Eight quantitative WEF nexus ( the water-energy-foo d nexus) research methods are frequently used or have great potential in the current research of WEF nexus. These methods include WEFN exus Tool 2.0, Life Cycle A ssessment ( LCA) , Computable General Equilibrium model ( CGE) , System Dynamics modeling ( SD) , Climate, Land, Energy and Water Strategies ( CLEWS) , MultiScale Integrated Analysis of So cietal and Ecosystem Metabolism ( MuSIASEM ) , Market Allocation/ The Integrated MARKA L-EFOM System ( MARKAL / TIMES) and Water Evaluation and Planning-Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System ( WEAP-LEAP) . By summarizing the generation, development, and characteristics of 8 quantitative research methods, and citing cases to discuss their scope of application, the advantages and disadvantages of each research method and the key points that need to be paid attention for further use were analyzed. Besides, the tr end of the development of quantitative research methods of WEF nexus in the future was also discussed. It is believed that with the increasing attention on sustainable development and the ex- ploration of the internal mechanism of WEF nexus, the quantitative research met hods of WEF nex us may need more attention to the accuracy of quantification and the interoperability of data, as well as the interdisciplinary research and multi-methodcou- pling . This article can provide references for the selection and optimization of quantitative research methods of WEF nex us.