Experimental study on the evolution of river water quality and riverbank percolation water quality under reclaimed water supply
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In recent years, Yong ding River ex hibited a sharp decrease in w ater quantity , a trend o f continuous deteriorat ion of the water enviro nment, and serious damage to ecolog ical env ir onment due to the int ensified influence of human act ivities. Under t his backgr ound, t her e is an ur gent need of an eco lo gical reconstructio n pro ject and the determination of ecolog ical water replenish2 ment mode in the Yo ng ding Riv er. I n or der t o ex plo re the influence o f multi2w ater source eco log ical r eplenishment mode fo r the ev olut ion of riv er water qua lit y and riv erbank per colation water qua lit y, this study conducted a simulat ion ex periment to ex plor e the influence of flow rate, tem per at ur e and soil per colation on reclaimed w ater r eplenishment water qualit y. T he r esults show ed that the incr ease in flow velo city w as beneficial to the deg radation of pollutants. Compared with hig h temper atur e, the deg rada2 tion ca pacity o f po llutants at low temper atur e w as significantly bett er than that at hig h temperatur e, indicating that low temper2 atur e w as beneficial to the improv ement o f reclaimed water quality to some ex tent. Alt ho ug h water qualit y index es of riverbank leachat e improv ed to some ex tent, but the water passing thro ug h the soil was slightly eut ro phicatio n due to t he agg r eg atio n and adsor pt ion o f riv er bot tom sediments. The f ina l results show ed that the f low v elo city had the g reatest influence on the quality in2 dex o f reg ener ated w ater.