Volume 13,Issue 1,2015 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Water-carbon coupling model based on nonlinear system approach
    ZH AO Ling- ling XIA Jun
    2015, 13(1):1-5.
    [Abstract](3517) [HTML](0) [PDF 858.36 K](3947)
    The curr ent w ater2carbo n coupling models hav e sev eral issues such as complex mechanisms, unbalanced structure, lar ge uncer tainty, and difficulty to meet the information needs. Acco rding to the concept of / fr om t he complex phenomena, find a simple rule0 from t he no nlinear hydro log ical cycle simulation theo ry , a no nlinear water2carbon co upling model was dev eloped based on the no nlinear system theor y o f the hydrolog ical cy cle and Jar vis stomata l conductance metho d. The experimental data at the Duke station o f Amer ican2Flux and in the Cho ng ling ex perimental w atershed of the upst ream o f Baiy ang dian w ere used to verify the model accur acy at the po int and wat ershed scales. The r esult s indicat ed that the nonlinear w ater2car bo n coupling mod2 el can simulate the va riations of evapotr anspir ation and so il mo isture reasonably and accur ately . The model w as applied to est i2 mate the effects o f gr eenhouse gas dischar ge level o n the hydro log ical cy cle elements. When the concentr ation of carbon diox ide incr eases, the incr ease o f runoff is 0. 5%, incr ease of averag e so il mo istur e is 1. 2%, w hile decrease o f eva po ratio n is 4. 9%. Over all, the w ater2carbon coupling model achieves a simple solution to solve the complex pr oblems.
    2  Variation rule of precipitation in Jiamusi City in recent 60 years
    M A Ji-w ei GUO Xiang-y u FU Qiang LI Tian-x iao M A Xiao-song
    2015, 13(1):6-9.
    [Abstract](2400) [HTML](0) [PDF 834.91 K](2942)
    Based on the annual precipitation data o f Jiamusi City, a ty pica l city in the Sanjiang Plain, from 1953 to 2013, the meth2 o ds of w avelet change theo ry and Mann2Kendall trend test w ere used to analyze the var iatio n rule o f precipitat ion in recent 60 years. The results showed that the pr ecipitation o f Jiamusi Cit y in recent 60 years has tw o oscillation cycles of 25 year s and 13 years, and the w et and dry va riations of futur e annual precipitat ion in different t ime scales show differ ent char acteristics; pr ecipi2 tat ion has uneven distr ibut ion in tempo ral scale with the least pr ecipitatio n in 1970. s w hile the mo st in 1950. s, and the annual pr ecipitatio n in r ecent 60 year s has show n a slightly decline tr end but is insig nificant at the 0. 025 level of sig nificance. The re2 search has cer tain significance for guiding the r ational and scientific use of pr ecipitation r eso ur ces in Jiamusi City .
    3  Water resources supply and demand allocation in the Qaidam Basin
    HAN Yan JIA Shao-feng LYU Ai-feng
    2015, 13(1):10-14.
    [Abstract](2330) [HTML](0) [PDF 733.10 K](3682)
    Qaidam Basin has dr y climate and scarce w at er resources, and how to allo cate w ater r eso ur ces reasonably is t he key to so lv e t he conflict betw een w ater resources supply and demand in the basin. In this paper , based on the analysis o f the curr ent water resources utilizat ion in the Qaidam Basin, a water r eso ur ces netw or k model w as established using the r elationship betw een the sub2reg ion units. The long series met ho d was ado pt ed to simulate the wat er resources supply and demand balance dur ing the planning years. The balance between water supply and demand under differ ent guarantee r ates required by differ ent industr ies was achieved using the secondar y balance met ho d, and t he allocation scheme of w ater resour ces w as prov ided during the plan2 ning years.
    4  Inflow runoff in the Danjiangkou Reservoir and its evolution
    WANG Yuan-chao WANG Xu LEI Xiao-hui WANG H ao
    2015, 13(1):15-19.
    [Abstract](2546) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.34 M](3021)
    In or der t o bet ter predict the lo ng2term runo ff, t he av erag e monthly inflow runoff in the Danjiangko u Reser vo ir from 1965 t o 2013 wer e analyzed. The trend analysis was perfo rmed using the linear r egr essio n and Mann2 Kendall test met ho ds, the mutation ana lysis w as per formed using the Pettitt mutatio n test method, and the cycle analy sis w as perfo rmed using the Mo rlet wav elet met ho d. The r esults show ed that the inflow r unof f in the Danjiangkou Reser vo ir has a decline t rend from 1965 to 2013, and signif icant periodicity of 3~ 5, 7~ 9, and 18~ 20 year s ex ists. T he mutatio n po int o f annual r unoff and max imum peak flow occur red in 1986; therefor e, the data of 1986 are bett er av oided in order to ensure the prediction accuracy in the lo ng2term annual runo ff predict ion. M oreo ver, the modeling data series o f 7 y ea rs or its multiple a re sug gested to be applied in the lo ng2term an2 nual r unoff predictio n.
    5  Comprehensive evaluation method of flood risk based on mul ti2level gray system model - a case study in Poyang Lake Basin
    XU Zhen- kai H UANG Ha i-peng WEI Bo-w en LIU Chen-lin
    2015, 13(1):20-23.
    [Abstract](1658) [HTML](0) [PDF 725.37 K](3170)
    Floo d r isk assessment is a systematic pro cess with t he synerg y effects betw een mult iple factor s. Based o n the analy sis of flood r isk system, a compr ehensive flo od r isk assessment system w as co nstr ucted in consideratio n o f the fact ors including the disaster2inducing facto rs, disaster2inducing environment, and disast er bear ing bo dy f rom the perspect ive of flo od r isk evaluation. The data pro cessing advantag es o f gr ay cluster ing method and analytical hier archy pr ocess( AH P) w ere integ rated and a com2 prehensive evaluat ion method o f multi2 level g ray system w as pro po sed to adapt the flo od disaster r isk predictio n. T he method was applied in the Poy ang Lake Basin. The combinatio n of qualitative and quantitativ e analy sis of the flo od r isk system in the Poy ang Lake Basin can pro vide reference for the compr ehensive evaluat ion of floo d r isk in the basin.
    6  Variation trend analysis of annual precipi tation and surface water resources in the Yi2Shu2Si Basin
    ZHANG Xiane LIU Niu QIU Yaqin GAN Yongde WEI Na H AN Chunmiao
    2015, 13(1):24-28.
