Volume 13,Issue 2,2015 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Spatial2temporal variations of precipitation and drought characteristics in Wei River Basin
    LIU Mei WEI Jia-hua WANG Feng
    2015, 13(2):193-197.
    [Abstract](2226) [HTML](0) [PDF 911.48 K](3572)
    The Wei River Basin is located at a ty pical fr ail zo ne of eco log ical env ir onment in the east par t o f nor thwest China, where fr equent dro ug ht disaster s become the majo r factor which restr icts the sustainable dev elopment of r eg io nal economy , es2 pecially the ag ricultural eco nomy. Therefor e, it is impor tant study t he hig h and low water chang es o f precipitation and droug ht char acter istics in the basin to understand the cause and development law of dr ought. Based on the pr ecipitation data from 14 typ2 ical weather stat ions, accor ding to the methods such as Mann2Kendall t rend test, fr equency analysis, differ ential curve, and runs analysis, variation tr ends of precipitation and less wat er probability char acter istics wer e analyzed. The r esults showed that: ( 1) pr ecipitatio n has a signif icantly decreasing tr end, especially in spr ing and autumn in the r ecent 40 years, which increases the oc2 curr ing possibility of reg ional droug ht; ( 2) the precipit ation pr ocess presents the w et2dr y alt ernating phenomenon, continual wet years and dr y year s occur ring and ov erla pping frequent ly , w hich indicat es that the dr ought and flood may coex ist in one y ear; ( 3) the occurr ence pro babilit y o f continual dry year s is higher than that o f co ntinual w et y ear s, and less w ater perio d can last for 2 t o 3 y ears, w hich leads t o dro ught w ith lar ger intensity ; and ( 4) the frequency and intensity o f droug ht events have an increas2 ing trend in Wei River Basin since 1991. Therefo re, it sho uld be pa id hig h attent ion to the bigg er threat o f agr icultural develop2 ment and w ater safety in t he future.
    2  Evolution characteristics of precipitation along the coastal area of Jiangsu Province in recent 57 years
    ZHANG Yu ZH ONG Pingan WAN Xinyu CAO Minglin M A Biao
    2015, 13(2):198-201.
    [Abstract](1574) [HTML](0) [PDF 938.47 K](3260)
    Study o f t he evo lution rule of precipitatio n along the coastal ar ea o f Jiangsu Pro vince is o f g reat sig nificance for the de2 v elo pment and constructio n of its coastal area as w ell as the allo cation and management o f w ater r eso ur ces. Based on the month2 ly precipit at ion dat a ( 195722013) along the co ast al area of Jiangsu Pro vince, the v ariation trend, mutation points, and periodicity of precipitation in the representative per iods w ere analy zed using the Mann2Kendall test, sliding t test, and M or let wav elet anal2 y sis metho d. The results show ed that t he annual precipitatio n and precipitation in the flood and dr y seasons decrease sig nificant2 ly in r ecent 57 year s; precipitation decreases in the no rth w hile increases in the south; pr ecipitation has no abr upt chang e in the representat ive perio ds; pr ecipitatio n v ariat ion has a primary per iodicity of 13 year s, and the reg ional v ariat ion per io dicity is con2 sistent; and pr ecipitatio n in the r epr esentativ e per iods will incr ease in the future.
    3  Application of differential evolution algorithm combined with Markov Chain Monte Carlo in parameter optimization of hydrologic model
    CAO Fei-feng YIN Zu-hong
    2015, 13(2):202-205.
    [Abstract](1551) [HTML](0) [PDF 711.22 K](3251)
    Premature conver gence pro blem ex ists in the parameter o ptimization of hydro log ical mo del using the t raditio nal differ2 ential evo lution. In this paper, differ ential evo lutio n adaptive metro po lis algo rithm( DREAM) w as pro po sed, w hich combines the advantag es o f differential ev olut ion algo rithm and Mar ko v Chain M onte Carlo( MCMC) sampler , and applied in the parameter optimizatio n o f CMD23PAR hydro log ic model in the Jialing River Basin. The results show ed that DREAM has the advantag es of self2adaptiv e Metro po lis method, can effectiv ely o vercome the pro blem o f premature converg ence, and is capable to infer the pos2 ter io r distributio n o f model parameters w hich is lack of prior info rmation.
    4  Variation of natural inflow runoff in the Danjiangkou Reservoir
    LI Xiang ZOU Ning LYU Sunyun
    2015, 13(2):206-210.
