Study on water quality standards for the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
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"Environmental quality st andards fo r surface water" ( GB 383822002) is the main basis for the monito ring and ev alua2 tion of curr ent water qualit y for M iddle Ro ut e o f So ut h2to2Nort h Water Tr ansfer Pro ject, but some o f the indicato rs in t his standard are no t co nnected w ith " Standards fo r drinking water quality "( GB 574922006) and "Water Quality Standa rd fo r Urban Water Supply" ( GB 574922006) . The w ater quality info rmation o f t he w ater supplier and the water user canno t be fully shar ed. By comparing the similarities and differences of the w ater quality indicators and the co ncentration limits amo ng t he three stand2 ar ds, and combined w ith t he water qua lity char acteristics of the Middle Route of South2 to2North Water Tr ansfer Project , the water qualit y standard o f the pr oject w as formulated fr om the perspective o f w ater quality standar d connectio n and strict contr ol of w ater quality. Based on the "Env iro nmental qualit y standar ds for surface w ater" ( GB 383822002) , t he co ncentration limits of 21 indicato rs such as ammonia nitro gen and fecal colifo rms were r educed, the concentr ation limits o f 8 indicat ors such as pH ar e retained, the co ncentrat ion limits of to tal nitro gen index w as co nfirmed as 2 mg/ L, and tur bidity, chloro phy ll2a, alg ae density three indicato rs w ere supplemented.