Experimental study on the anti2scourability of remolded cohesive soil in the lower reaches of the Yellow River
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There is a t ypical str atified st ructur e in the lower r eaches of the Yellow Riv er. Different pa rts of the riv er have differ2 ent anti2scourability. The "clay layer" w ith strong ant i2sco ur ability has a signif icant impact on the riv er r eg ime. A flume test of sta rting erosio n o f clay was carried out based on the cohesiv e so il near H uayuanko u in the lower reaches o f the Yellow Riv er. The v ariat ion o f starting shea r st ress w ith dr y density w as analy zed, and the r elationship betw een dry densit y, w ater content and deposition durat ion was established. The relationship betw een starting shear str ess and ero sion coefficient of cohesive so il w as also fitted. The results showed that the starting shear str ess o f co hesive soil increased w ith the increase of dry density, and the relat ionship betw een them was pow er functio n. When the siltatio n duratio n w as sho rt, the dry density ( wat er content) of cohe2 siv e so il increased ( decreased) w ith the increase o f t he silt ation duration, and the relatio nship betw een them w as log arit hmic function ( exponent ial function) . The ero sion coefficient of cohesive soil decr eased w ith the incr ease o f starting shear stress, and the r elationship between them was pow er function. Simultaneously , it w as found that the starting shear stress of cohesive so il relat ed to t he cohesive co ntent, and under the same dry density conditio n, the higher the cohesive co nt ent was the gr eater the sta rting shear str ess. The erosion co efficient of cohesiv e so il w as related to the cohesiv e content and str ucture of the so il. T he higher the cohesive content, the smaller the ero sion coefficient, and the str onger the anti- sco ur abilit y.