Study on emergy and spatial distribution of industrial production value of water resources
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Fr om the perspective of eco2economics, the emerg y analy sis metho d w as used to quant ify the industrial pr oductio n value of water resources in 60 cities of the Yellow River Basin, and the spatial distributio n char act eristics o f industrial pr oductio n value o f w ater resources w ere st udied by spatial auto co rr elation analy sis. The results show ed that the industrial pr oductio n value of w ater r eso ur ces in the Yellow River Basin r ang ed f rom 161 3 to 261 9 yuan/ m3 , and this v alue w as higher in the middle and easter n parts o f the basin. T he g lo ba l Mo ran index of the industrial production value of water resour ces in the Yellow River Basin was 01 3271, w hich showed a sig nificant po sitive spat ial autocorrelatio n. Mor an scatter plot and LISI agg lomeratio n map show ed that the industrial pr oduction value of water resour ces in the Yellow River Basin was mainly "H2H " ( hig h value) ag glomer ation, which mainly gathered ar ound the middle and easter n parts of the basin. This study can provide theoretical support for water allocation in the industrial system o f the Yellow Riv er Basin and data r eference fo r o ptima l allocation of w ater r eso ur ces in the basin.