    [Abstract](1454) [HTML](0) [PDF 894.88 K](3131)
    Variation of natural inflow runoff in the Danjiangkou Reservoir
    5  Comprehensive evaluation model of drought in the Yellow River of Shaanxi province based on TOPSIS method
    ZHANG Xiao-hua BI Sheng CAO Yong-x iao
    2015, 13(2):211-213.
    [Abstract](1339) [HTML](0) [PDF 661.20 K](3272)
    In the Yellow River, dr ought is one of the mo st outst anding natural disasters in agr icultural pr oductio n, w hich has be2 come a long2term co nditionalit y factor of agr icultural dev elopment in the area. Develo pment of the drought g rade ev aluatio n met ho d in typical r egions of the Yellow Riv er, establishment of the ar id ev aluatio n model of the Yellow Riv er, and scientific, ob2 ject ive, and accur ate evaluatio n of the dro ug ht level in the Yellow River and w ater supply area are the premise and foundatio n of dr ought relief w or k. In this paper, TOPSIS objectiv e weig hting method w as used to assign w eights fo r each droug ht ev aluatio n index and then to dev elop a comprehensive dr ought index , w hich w as used to per form dr ought analysis in the Yellow River of Shaanx i Pr ov ince betw een June 1999 and August 1999. The evaluat ion r esults wer e similar to the actual co nditions, w hich pr oved the rationalit y and o per abilit y of the evaluat ion method.
    6  Assessment of regional water resources carrying capacity based on the water resources system health
    LIU Dan WANG Li-ping LI Rong-bo ZH ANG Yan-ke
    2015, 13(2):214-219.
    [Abstract](1708) [HTML](0) [PDF 808.42 K](3086)
    The traditional w ater resour ces carr ying capacity assessment st andards and results a re relatively simplified. In t his pa2 per, the concept of w ater resources car ry ing capacity ( WRCC) based on the w ater resources sy st em health was pr oposed, and the co rr esponding index sy stem and evaluat ion standard fo r the r eg io nal WRCC w ere developed. In addition, the combination weigh2 ting approach w as established to evaluate the WRCC based on the decision making functio n in analytic hierar chy pro cess ( AH P) and the adv antag e of objective standard reflected by the maximum dev iation metho d. The set pair analy sis mo del was dev eloped based on the confidence rule and scor ing rule o f att ribute recog nition theor y, and it was applied to analyze the WRCC in Datong of Shanx i Prov ince. The r esults show ed that the WRCC indicato r va ries between 0. 499 and 0. 728 from 2005 to 2012; the WRCC of Dato ng incr eases annually w ith the pr omotion o f water2saving cit y const ruct ion and gr een economic dev elo pment; and the w ater r esources sy stem is in sub2health status, so the measures of w ater resources manag ement, water envir onment pr otec2 tion, and w ater po llution co nt ro l should be taken to impro ve the wat er resour ces system health.
    7  Spatial and temporal variations of rainfall days with different intensities in Guizhou in recent 50 years
    BAI Shu ying MO Ting SHI Jian-qiao ZH OU Yin
    2015, 13(2):220-224.
    [Abstract](1501) [HTML](0) [PDF 960.11 K](2932)
    Based on the daily precipitat ion dat a at 81 meteo ro log ical stations in Guizhou Pro vince from 1961 to 2010, the spatial and tempo ral var iatio ns and abrupt chang e of r ainfall days w ith different int ensities wer e analyzed using the methods of linear trend analysis, Mann2Kenda ll test, and GI S spatial analy sis. T he results show ed that the r ainfa ll da ys w ith differ ent intensit ies incr ease g r adually fr om the 1960s to 1990s and decrease in the early 2000s, the total rainfall day s pr esent an o bv ious decreasing trend w ith a r ate of 1. 93 d/ 10a, and the light ra infa ll days acco unt for mo st o f to tal r ainfall days as both have an abrupt decrea2 sing trend in 2006. As fo r the spatial distr ibution, the total rainfall and lig ht rainfall days decr ease fr om southwest to nor theast wit h hig her2v alue centers in Dafang, Nayo ng , and Shuicheng in t he southwest and lower2value areas in the southeast and no rth2 east of Guizhou Prov ince, while the medium r ainfall and heavy r ainfall da ys decr ease from southeast t o nor thwest. The ra infall day s decr ease in different ar ea of Guizhou Pro vince. T he total rainfall and lig ht r ainfall days have a sig nificant ly decreasing trend in t he south of Guizhou Prov ince, the pr opor tion of mo der ate rainfall days show s a decr easing tr end of 90. 1%, and the area of heav y rainfall days w ith an increasing tr end acco unts for 67. 1% and is mainly located in the w est, nort heast, and south cent ral Guizho u Pro vince with a banding distributio n.
