Experimental study on shape optimization of skew bucket based on orthogonal design
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The shape of a flip bucket is ver y important fo r the shape o f the w ater tong ue and the sco uring of the downstream ri2 v erbed. Based o n the hydraulic model test , optim izing the shape of the skew bucket of the Nazix ia spillw ay tunnel by o rthog onal desig n. Using ex tr eme difference analy sis and va riance analy sis, the max imum crater depth, t he dist ance from the low est point to the slope, the left jet tr ajecto ry leng th, the right jet t rajecto ry leng th and nappe width wer e selected as the ev aluation indicators for t he o ffset o f the left and rig ht side w alls o f the skew bucket. The three factors of the deg ree o f distortion o f the no se wer e calculated, and the sensitiv ity o f each facto r to the evaluatio n index w as analy zed t o establish the optimal flip bucket fo rm of the skew bucket. The r esults show ed t hat the hydraulic characteristics w ere more sensitive t o t he change of the offset of the left side wall to the rig ht bank. T he ot her facto rs had little effect on t he energ y dissipation effect of the skew bucket. The optimal shape was also analyzed by orthogo na l desig n. The hy dr aulic char acteristics w er e superio r to ot her schemes, while t he obtained r esults co uld pr ovide a basis for the design of t he actual engineering skew bucket.