Analysis of the spatial characteristics of Ulungur Lake water quality based on improved comprehensive water quality index
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The status o f lake water quality is an important index to identify and to eva luate the lake changes and the lake health, which is directly r elated t o the eco lo gical env ir onment security of the basin. By taking , Ulungur Lake which is a ty pical arid in2 land lake as the research object to study the status o f water qualit y and the spatial distributio n laws in Ulung ur Lake area ( Jili Lake and Buluntuo Lake) fo r t he year of 2017 using impro ved comprehensive w ater quality index ( WPASEQI) and GIS technol2 o gy . The main conclusions of this study are as fo llow s; ( 1) water quality of the Ulungur Lake was classified in thir d nat ional standard and less polluted. Amo ng them, wat er qualif y of the Jili Lake w as classif ied into the second standar d of the surface w a2 ter env iro nmental functio n, while the Bulunt uo Lake w as classif ied into the third standard. Mo reov er, it showed that ther e wer e significant spat ial difference char acteristics of water quality that wer e clo ser t o the easter n part of the lake center and the bey ond away from the inlet area, indicated mo re serious the water po llution. ( 2) The key o ver2standard indices o f w ater po llution in Ulungur Lake wer e COD, CODMn, T N, TP and fluoride, and their spat ial dist ributio n char acteristics w ere as follows; the spatial distribut ion law s of COD, CODM n and fluoride indices co ncentration w ere ro ug hly sim ilar, show ing that the Jili Lake was supe2 rio r to the Buluntuo Lake and the water inlet w as g reater to the center area. In additio n, the concentr atio n of TN and TP indica2 to rs had little difference, which g enera lly show ed that t he inlet area was better than the lake center and the w est o f the Buluntuo Lake w as better t han t he east, r espectiv ely. ( 3) Eut rophicatio n, o rg anic matter and inor ganic matter w ere the main pollutio n so ur ces o f water quality in t he Ulungur Lake. Climate chang e and human act ivities may be the driv ing for ces for further deterio2 r atio n o f lake water quality.