    [Abstract](1699) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.13 M](2908)
    Based on the hy dr olog ical data in the Yi2Shu2Si Basin fr om 1956 t o 2010, the linear r egr essio n, Mann2Kendall test, cu2 mulat ive depar ture method, and w avelet analy sis w ere applied to ana lyze t he var iatio n tr end and periodicity of annual precipitat i2 o n and surface w ater r eso ur ces. The r esults showed that the annual pr ecipitatio n and surface w ater resources have the similar variatio n tr end w ith an ov erall insignificant decr easing t rend, and decr ease co nt inuo usly in the future; the annual precipitatio n and sur face w ater r eso urces have ex per ienced fo ur per io ds with w et and dr y ones in tur n, and the decreasing tendency of annual surf ace w ater r eso urces is higher than that of annual pr ecipitatio n; and annual precipit at ion has main cycles o f 4 year s, 8 y ears, 15 years, and 27 year s, and annua l surface water r eso ur ces have main cycles of 4 years, 14 year s, and 27 y ears. T he trend analy sis show ed that annual precipitation and sur face w ater resources co nt inue to decrease in the nex t decade in t he Yi2Shu2Si Basin.
    7  Quanti tative research on the effects of climate change and human activity on runoff
    BI Yan-jie ZH AO Yong XIAO Wei-hua WU Di ZH OU Xiang-nan ZH ANG Shou-ping
    2015, 13(1):29-33.
    [Abstract](1686) [HTML](0) [PDF 893.16 K](3289)
    The basin w ater cy cle model SWAT and r egio na l climate mo del RegCm3 wer e coupled to dev elop the comprehensiv e simulatio n plat form o f basin w ater cycle, which was applied in the upper and middle r eaches of the Lancang2Meko ng Riv er. Compar ed w ith the nat ur al conditio ns, the effects of climate change ( temper atur e and precipitation) and reservo ir o perat ion o n the r unoff in the low er reach w ere investig ated quantitat ively. The r esults show ed that bo th climate change and reserv oir o per a2 tion can decrease the runoff in the low er reach o f the Lancang2Meko ng River in the next tw enty y ears, w ith the contributio n rat e of 88% from climate change w hile 12% fr om reserv oir operat ion. Climate chang e is the main reason to cause the decr easing of runo ff in the low er reach, w ith the contr ibution r ate o f 81% from temperatur e va riation w hile 19% from precipitation v ariation. Co nsequently , temperature is the most important facto r to affect the runoff in the low er r each of the Lancang2Mekong Riv er. The ef fects of reservo ir o per atio n on the r uno ff had significant var iatio ns w ithin a year, but insig nificant v ariat ions betw een dif2 fer ent y ears.
    8  Analysis of spatio-temporal characteristics of water resources ecological footprint in Guangxi
    SUN Xue-y ing TANG De-shan
    2015, 13(1):34-37.
    [Abstract](1564) [HTML](0) [PDF 706.88 K](3110)
    The wat er resour ces ecolog ical fo otprint mo del was used to calculate and analyze the wat er r eso ur ces eco lo gical foo t2 pr int , w ater r eso ur ces ecolog ical carr ying capacity , and w ater reso ur ces ecolo g ical profit and lo ss per capit a in 14 cities of Guan2 g x i Pr ov ince fr om 2008 to 2012. The results showed that ( 1) the averag e w ater r eso ur ces eco log ical foo tpr int in Guang xi do es no t var y sig nificant ly and is abo ut 1. 06 hm2 per capita. The water resources eco lo gical foo tpr ints of different year s ar e in a de2 scending o rder o f 2010= 2011> 2012> 2008> 2009. However , the w ater r eso ur ces ecolog ical car ry ing capacity per capita var ies gr eat ly and it is less than the water r eso ur ces eco log ical foo tpr int per capita; and ( 2) ex cept for Liuzhou and Fangwugang , all the cities hav e water resources eco lo gical lo ss w ith an aver age lo ss value o f 0. 56 hm2 per capita. In o rder to so lve the water re2 sour ces ecolog ical loss problem, indust rial st ruct ur e should be adjusted, and water resources manag ement measur es, such as d three red linesd, should be implemented. T hr ough these approaches, w ater resources carr ying capacity is im pr oved and water re2 sour ces ecolog ical loss is decreased to achieve the pur po se o f water resources sustainable utilization.
    9  Application research of rainfal l2runoff simulation for ungauged region in the Mishui Basin
    YANG Xue-jun YANG Bang MENG Xian-meng LIU Yu-jing
    2015, 13(1):38-40.
    [Abstract](2000) [HTML](0) [PDF 701.19 K](3010)
    The precision of the application of r egio na l flow dur atio n curv e to simulate the flow hy dr og raph in t he ungaug ed re2 g io ns is usually influenced by the leng th of r unoff data in the gaug ed r eg io ns, the r egr ession factor s, and the segment leng th of calculated flow dur ation curve. In this paper , based on the co ntinuo us runoff data in the middle cycle, the f low dur ation quantile reg ression method w as used to deriv e the f low dur ation curv es in the ung auged reg ions. The parameters o f hydro lo gical model wer e calibrated, and the r ainf all2runo ff simulatio n fo r the ung auged reg ions in the M ishui Basin w as per formed. The simulatio n results showed that the compr ehensive consideration of the multiple r egr ession factor s can impr ove t he pr ecision of f low dur a2 tion cur ve; the flow durat ion curv e segment can be used to calibr ate the model par amet ers, and the calibr ation accuracy is in2 cr eased w ith the segment ex tensio n; and among the t hr ee segments with hig h, middle, and low w ater o f the flow dur ation cur ve, the calibratio n accuracy using t he middle w ater segment is relativ ely hig her than that using the hig h w ater or low w ater seg2 ment, so the middle w ater segment in the flow duratio n curv e is bett er retained dur ing the calibr ation pro cess.
    10  Evaluation method of water resource carrying capacity based on land use
    CH ENG Yan-pei SONG Le
    2015, 13(1):41-44.
    [Abstract](2245) [HTML](0) [PDF 672.12 K](2934)
    There is a big difference in the w ater resour ces demand due to different land uses. In t his paper , w ater resour ces car ry2 ing capacit y in the H eilongg ang Basin o f H ebei Pro vince w as assessed. In or der to make the evaluation r esults mo re realist ic and scientif ic, a simulation mo del w as develo ped using the sy stem dynamics and an eva luation system o f w ater resour ces ca rr ying ca2 pacity was constructed based on land use. T he com par ison betw een the simulated and histor ical data show ed t hat the difference is less than 10%. For a complex water resources carr ying ca pacity evaluation system based on land r eso urce ut ilizat ion, t he f it2 ting results demonst rated that t he mo del is ca pable to reflect the actual nature2society sy stem.
    11  Assessment of groundwater environment carrying capacity in Zhungeer County of Inner Mongolia
    LIU Sheng LOU H uajun JIA Shaofeng XIANG Yangxu LOU Jun peng
    2015, 13(1):45-50.
