Research on vertical recharge and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer in a typical deep groundwater areas of North China Plain
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The area o f reg ions w ith a deep g roundw ater table is expanding in No rth China Plain ( NCP) . The characteristics of gr oundwat er recharg e and the value of specif ic y ield hav e not been w ell studied in NCP. Therefo re, an ag ricultura l area near Lu2 ancheng Ex perimental Stat ion, H ebei Pr ov ince, was taken to study the v ertical r echarg e and the specific yield using distributed water cy cle modeling based on a field ex periment. Mor eo ver, t he gr oundwat er r echar ge char acteristics w ere also explo red. T he results show ed that in 2012 and 2013, the potential rechar ge was 2361 6 mm and 2231 5 mm, while the gr oundw ater recharg e w as 1441 1 mm and 1291 8 mm, respect ively, in the study area. And the daily recha rge rate ranges betw een 01 370 mm/ d and 01 404 mm/ d and 01 327 and 01 382 mm/ d in 2012 and 2013 r espectiv ely. This scenario indicated that the gr oundw ater recharg e w as rel2 atively stable and the inter2annual and inter2diurnal differences wer e small due to the r egulat ion and buffering of the deep vado se zo ne. Besides, the specific y ield of the unconfined aquifer w as abo ut 01 03.