2014, 12(6):39-43.
Acco rding to the mo nitor ing data of w ater quality in the No . 1 r eser voir o f Fenhe Par k in Taiyuan from May to Sep2
tember 2012, the r elationships between chlor ophy ll2a concentr ations and envir onmenta l factor s ( w ater temperature ( WT) , pH ,
dissolved ox yg en ( DO) , o rg anic mat ter ( COD) , tota l nitr og en ( TN) , ammo nia nitro gen ( NH 32N) , tota l phospho rus ( T P) , and
transpar ency ( SD) ) wer e investig ated. The results showed that there was an obvio us va riation of chlor ophyll2a concentr atio ns,
ranging from 20. 1 to 132. 0 mg / m3 w ith a mean value of 55. 553 mg / m3 during the study per io d. The chlor ophyll2a concentr a2
tion was lower in May t han that in other months. Significantly posit ive cor relation w as fo und bet ween chlor ophyll2a concentr a2
tion and WT , COD, TP, and NH 32N, while significantly negative corr elation was found betw een chlo ro phy ll2a concent ratio n and
DO, TN, and SD, but no t for pH . Mo reov er, the relatio nship betw een chlo ro phyll2a concent ratio ns and envir onment al factor s
varied in different months. T he chlo ro phyll2a co ncentration was not sig nificant ly affected by env ir onmental factor s in May , sig2
nificantly affected by o rg anic matter, TP, and TN in June, significantly affected by or ganic matt er ( COD) , T P, and SD in July,
and signif icantly affected by WT, TP, and SD in August and September.