Numerical simulation and improvement of flow pattern of water intake pumping station in water source area
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In o rder to solve the problems of turbulent flow patter n in pr e2sedimentation tank of intake pum ping station, larg e ar ea of reflux zone and vo rtices in aeration tank and for eba y. Based on the f inite vo lume method of thr ee2dimensional incom pr essible fluid and standard k2E tur bulence model, t he numerical simulatio n of pre2sedimentat ion tank, aeratio n tank and forebay o f an in2 take pumping statio n w as carried o ut by using ANSYS CFX so ftwa re. T he aeration t ank and forebay ar e numerically simulat ed, and the flow pattern, v elocity and pressur e co nto ur of the selected cr oss2section of the intake pumping statio n ar e analyzed. T he pumping statio n is optimized by setting fillets at the corridor cor ner o f the aerat ion tank, U2shaped diversio n wa ll and qua rter arc diversion wall in the co rridor cor ner of the o rig inal scheme. Splayed div ersion piers are set in the fo rebay and diversion piers are set betw een pump units. Com par ed w ith the original scheme, the phenomenon o f flow separat ion and reflux in the co rridor co rner of the orig inal scheme has been impr oved. The lar ge2scale reflux area in the aer atio n tank and the fo rebay disappears, and ther e is no obvio us bad flow patter n in t he over all flow o f pumping station. The research r esults have certain g uiding sig nificance for o pt imizing the inter nal w ater flow, prev enting sediment sedimentatio n, and im pr oving the st abilit y, efficiency and safety of pumping statio ns.