Volume 12,Issue 6,2014 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Quantitative relationship between vegetation and groundwater depth in Mahai Oasis area
    LIU Sheng LOU Hua-jun JIA Shao-feng YAN Guo-zhen XIANG Yang-xu
    2014, 12(6):1-5.
    [Abstract](2194) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](46)
    Eco lo gical env ir onment is a lw ays frag ile in the ar id areas w ith spar se precipitatio n, and v egetation g row th has a clo se relat ionship w ith g ro undwater . In this paper , based on t he calculated no rmalized difference v egetation index ( NDVI ) from the Landsat ETM+ r emo te sensing dat a in Aug ust 2011 and the o bserv ed g roundw ater depth data, the quantitat ive relationship be2 tw een gr oundwater depth and veg etatio n g rowth on the larg e scale in the Mahai Oasia ar ea dow nstr eam o f the Yuqia River w as studied. The results show ed that the vegetat ion in the M ahai Oasia area gr ow s well w ith the g ro undw ater depth o f 3~ 4. 5 m and g row s best w ith the g ro undwater depth o f 3. 2 m, and the critica l gr oundw ater depth affect ing the v egetation g rowt h is 4. 5 m. By comparing the r esults o f Mahai Oasis, Ejina Oasis, and Yinchuan v eg etatio n r eg io n, we found that the relationship be2 tw een v egetation and g roundw ater depth has significant differ ences in differ ent regions.
    2  Characteristics and influencing factors of nitrate pollution in shallow groundwater at Jilin section of Songhua River
    H UAN Huan WANG Jin-sheng LAI De-sheng
    2014, 12(6):6-11.
    [Abstract](2020) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](49)
    The objectiv e of this study was to demo nstr ate the spatial distributio n of NO32N concentr ation based on an o rdinary kr ig ing method and to determine the influencing facto rs o f nitrat e po llut ion in t he unconfined aquifer o f Jilin sect ion along the So ng hua River . The r esult s indicated that a spher ical model with a co nstant or der o f r emo val t rend is appro pr iate to evaluate the spatial distributio n o f nitrate concent ratio n in g ro undw ater , and the spatial cor relat ion o f NO32N co ncentration ex ists w ithin a range o f 5 478. 66 m; the area w here NO32N concentr ation in g roundw ater ex ceeds the class III w ater standa rd ( 20 mg / L) ac2 counts for 62. 07% of t otal area; and human activ ities hav e g reater impacts on the spat ial distributio n o f nitr ate co ncentration in gr oundwat er than the hydr ogeo lo gical condit ions. H ydro geo log ical co nditions include t he precipitation, soil and vadose zo ne me2 dium, g ro undwater depth, hydraulic relatio nship betw een So ng hua River and gr oundw ater in w et season, and autot rophic denitr i2 ficat ion w ith Mn2+ and Fe2+ as t he electro n donor s. Impacts from human activ ities include the ag ricultura l application of fertiliz2 er s and pesticides, domestic sewag e, industr ial wastew ater emissions, and leachat e f rom g arbag e and feces.
    3  Evaluation of water resources carrying capacity of poyang lake area based on GRACE water quanti ty inversion and ecological service value
    LIU Xiao FAN Lin-lin WANG Ho ng-rui LIU Ho ng-li LAI Wen-li
    2014, 12(6):12-17.
    [Abstract](2337) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](48)
    In or der t o bet ter r ev eal the relatio nship betw een w ater r eso ur ces, eco nomy and population, utilize w ater r eso urces r a2 tionally, and promo te the sustainable dev elo pment of economy and society , w ater r eso ur ces carr ying capacity was r esear ched in2 depth. Based on the new theor ies o f w ater r eso urces carr ying capacity , w ater resour ces carr ying level and w ater resources car ry2 ing capacit y w er e calculated in 11 co unties and cit ies of Po yang Lake area using the metho ds o f GRACE water quantit y inversio n and ecolo gica l assessment , and the w ater resour ces carr ying co nditions o f Poy ang Lake area in 2010 w ere evaluat ed. T he r esults sug gested that the w ater r eso ur ces carr ying capacity in Po yang, Nanchang , and Jinx ian counties is hig her than that in Dean, Xingzi, and H ukou counties. The water resources carry ing level is the hig hest in the urban area of Jiujiang, followed by Nanchang, Xin2 jian and Jinxian counties, while it is low in Dean, Xingzi, and other counties. Considering the factors of economic level, education level, eco2service support function, and eco2service assimilation function, the unit level of w ater resources carr ying capacity is hig h in the urban area of Jiujiang, Nanchang, Xinzi, and Hukou counties. The assimilation function of eco system on the po llution from economic develop2 ment is bad in Xinjian county and urban area of Jiujiang, while it meets the standard in other 9 counties.
    4  Research review on evolution of groundwater resources and environment under changing world
    WANG Xi-feng JIA Yang-w en CH EN Cho ng NIU Cun-w en
    2014, 12(6):18-21.
    [Abstract](1818) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](48)
    With the g lobal change and ag g ravat ion o f human activities, g ro undwater r eso ur ces and env iro nment ev olve sig nificant2 ly. Gr oundw ater is the impo rtant component of water cycle, and also the primary w ater source in many ar eas, therefo re its evo lu2 tion plays an impor tant role in reg ional water security. In this paper, t he r esear ch pro gr ess o n the impacts of the env ir onmental changes on the g roundw ater resour ces and environment w as summarized and the shor tages of cur rent resea rch w ere analyzed. In additio n, this paper pr oposed that the comprehensiv e simulatio n based on the lar ge2scale wat er cycle mechanism is the directio n of futur e research.
    5  Process optimization for visible light photocatalytic degradation of paracetamol using Cu2BiVO4 by response surface methodology
    BIAN Yu ZH U Ya-qi WANG Hui BIAN Zhao-yo ng
    2014, 12(6):22-26.
    [Abstract](1599) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](37)
    Visible light induced deg radation of par acetamo l( PCT) using Cu2BiVO4 as photo cat aly st is an attractive and susta inable met ho d. In t his paper, to investig ate the PCT photo catalyt ic deg radation pro cess, respo nse surface methodolo g y w as ado pted to analysis the operation par ameters such as cata lyst dosag e, cataly st lo ading , and initial pH value. The o ptimum degr ading condi2 tions under visible light ir radiatio n w ithin 5 ho ur s w ere as follows: cata lyst dosage of 80 mg , 5% catalyst lo ading , init ial pH val2 ue w ith 6, respectiv ely . Addit ionaly , under this co ndition, the deg rading efficiency of PCT w as 72. 6%.
    6  Research on ecological water requirement in Lijiang River Basin
    HU ANG Dan GUO Chun-qing XU Ning-tao
    2014, 12(6):26-30.