    [Abstract](1981) [HTML](0) [PDF 885.28 K](2820)
    Gr oundw ater envir onment car ry ing capacity is an im po rtant component o f the r esea rch in wat er envir onment ca rr ying capacity , and it can be used to characterize the harmonio us deg ree between the economic development and r egio na l w ater env i2 r onment. In o rder to ev aluate the gr oundw ater environment ca rr ying capacity in Zhung eer Count y, we have adopted a w ell2 know n met ho d of analy tic hierar chy pr ocess ( AH P) to build up the index sy stem, which consist s o f the natur al indexes and so2 cial index es. The index es include the t opog raphic slo pe, aquifer thickness o f g ro undw ater, g ro undwater lev el, nature o f unsatu2 r ated zone, hydr aulic conductiv ity, po pulation densit y, the per ca pit a GDP, cr ops sow n area, water consumptio n per 10000 yuan GDP, and per capita g roundw ater ex plo itatio n. AH P matrix met ho d was used to determ ine the w eight for each index . The re2 sults show ed that the numer ical gr oundw ater environmental car ry ing capacity in Zhung eer County is between 01 308 3 and 01 731 1 w ith an av erag e v alue of 01 521 5, w hich belong s to t he moderately w eak degr ee. The ev aluatio n r esults w ere consistent wit h the hydro geo log ical co ndit ions and socio2econom ic development in the study ar ea, w hich sugg ested that the study can pro2 v ide a t heo retical basis for t he g roundw ater r eso ur ces management and gr oundw at er env ir onment prot ection decisio ns in the fu2 tur e o f the industria lizatio n pro cess in Zhung eer County.
    12  Standard achievement evaluation of water function zones and total limited pollution in the Huaihe River Basin of Jiangsu Province
    LIU Fang- yuan LIANG Zho ng-min ZH ANG Jian-hua WANG Rong LIU Jun-jie
    2015, 13(1):51-54.
    [Abstract](1667) [HTML](0) [PDF 790.28 K](2655)
    NH 32 N and ( COD) Mn w ere selected to evaluate the standar d lev el of water function zo nes in the H uaihe River Basin of Jiang su Pro vince based on the t ime measuring method. The results show ed that the standard2achiev ement rates of t he lake w ater function zones ar e much hig her than t ho se of r iver w ater functio n zones, and the rates var y significantly in differ ent reg io ns with Xuzhou having t he low est rate. Accor ding to t he volume of sw age and w ater resources car ry ing capacity in the w ater functio n zo nes, the tot al allow able pollutants discharg ed in the planning years ( 2020 and 2030) w ere estimated as 43. 5 thousand tons COD and 4. 3 tho usand to ns NH 32N in y ear 2020, and 32 tho usand tons COD and 2. 5 tho usand to ns NH 32 N in y ear 2030.
    13  210 Pb dating of outlet sediments in Mengtong watershed of Yunnan
    WEI Ren-juan LIANG Chuan Amanda H. Schmidt ZH ANG Chun-min
    2015, 13(1):55-58.
    [Abstract](1531) [HTML](0) [PDF 732.34 K](2719)
    In or der t o study the r elationship between the sedimentation rat e and pr ecipitation, the specific act ivity of 210 Pb o f the floo dplain sediments in the o ut let of Mengto ng water shed was measured by the gamma spectr ometr y. The ag e o f sediment s w as calculated using the CRS( Constant Rate of 210 Pb Supply) model, and the sediment ation rate w as analyzed since t he 1950s. Tw o special sediment po ints w ith high 210 Pb activity w ere dated at 2002 and 1980, respect ively, and t hey had str ong r elatio nship with the precipit ation from 1970 to 1980 and in 2002. Sedimentat ion r ate incr eased g reatly from the 1950s determined by the CRS model, w hich may be caused by the intense human activit ies( cutt ing tr ees and unreasonable land use) in the w atershed.
    14  Division of groundwater function zones in Fangshan of Beijing
    JI Yi-qun XIN Bao-do ng LI Wen-zho ng GUO Gao-x uan XU Liang LU Ha i-yan SH ENYuan-y uan
    2015, 13(1):59-62.
    [Abstract](2390) [HTML](0) [PDF 957.66 K](5263)
    Based on the distr ibution char act eristics of g r oundwater resources in Fangshan o f Beijing and the natio nw ide technical outline fo r the div ision of gr oundw ater functio n zo nes, the supply funct ion, ecolog ical envir onment maintenance function, and g e2 o lo gical env iro nment stability funct ion of g ro undwater resources wer e ana lyzed, and t he f irst2g rade gr oundw ater funct ion zones in Fangshan w ere divided into the development zo ne, g roundw ater resources pr otectio n zone, and disaster prev ention zone, w hich wer e divided into nine second2g rade g r oundwater function zo nes. This study pr ov ides the g uidance fo r the basic research of sus2 tainable development o f eco nomy and so ciety and r easo nable utilizatio n and pr otectio n o f gr oundw ater r eso ur ces in Fang shan.
    15  Dynamic changes of Dongting Lake based on Landsat2TM remote sensing data
    CUI Liang LI Yongping H UANG Guohe ZENG Xuet ing
    2015, 13(1):63-66.
    [Abstract](2294) [HTML](0) [PDF 804.32 K](3519)
    In o rder to investigate the shrinking conditio ns of the Dongting Lake in r ecent 20 years and evaluate the chang e in w a2 ter sur face area quantitatively , the Landsat2TM remot e sensing images wer e used as t he dat a sour ce, and the single band thresh2 o ld alg or ithm, mult i2band spectrum, no rmalized difference wat er index, normalized difference v egetation index , and v isua l inter2 pretat ion wer e used to analy ze the chang e in water sur face ar ea of the Dongt ing Lake fr om 1993 to 2010. Based o n the analy sis of spectro sco pic cha racterization of Landsat2TM remot e sensing data o f the study area, the fractal dimension of the surface w ater area of the Do ng ting Lake w as calculated. The w ater sur face ar ea of the Dongting Lake is 1604. 29 km2 in Octo ber 1993, 848. 73 km2 in September 2001, 414. 32 km2 in November 2006, and 330. 92 km2 in December 2010. Take the water surface area in 1949 ( 4350 km2 ) as the histor ical r eference v alue, Do ng ting Lake shr ank severely in r ecent 30 years, and the shr inking pr opor tion of the Do ng ting Lake sur passed 40% during the no rmal riv er flow per iod. T ake the w ater surface area in 1978( 2691 km2 ) as the hist orical r efer ence va lue, and the shr inking pr opor tion of the Dongt ing Lake w as less than 40%. The results show ed that 72422 band v isual inter pr et ation can be effect ively applied to the interpretat ion o f the Landsat2TM r emote sensing images in the Dongting Lake.
