Comparison of efficient testing methods for compaction quality in hydraulic engineering construction
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The cutting ring method was compared with the Platts penetration method, the nuclear densitometer method, and the harmonic method in Juma River flood control project in the south of Xiong'an New Area (Rongcheng section). The harmonic approach captures the equivalent acceleration signal using an acceleration sensor positioned on the rolling wheel, which is then filtered and Fourier transformed into a frequency domain signal. The test area adopts the construction technology of static rolling twice and vibration rolling six times to roll the test area. After each vibration rolling, the rolling area is sampled once, with a total of 15 sampling points. When the number of rolls increases, shift 0.5 m along the axis direction of the rolling track and draw a line at the sampling boundary to make a mark. On the same number of rolling paths, along the axis direction of the rolling trajectory, the compaction degree of the fill near a certain point was measured every 6 m using the cutting ring method, Platts penetration method, nuclear densitometer method, and harmonic method. The average relative error (EMR), standardized root mean square error ( ENRMS), determination coefficient (R2), and consistency index (IA ) were used to evaluate the differences between various methods with the cutting ring method, and a linear equation was used to establish the relationship between various methods with the cutting ring method. The results showed that with the increase in rolling times, the compaction degree by the cutting ring method showed an increasing trend. After 2 or 3 times of vibration rolling, the compaction degree of the soil has reached the project’s specification requirements for the filling design. With the increase in rolling times, the soil compaction degree was stable, and the compaction degree would fluctuate slightly. The results of the Pratt penetration method were not much different from those of the cutting ring method, and the relative error was controlled within ±10%. The Platts penetration method and harmonic method could establish a good correlation with the cutting ring method, and the correlation coefficient R2 of the linear equation was greater than 0.95, while the nuclear densitometer method had poor performance in the test, and the correlation coefficient R2 of the linear equation was only 0.37. The results could provide technical support for the rapid detection of compaction quality and the application of intelligent rolling technology in hydraulic engineering.