    [Abstract](1605) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](49)
    The scar city problem of wat er resources in the Lijiang River Basin has hinder ed the sustainable social and eco nomic de2 v elo pment in recent years, and r esear ch on the eco log ical w ater requir ement benefits the sustainable dev elopment of w ater re2 sour ces in this area. In this paper, the mo nt hly g uaranteed r ate met ho d w as used to calculate the eco lo gical w ater r equirement. However , precipit at ion in the Lijiang River Basin show s unevenly seasonal distributio n, and the annual and interannual r unoff values var y significantly. T her efor e, the mo nthly guaranteed rate method w as modified in this paper. The r esults showed that the eco log ical water requirement is abo ut 1. 845 billion cubic meters w hen the g uar anteed r ate is 50% and the w ater requirement level is / g oo d0 , and the minimum ecolog ical w ater r equirement is 5. 88 billio n cubic meter s. Finally, t he r esults w ere v erif ied u2 sing the T ennant met ho d and t he causes of er ro rs w ere analyzed.
    7  Pollutant carrying capacity analysis of groundwater in the Western Suburbs of Beijing
    WANG Xin-juan SUN Ying SH AO Jing-li ZH ANG Yuan
    2014, 12(6):31-34.
    [Abstract](1653) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](48)
    Based o n t he analy sis of hydro geo log ical co ndit ions and the characterist ics of w ater resources and env iro nment in the western suburbs of Beijing , a gr oundw ater flow and so lute tr anspor t mo del of the third w ater plant w as dev elo ped using MODF2 LOW and MT3DMS. Combined with SCE optimization algo rithm, the la rg est emissions of typical pollutants that reg ional gr oundwat er can accept wer e calculated. on t he basis of the ev aluatio n r esults o f gr oundw ater pollutio n, the r egional g roundw a2 ter envir onment pr otectio n measures wer e pro po sed, w hich can prov ide a scientific basis fo r the guidance and co nt rol o f pollutio n em issions and development of g roundw ater pro tection scheme.
    8  Soi l pol lution characteristics of dumping site for municipal solid waste in Shijiazhuang
    YOU Bing LIU Li-jun ZH ANG Zeng-qin
    2014, 12(6):35-38.
    [Abstract](1488) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](44)
    There ar e three municipal so lid w aste dumping sites in Shijiazhuang . The to tal municipal solid waste output w as 1. 08 @ 106 t in 2005, and it was still increasing year ly . Six bo reholes wer e placed at Taitou so lid waste dumping site, and 65 so il sam2 ples w ere collected t o perform 10 pollutio n analysis test s. The results show ed that soil at the so lid waste dumping site has been subject to differ ent degr ees of pollution, and ammonia, nitr ite and nit rate, sulfate, ar senic, mercury , and chlor ide io n ar e major po llutants w ith higher co ntents, w hile hexav alent chr omium, cy anide, and phenol have low er contents. In addition, the pollutants occur mainly in the depth o f 3 to 6 m, and the contents of po llutants and pollutio n lev el decrease w ith the increasing of depth and distance.
    9  Dynamics of Chlorophyll2a and analysis of environmental factors in the Fenhe park of Taiyuan during summer and autumn
    LI Dai ZH ANG Jian-Min CH ENG Ge GAO Jun LIAN Yao- Jun
    2014, 12(6):39-43.
    [Abstract](1780) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](45)
    Acco rding to the mo nitor ing data of w ater quality in the No . 1 r eser voir o f Fenhe Par k in Taiyuan from May to Sep2 tember 2012, the r elationships between chlor ophy ll2a concentr ations and envir onmenta l factor s ( w ater temperature ( WT) , pH , dissolved ox yg en ( DO) , o rg anic mat ter ( COD) , tota l nitr og en ( TN) , ammo nia nitro gen ( NH 32N) , tota l phospho rus ( T P) , and transpar ency ( SD) ) wer e investig ated. The results showed that there was an obvio us va riation of chlor ophyll2a concentr atio ns, ranging from 20. 1 to 132. 0 mg / m3 w ith a mean value of 55. 553 mg / m3 during the study per io d. The chlor ophyll2a concentr a2 tion was lower in May t han that in other months. Significantly posit ive cor relation w as fo und bet ween chlor ophyll2a concentr a2 tion and WT , COD, TP, and NH 32N, while significantly negative corr elation was found betw een chlo ro phy ll2a concent ratio n and DO, TN, and SD, but no t for pH . Mo reov er, the relatio nship betw een chlo ro phyll2a concent ratio ns and envir onment al factor s varied in different months. T he chlo ro phyll2a co ncentration was not sig nificant ly affected by env ir onmental factor s in May , sig2 nificantly affected by o rg anic matter, TP, and TN in June, significantly affected by or ganic matt er ( COD) , T P, and SD in July, and signif icantly affected by WT, TP, and SD in August and September.
    10  Uncertainty analyses of parameters in TOPMODEL model based on GLUE and Standard Bayesian method
    ZH AO Pan-pan LYU H ai-shen ZH U Yong-hua OUYANG Fen
    2014, 12(6):44-48.
    [Abstract](1797) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](42)
    Quantif ication of uncer tainties in the hy dr olog ical models has at tracted much att ention in t he hydro lo gic r esear ch field in recent y ears. Many methods have been repor ted fo r the uncertainty quantificatio n, of which GLUE and standard Bay esian met ho d ar e the tw o mo st commonly used met ho ds. This paper focuses o n the computational ef ficiencies and differ ences of the two metho ds in the study of T OPMODEL model. The uncer tainties o f mo del parameters and simulatio n wer e evaluat ed using the GLU E and standar d Bay esian method, w hich show ed that( 1) the parameter poster ior distr ibut ions g ener ated by the Bay esian met ho d ar e slig htly less scatter ed than those generated by the GLUE met ho d; and( 2) the confidence inter vals calculated by the Bayesian method and the GLUE metho d ar e ver y similar w hen the threshold v alue( = 0. 8) is g iven in GLUE.
    11  Study on runoff prediction in consideration of the impact of water conservancy project in upstream basin
    WEI Zi-jun LIANG Guo- hua GE Yu-jin ZH OU H ui-cheng H E Bin
    2014, 12(6):49-52.
    [Abstract](1580) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](51)
    Flood predictio n is an impor tant no n2eng ineer ing measure for flood contr ol; how ever , small reservo ir s built in t he up2 str eam of many r iver basins can affect the pr edict ion precisio n. In this paper , DHF model was used to pr edict the flood in the Menlou reserv oir . Based on the relative data such as the separated flo ods in the basin, antecedent so il mo isture content, and the relat ionship betw een stor age capacity and area of small r eser voirs, a met ho d w as pro po sed predict flood in co nsideration of the quantitativ e closure of the small reserv oirs, w hich can impro ve the pr edict ion precision g reatly.
    12  Drought characteristics and disaster management in North Xinjiang based on royal archives in Qing Dynasty
    CH EN Fang-zho u LI Yun-peng T ANG Zhi-yo ng WAN Jin-hong T AN Xu-ming
    2014, 12(6):53-57.
    [Abstract](1694) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](50)
    The r ecent 300 year s are an impor tant period for ag r icultural dev elo pment in Xinjiang. Dro ug ht , one o f the major disas2 ter s affecting ag ricultura l dev elo pment in Nort h Xinjiang , had receiv ed high attentio n from the g ov ernment of t hat time. Ro yal archives of Qing Dynasty pro vide an important data basis fo r the research of the dr ought char acteristics in Xinjiang. In this pa2 per, the roy al archiv es of dr ought recor ds in Qing Dy nasty w ere analyzed. The results showed that the droug ht distributio n char2 acter istics are related to the military po licy of Qing go vernment with hig her r eco rds in the east and lower reco rds in the west. Mor eo ver , shor tage o f irr igat ion water r esulting from the delaying o f r ain in spr ing, lacking of w inter snow melt, or r are summer rain is the main reason to cause the dro ug ht in No rth Xinjiang . In additio n, go ver nment relief in time is also o ne of the social fac2 to rs to aff ect the droug ht disaster co nditions.