    16  Optimization of artificial recharge of groundwater system based on parallel genetic algorithm - a case study in the alluvial fan of Yongding River in Beijing
    H AO Qi-chen SH AO Jing- li LI Yu XIE Zhen-hua CUI Yali
    2015, 13(1):67-71.
    [Abstract](1671) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.02 M](2858)
    Artificial r echar ge is one o f t he most efficient appro aches to increase the aquifer g ro undwater sto rag e. In o rder to eval2 uate t he max imum recharg e rate o f t he artificial r echar ge sy stem to g ro undwater , an optimization mo del o f ar tificial recharg e sy stem was dev elo ped for the alluvial fan in the Yongding river of Beijing, where gr oundw ater is o ften ov er extr acted. Mean2 w hile, a gr oundw ater flow mo del w as integ rated into t he optimization mo del to predict the r esponse o f g ro undw ater to the artifi2 cial scheme. T he g ro undwater model r esult s w ere used as the co nstr aint co ndit ions in t he o ptimizat ion model, which was solved by the g enet ic alg or ithm( GA) . Roulette w heel selectio n was used for GA, and penalty functio n method w as used to so lve the co nstr aints of the optim izat ion pr oblem. T he optima l results indicated that the o ptimal artificial r echar ge system can incr ease the aquifer gr oundwat er stor age effectively . T he aquifer stor age can increase from 127. 42@ 106 m3 and 243. 48 @ 106 m3 to 140. 46@ 106 m3 and 275. 55@ 106 m3 under tw o r echarg e schemes w ithout ex ceeding the upper limit of gr oundwat er level, and g roundw a2 ter lev el can incr ease 26 m after the optimization. The pro po sed optimizatio n model is able to determine the o ptimal recharg e scheme effectively.
    17  Hazard assessment of geological disaster in Yaozhou district of Tongchuan City based on GIS
    PAN Wang-sheng LU Yu-do ng GUO Jin-y an
    2015, 13(1):72-77.
    [Abstract](1788) [HTML](0) [PDF 901.49 K](2743)
    Thro ug h the field investig atio n and data co llect ion of 120 landslides, 66 co llapses, and 2 small2scale debr is flow s in Yao zhou district o f Tong chuan City in Shaanx i Pro vince, the hazar d assessment index sy stems of geo log ical disasters o f land2 slide, collapse, and debr is flow wer e dev eloped. T he index es wer e quant ified using the GIS technolog y and info rmatio n amount model, and the index weig hts w ere determined by the information amount r anking r esult s and gr ey relational analy sis, w hich can generate the hazar d gr ade zoning maps of landslide, co llapse, and debr is flow in the study ar ea. The results showed t hat the haz2 ar d assessment of distinctio n disaster type based o n GIS follows the development cha racterist ics and law s of different disasters, which can pro vide the scientific basis fo r the classificat ion management o f g eolog ical disaster s in Yaozhou distr ict o f T ongchuan. Accor ding ly, the prev ention and co nt rol measures of lo cal geo log ical disasters can be mo re per tinent, prescriptiv e, and scient ific, and the metho d can be applied to the loess ar ea.
    18  Preliminary discussion on debris flow classification based on geomorphological characteristics
    NI H ua-yong
    2015, 13(1):78-82.
    [Abstract](1853) [HTML](0) [PDF 753.74 K](3324)
    Scient ific classificat ion is o ne of the impor tant r esear ch contents on debr is f low and also cr ucial fo r the scientific under2 standing of debris flow phenomeno n. Geomo rpholog ical lo cation or water shed mo rpholog y is one o f the im po rtant bases t o clas2 sify debr is flow . Accor ding t o the analysis of debr is flow classificatio n based on the g eomo rpho lo gical char acter istics and water2 shed mo rpholo gy , the differences in the identificatio n of debris flow using differ ent classificat ion schemes wer e discussed, inclu2 ding the qualitative identificatio n metho d of slope2type debris flow , and evaluatio n index es and formatio n mechanism o f slope2 type and gully2type debr is flow s. In this paper , based on the slope g eomor pho log y and gully ero sion pro cess, debris flow was fur2 ther classified int o three ty pes scientifically and pr act ically, including the slope2type debris flow, g ro ov e2t ype debr is flow, and gully2t ype debris flow .
    19  Leakage path tracing of No. 4 dam section in Mengli ash yard of Shaoguan power plant
    FAN Zhe-chao MAO H ai-tao
    2015, 13(1):83-86.
    [Abstract](1981) [HTML](0) [PDF 892.49 K](2543)
    Leakag e path o f No. 4 dam sect ion in Meng li ash y ard of Shao guan pow er plant was investig ated using the tracing met ho d o f temper atur e and electr ical conductiv ity . T hr ough the v er ificat ion of temper atur e, elect rical conductiv ity, g ro undw ater level, and g ro undwater flow v elocity in sever al observat ion bo reholes, the r esults sugg ested that the r echar ge path ex tends from ZK4 borehole to ZK8 bo rehole in the upstr eam flow field and fo rms t he arc supply leakag e point, and precipitation infiltr ates vert ically into the dam, flows upw ard along the co ntacting zone betw een the init ial dam and fir st sub2dam, and fo rms the leakag e po int at the elevation of 71. 00 m.
    20  Estimation of anisotropic aquifer parameters based on chaos particle swarm algorithm
    WANG Yuan-y ing LIU Yuan-hui GUO Jian-qing GAO Xio ng-fei LIU Xiang-nan
    2015, 13(1):87-90.
    [Abstract](1745) [HTML](0) [PDF 727.93 K](2568)
    Using the particle swarm alg or ithm can increase the converg ence speed and pr ecision of t he a lg orithm compared with the optimizatio n search of chaos sequence. T he chao s particle sw arm alg or ithm was used to analy ze the pumping t est dat a and to estimate the anisot ropic aquifer par ameters, w hich can resolve the optimizatio n pr oblems of anisotr opy function. Compared with other algo rit hms, the chaos particle swam alg or ithm has hig h calculation precisio n, fit well w ith the measured r esults, and has high o ptimizat ion rate. This metho d pro ves to be simple, efficient, and accurat e to estimate anisotr opic aquifer parameter s and to develop a cor respo nding pr ediction and evaluation model.
    21  Risk evaluation of potential debris flow based on the improved grey correlation method
    CAO H ong- yang WANG Yu M AN Bing
    2015, 13(1):91-94.
    [Abstract](2015) [HTML](0) [PDF 717.57 K](2585)
    The r isk ev aluation of the seco ndary debris flow disaster caused by t he earthquake in t he Longmenshan fault area w as co nducted in this paper. T he g rey cor relatio n method w as used to analyze the weights of sev en impact factor s, including the maximum o utput of debr is flow , w atershed ar ea, elevat ion difference, vegetat ion co verag e, loo se material reserv es, channel g radi2 ent r at io, and max imum precipitatio n in 24 hours. T he w eig hts wer e used t o r eplace the av erage w eig hts in the traditio na l g rey co rr elation met ho d and build the r isk evaluation model of debris flow . The r esults show ed that the w eig hts of water shed ar ea and lo ose materia l reser ves are g reater than those of ot her fact ors. The evaluatio n results w ere in line w ith the actual situatio n which indicat es the impro ved gr ey cor relation method can pro vide firm suppo rt fo r the preventio n design of debris flow .
