Flood simulation based on TOPKAPI model in a humid basin
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In o rder to explo re the applicatio n effect of the distributed hydro lo gical mo del in a humid basin, the physical distributed TOPKAPI model w as applied to simulate the flo od ev ents in the upstr eam o f the H uaihe River. The model w as va lidated abov e Xix ian station w ith 11 floo d events betw een 2007 and 2017. The results showed that the accuracy of the mo del in the flo od simulatio n w as acceptable. T he mean Nash2Sutcliffe coefficient ( NSC) of Dapoling , Chang taig uan and, Xix ian w ere 01 54, 01 5 and 01 29, r espectiv ely, which ex hibited that the simulat ion accuracy of the mo del decreased w ith the incr ease of w atershed area. The mean NSC can be incr eased by up to 01 2 by adjust ing the lag time within a reasonable r ange, and up to 01 3 by adjust ing the recession co efficients o f wat er stor age in the basin. The mean NSC of the TOPKAPI model can be r eached 01 7 by considering lag2and2ro ute method, indicating that lag2and2route met ho d can be effect ively used for the TOPKAPI mo del fo r floo d simulations in a humid basin.