    13  Assessment of water resources carrying capacity in Henan Province
    DU H ua-min
    2014, 12(6):58-62.
    [Abstract](1673) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    The principal component analy sis w as used to ev aluate the car ry ing capacity of water resources in H enan Prov ince quantitativ ely w ith ten selected index es. The results show ed that the ma in factor s affecting the carr ying capacity of wat er re2 sour ces in H enan Pr ov ince ar e population and eco nomy, ur ban dev elo pment, and w ater resources utilizatio n. In par ticular , GDP, fix ed asset values, and the total po pulat ion hav e the gr eatest im pacts o n the car ry ing capacity of wat er resources. Mo reov er, Jiyuan Cit y, Sanmenx ia City, H ebi City, Zhumadian City , and Luohe City have stro ng er carr ying capacity of w ater resour ces, whereas Zheng zho u Cit y, Luoy ang City, Xinx iang Cit y, and Xuchang City suffer gr eater pressur e on water resources.
    14  Application of 84 method in peak discharge calculation of extra smal l watershed
    ZH ENG Jia-zho ng ZH U Mei HUANG Shuang-shuang WANG Zhen-long SH I Zhao-jun ZH OU Di XU Liang-yuan
    2014, 12(6):63-65.
    [Abstract](1712) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](46)
    The 84 metho d is commo nly used in the ca lculatio n o f peak dischar ge in medium and small w atersheds ( 10~ 300 squar e kilometers) by the water conserv ancy depar tment o f Anhui, but it is seldom used in the extr a small w atershed ( less than 10 squar e kilometer s) . In this paper, the design f loo d of the floo d contr ol channels in Yushan modern ag ricultural demonst ratio n par k o f Ma. anshan in Anhui w as calculat ed using the 84 Method and t wo ot her commo n fo rmulas, including the 1958 hydro log y reasoning fo rmula o f the China Inst itute of Water Resources and Hy dr opow er Research Institut e and t he ex per ience fo rmula of the Scientific Resear ch Institute of H ig hway . The r esults sugg ested that applicatio n o f the 84 method in the calculation of peak discharg e of ex tra small w atersheds is reasonable and feasible.
    15  Characteristics of precipi tation change in Wudu area of Longnan
    WANG Run-ke PANG Wei-hua
    2014, 12(6):66-69.
    [Abstract](1821) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    Based o n the mo nthly pr ecipitatio n data fr om 1959 to 2008 prov ided by the Bureau o f M et eo ro lo gy o f Wudu ar ea in the Jialing Riv er Basin of Lo ng nan, the character istics o f precipitat ion change in the last 50 y ears w ere analyzed, and the Mann2Ken2 dall metho d was used to perform the mutat ion test of pr ecipitatio n. The r esults showed t hat precipitation has an uneven distribu2 tion within a year w ith 79. 1% occurr ing fr om May to September; there is an obvio usly int erannual var iatio n in pr ecipitatio n in the last 50 years w ith the highest annual pr ecipitation of 574. 25 mm in 1983 and low est annual pr ecipitatio n of 225. 41 mm in 1997; and precipitat ion has little fluctuat ion in the 21st century , and increases gr adually since 2006.
    16  Innovative design and application of hydrological cableway
    YU Xi-gen H U Lin ZH ANG Zheng-kang CH E Xin-lei
    2014, 12(6):70-73.
    [Abstract](1480) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](46)
    H ydro lo gical cablew ay is the infrastr uctur e of hydrometric facilities. Since June 1954 w hen the first hydrolog ical cable2 w ay o f artificial o per atio n w as built in Zhejiang Prov ince, the flow measurement technolog y with hy dr ometric cablew ay has con2 tinued to prog ress and develo p. With t he development of hydro log ical science and technolo gy and urbanizat ion, the tr adit ional hy dr olog ical cablew ay techno lo gy has their disadvantages. An inno vativ e design of self2w eight hydrolog ical cableway w as con2 ducted in Zhejiang Pro vince, w hich can solve a series of technical and so cial pro blems. The new hydro lo gical cableway has been applied in 41 hy dr olog ical stations of Zhejiang Prov ince. Remar kable economic and social benefits have been achieved, and there2 fo re the new hydro log ical cablew ay has a bro ad pro spect of application.
    17  Correlation between reservoir peak flood and rainfall based on Copula function - A case study in the Xujiaya reservoir of Linyi City
    ZH ANG Li-jing
    2014, 12(6):74-77.
    [Abstract](2182) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    The co rr elation between the peak flo od and r ainf all and the self2co rr elatio n of peak flood in the Xujiaya r eser voir of Li2 nyi City w ere studied based on the Co pula function. Fiv e pr ecipitatio n stations, including the Xujiaya, Tang lishu, Gaoqiao, Baiy2 an, and Wangjiashao zhuang precipitation stations, wer e selected to analyze the cor relatio n betw een the max imum r ainfall in 24 ho ur s and peak flood and the self2cor relatio n of peak floo d from the first to six orders, and to calculate the co nditional distribu2 tions of peak flood in the wet y ear, no rmal water year , and dr y y ea r. The results show ed that the cor relat ion between the peak floo d and rainfall is the best at the Xujiaya station, followed by the Wangjiashaozhuang, Gaoqiao, Tanglishu, and Baiy an sta2 tions, and the self2cor relation of peak flo od is relatively poo r w hich can be co nfirmed by the conditio nal distributio n chart s.
    18  Hydrodynamic numerical analysis of perforated caisson based on SPH method
    JIANG Feng TANG Xiao-cheng SH I Guo-jia ZH ANG Yue FAN Guo-x i
    2014, 12(6):78-83.
    [Abstract](1805) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](43)
    The perfo rated caisso n can effect ively decrease the w ave fo rce and r eflectio n co eff icient , thus it is w idely used in po rt eng ineering. In this paper, the mo dified Smo othed Particle H ydrodynamics ( SPH) alg or ithm w as used to dev elop a tw o2dimen2 sio nal numerical model of wav e and perfor ated caisson. Compared w ith the results determ ined by the ex isting linear regular wav e theo ry , the numer ical r esults o btained from the SPH method w ere prov ed to be co rrect. Meanw hile, the complex characterist ics of int ernal fluid mo tion in and out o f the wav e dissipat ion chamber , and the r elationship betw een the to tal horizo ntal fo rce and its affecting factor s wer e inv estigated. The numer ical results wer e compar ed with the experimental results, w hich indicated that the numerical calculation of the ratio of to tal ho rizontal force is in go od agr eement w ith t he empir ical reg ression equation obtained from t he ex per imental data, and t he to tal hor izontal fo rce of the per forated caisson t ends to decrease when the r elative w idth of wav e dissipatio n chamber is about 0. 11. Fina lly, t he least squar es method w as used to der ive a nonlinear reg ression equation to represent the r elatio nship bet ween the to tal ho rizontal force and its affecting factor s. The r esear ch can pro vide a new reference for t he design and o ptimization of perfo rated caisso n under the simila r w orking co ndit ions.
