Effect of different irrigation water treatments on water distribution characteristics of maize under submulched drip irrigation on pebbly sandy soil
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In o r der to explor e t he effect o f different irrigat ion quo tas o n so il mo istur e distributio n o f m aize under drip irrig atio n on mulch pebbly sandy soil, the effect of 301 0 mm, 3 71 5 mm , 451 0 m m, 521 5 m m, and 601 0 m m irrigat ion quo tas on so il mo isture distributio n w ere analy zed by field plot com pariso n test m ethod. T he results show ed that the chang e pro cess o f t he co nto ur distributio n of so il w a ter content in the soil pro file w as the ellipse w ith t he long ax is in t he v ertical dir ect ion and t he ellipse w ith the long ax is in the horizontal dir ectio n2unimo da l cur ve. After 24 hours of irriga tio n, the so il mo istur e co nt ent reached a re lativ ely stable st ate, and the soil mo istur e co ntent w ith in 25 cm o f the so il surface w as sig nificantly low er t han that in 0 ho urs after irrigat ion. The so il mo istur e co nt ent w as the hig hest at a depth o f 40 cm. The chang ing t rend o f so il w ater co nt ent in differ ent irrig atio n quotas w as t he same, w hile the co nto ur map of soil w ater content w as closer to an ellipse w ith the incr ease o f irrig atio n quo ta. The increased rang e o f so il w ater co ntent in the v ert ical directio n and horizo nt al dir ec2 tion w as as fo llows: m iddle> low er> upper and left > m iddle> rig ht, r espectively. T he soil mo istur e co ntent at differ ent depths tr eated w ith a 521 5 mm irriga tio n quo ta w as closer to t he fie ld m oist ur e retentio n rate. T he ex perimental analysis show ed that 521 5 mm irrig atio n quot a tr eatment w as the best irrigat ion w ater tr eatment fo r w ater distributio n in the pebbly sa ndy soil ar ea.