Topology optimization design for water transportation network based on network invulnerability
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In or der to optimize the topolog y of t he water delivery netw ork, this paper quantified the invulner abilit y o f the netw or k and established a topolo gy optimizatio n m odel for the w ater netw or k w ith the objective o f maximizing the invulnerability o f the netw or k. Firstly , the impo rtance of the no de str ucture w as derived from the centr al degr ee and the deg ree of substitutability o f the location of the node based o n the to po lo gy o f the w ater transpo rt netw o rk, and then the netw o rk invulnerability was charac2 terized. Seco ndly, the no n2cr ossing of edg es in a netw o rk as co nstr aints considering the number of co nnectable edges, and the op2 tim izat ion model w ith the maximization of netwo rk invulnerability w as established. Finally , combined w ith an exam ple of w ater deliver y netw o rk, the g enet ic a lgo rithm w as applied to solv e the m odel and the o ptimal to po lo gy of the w ater deliver y netw or k was sought. T he calculatio n results showed t hat the degr ee o f discreteness of the node str uctural impo rtance in the netw ork w as reduced and the netw ork invulner ability was g reatly impr oved compared to w itho ut optimization. T his indicated that the mo del co uld pr ovide a refer ence for so lv ing the pr oblem o f topolo gy optimizatio n o f the w ater delivery netw o rk.