    19  Development of bulb tubular turbine used in micro2waterhead hydropower generation in Water Plants
    SHENG Li-jun ZHENG Yuan YANG Chun-x ia LI Ling-y u
    2014, 12(6):84-88.
    [Abstract](1798) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](52)
    During the w ater supply process, there are some certain conduit s in w hich w ater ar e dr iven by nat ur al w ater head differ ence. With the g radual depletion o f convent ional hy dr opow er resour ces, mo re and mo re attention has been paid to the pre2 v iously neg lected micro2water head hydro pow er g eneratio n. Given t he fact that the wo rking conditio n is r elatively stable and the situat ion of the installatio n sit e is complicat ed, the conventio nal hydraulic turbines may no t be applicable, thus dev elopment of new types o f tur bines that suit the r equir ements of power g ener atio n in water plants is needed. In this paper, a bulb tubular tur2 bine w as develo ped fo r the hydro power g ener ation in a water plant. The conventio nal theor y of turbine design w as used to desig n the new t ur bine. The numerica l simulation and optimizatio n of the bulb tubula r turbine w ere per formed using t he comput at ional fluid dy namics softw ar e, the SIMPLEC a lg orithm, and the Spalart2Allmar as turbulence mo del based o n the Reynolds time2aver2 ag ed N2S equations. A better design of micro2water head hy dr opow er generation in w ater plant s w as pro po sed in or der to achiev e the g oal of energ y conservat ion and emissio n r eduction w ithout posing any t hr eat to the safety and r eliability of previous w ater treatment process.
    20  Effects of jet flow wi th different aspect ratios on the impact pressure in the plunge pool bottom
    LU Yan-na LI Long-g uo LI Nai-w en LIU Chao DENG Jun
    2014, 12(6):89-92.
    [Abstract](1549) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](39)
    The impact pr essure o n the plunge po ol bot tom caused by the flow discharg e o f high dam is a key facto r to lead to the instability of the plung e pool. I n this paper , the eff ects of the submerg ed jet f low shape ( aspect ratio of jet flow leng th and width) o n the impact pressur e distr ibut ion in the plung e po ol bo ttom w ere inv estigated based on the physical model tests. T he results showed that w ith the incr easing of aspect rat io, the shape of jet flow var ies f rom the wide2flat shape w ith hor izontal dif2 fusion to the long2narr ow shape w ith v ertical diffusio n, and t he impact pressure and fluctuating pr essure on the plung e poo l bo t2 tom increase first and then decrease. In additio n, the upstr eam w ater lev el and dow nst ream w ater depth hav e g reat effects on the impact pressure in the plunge po ol bottom, and the fluctuating pressur e increases w ith the increasing of upstream water level but decreases with t he increasing of dow nstr eam w ater depth.
    21  Study on influence laws of variable speed optimization of single unit with different speeds and discrete rules
    QIU Jin-x ian ZH ANG Ren-tian ZH ANG Li-hua
    2014, 12(6):93-97.
    [Abstract](1767) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](43)
    Increasing pro gr am co nv erg ence speed and impro ving the o pt imal solution precisio n are the impor tant content in the research of optim izat ion alg or ithms. According to the nonlinear o pt imization model of differ ent ty pes o f pum ps w ith var iable f re2 quency and speed at Jiangdu pump stat ion in the Easter n Route of South2to2Nor th Water Diver sion Project, the effects of deci2 sio n variable speed on the optimizatio n algo rit hms of different types o f pumps and different o per ation lo ad speeds w ere ana lyzed under var ious discr ete rules, including differ ent discr et e steps in the same discrete inter val, same discrete st ep in different dis2 cr et e int er vals, and different discrete steps in differ ent discr ete interv als. The r esult s showed that t he discr et e rule of differ ent discr et e steps in dif fer ent intervals under v ariable operation lo ads can sig nificantly increase the pr ogram conver gence speed ( pro2 g ram running time is reduced by 70%~ 75%) , and ensure the accur acy of optimization alg orithm with the bias of less than 01 25%.
    22  Analysis on particle breakage processes of granular materials
    WEI Wei QIN Yan-lin CAO Peng LIU En-long CH EN Sheng-shui
    2014, 12(6):98-102.
    [Abstract](1713) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](41)
    The discrete element method w as employ ed to generate the cluster of par ticles with equal size, w hich wer e composed of the part icles of smaller sizes. T he part icles wer e bo nded to gether in t he fo rm of par allel bonding . T he biax ial compression tests wer e per formed for the rounded cluster of particles under two differ ent arr ang ement patterns to inv estigate the particle breakag e pr ocesses and the formatio n and development of shear band under different latera l stresses. The results show ed that the sample par ticles first slip and rot at e and then crush w hen the lateral str ess is low, and dilatio n and lat eral ex trusion occur for the dense arr ang ement o f particles; and the particles near bo th ends o f the sample fir st slide and rotat e slightly and then break up w hen the later al stress is hig h, and pro pag ate to the middle of the sample to fo rm the shear band event ually .
    23  Uultimate tension deformation experiment of rubber aggregates concrete
    WANG Ke-liang LYU Xing-y ou LIU Yan-jiang LIU Ling
    2014, 12(6):103-105.
    [Abstract](1650) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](46)
    Ult imate tension defo rmatio n is an impo rtant parameter to char acterizeatio n o f the cr acking resistance per formance of co ncr ete cr ack. Tensile streng th t ests and mer cur y intr usio n po res(MIP) t ests w ere perfo rmed to MIP hav e been carr ied out to indicateinv estigate the effect s o f rubber ag gr egates co ntent on the ult imate tension defo rmatio n per formance of co ncrete. T hat rubber has influence o n ultimate tensio n defo rmation o f concrete. T he results reveal show ed that w hen the r ubber agg reg ates co ntent is 10, 20, and 30 kg / m3 r espectively, the ultimate t ensio n defo rmation of rubber ag gr egates concrete is aboutas 2. 97 times, 4. 11 times, and 3. 89 times as that o f that of the o rdinary concrete, and t he peak strain of rubber ag gr egates co ncr ete is a2 bout 1. 86, 2. 00, and 2. 68 times of that o f the o rdinary co ncr ete. w hen rubber content is 10 kg / m3 , 20kg / m3 and 30 kg/ m3 ; The rubber has improvement on ultimate tension deformation of concrete improves with the adding o f rubber ag gregates, which also sug gests that the cracking resistance performance of concrete impr oves. How ever, there is a reasonable value for the rubber agg regates content, and the ultimate tension deformation of concrete decreases w hen the rubber aggregates content exceeds the reasonable value. when rub2 ber is reasonable. So rubber can increase ultimate tensio n deformation of concrete to impr ove concrete crack.
    24  Experimental research on impact2echo method in detecting structural defects of concrete
    QIAO Rui-she CH ANG Fang-fang FENG Jing-hui GAO Yu-qin XIAO Yo ng-zhi YU Yuan-bao
    2014, 12(6):106-111.
