Optimal allocation of water resources in water2scarce areas based on dual control of water quantity and quality
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The research on the optimal allocatio n o f water resources under the contr ol of w ater qualit y and quantity is the basic suppo rt fo r im plementing the po licy of "w ater saving prio rit y" in the new era, ensuring r egio na l w ater security and promo ting the sustainable ut ilization o f w ater r eso urces. Aiming the coex isting o f w ater shortages in bo th resources and eng ineering in No rth China, Chang le County w as t aken as a case study. The quantity / quality2dual2co ntr ol2based mo dels for o pt imal reg io nal al2 locatio n o f water resour ces w ere established by combining a WEAP model w ith conventio nal theor y and methods for allocatio n of wat er resources, accor ding to reg io nal water demand, t otal quantit y contro l, and po llut ion co nt rol requirements in wat er func2 tional zones, to co ordinate domestic, pr oduction, and ecolog ical water usag e. Imply ing AH P, entro py w eig ht method and AH P2 entr opy w eig ht co upling method, the allocatio n benefits o f plans under different contexts w ere examined, and the best allocatio n plan w as selected. Results show ed that in the futur e planning years, the g uaranteed rate of w ater supply w as 50% and 95% , re2 spect ively, for irrig ation and urban. The scenario B4 combining the w at er reso ur ce development based on contr olling t otal water co nsumpt ion, str eng thening water2saving practices in industries, water pollutio n contro l, and r eusing mo re reclaimed water, a2 chieved the g reatest compr ehensive benefits. Compared to the current year, the w ater demand o f all sectors cloud met the annual GDP incr eased by 701 901 billio n y uan and the utilizat ion rate o f the reclaimed w astew ater accounted fo r 25% .