Meta-analysis of ecological depth to groundwater table and its influencing factors in arid region of northwest China
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A meta-analysis was conducted based on the existing literature dataset. The dataset includes thirteen kinds of plants and three ty pes of vegetations ( arbor, shrub, herbal) . We identified the relationship between groundwater table depth and species diversity, species richness, and root depth with soil texture. The results showed that: the ecological depth to the groundwater table is quietly the same in different methods; the suit able ecological depth to the groundwater table is 2. 9 m, and the intimidating ecological depth to the groundwater table is 5. 5 m, respectively, while the fluctuation range is 2. 3~ 3. 9, 4. 0~ 7. 2 m; the suitable and intimidated ecological depth to groundwater table both have a typical correlation with root depth; based on current research, the relationship between the rate of root growth and decline of groundwater table depth determines the status of plant growth. The soil texture control capillary rise and groundwater supply capacity, which is an important factor of ecological depth to the groundwater table.