Sensitivity analysis of particle tracking trace length and division of groundwater source protection area-- An example of Ganhezi Well Field
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The wat er supply safety g roundw ater source a rea is of g reat significance fo r ensuring r esidentc s safe w ater use and pr otecting gr oundw at er. Rational div isio n o f gr oundwater so urce a rea pr otectio n zone plays an im po rtant ro le in making full use of w ater so ur ce and water quality pr otectio n. Taking the g ro undw ater so urce of Ganhezi as the calculatio n backgr ound, the gr oundwat er flow mo del of the wat er source area w as established by numerical simulatio n. Based on Mo rris method, the influ2 ence o f permeabilit y coefficient and effective por osity on particle t racking tr ace leng th w ere analy zed lo ca lly and g lobally . Using Ar cMap, the primar y and tw o2level gr oundwater source protected areas wer e div ided for particle tr acking t race lengths and calculated acco rding to lo ca l and g lo ba l sensitiv ity . T his w as the basis for multiparty coo rdinat ion and final recog nition of the scope of protected a reas accor ding to the local actual situation in the futur e. The influence of differ ent methods and differ ent influence facto rs on the simulation results of the area o f the pro tected ar ea wer e also analyzed. T he results show ed that the relat ionship betw een global sensitiv ity and lo cal sensitiv ity w as not a simple linear r elatio nship, w hile under the same conditio ns, the effect of effective po ro sity o n particle tr acking trace length and pro tect ion area was g reater than t hat o f permeability co efficient . Acco rd2 ing to the local and global sensitivit y, the area size relat ionship of primar y and t wo g roundw ater source pr otected areas w ere: Lo2 cal sensitiv ity ( parameter was permeability coefficient) > Global sensitivity> Local sensitivity ( parameter w as effective poro sity) .