Surface runoff simulation based on SWAT model in Beishan Reservoir watershed
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SWAT soft war e was used to emplo y the distributed hy dr olog ical model t o evaluate the surface water resources in the Beishan Reser voir w atershed. Based on measur ed hydro lo gical data fr om 2016 to 2018 prov ided by the lo ca l wat ershed manag e2 ment institutio n, and the elevat ion, land use, and soil type data, the SWAT and SWAT2CUP so ftwar e w ere used to calibr ate and analyze the sensitiv ity of the par ameters in the Beishan Reserv oir w atershed. The coefficient of determination ( R2 ) , Nash2Sut2 cliffe efficiency ( NSE) , mean absolute relative erro r ( M ARE) and ro ot2mean2square erro r ( RM SE) w as selected as the model ev aluatio n index es. The results indicated that the simulated value of Beishan Reser vo irc s mo nthly water sto rag e show ed go od agr eement w ith the measured value. The mo del evaluation indexes R2 , NSE, M ARE and RMSE, w ere 01 89, 01 88, 51 04% and 11 15 @ 106m3 in calibration period, and 01 89, 01 85, 41 23% and 01 90 @ 106 m3 during validation period, r espectiv ely. This sug ges2 ted that the calibrated model can appr ox imately r eflect t he char act eristics of runo ff in the study ar ea, indicating the displayed best applicability of SWAT model in the w atershed. Mor eover, the sensitivity analysis of the main parameters based o n the vali2 dated hy dr olog ical mo del indicated that GWQMN ( threshold of shallow g r oundwater r egr ession flow) and CN2 ( number of SCS runo ff cur ves) w ere the most impo rtant par ameters show ed sig nificant effect o n the model r esults.