Influence of flow vibration effect of flat gate on opening force
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In or der t o ex plor e t he mechanism of the influence of flow2induced vibr ation on the o pening and closing for ce of the gate, the f luid2so lid coupling analysis o f the plane g ates in the form of fix ed upper and low er w ater level and bo ttom edg e show ed that t he ex citing force causing the v ibration. The variation of frict ion arm and coefficient o f friction caused by v ibratio n displacement of the gate w ere the main causes of the change of the o pening and closing for ce. On the basis of the unfav orable opening deg ree of the g ate vibr ation calculated by the predecessors, t he ca lculatio n formula o f the ex citing fo rce acting o n the gate panel w as pro po sed by the w avefo rm sy nthesis metho d and the vibrat ion t heo ry . The f rictio n coefficient and f rictio n for ce of the gate w ere consider ed in the calculation met ho d of the o pening for ce of the plane gates under the effect o f the flow vibr ation. Comparing w ith the measur ed data of the middle plate o f t he Shiquan H ydro power Statio n, the theor et ical calculatio n r esults wer e in g oo d ag reement with t he actual measured v alues, w hich can prov ide a scient ific basis for the calculation of the o pening and closing for ce o f the actual pr oject.