Study on the deformation law and mechanism of chair2shaped soil landslide in Three Gorges Reservoir area --Taking the landslide of Baguamen in Zigui as an example
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Since t he im poundment o f the T hree Gorg es Reserv oir, the displacement2t ime curve of many landslides has shown a step chang e, w hich makes it difficult to identify the steady state and seriously affects the landslide early w arning and prediction. The chair2sha ped so il landslide is particularly o bv ious. T aking the Bazimen landslide as an ex ample, this paper studied the land2 slide in the r eser voir w ater throug h multiple field geo log ical sur vey s, long2term o n2sit e inspectio ns, GPS displacement monito2 ring data o bt ained for mo re than 10 years and additional 2 y ea rs o f fully automat ic mo nitoring data. Defo rmatio n law under fluc2 tuatio ns and rainfall conditions wer e studied in depth. The results showed that during the decline of r eser voir w ater lev el, espe2 cially after the w ater level dro pped by 15 m, it decr eased fr om 160 m to 145 m, and the landslide bo dy deformat ion would have a lag of about 20 d. T he landslide defo rmation curve suddenly jumped and the daily displacement reached 11 5 mm to 21 2 mm. When the rainfall occurr ed mor e than 80 mm it o bv io usly induced the acceler atio n o f the slo pe. During the escalation of the res2 er voir w ater level, the reserv oir water lev el was ar ound 175 m and t he monthly displacement hav e a neg ative value of 5 to 10 mm. When rainfall w as abo ut 100 mm, it failed to induce the acceler at ion of the slope. But o nce the r ainfall was abo ve 200 mm, the displacement speed of the landslide body increased significantly. After the rainfall was induced, the landslide body acceler2 ated t o a normal level after 527 day s of rain. Under the cyclical action of periodic rainfall and r eser vo ir water level fluctuatio n, the landslide body w as repeatedly subjected to the " push2pull" effect, resulting in the step2time curv e o f the landslidec s displace2 ment2time curv e. The chair2 like soil landslide w as a special type of landslide. The increased and decrease of the r eser vo ir w ater level was the main factor of the current defo rmatio n of the Bazimen landslide, and the rainfall has promo ted the deformat ion of the landslide. Rest ricted by the st ruct ur al characteristics of the chair and other slo pes, the slope w ould be repeatedly defo rmed under the elevation of the reserv oir wat er lev el, but it w as difficult to cause rapid over all damag e.