    22  Research on the relationship between groundwater level and layered subsidence in typical regions of Beijing
    JIANG Yuan T IAN Fang LUO Yo ng WANG Rong YANG Yan
    2015, 13(1):95-99.
    [Abstract](1997) [HTML](0) [PDF 864.28 K](2892)
    Gr oundw ater ov er2ex traction in Beijing causes continuous decline in g roundw ater level and rapid dev elo pment of land subsidence. T he time2series data of layered subsidence and g roundw ater lev el in the co rr esponding aquifer at the T ianzhu g ro und subsidence monitor ing station wer e used t o dev elo p a mult iple reg ression model. The model w as verified based o n the o bser ved data. On the basis, the main subsidence layer and main contr olling aquifer w hich has the max imum effects o n the land subsidence at the T ianzhu statio n w ere determined. The research results can pr ov ide scient ific refer ence for the reasonable reg ulatio n of gr oundwat er ext ractio n layer and preventio n o f land subsidence.
    23  Stability analysis of unstable slopes on the left bank of Xijinghe Reservoir
    YANG M iao-fan GU O H ao-liang LIU Cheng-do ng ZH U Yan-x i
    2015, 13(1):100-102.
    [Abstract](1910) [HTML](0) [PDF 774.61 K](2851)
    Xijinghe Reserv oir is lo cated in an active ear thquake zo ne, and the slopes near the dam are steep. Hence, the stability of the slopes has alw ays been o ne o f the pro blems affect ing the reserv oir secur ity. Based o n t he g eolog ical survey data and hydro2 g eolog ical conditio ns in the Xijinghe Reserv oir , the landslide zo ne in the embankment of the Xijinghe Reserv oir was analy zed in detail. T he stability analysis o f the slopes o n the left bank was perfo rmed using the imbalance thrust for ce method. T he results show ed that the slopes o n the left bank of the Xijing he Reserv oir is stable under the natural co nditions; how ever, landslides may occur in the middle par t o f the slopes under the sustained heavy r ains or ear thquakes co nditions. The co nclusio ns wer e consistent wit h the in2situ survey results.
    24  Analysis of bankfull discharge characteristics in the lower reach of Weihe River
    H E Li YAN Yunx ia YAN Ming WANG Suiji
    2015, 13(1):103-107.
    [Abstract](1793) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.02 M](2939)
    The decr easing of bankfull dischar ge in the lower r each of the Weihe Riv er can lead t o ser ious t hr eats to the floo d con2 tr ol. T he fluv ial pro cess in the Xianyang2Linto ng section o f the lower reach of the Weihe Riv er in 60 year s w as simulated by the one2dimensional steady w ater and sediment dynamics mo del. The metho d of WOL based on the cr oss2section g eometr ic standar d was ado pt ed to estimate the bankfull elev atio n in the low er reach of the Weihe River w ith the help of cr oss sect ion r ang e and limit of effectiv e riv er w idth. The var iatio ns of bankfull dischar ge and bankfull elev ation in the Xianyang2Lintong sectio n o f the low er reach o f t he Weihe Riv er wer e analy zed, and the r elationships betw een the bankfull elevations of the cr oss sectio n and riv2 er section and the sediment co efficient and sedimentation amo unt wer e studied. The results show ed that sediment ation occur s mainly in the Lintong2H uax ian sect ion, especially in the f loo dpla in, while t he bankfull dischar ge decreases in this section. Mor eo2 v er, bot h the bankfull elevat ions of the cro ss section and river section have g oo d co rr elation w ith the sedimentat ion amo unt in the main channel of both sections.
    25  Stability analysis of cantilever retaining wall
    SH I Xiao-ping
    2015, 13(1):108-112.
    [Abstract](1995) [HTML](0) [PDF 948.57 K](3648)
    T he shear str eng th r educt ion finite element metho d was used to analy ze the stability of cantilever r etaining wall. Due to the str uctural cha racteristics o f cantilever retaining wall, a second slide sur face can be found in the filling behind the retaining wall, which is essentially different from the seco nd slide surface of the planar r etaining wa ll. The st abilit y of cantilever retaining wall increases with the incr easing width o f heelplate and toe boar d. When the filing sur face is inclined, the pr incipa l str ess de2 flect s and the r et aining wall receives more compression f rom the soil bo dy , w hich can decr ease the stability of the retaining w all. With the same length of t enon, the stability of the retaining w all is the hig hest w hen the teno n is lo cated at the below and back of heelplate, and the low est w hen the tenon is located at the below and back o f toe board. T he stability o f the retaining w all in2 cr eases with the incr easing height o f teno n. In pr act ice, it is sug gested to fill the retaining w all using the soil w ith low weight, high cohesive str eng th, and hig h internal fr ictio n ang le.
    26  Numerical simulation of impacts of mountain tunnel construction on groundwater environment
    KANG Xiao-bing H U Xie-w en
    2015, 13(1):113-117.
    [Abstract](1641) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.08 M](2832)
    In or der t o understand the impacts of mountain tunnel constructio n on g ro undw ater envir onment, Visual Modflow , a three2dimensional visualization so ftw are, w as used to simulate the impacts of tunnel co nstr uction under fiv e wo rking co nditions on gr oundwat er env ir onment w ith three schemes ( natura l conditions, t unnel excav ation, and tunnel o per ation) based on the ac2 curate estimat ion o f the geolog ical structure o f surr ounding r ock and the r elevant par ameter s. The results show ed that ( 1) under the natural conditio ns, g ro undwater depth is shallow w ith little v ariation in the tunnel area, and g ro undwater environment is sta2 ble; ( 2) under the par tial ex cavation conditio ns, g ro undwater enviro nment changes obviously. Drainag e ar ea incr eases sig nifi2 cantly in t he tunnel ex cavatio n ar ea and g ro undwater div ide mo ves to the t unnel area w ithout excavation, but g r oundwater env i2 r onment in t he tunnel area wit ho ut ex cav ation is similar to that under natural conditio ns; ( 3) under t he complete ex cavatio n con2 ditions, g roundw ater mov es dow nw ard to the tunnel, and tunnel drainag e ar ea co ntinues to ex pand; and ( 4) under the anti2seepage conditions, gr oundwater no long er moves downward to the tunnel and gr oundwater env ironment can recover to the natur al conditions. Therefor e, anti2seepag e construction needs to be perfo rmed dur ing the mountain tunnel construction in or der to reduce the impacts of en2 g ineering construction on g roundwater environment and to prevent the w ater inrush accident in the tunnel.
