The simulation and experiment of fluted floating garbage collection device
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Wat er envir onmental pollution caused by floating gar bag e in rivers is increasingly w orse, and sev erely affects biodiver2 sit y, human health and eco systems. In this paper, a flo ating g arbag e co llect ion dev ice is desig ned acco rding to the hydro dy namic char acteristics of t he channel in Nago ya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The r etaining plate in the device is used to change the flow stat e, and the flow is g uided to drive the flo ating w aste into the g roo ve str ucture, so as to achiev e the collectio n effect. First of all, the simulation so ftwa re iRIC is used to simulate the water, the appr opriat e scale of the test mo del is determ ined, and the in2 doo r ex periment al device is designed. Under certain hydrodynamic co nditions, the indoo r model test research is carried o ut . By adjusting the g ro ov e leng th and the inner wa ll length of t he co llect ing device, and setting different w or king conditio ns t o carry on the test, t he concr ete floating g arbag e collectio n rate results a re o bta ined. On this basis, the test r esults are ana lyzed and com2 pared, and it is found that w ith the increase of co ncav e lengt h and inner w all leng th, the co llect ion efficiency of the device w ill improv e.