An analysis of time distribution characteristics of water ecological footprint and its influencing factors in Chengdu City
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In or der to str eng then the planning and management o f sustainable w ater resource utilization, this paper used the w ater eco log ical foot print calculatio n model to analyze the changes of water ecolog ical foo tprint and the relev ant influencing factors based o n LMDI decomposition metho d f rom 2000 to 2016 in Chengdu, City . T he result show ed that the ecolog ical foot print of total water resources in Chengdu has an upw ard trend w it h a decline after the y ear 2012. Agricultural w ater accounted for the highest pro po rtio n in t he entire water str ucture and the highest ecolog ical foo tprint; follow ed by indust rial, domestic, and ecolog2 ical wat er. T he ecolog ical w ater carry ing capacity o f Chengdu firstly show ed an increase in trend w hile a decrease f rom 2000 to 2016. The eco lo gica l w ater def icit and the w ater r eso ur ces load index increased y ear by year, w her eas the ecolog ical w ater foo t2 print of 10, 000 yuan GDP decr eased y ear by year. It was illust rated that Chengdu has a hig h deg ree and high efficiency o f w ater resource utilizat ion. H ow ever, its development potential was small, and the pressure on w ater supply was hug e. From t he struc2 tur al analy sis of the interfering factors, economic facto rs play a leading ro le, and the inhibitor y effect of structural elements has no t yet appear ed. Besides, the promo tio n of demo gr aphic factors w as not sig nificant, while the inhibitio n o f techno lo gical ele2 ments was sig nificant .