    27  Effects of clay content on vertical spatial variation of soil moisture content
    WANG Feng-jun XU Mo DUAN Yong-xiang DING Qing-zho ng H E Yun-long
    2015, 13(1):118-122.
    [Abstract](1575) [HTML](0) [PDF 787.17 K](2844)
    Based on the laborat ory so il column ex per iments, the effects of clay content o n the spatial va riation o f soil moistur e co ntent w ere investig ated using the classical statist ical analy sis, geo st atistical analy sis, and fr acta l analysis. The r esults indicated that the o ccurr ence of cla y in the so il can pr olong the vert ical distance of spatial var iation o f so il mo isture content and then change the spat ial str ucture o f so il moisture content, and can also affect the homo geneous deg ree of vert ical distr ibution of so il moisture content.
    28  Property of tensile strength of unsaturated loess
    YUAN Zhi-hui NI Wan-kui WANG Yan-hui
    2015, 13(1):123-126.
    [Abstract](1546) [HTML](0) [PDF 694.97 K](2384)
    The tensile strength o f unsaturated natural lo ess w as determined by the splitt ing method. The matric suctio n of loess sample aft er fractur ing w as measured using the filt er paper method. T he effects o f water co ntent and matric suction on the ten2 sile st rength w ere ana lyzed and the relatio nship betw een the tensile str eng th and cohesion was discussed. The results show ed the tensile strength of unsatur ated natural lo ess is ver y small and it decreases w ith the increasing o f w ater content in a neg ativ e ex2 ponent ial function; t he tensile str eng th incr eases w ith the increasing o f matric suction in a pow er functio n; the incr easing rate of tensile streng th is f ar less than that o f mat ric suctio n when w ater content is less than shrinkage limit of so il sample; and the ten2 sile strength increases with the incr easing of cohesion in a g ood linear relationship, and this r elationship is t he int rinsic charac2 ter istic of natural lo ess.
    29  Stress deformation analysis of composite geomembrane wal l rock2fill dam under earthquake
    YAO Tian-bao DING Dong-yan REN Jian-min
    2015, 13(1):127-131.
    [Abstract](1672) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.26 M](2959)
    Geomembr ane w all ro ck2fill dam is a new ro ck2fill dam to pr ev ent the seepag e and st ress deformation. A thr ee2dimen2 sio nal finite element model was dev elo ped fo r a composite geomembr ane w all rock2fill dam in Bailongjiang . The larg e geotechni2 cal analysis softw are MIDAS/ GTS was used to simulate the st ress deformat ion of the composite g eomembrane w all ro ck2fill dam under thr ee w o rking conditio ns, including the norma l sto rag e per iod, no rmal stor age per iod w ith 82deg ree ear thquake, and no rmal stor age period w ith 82deg ree ear thquake but w ithout membrane. T he effects of compo site g eomembrane o n the stress de2 fo rmation of the ro ck2fill dam w ere analyzed under eart hquake. The r esult s showed that t he compo site g eomembrane restr ains the str ess deformat ion of the r ock2f ill dam.
    30  Application of flow and sediment model in the Shijiaqiao River of Xiaoshan District
    WU Jing LI Bin H ONG Jia TANG Yi WANG Yo nggui
    2015, 13(1):132-135.
    [Abstract](1610) [HTML](0) [PDF 887.31 K](2843)
    To solve the pro blem o f channel deposit ion in the Shijiaqiao River due to water div ersion of the Qiantang River , the de2 sig n scheme w ith g r it chamber is considered to be applied to settle the sediment and purify the w ater qualit y. Based on the actual measured hydro log ical data o f the Qiantang Riv er and Shijiaqiao Riv er as well as the preliminar y desig n scheme of g r it chamber, the sediment movement in t he gr it chamber w as simulated and analyzed using the flow and sediment mo del after the sett ling ba2 sin w as established. The r esults show ed that sediment co ncentration incr eases fir st and then decreases, and sedimentatio n on the rig ht bank is mo re obvio us. The r esear ch can prov ide technica l suppo rt for t he fut ur e o ptimization of gr it chamber and river reg2 ulat ion project.
    31  Effects of surface modification on the strength of rubber cement mortar
    XU H ong-y in YUAN Qun FENG Ling-yun CAO H ong-liang SHI Chang-cheng MA Ying
    2015, 13(1):136-139.
    [Abstract](1902) [HTML](0) [PDF 718.74 K](2797)
    The effects o f six surface modificatio n methods on t he compressive st reng th and split streng th of rubber cement mor tar wer e inv est igat ed. T he six metho ds include water w ashing , sodium chlor ide solution, calcium chlor ides solution, KH560 so lu2 tion, KH570 solution, and CCl4 so lutio n. The method of w ater washing enhanced the compr essiv e strength by 7. 6% and com2 pressiv e streng th by 9. 9% of rubber cement mort ar. So dium chlor ide solut ion and calcium chlor ides so lutio n had neg ativ e effects on the str eng th of r ubber cement mor tar. Sodium chlo ride so lutio n of 5% concent ratio n enhanced the compr essive str eng th of rubber cement mor tar by 8. 6%, which w as similar to w ater washing. The effects o f KH 560 and KH 570 wer e bet ter than that of CCl4 in the o rg anic mo difiers, and the com pr essiv e st reng th of r ubber cement mo rtar w as increased by 5% and 4. 7% using the KH 560 and KH 570 so lutions respect ively compared w ith that of the unmodified rubber cement mo rtar . The r esults sug gested that t he im pact mechanism o f inorg anic modifier s o n t he str eng th of r ubber cement mor tar is complex . Cry stal pr essure can be formed in the co ncr ete caused by NaCl and the hydrat ion r eact ion caused by CaCl2 can be harmful to the cement. The o rg anic modifier s, such as KH 560 and KH 570, can amelior ate the int er face betw een the rubber and cement paste.
    32  Deformation monitoring and analysis of slurry filled geotextile tubes used for building embankment
    WU Yue-long ZH OU Zhi-gang GONG Li-fei ZH ANG H ong ZHU Fang-fang
    2015, 13(1):140-144.
    [Abstract](1539) [HTML](0) [PDF 859.08 K](3107)
    Monit or ing the embankment deformation and its var iatio n law is very impo rtant for t he building embankment w ith the slurr y filled geot ex tile tubes. Thr ee ty pes of co nstr uction methods w ere desig ned for the building embankment, including natural dr ainage, v acuum prelo ading dra inag e, and adding curing ag ent . The advantag es and disadvantag es of the t hr ee methods wer e summar ized thro ug h the mo nitor ing the var iatio ns of tube height and w idt h. Results showed that the var iation of tube heig ht is co nsistent w ith the co nso lidatio n law o f the slurr y in the tube, and it is also related t o the pro per ties o f filling slur ry , the t ype and do sag e of curing agent, and dr ainage w ay. Mor eo ver , the vo lume reduction consolidat ion method can be used to pr edict the height of embankment after its completio n.
