A review of the development and application prospect of virtual water theory
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Since the end of the tw entiet h centur y, the co ncept of virtual w ater is r aised, the basic theory , calculation methods and case studies both at home and abro ad has been booming, containing virtual w ater content has been est ablished gr adually , virtual water trade, virtual w ater flow , w ater balance, w ater footprint and other economic and social manag ement o f water resources of the concept of theor etical fr amew or k, become the important method of water cy cle in the eco nomic and so cial evo lutio n. System2 atica lly in t his paper o n the co ncept and characterist ics of virtual w ater analysis, the emerg ence and development of the theo ry of virtual w ater, expounds the current research pr og ress of v irtual w ater and virtual water theo ry, analyzes the application pr ospect in w ater r eso ur ces manag ement , put fo rw ard the applied to the three scientif ic idea of ag ricultura l water resources management, to pro vide the reference t o the research of v irtual water theo ry and applicatio n