Analysis of pollutant removal effect using innovative ridge2shaped constructed wetland
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In t his paper, a new t ype of ridg e2shaped co nstr ucted w etland w hich combines surface flow and ho rizontal subsurface flow w as proposed. The pro po sed wetland had simple str ucture, low co nstr uction and operating cost, less human interference and go od po llution remov al effect. T he combination of surface flow and subsurface flow pr ov ided an aero bic and anaerobic alter nating env iro nment for the entir e w etland. The performance of the proposed wetland was compared with a traditional horizontal subsurface flow wetland. The comparison results showed that the removal rates of BOD ( biochemical ox ygen demand) , T N ( t otal nitr ogen) , and T P ( tota l phospho rus) in the ridge2shaped w etland in2 creased up to 201 3% , 171 0% , and 91 1% , respectively . The pr oposed w et land structure co uld be w idely applied for t reatment of rur al and urban domest ic sew age pollutio n o r ag ricultural po int and no npo int so ur ce water po llut ion.