The effect of porous elastic membrane on reducing fluctuations in surge tank
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In or der t o reduce the w ork amo unt of engineering and to facilitat e the safe and efficient operatio n o f the w ater diver2 sio n sy st em, a scheme of a por ous elastic membr ane inside the surg e tank w as proposed. This measure enabled to reduce the surg e amplitude and ra pidly damping w ater level fluctuatio ns. The "U"2shaped water co lumn o scillatio n model w as used for the physical model test. The results show ed that t he sur ge reduction effect was inversely pr oportional to the open area of the por ous elastic membr ane and was pr oportional to the number o f layers of po rous elastic membrane. In order to ex plain the mechanism of energ y dissipatio n effect, CFD numerical simulat ions w ere carried o ut to analyze the flow field char acteristics of the surg e t ank. The study show ed that the po ro us elastic membr ane was a rrang ed to distur b the flow field inside the surg e tank, g enerat ing vor2 tex , ro lling and flow , and incr easing t he head loss when the water fluctuated. Under the combined action, the energ y of the w ater in the surg e tank could be dissipated, and the surg e amplitude in the sur ge t ank could be quickly damped. T he results obtained by numerical simulatio n had g ood agr eement compar ed to the physical mo del. A po rous elastic membrane placed inside the surg e tank co uld be an o ption instead of the r eco nstr uction of the w ater conveyance system for the hy dr opow er stat ion in which the in2 stalled capacity could be increased by adding discharg e