Practice and consideration of groundwater overexploitation in North China Plain
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Gro undw ater o verex plo itatio n has v ast impo rtance in t he North China Plain. The lo ng2term o verex ploitatio n of gr oundwat er has br ought a g reat thr eat to the w ater resources security of No rth China, especially Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei. This paper firstly analy zed the status and reasons fo r g roundw ater ov erex ploitatio n in terms of gr oundw ater vo lume, g roundw a2 ter lev el and ov er2draft area, and the related pr oblems including resources, eco log y and geo log y. T hen sever al g roundw ater over2 ex ploitatio n actio ns w ere intr oduced and summarized and pr elim inar y results w ere achiev ed. Mo reov er, strateg ic countermeas2 ures and main measures for g r oundwater over explo itation in No rth China w ere intro duced. Finally, some cr ucial questions wer e discussed abo ut g r oundwater ov erex ploitat ion based on the authorcs practical wo rk. In addition, some sug gestio ns and r ationale wer e pr oposed fo r the resto ratio n based o n cr ucial questions