Relevant issues and countermeasures of seawater desalination in China
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China has a coastline of 18, 000 kilomet ers, rich in marine resour ces. Desalination is the fundamenta l way t o so lv e w a2 ter sho rtag es and increase fr eshw ater resources. This pa per summa rized the utilizatio n of seawater desa linatio n, deeply ex plo red the facto rs that restricted the dev elo pment of desalination, and analyzed the utilizatio n pro spects of desalinat ed seaw ater. Based on the analysis of the current status and ex periences of int ernational desalinatio n and seaw ater ut ilization in Zhoushan, Zhejiang , this study put forw ard the co untermeasures for the development o f seaw ater desalinat ion in China. It was sug g ested t o increase technical input, develo ped the mo del o f go vernment, industr y, and resea rch, to r educe economic co sts, to reasonably plan and build seaw ater desalinatio n projects. T he pr ojects may increase the utilizatio n of pr oduction capacity, strengthen the compr ehen2 siv e utilizatio n of seawater, r educing the env iro nmental po llut ion, str eng then policy suppo rt, improv ed laws and r egulat ions, and co nt inuously promo ted the develo pment of seaw ater desalinatio n industr y.