Analysis and spatial differences of water supply and demand balance in Yuanhe River Basin
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According to the distribution of water system in Yuanhe River Basin, the water supply and demand with or without consideration of eng ineering capacity is analyzed, which are divided based on the characteristics of town and sub-basin. The analysis displays the spatial and temporal variations of the water supply and demand to support water resources management, particularly in the major towns. The r esult shows that: the w ater demands can no t be met under the 95% fr equency, with the sho rtag e rate of 61 7% in 2025 and 71 7% in 2035, furthermor e, considering eng ineering capacity under the 95% fr equency, the sho rtag e rates of the basin incr ease to 16. 6% in 2025 and 17.5% in 2035. The areas of water shortage are mainly focused on the mainstream of Yuanhe River Basin, particularly in Lux i, Yuanzhou, Fenyi, and Yushui, with significant differences in characteristics in a year.