    [Abstract](1385) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](44)
    The impact2echo method w as conducted o n the concrete specimens w ith differ ent inter nal defect s, and the ident ificatio n and determination methods for imper fect ion in co ncr et e specimen w ere obtained. T he test r esults showed that it is difficult to identif y the defects in co ncrete specimen w hen the r at io betw een lat eral dimensions and depth is less than 1B4, the lateral dimen2 sio ns ar e less than 50 mm, and the r atio betw een lateral dimensio ns and dept h is g reater t han 1B1. The sco pe o f defects can be effectively measur ed by o bserv ing the var iatio n o f peak value of frequency; howev er, the determinatio n of defect dept h is r elated to the actual test co ndit ions.
    25  Protective measures for pump2stopping water hammer of water transfer system with long distance and cooperation of multiple pumps
    JI Jian-hong GAO Chuan-chang LIU Xin-y ang
    2014, 12(6):112-115.
    [Abstract](1927) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](51)
    The wat er hammer theor y and character istic cur ves method combined w ith engineer ing ex ample w ere used to analyze the pump2sto pping w ater hammer of water tr ansfer system with lo ng distance and cooperat ion w ith multiple pumps w hich a2 dopts such pr eventive measures as liquid2o ff butter fly valve, air valve, and one2w ay surg e tank. The w ater hammer head line a2 long the pipeline and curv e fo r t he relative values o f perfo rmance parameters of the pump w ere obtained. The results show ed that the minimum w ater hammer head is lower and var iatio n of per formance parameter s of pump is larg er w itho ut preventiv e measures; t he pro tection w ith the butterf ly valv e can effectively contr ol the var iatio n of per formance parameter s of pump flow rate and speed, but the var iatio n of w ater hammer head shows oscillatio n and the minimum w ater hammer head is low er than that wit ho ut pr ev ent ive measur es ; the pr otectio n w it h air va lve and butterfly v alv e can effect ively incr ease the minimum w ater hammer head, the negative pressur e a ppears but o nly in the local a rea, and the var iatio n of perfo rmance parameters o f pump is lar ger compar ed w ith that of the butter fly v alve protection; and the pro tect ion effect w it h one2way surg e tank and butter fly v alv e is the most sig nificant. In o rder to r educe the number of one2way surg e tanks, combinatio n of the one2way surg e tank, air valve, and butter fly valve w as selected as t he final pr eventive measur e. Compared w ith t he pump w ithout pr eventive measur es, neg ativ e pr essure disappear ed in the who le pipe, altho ug h the w ater head showed oscillation w ith low range. The max imum v ariat ion of flow r ate dr opped by 0. 15, the max imum v ariat ion of rot ational speed dr opped by 0. 7, and the oscillatio n time o f the tor que be2 came sho rter .
    26  Analysis on stability and structural stress of chute bottom slab of overflow concrete faced rock2fill dam
    LIAO H ai-mei ZH AO Qing CHEN Gui-y ou
    2014, 12(6):116-119.
    [Abstract](1403) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](41)
    On the basis of the deriv ed ca lculatio n formula for the anti2sliding safety coefficient of chute bott om slab, the sensitiv i2 ty ana lysis o f bo ttom slab stability w as performed using the intuitive analysis method w ith o rtho gonal design, which indicated that the leng ths of anti2sliding plate and bottom slab, and t he ov erflow aver age velocity ar e the main facto rs to affect the stabili2 ty . From the perspect ive o f anti2sliding stability , the max imum allow able f low v elo city of the bottom slab was abo ut 15. 33~ 40. 67 m/ s. Based o n o ne practical project , the ant i2sliding stability of chut e bot tom slab and the st ress betw een the anti2sliding plate and bottom slab w ere inv est igated under the reinfo rcement effect of sing le anti2sliding plate.
    27  Research on seepage law of dredged sludge in dewatering process under vacuum loading
    WANG Xi H AO Ting ZHOU Yan WU Yan
    2014, 12(6):120-122.
    [Abstract](1519) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    Based on the theor y of por ous media and Darcy's law , t he var iable pressur e head permeameter was used as the test ap2 paratus to inv est igat e t he impact s of different pr essure loading s in the range of 0 to 100 kPa o n the seepage law of dredg ed sludg e of Dianchi Lake in Yunnan Pro vince dur ing the dew atering pr ocess. The seepag e v elocity, permeabilit y coefficient, f iltr a2 tion co nstant, filt ratio n and seepage v olume, and moisture content and por osity of filter cake after t he end of loading under dif2 fer ent pressure lo ading s wer e measured to character ize the seepag e effects o f sludg e. The results indicated that the seepag e law of w ater in the sludg e under different pressur e loading s meets the Darcy. s law, which means that seepag e velo city has a linear co rr elation wit h pressure g radient . The g reater the pressur e lo ading is, the better the seepag e effect is. Seepage per formance of dr edg ed sludge is the best and moisture content of filter cake is the lowest w hen the pr essure loading is 100 kPa.
    28  Hydraulic design of small mixed2flow reversible pump turbine
    MAO Xiu-li ZHENG Yuan QU Bo MOU Tong ZH ANG Xin WU Zai-qiang
    2014, 12(6):123-126.
    [Abstract](2173) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](49)
    The mix ed2flow Francis pump t ur bine w as designed accor ding t o the dualistic theor y and spir al potential f low , and Pro / ENGINEER so ftwar e was used to build the t hr ee2dimensional g eometric model. Based on the CFD numerical simulations o n the g uide v anes w ith different curv at ur es, the flow pathlines, flow v elocit ies, and pressure distr ibutions under the w ater pump and turbine wo rking conditio ns w ere o btained. The results sug gested that the standar d g uide vanes ar e mo re suitable fo r the Francis pump turbine. T he efficiency calculat ion results show ed that t he turbine unit eff iciency can r each 85% under the turbine wo rking conditio ns and 88% under the w ater pump w o rking conditio ns, which indicated that the desig n met ho d is feasible.
    29  Impact of groundwater recharge in underground reservoirs on groundwater production capacity
    ZH ANG Zhi-y ong JIAO Jian-ni LI Feng-chong ZH AO Fang-yuan LIU M ing-zhu
    2014, 12(6):127-131.
    [Abstract](1628) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](45)
    Stable wat er sources are impo rtant for ur ban dev elopment. After the operat ion of the South2t o2Nor th Water Diversio n Pro ject, the r edundant wat er can be recharg ed int o under gr ound reservo ir s artificially to im pr ove the wat er supply guaranteed rate in Beijing . From the end o f 2014, the M iddle Ro ute of the So ut h2to2Nort h Wat er Diver sion Pr oject supplies wat er to Beijing and recharg es g ro undwater throug h t he Chaobai River in the nex t five y ears. Acco rding to t he appro ved design scheme of the Miy un Stor age Project , the annual r echar ge perio d is from Mar ch 1st to December 15th, and recharg e rat e is about 100 to 300 millio n m3 / a. The backwat er is about 12 km upstream of the Niulanshan rubber dam, fo rming a sur face of about 480 hectar es. A numerical model of g ro undwater flow was dev elo ped using GM S to ev aluate the impact s of three r echar ge schemes o n the gr oundwat er lev el and pro ductio n capacity in the study area.
