Analysis of the relationship between water, energy and food based on total water consumption
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Social-eco nomic dev elo pment and t he incr ease of populatio n escalated Chinac s energ y and fo od demand, w hile the sho rtag e o f wat er resour ces is g radua lly constrained. In or der to further study the relat ionship betw een w ater resour ces, energ y and foo d, this paper uses t he method of actual measurement st at istics o f 31 prov inces and combined w it h quota estimatio n to an2 alyze the total water use and pr ocess of ener gy development and food pr oduction and planting . The results show ed that in 2015, the w ater consumption of synthetic ammonia and co king industr y in coal mining and washing, thermal pow er industr y and coal chemical industry acco unted for 21 9% ~ 41 4% , 901 4% ~ 941 8% , 11 5% ~ 21 6%, 01 8% ~ 21 7% of the total life cycle of coal, re2 spect ively. The t otal water co nsumption of coal has r eached 5061 7~ 531 15 billio n m3 , account ing for 381 0% ~ 391 8% of the to2 tal industrial w ater co nsumption. The irrigation w ater co nsumption of fa rmland accounted fo r 871 7% o f the total ag ricultural water use, the actual irrig at ion w ater consumptio n per mu w as 394 m3 , and the w ater consumptio n per unit of g rain output w as 5431 3 m3 / t. The research results can pr ovide a r efer ence for the water2ener gy2food link.