    33  Simulation of three2dimensional seepage problem of earth dam in reservoir extension project
    H AN Feng-xia CU I Dong
    2015, 13(1):145-147.
    [Abstract](1723) [HTML](0) [PDF 828.04 K](2854)
    Seepage is the key technical pro blem fo r the eart h dam extension pr oject, and the reasonable ev aluatio n of the r ationali2 ty and validity of seepag e co nt ro l desig n scheme is needed. In this paper, the unconfined seepag e field theo ry and finite element met ho d w ere used t o simulate the thr ee2dimensional seepag e of the ear th dam in a reservo ir after reinfor cement and heightening under t he desig n scheme of seepage co nt ro l. T he char acteristics of the seepag e parameter s, such as infilt ratio n, head distr ibution, seepage g radient, and leakage, w ere analyzed qualitativ ely and quant itativ ely . T he results showed that seepag e thro ug h the dam can be effectiv ely inter cepted under the seepag e co nt rol measures of precast co ncr ete blocks, composite geomembr ane, and seep2 ag e pr evention curtain; how ever, t he unfav orable seepag e safety pr oblems o f by pass seepage and seepag e g radient in the dam junction occur when the r eser vo ir w ater level increases.
    34  Application of iron ore tailings powder in the roller compacted concrete dam of Shuangfeng Temple in Chengde
    WANG T ie-qiang
    2015, 13(1):148-152.
    [Abstract](1746) [HTML](0) [PDF 720.09 K](2807)
    Thr ough a lo t o f ex periments, the effects o f ar tificial sand made by the mix ing of the iron ore tailings powder and natu2 r al medium sand under a cert ain pro po rtion o n the hydr aulic pr operties, mechanical propert ies, and durability o f roller com pacted co ncr ete wer e analyzed. The r esult s showed that when the ratio betw een t he ir on o re ta iling s pow der and natur al medium sand is 7: 3, the compressive str eng th, splitting tensile strength, ax ial compr essive streng th, and ax ia l tensile str eng th of the har dening co ncr ete increase significantly, the early and late compressive strengths of the concrete enhance, and the permeabilit y, permeabil2 ity r esist ance, and freezing resistance per formance of chlo ride io n in the concrete impro ve.
    35  Analysis of water use trend and its impact factors in Tianjing
    SH ANG Yi-zi ZH AO Yong SH I H ong- wang WANG Li-ting WANG Jian-hua
    2015, 13(1):153-157.
    [Abstract](2198) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.03 M](3306)
    The w ater uses fo r all industr ies fr om 2000 to 2011 in Tianjin w ere analyzed in this paper. The r esults show ed that ( 1) agr icultural ir rig atio n use, industr ial use, and domestic use account for about 90% o f the to tal water consumptio n; ( 2) the do2 mestic w ater use per capita in Tianjin is v ery low , and there is little r oom fo r saving water by low ering the domestic water use. Pro viding hig h2standard w ater ser vices, such as adequate w ater supply and go od w ater quality, should be the focus o f the ecolog2 ical civilization co nstr uction in Tianjin; ( 3) industr ial water use is affected by o f the im pact factor s including indust rial restruc2 tur ing and w ater use efficiency, and indust ria l water use incr eases with the gr adual o ptimization of industrial structures; and ( 4) agr icultural ir rig atio n w ater use is affected by precipitation, arable area, and plant ing st ruct ur e. T he percentag e o f ag ricultural water use decr eases in recent y ears, but it can incr ease in the near future with the dev elo pment of veg etable plantations and gr eenhouse cr opping .
    36  Analysis of water consumption quota characteristics and existing problems
    ZHANG Wei-g uang CH EN Juan WANG H ong-rui FAN Lin-lin CUI Sheng-yu
    2015, 13(1):158-162.
    [Abstract](1720) [HTML](0) [PDF 680.32 K](4216)
    Wat er co nsumpt ion quo ta is of g reat impo rtance fo r co nstr ucting t he water2saving society , alleviating the w ater scar city co nditions, realizing and suppor ting the sustainable dev elo pment of water resources and eco nomy. In this paper , w ater consump2 tion quota data issued in 29 pr ovinces o f China w ere ana lyzed. T he results showed that wat er co nsumption quota in differ ent pr ov inces has differ ent character istics of quota fo rm, issued department, and revision conditio ns. Some pr oblems ex isted in the water co nsumption quota, such that the quot a system is no t so und, quo ta r elationship is unclear , quo ta o per atio n is no t well per2 fo rmed, and quo ta establishment method is no t unique. Based on such pro blems, count ermeasur es w ere pr oposed, including com2 plet ing the metho ds o f water co nsumpt ion quota, conducting the clear definition o f water consumption quota, and impr oving the revision of w ater consum ption quota.
    37  Variation laws of ice regime and intelligent coupling forecast model in the Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River
    YUAN Xi-m in FENG Guo-na TIAN Fu-chang XU E Wen-y u
    2015, 13(1):163-167.
    [Abstract](1829) [HTML](0) [PDF 954.52 K](2551)
    Due t o the special geog ra phical po sition, hy dr o2meteo rolog ical co nditio ns, and r iver course characterist ics, ice floo d al2 mo st occur s ev ery year in the Inner Mong olia reach of the Yellow Riv er. The meteo rolog ical and hydro lo gical data at t he ma in co nt rolling statio ns in t he Inner M ongo lia reach wer e analy zed, w hich sug g ested that the temper ature and flow dischar ge in2 cr ease in recent year s, the ice run date and fr eeze2up date push back while the br eak2up dat e br ings fo rw ard, and the max imum ice thickness t hins obv iously . In this paper, the appr opriate predictio n facto rs w ere selected by the co rrelatio n analysis. Ice re2 g ime intellig ent coupling fo recast model w as built using the neur al netw or k metho d based o n the g enetic algo rithm. The model was applied to for ecast the ice run date, fr eeze2up date, and break2up date at t he Bay ang aole station in the Inner Mongo lia r each. The forecast r esults o btained from different models wer e compared, and it show ed that the mult iple linear model, BP mo del, and GA2BP model have hig h passing percentages, which ar e 80%, 86. 7%, and 93. 3%, respectively. GA2BP mo del has the hig hest forecast accur acy and can pro vide the cr itical suppo rt fo r the pr evention of ice disasters in the Inner Mongo lia reach o f the Yellow River.