    30  Research on distribution of earthquake2induced geohazards in Yinchanggou of Longmenshan area
    LIU Ling-x ia LI Xiang-quan GAO M ing H OU Xin-wei LU Xiao- cang
    2014, 12(6):132-135.
    [Abstract](1483) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    The "5. 12" Wenchuan eart hquake caused sever ely secondar y g eohazar ds. Based on the analysis of remo te sensing data and field surv ey , the distr ibut ion o f ear thquake2induced g eohazar ds alo ng the Baishui River in Yinchang g ou of Longmenshan a re2 a w as st udied, and its r elationships w ith t he to po gr aphic and geo lo gical facto rs, such as elev ation, distance fr om fault, slo pe gr a2 dient, and litho log y, w ere investig ated. The research can pro vide the key geo log ical g uidance for the r eco nstr uction and pr oject co nstr uction in the ar ea with simila rly hig h ear thquake intensity .
    31  Effects of Zijinguan fracture structure on the leakage of Yanchuan reservoir
    ZH AO Jinliang
    2014, 12(6):136-139.
    [Abstract](1937) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](37)
    Zijingg uan fr act ur e is a reg ional deep fault lo cated in the w estern mo untain area of Bao ding . It formed a unique geolog2 ical structure after mo re than a per iod of complex geo log ical processes, such as compr essiv e shear , transtensio n, and lift. I t has significant contr olling effects on the sto rag e, mov ement, discharg e of r eg io nal gr oundw ater. Accor ding to the reg ional geolog ical data from g eolog ical survey , drilling, and pr essure wat er test , the t ecto nic character istics, hydraulic conductivities in different ar2 eas and str at a of Zijingg uan deep fracture in the Yanchuan reserv oir w ere analyzed. T he leakage causes and positio ns of Yan2 chuan r eser voir w ere analy zed, w hich can prov ide reference fo r the r eser voir r einforcement.
    32  Extraction of coastline and accuracy detection in muddy coast zone of Jiangsu Province
    DING Zhi lei WANG Zhi-y i XU Su-ning
    2014, 12(6):140-144.
    [Abstract](1639) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](49)
    The coastline chang e is one of the research bases of co ast al evo lutio n and g lobal climate change. Automatic ex tractio n of different coastline ty pes from the remote sensing images quickly and accur ately is alwa ys difficult, especially for the sho reline of muddy co ast. In t his paper , the o bject2or iented method was adopted to build the rule sets including the spectrum t ransfo rm in2 fo rmation and text ur e feat ur e informat ion, to classify the imag es in hig h definit ion, and then to ex tr act the coastline accurat ely based o n t he T M remot e sensing imag es of muddy coast zone in no rthern Jiangsu in 2006. The r esult s show ed that the method can ex cav ate the image info rmatio n suff icient ly w ith a high deg ree o f automat ion and fast ex tr action, and also test the r esults from t wo index es o f accuracy and stabilit y independently of the r efer ence coastline.
    33  Application of DEM information extraction technology of small watersheds in ecological management -A case study in Huangtuliangzi of Jixian County, Tianjin City
    WANG Shao-sheng DA Zhi-x iang
    2014, 12(6):145-148.
    [Abstract](1903) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](46)
    Thro ug h the interpolation method o f the elevatio n contours in the 1: 10 000 to pog r aphic map to form the DEM, the bo unda ry, slo pe, vegetat ion type, v egetation co verag e, land use, and soil ero sion informatio n of the small water shed in Huangtu2 liangzi o f Jinx ian County lo cat ed in the no rthern mountain area of Tianjin w ere extr acted. Accor ding to the division pr inciple and index for t he three lines o f defense, the spatial analysis and spat ial o verlay methods in GIS and field investig atio n w ere used to determ ine the scope of ecolog ical manag ement in the small w atershed and t he reasonable allo cation o f manag ement measures. The research applies DEM information ex tr act ion to the eco lo gical management o f small water sheds, w hich can pr ov ide a matur e technical sy st em fo r the management and research of so il and water conserv ation, effect analy sis, and hydro log ic char acter istics.
    34  Estimation of summer precipitation in Northwestern Regions based on MERRA data
    ZH OU Yin GONG Shao-qi SH I Jian-qiao PAN H ong
    2014, 12(6):149-153.
    [Abstract](1805) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    In this paper , a monthly multiple reg ressio n alg o rithm for the certain r eg io n w as used to establish a comput at ional model for the precipitat ion est imatio n based on the summer precipit ation observat ion data, MERRA (M odem2Er a Retro spectiv e Analysis fo r Research and Applicat ions) reanaly sis, and the DEM ( Dig ital Elevatio n Mo del) data fr om 198122010 in the No rth2 w estern Regions. The results show ed that the av erage absolute err or s o f estimat ed precipitation ar e 8. 0 mm, 8. 0 mm, 7. 9 mm, and 20. 8 mm in June, July, Aug ust, and the w hole summer , respectively, and the aver age relative err or s ar e 19. 0%, 14. 4%, 221 2% and 15. 0%, r espectively. The estimated precipitat ion has few er err or s compared w ith t hat from M ERRA analy sis. Mo re2 o ver, the mo del estimates o f pr ecipitation have the same dist ribution cha racterist ics as those o f the o rig inal MERRA precipitat i2 o n pro duct, and can also reflect the local distr ibution.
    35  Industrial water use efficiency and water saving potential in Henan Province
    XU Zheng-min LIU Zhong-pei SONG Quan-x iang
    2014, 12(6):154-158.
    [Abstract](1515) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](44)
    Impro ving indust rial water use eff iciency is an impor tant measure to promote the co nstr uctio n o f so ciety of w ater con2 serv atio n and po llution pr evention. Accor ding t o the w at er co nser vancy surv ey results in 2011, t he industr ial wat er use str uctur e and dist ribution in H enan Prov ince w ere ana lyzed. The industrial wat er use efficiencies o f 18 cit ies in H enan Pr ov ince wer e cal2 culated based on the index of water use per ten tho usand y uan of added industr ial v alue, w hich can ex plain the difference o f w a2 ter user efficiency among differ ent cities and its causes. Finally, four scenar ios of industrial wat er sav ing tar gets wer e pro po sed, and the water sav ing potential of each city w as calculated. The results show ed that indust rial w ater use efficiency depends pr i2 mar ily o n the g ener al industrial water use efficiency, follow ed by the hig h2w ater industr ial water use efficiency, and water use ef2 ficiency of thermal and nuclear power industr y has insignificant effect s o n the mean industr ial water use efficiency. I n addition, ther e is a lar ge industr ial water sav ing pot ential in H enan Pr ov ince, which reaches 7. 43@ 108 ~ 13. 27@ 108 m3
    36  Benefit research of flow prediction in optimal operation of cascaded reservoir
    ZHU GE Yi-si WEN Shi-y i TAN H ong-w u
    2014, 12(6):159-163.