    8  Two2dimensional hydrodynamic model and its application of levee2breach flood
    YUAN Xi-m in TIAN Fu-chang FENG Guo-na WANG Li-na
    2015, 13(2):225-230.
    [Abstract](1504) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.18 M](3699)
    In or der t o reduce the significant lo ss o f life and pro pert y caused by levee2breach flood and to im pr ove the no n2pro jec2 tive measur es in f loo d contr ol and disaster pr evention, a two2dimensional hydrodynamic model w as dev eloped t o simulate levee2 br each flo od accurately. Dyke bro adening w as taken into account, lo cal model gr ids w er e r efined, and t he model was optimized u2 sing the hot start, dry wat er depth, and wet water dept h theory . In this paper , the mo del w as applied to simulate the levee2breach floo d r outing in the southern ir rigated area of I nner Mo ng olia section o f the Yellow River . T he actual dike burst data in Kuisu reach o f the Yellow River w ere used to ver ify the model. The r esults show ed that t he flow field is smoot h and w ell2 distr ibut ed, which indicated that the research results are reasonable and r eliable. The mo del was also applied to simulate the wo rking condi2 tions that two dike bur st occurred at Shagedu eng ineering and Kuisu reach r espectively. Flood risk maps w ere plotted, w hich can pr ov ide impo rtant technical suppo rt fo r the flood contro l r isk manag ement and decisio n in the area.
    9  Driving factors of water use in the Taihu Lake Basin of Jiangsu
    JI Sheng-caia LU Gui-huaa b HE H aia b WU Zhi-yo ng a b
    2015, 13(2):231-235.
    [Abstract](1569) [HTML](0) [PDF 782.18 K](3157)
    In recent years, water resources sho rtag e has become the main factor r estricting the sustainable develo pment of eco no2 my and society . Meanwhile, the factor s such as economic dev elopment , population g row th, and acceler ated ur banizatio n pr ocess hav e formed the new challeng e fo r the water resources demand. Based on the w ater use data in the T aihu Lake Basin fr om 2001 to 2011 and o ther informat ion such as so cial economy , science and t echnolog y, and w ater resources endow ment, the weighted gr ey abso lute cor relat ion deg ree method was used to quantit atively analy ze the different dr iving factor s fo r the total water use, agr icultural w ater use, industr ial w ater use, and domestic w ater use. The r esults show ed that the industr ial added v alue account2 ing for GDP, one driv ing facto r of t he indust rial w ater use, has the mo st sig nificant effects on the tot al w ater use; fo llowed by the ur banizatio n rate, one driving factor o f the domestic water use; and the effective ir rigatio n area, one driving factor o f the ag r i2 cultura l w ater use, has the least sig nif icant effects. On the basis, the contr olling w ater use measures wer e pro po sed from the as2 pects of industrial water use, domestic wat er use, and ag ricultural w ater use, which can prov ide the reference fo r the co ordinated and sustainable develo pment of w ater resources and social eco nomy.
    10  Dynamic variation analysis of water resources carrying capaci ty in Xiamen City based on rough set theory and BP neural network
    GUO Xiaoy inga b CH EN Xingw eia b CHEN Ying a b WANG Rena b
    2015, 13(2):236-240.
    [Abstract](1437) [HTML](0) [PDF 687.34 K](2979)
    Evaluat ion of water resources car ry ing capacity is the fo undation of reg ional ecolog ical env ir onment const ruct ion and is import ant fo r determining the dir ect ion of socio2economic dev elo pment. In the paper , r edundant indicato rs w ere scr eened by the roug h set theor y, and then the reduced index system w as serv ed as input to the BP neur al netwo rk to evaluate the dy namic change o f ca rr ying capacity of water resources in Xiamen Cit y. Based on t he investig atio n of wat er resources and r elated influen2 cing facto rs, the evaluat ion index sy st em o f w ater reso ur ces carr ying capacity w as constructed fr om four aspects including w ater resources system, eco nomic system, eco lo gical sy stem, and so cial system, and the dynamic change of water r eso ur ces carr ying ca2 pacity in Xiamen City from 2000 to 2012 w as evaluated. The results showed that the water resources car rying capacity in Xiamen City was weak and unsustainable fr om 2000 to 2004; was weakly sustainable from 2005 to 2010, indicating incompatible status between socio2 economic activity and water resources; and was improved from 2011 to 2012 to reach the sustainable status.