    38  Study on water diversion regulation in Beijing2Shijiazhuang section of Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project during ice period
    XU Dong-mei XIN y ue WANG Wen-chuan QIU Lin
    2015, 13(1):168-172.
    [Abstract](1733) [HTML](0) [PDF 923.77 K](2682)
    The Beijing2Shijiazhuang sectio n of the Middle Route o f South2to2 No rth Water Div ersio n Pr oject is about 307 km lo ng , which starts fr om Shijiazhuang of H ebei Pr ovince and ends at Tuancheng Lake o f Beijing . Due to the cold weather in w int er, water along the route is usually fro zen.Water div ersio n operatio n is quite different betw een t he ice perio d and normal per iod, thus it is necessar y to investig ate the w ater div ersio n reg ulatio n dur ing the ice perio d in o rder t o ensur e the div ersio n safet y. Based o n the four2time wat er diver sion reg ulatio n data dur ing the ice period in the Beijing2Shijiazhuang sect ion, the spatia l and tempo ral distr ibut ion cha racterist ics o f water diver sion during the ice per iod w ere analyzed. The ex per ience and regularit ies of water diver sion w ere summarized, w hich can pr ovide the technical suppo rt f or the water diver sion, ice disaster preventio n, and ice disaster fo recast in the Middle Route of South2to2 No rth Wat er Div ersio n Pro ject dur ing the ice per iod.
    39  Analysis on variations of black soil water in Songnen Plain during ice and snow thawing periods
    WANG Zi-lo ng FU Qiang MENG Jun WANG Xiang-hao WANG Xiao-w ei
    2015, 13(1):173-175.
    [Abstract](2097) [HTML](0) [PDF 825.32 K](3051)
    On the basis of the field observat ion of black soil w ater dur ing the ice and snow thawing per iods, the v ariations o f to tal so il water co nt ent under fo ur different snow cov er conditio ns in the Song nen Plain w ere analy zed. The results show ed t hat the variatio n tendencies of to tal soil w ater content are differ ent under differ ent sur face conditions, especially in the so il lay er with the dept h o f 0~ 40 cm, and so il water var iatio n has obvio us r esponse time difference to the sur face co ndition. T he differ ence of so il water content between t he rev erse S2shaped moisture prof ile of snow cov ered soil and the r everse C2shaped moistur e pro file of bare so il ex isted in the soil layer below the depth of 140 cm. The r esear ch results can pro vide the scientific basis fo r the freez2 ing2thawing soil wat er contro l and manag ement in the black so il area of the Songnen Plain.
    40  Research progress and trend on somatotype of plunge pool
    YUE Ying MA Bin YANG Min
    2015, 13(1):176-180.
    [Abstract](1551) [HTML](0) [PDF 751.19 K](3148)
    The stability of pr otectiv e str uctur es o f plung e po ol is the key fo r the energ y dissipat ion and er osion contro l, and also the effectiv e measure to pro tect the dow nst ream riv er bed.When the height of dam body has r eached or ex ceeded 300m, the hig h head and lar ge flood dischar ge pow er can cause the pr ominent pr oblems of flood dischar ge and ener g y dissipation. In recent years, the pro ject ex amples o f br oken plung e po ol a re no t uncommo n. H ow t o optim ize the bottom somato type and then to im2 pro ve the who le stability of plunge po ol effectiv ely is v ery im po rtant t o the w ho le hub safet y. Based on the model tests and pro2 ject ex amples of plung e po ol, the research co ntent and dev elo pment of different somatot ypes of bot tom protective st ructur es wer e analyzed and sever al new somat oty pes of plunge poo l w ere pro posed, w hich can be benef icial fo r the future research.
    41  Ground penetrating radar detection and governance of tunnel karst cave
    FAN Hao-bo WANG Ke GUO Er-dong
    2015, 13(1):181-184.
    [Abstract](1688) [HTML](0) [PDF 901.84 K](3887)
    The ex istence of g eolog ic pr oblems in kar st engineer ing has g reat influence on the stability o f the pr oject. Karst devel2 o ps w ell in a tunnel of t he H uoyo ng hig hw ay and ther e ar e a lo t o f unfilled cav es, w hich br ings g reat diff iculties to the tunnel co nstr uction. In or der to ensur e the constructio n safety, g round penetr ating r adar detectio n method and the eng ineering pr act ice wer e used to select the reasonable detection pa rameters and to detect tunnel vault and bot tom cav e. According to the ana lysis of typical w avefo rm fig ures, and t he differ ence of r adar wav efo rm amplitude in different medium and transmission char acteristics, the locatio n and range o f kar st cav e wer e estimated. T he radar detection results w ere in line wit h the actual ex cavatio n, w hich sug gested t hat t he g ro und penetrating radar detect ion is accur ate and reliable in t he det ection o f tunnel cave. T hroug h the com2 parison of sever al common cav e g over nance pro gr ams, the co rr esponding treatment measures for the kar st cave tunnel wer e pro2 posed in co nsiderat ion of the safety, eco nomy, and ease o f const ruct ion.
    42  Design and implementation of monitoring system of Danjiangkou reservoir induced earthquake
    LIU Wen-ting ZH U Jian WANG Li XU Xin-x i SONG Wei
    2015, 13(1):185-188.
    [Abstract](1897) [HTML](0) [PDF 986.09 K](2808)
    The monito ring system of Danjiang kou reservo ir induced eart hquake is an impor tant compo nent of the safety monito2 r ing fo r the continuo us pro ject of Danjiang kou reserv oir, w hich is composed of t hr ee major parts: dig ital telemetr ic seismic net2 w or k, center for earthquake analysis, and g ro undwater o bserv atio n wells netw ork. In this paper, based on the seismo geolog ical co nditions and po tent ial ear thquake ar ea in the r eser vo ir, the desig n idea, sy stem compo sitio n, netw or k lay out, seismolog ical pa2 r ameters, mo nitor ing capabilit y, and realizat ion of the entir e t echnical system w ere demonst rated.
    43  Application of the calculation method for the spatially distributed unit hydrograph in mountain watershed
    CH ENG Shuang-hu H U Chun-qi MA Cun-hu
    2015, 13(1):189-192.
    [Abstract](1614) [HTML](0) [PDF 886.74 K](3097)
    The calculatio n met ho d fo r the spatially distr ibuted unit hydro gr aph based o n GI S and dig ital elev atio n model is a use2 ful t ool to calculate the floo d confluence in the mountain w atershed. The method was applied to simulate five floods in the Dag e water shed. The simulation results showed that the relat ive er ror of flood peak is less t han 10%, the r elative er ror of floo d vol2 ume is less than 20%, the err or o f time2to2peak is less than 0. 5 h, and the effectiv e co eff icient is g reater than 0. 8, w hich indica2 ted that the met ho d is applicable fo r flood simulation.

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