    [Abstract](1653) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    An o pt imal o per ation model o f hydro power stat ions in the cascaded r eser voir w as dev elo ped based on the coupling of long2term and shor t2term predictio n models of flow into the reserv oir . T he mo del was applied to the first2and second2g rade hy2 dro power st ations in the cascaded reserv oir of Jinping, and the pr edict ion benefit of flow int o the r eser vo ir was discussed. T he results showed that the mo del can pro vide the quantitativ e relationship bet ween pow er benefits, predictio n time, and predictio n accuracy o f the hy dropow er stations in the cascaded reservo ir of Jinping . In g ener al, lo ng er pr ediction time leads to higher pre2 dictio n accuracy and g reater pow er output s. It is sugg ested that the pr edict ion t ime o f flow int o the cascaded reserv oir of Jinping should not be less than 5 day s and the mean r elativ e abso lute err or o f predict ion sho uld be less than 0. 15.
    37  Method to determine water price at the entrance based on net present value - A case study in Gaochang of Baoding
    XU Zheng CUI Ling-qian HAN H ui-ling
    2014, 12(6):164-166.
    [Abstract](1588) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](50)
    The city of Bao ding is in the nor th o f Beijing, and it is one of cities receiv ing w ater from t he middle ro ute of South2to2 No rth Water Div ersio n Pro ject. The o riginal w ater supply pipeline, Xiday ang w ater supply pipeline, w as inco rpor ated into the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Assistant Pr oject, and connected with the pipeline o f the upstream assistant pro ject at the en2 tr ance o f Gaochang . Based o n the investig atio n of w ater supply situation in Bao ding , t he metho d of eng ineer ing eco nomics w as used to ca lculate the cr itical w ater price at the entr ance of the Gaochang, which can solve the pro blem betw een the maximum e2 conom ic benefit and max imum social benefit.
    38  Study on investment and cost allocation of water transfer projects and two2part water price calculation
    YANG Li-jiang ZH AO T ian-li YIN Ming-wan
    2014, 12(6):167-172.
    [Abstract](1813) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](45)
    Investment and co st allocation play s a crucial ro le in disting uishing the eco nomic r espo nsibilities of a w ater tr ansfer pr oject amo ng different reg ions and depart ments, and water pr ice calculatio n and determination. In this paper, a new investment and cost allocatio n and two2par t w ater price method was presented to reflect the var iatio n pr ocess of w ater price elements and generatio n mechanism of supply ing cost. The principles, methods, and implement steps of investment allocatio n and co st alloca2 tion w ere presented. T he relatio nship betw een the tw o2part w at er pr ice and unitary w ater price, and the effect s of w ater pr ice el2 ements, such as wat er supply and repaying for loan, o n w ater pr ice wer e inv estigated. Finally, a case study in r egar d to the com2 plex pro cesses and generation mechanism of supply ing co st o f Chanzhi water transfer pro ject was presented.
    39  Effect evaluation of the construction of water2saving society in Shanghai
    ZH AO Shi-w en TANG De-shan
    2014, 12(6):173-176.
    [Abstract](1430) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](53)
    The effect evaluation of the constr uctio n of water2saving society has gr eat significance for the experience summary of the eval2 uation region, and also provides references for the w hole society to promote water2saving co nstruction. Based on the statistical data of the construction of water2saving society in Shanghai, the matter element analysis method was used to develop an evaluation index system and the weight of each index w as calculated using the facto r contribution rates. Year 2002 was considered as the base year, and the evaluation index system was used to evaluate the effects of the construction of water2 saving so ciety in Shang hai from 2008 to 2012. T he results showed that the effects of the construction o f water2saving society in Shanghai are about averag e from 2008 to 2009, but above average fr om 2010 to 2012 and impr ove every year. Compared with year 2002, the level of water2saving construction develops rapidly, even thoug h there is lack of industrial water2saving. The evaluation results are consistent w ith the actual situatio ns of water2 saving construc2 tion in Shang hai, which indicates that the matter element analysis model is adaptable to the evaluation of regional water2saving construc2 tion and therefore it has go od application value and promotion prospect.
    40  Research review of emergency evacuation caused by dam2break
    WANG Xiao-hang WU Zhi-x iang CHEN Wei WANG Yu-jing
    2014, 12(6):177-180.
    [Abstract](1721) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](48)
    Emerg ency ev acuation caused by dam2break is not only an im po rtant co ntent of emerg ency preparation plan of dam safety manag ement, but also an effective measure to avo id o r reduce t he lo ss of life. The research pr og ress of emerg ency evacua2 tion caused by dam2break w as summarized from four perspect ives in this paper , including t he numerical simulatio n o f dam2 br eak, dist ributio n of population at risk, planning of emer gency evacuation shelter s, and estimat ion of emer gency ev acuatio n time. Dam2br eak numer ical simulation is the fundamental w or k, including t he burst simulatio n and dam2br eak floo d evolution. The distr ibut ion of population at risk needs to co nsider the dynamic distributio ns dur ing different t ime per iods. The research o n the planning of emer gency ev acuation shelter s due to dam2break is ra re, and the r esear ch results on the planning of emerg ency e2 v acuatio n shelt ers due to floo d can be used as a reference. Emerg ency evacuation time refers to the time estimation o f ev acuatio n act ivit ies, w hich can be calculat ed based on different evacuat ion schemes.
    41  Chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal operation of hydropower station
    GUO H ai-tao LIU Xing-quan YUE Jun ZH AO H an-yu
    2014, 12(6):181-183.
    [Abstract](1679) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](45)
    The pa rticle sw arm o pt imizatio n( PSO) alg or ithm can easily fall into the local o ptimizat ion. I n this paper , the theo retic reasons of local o pt imization wer e analy zed f rom the mathematical perspect ive, and a new self2ada ptive chaotic mutatio n PSO al2 g or ithm w as pro posed and applied to a hy dr opow er statio n. The results showed t hat the new alg or ithm can mut ate the particles which fall int o the local o ptimization, incr ease the alg or ithm erg odicity and sw arm diver sity, and find the global o ptimizat ion so2 lut ion, w hich is useful fo r the o pt imal operat ion o f reservo ir . Compa red w ith the current alg or ithms, the self2adaptiv e chaotic mutation PSO alg or ithm has fast computation and str ong stability , avo ids the local o pt imization, and ensures the co nv erg ence.
    42  Operation risk assessment of supporting engineering in the South2to2North Water Diversion Project of Qingyuan County
    ZH AO Yang CUI Ling-qian CHAI Chun-ling H AN Hui-ling
    2014, 12(6):184-188.
    [Abstract](1890) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    The operation risk analy sis and assessment o f the suppo rting eng ineer ing in the South2to2Nor th Water Diver sion Pro2 ject is a complex sy stem pr oblem, and its fuzzy character istics need to be co nsider ed in t he evaluation. Based on the fuzzy recog2 nition theo ry , this paper used the no nlinear model t o evaluate the operatio n risk o f the suppor ting eng ineering in the South2to2 No rth Water Div ersion Pr oject o f Qing yuan County. The r esults show ed that operation risk lev el of the suppo rting eng ineer ing is betw een level 2 and level 3 and tends to level 2 slightly, w hich indicated that the risk is low. The evaluat ion pro cess and re2 sults can no t only pro vide reference v alue fo r the safety manag ement of the suppo rting eng ineer ing in the South2to2No rth Water Diver sion Pr oject o f Qingy uan County , but also demonstr ate that the nonlinear mo del is a pplicable to per form the r isk assess2 ment of the suppor ting eng ineer ing in the South2to2Nor th Water Diver sion Pr oject.
