Discussion on the applicability of different baseflow segmentation methods in Chengbi River
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This study applied the thr ee methods such as minimum smoo thing metho d, hy drog raph separatio n pro gr am method and dig ita l filter method to calculate baseflow using daily o bser ved runoff data from 1963 to 2017 at Pingt ang Station in Chengbi River Basin. T he results indicated that the dig ital filter metho d exhibited better perfo rmance than the minimum smo othing meth2 o d and hy dr og raph separat ion pr og ram method. The value of the err or ev aluatio n index es including t he Nash2Sutcliffe efficiency co efficient was 01 930 and the av erage relativ e err or w as 21 406% , respect ively. The results also demo nstr ated that the Boug hto n2 Chapman filter metho d had the hig hest simulatio n accuracy. In respect o f statistical cha racteristics, three kinds of metho ds had certain identificatio n ability in different year levels. T heir separatio n results appea red the same and stable fluctuat ion tr end at interdecadal scale. The dev iatio n deg ree o f the hy dr og raph separ atio n pr og ram metho d was smaller than that o f the minimum smo othing metho d and dig ital filter method. In terms o f discharg e hydrog ra ph, the perfo rmance o f the three methods was quit e discr epant in flood seaso n but relatively clo se in non2flood seaso n. The simulation results of the dig ital filter methods wer e smo other com par ed with t he o ther tw o ty pes of met ho ds. Part icularly, Bo ug hton2Chapman filter method in the dig ita l filter met ho d w as co nsistent w ith the hy steresis char acteristics of baseflow . In conclusion, t he Boug hto n2Chapman f ilter method w as more suitable in the division of Cheng bi Riv er baseflow .