Optimal water resources allocation based on interval two2stage stochastic programming in Beijing
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Considering the uncerta int y in the w ater resour ces allocatio n pr ocess of w ater2deficient cities, an interv al tw o2stag e sto chastic pro g ramming mo del w as established fo r the study o f o ptimal water resource a llo cation in Beijing for 2025. T his model took the max imum compr ehensive benefit of wat er use in Beijing as the objectiv e funct ion, intr oduced probability distributio n and interv al number to represent multiple uncertainties, and obtained the optimal w ater supply objectiv es and w ater distributio n schemes under different levels of w ater inflow for liv ing, industrial, ag ricultural and eco lo gical w at er use in six urban areas and subur bs o f Beijing fo r 2025. T he r esults show ed that t he o ptimal w ater supply ta rg et of Beijing in 2025 w as 4. 739 billion m3 , and the water supply t arg et of industrial w ater in six ur ban areas and ag ricultur al water in suburbs should co nserv ativ e. T he optimal allocation o f water under different levels of inflow was [ 31 649, and 41 739] billion m3 , r espectively, and there w as no water sho rtag e when t her e was a hig h flow year in Beijing . Likew ise in the same periods, the water shortage was [ 01 548, and 11 090] billion m3 , r espectiv ely, w hen ther e w as a low flow y ear in Beijing and Danjiang kou r eser voir. This scena rio posed a g reat threat to t he w ater supply security o f Beijing. This mo del fully co nsidered the impact o f uncertain factors on water resources al2 locatio n, evaluated the relat ionship betw een water use benefits and water shortage risks, and o bta ined the allocatio n results in the fo rm o f interval. T his study can pr ov ide a scientific basis for the fo rmulat ion of w ater supply objectives and optimal alloca2 tion of w ater r eso ur ces as w ell as t he analy sis of w ater r eso ur ce securit y measur es in Beijing fo r 2025.