    43  Dam2break flood calculation and risk assessment of Youluokou Reservoir
    DONG Jian-liang WU H uan-qiang FU Qiong-hua
    2014, 12(6):189-191.
    [Abstract](2118) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    The once2in250002y ears check flo od in the aux iliar y dam can cause piping effect and dam2br eak. In this paper, Breach mathematica l model and t wo2dimensional flo od routing so ftw are Riv er2D wer e used t o calculate the hydro gr aph o f flow rate at the breach w ith time dur ing the init ial seven hours and to develop a finite element numer ical mo del from the dam to the down2 str eam of Ganzho u cobalt refiner y plant. T he mo del can simulat e the flo od ro ut ing pro cess in the st udy area after the break of aux iliar y dam, estimate the loss value of life, and analy ze the so cial r isk o f life. The results show ed that after the break of aux il2 iary dam, floo d can affect two administr ative v illages( tow ns) , 15 villag es( distr icts) , and 70 462 people. When the dam failure a2 larm time w as less than o r equal to 5 ho ur s, the lo ss v alue of life can reach more t han a hundred and the risk w as unbea rable. The research results can pro vide an important basis for the development o f dam safety manag ement conting ency plans.
    44  Problems and application prospect of ASR technology in the underground reservoir construction of China
    ZH OU Jun CH EN Kai-qi LIANG Peng SU Xiao-si
    2014, 12(6):192-195.
    [Abstract](1862) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    Compared to the sur face reser voir eng ineer ing, under gr ound r eservo ir eng ineering r egulates the reserv oir capacity throug h ar tificial inter vention into g ro undwater recharg e or discharg e, and it has cer tain adv ant ages in the strat eg ic r eser ves of water resources and g roundw ater r eso urces pr otectio n. Many underg ro und reservo ir s hav e been constructed in China and other co untr ies, and ASR( Aquifer Sto rag e & Recover y) technolog y is widely used in t he under gr ound r eser vo ir co nstr uction of some foreign co untr ies; how ever , it is no t used in China, w hich is due to that the cost2effect iveness is not clear , r echar ge plug t echnolo2 g y still has limitat ions, environmental impact is uncert ain, recha rge w ater is lacking , and domest ic policies and r egulations ar e absent. H ow ever, ASR technolog y has gr eat significance and pro spects in the under gr ound reserv oir construction fr om the per2 spect ives of urban water supply, w ater r eso ur ces sto rage, water conser vation, and str ategic r eser ves.
    45  Engineering design of tunnel beneath the Beijing2Kowloon railway in Tianjin section of South2to2North Water Diversion Project
    WANG Dong- lai H UANG Fu-cai LI Bin
    2014, 12(6):196-199.
    [Abstract](1856) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](48)
    In or der t o study and r esolv e the tunnel constructio n safety pro blem beneath t he Beijing2Kow loon railway in Tianjin sectio n o f South2to2 No rth Water Div ersio n Pr oject, the finite element softw ar e w as used to calculat e and analyze the tunnel ex ca2 v ation pro cess and to co nduct the anti2seepag e desig n fo r the tunnel and r ail r einfor cement desig n, w hich can over come the mu2 tual int erference betw een the culver t and ra ilw ay o per ator s during the co nstr uction and ensure the constructio n safety . T he de2 sig n scheme has the character istics of small amo unt of tempor ary suppor t remov al, high2quality cavitatio n, and shor t time of train speed limit, which can not o nly r educe the impacts of co nstr uctio n o n railwa y operation, but also ensure t he culv ert w ater transfer o per ation in Tianjin section and maintenance safety . The desig n scheme presented in this pa per can prov ide r efer ence for the Beijing2Guangzhou railwa y and T ianjin2Bazhou railw ay.
    46  Application of combining forecast model in the prediction of reservoir sedimentation amount
    GAO Ho ng-bo H ONG Weishan
    2014, 12(6):200-203.
    [Abstract](1797) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](38)
    A combining for ecast mo del w as developed based on four individual models, including the ex ponential smoothing , fuzzy moving , linear r egr essio n, and g rey fo recast models. Mor eover , a combining f orecast mo del was developed fo r a r eser voir based on the measured sedimentatio n amo unts from 1997 to 2012. T he r esult s show ed that the combining for ecast model has advanta2 g es in combining the useful informat ion fr om individua l mo dels, and the mean absolute err or percent age is 2. 539 3% fo r the combining for ecast mo del, w hich has hig her pr edict ion accuracy than the indiv idual mo dels. T her efor e, the combining fo recast model has pr act ical values.
    47  Finite element structural calculation of underground continuous wall in excavation of pump station foundation pit
    CAO Ming-jie CAO Xin XU Zheng-zhi
    2014, 12(6):204-208.
    [Abstract](1799) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](43)
    The super2long span under gr ound co nt inuo us wall was applied in the ex cav ation of foundatio n pit of a pump statio n. In this paper, the finite element softw ar e ABAQUS w as used to determine the seepag e of the pump stat ion in four ex cavatio n steps. T he distr ibution law of g roundw ater levels at bo th sides of underg ro und co nt inuo us w all was obtained, and the deforma2 tion of the pit w as estimated. The results showed t hat the transver se displacement at the t op o f under gr ound w all in D4 sectio n of different depths is the larg est, w hich is about 35 mm. Subsequently , the thickness of the under gr ound continuous w all on the so uth bank in B42F4 section is sugg ested to incr ease to 100 cm in or der to r educe t he tr ansv erse displacement.
    48  Analysis on ecological control model and technology of rural wastewater based on source separation
    DONG Rui-hai GU Bao-qun ZH ANG Bo-xiong GUO Qiu-mao
    2014, 12(6):209-212.
    [Abstract](1667) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](47)
    Po llutants r emo val is the ma in study fo r r ural wastew ater co nt rol in a lo ng time, w hile resources utilizat ion o f pollu2 tants is absent. In this paper , accor ding t o the character istics of rural domestic w astewater , an eco lo gical co nt rol model based o n the source separat ion w as pr oposed. Feces and urine were separ ated at the pollutio n source and nutrient substance was recycled, and the eco log ical technolog ies such as constructed w etland, stabilization pond, and subsurface infiltrat ion system w ere adopted to tr eat the w astewater .
    49  Performance of exhaust valve in long2distance water transfer project
    ZH AO Li YANG Yu-si LU Yu-dong H AN Wen-sheng MENG Qing-long
    2014, 12(6):213-216.
    [Abstract](2152) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](45)
    The ex haust v alv e is an impor tant pro tect ive equipment for the safety of lo ng2distance water tr ansfer pipeline. Throug h the com par ison and analy sis o f the st ructur es and mat hematical models of t raditio nal flo at2type exhaust v alv e and cylinder2t ype ex haust va lve w ith constant speed buffer, the tr aditional float2ty pe ex haust v alv e has technical defects and the st ructur e of cylin2 der2ty pe ex haust v alve w ith constant speed buffer is mo re r easonable. Based on the eng ineer ing practice, the cylinder2type ex2 haust valv e with co nstant speed buffer is important fo r the protection of pipeline w at er hammer.

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