg ions of China f rom 2000 to 2010, this paper simulates the data of w ater consumption w ith a two2lay er feed2fo rw ard neura l net wo rk model. The results showed that the compr ehensive simulation o f water consumptio n for three influencing factors ( land use distributio n, po pulation and econom y) had a high simulatio n accur acy . Considering the impact of economy and techno lo gy , wat er2saving measures and incr eased water eff iciency o n w ater consumptio n in r ecent years, t his study pro posed " four2dimensional" water consumption simulation concept, which was to supplement the time series char acteristics of land use, populatio n and eco nomy. The results showed that "four2dimensio nal" simulation concept further impro ved the simulatio n accuracy o f wat er consumptio n.