    11  Precipitation forecast based on GRNN model
    SH I Qing-zhi H E Jun-shi
    2015, 13(2):241-244.
    [Abstract](1486) [HTML](0) [PDF 764.51 K](3413)
    Pr ecipitation is the key parameter for water resources manag ement, flood disaster fo recast, and agricultural water usage. Its ac2 curate prediction is of g reat sig nificance for the flood forecast and water resources regulation. In this paper, the precipitation trend in Tieling distr ict was analyzed based on the monthly pr ecipitation data fr om 1960 to 2006. The Mann2Kendall nonparametric method was used to test the significance level on the basis of analysis of climate tendency r ate. The GRNN ( generalized reg ressio n neural netw ork) model w as used in precipitatio n for ecast, and the prediction r esults were analyzed using the error deviat ion and predictio n compariso n fig2 ures. The results showed that prediction in Tieling decreases slow ly in the past 47 years but the tr end hasn. t r eached the sig nifi2 cance lev el ( P > 01 1) . The pr edicted precipit ation w as sim ilar to the actual va lue fo r each mo nth. October has the best predictio n effect w hile Febr ua ry has the least w ith the er ro r o f 31 39% and 191 45%, respectiv ely .
    12  Spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation in Changzhou Area from 1978 to 2012
    PAN Jie
    2015, 13(2):245-248.
    [Abstract](1451) [HTML](0) [PDF 949.64 K](3175)
    Based o n t he precipitat ion dat a at 26 stat ions from 1978 t o 2012 in Chang zhou Area, the spat ial and temporal charac2 ter istics of precipitat ion w ere ana lyzed using t he liner r egr essio n, w avelet ana lysis, and moving aver age curv e methods. T he re2 sults show ed that annual precipitat ion has an increasing tr end, and t her e a re two main per iods of precipitatio n v ariation: 5 year s and 10 y ears. Precipitat ion has signif icantly spat ial va riations w ith higher v alues in southw est and low er values in no rtheast, and ther e are two precipitat ion r ising center s based on aver age annual pr ecipitatio n dat a. Precipitatio n is higher in t he ur ban and low2 er in the subur bs, especially fr om 1980s to ear ly 1990s.
    13  Application of entropy attribute recognition model in reservoir eutrophication evaluation
    WU Du TANG De-shan
    2015, 13(2):249-251.
    [Abstract](1267) [HTML](0) [PDF 665.64 K](2876)
    Subjective factor s can affect the w eig ht distr ibut ion for each index in the evaluation of reserv oir eut rophicatio n, there2 fo re entro py metho d w as used to distr ibute the weig ht of each index . In this paper , six index es in the ev aluatio n o f reservo ir eu2 tr ophicatio n in ten lar ge r eser vo irs o f Guang do ng Prov ince w ere selected, and the attr ibute recog nition method w as used to de2 v elo p the ent ro py attribute recog nitio n model. The model results agr eed with the actual eutro phicat ion co nditions in the ten res2 er voirs, which sug gested that the entro py attr ibute r eco gnition model is applicable in the evaluation o f reserv oir eutr ophication.
    14  Characteristics of groundwater pollution in Changping Plain of Beijing
    XIAO Yong SHAO Jing-li GU Xiao-min ZHAO Wei H AO Qi-chen
    2015, 13(2):252-256.
    [Abstract](1881) [HTML](0) [PDF 817.17 K](3343)
    This paper inv estigated t he causes of gr oundw ater po llution in Changping Dist rict using the fuzzy cluster analysis, pr incipa l component analy sis, and cor relation analy sis based o n g ro undwater sampling analysis. T he r esults showed that the gr oundwat er quality t ypes can be div ided into thr ee categ or ies: natural t ype, pollution ty pe, and po llut ion2ov erex ploit at ion ty pe; the major o ver standar d indicat ors are nitro gen, to tal hardness, T DS, and fluo ride w ith the ex ceeding rat es of 15. 79%, 10. 53%, 10. 53%, and 5. 26% r espectively; the nitro gen pollutio n includes nitrate, nit rite, and ammonia and is ma inly from the input of pollutants, and the pollution forms of nitrog en are related to the hydrogeological conditions and amount of input contaminants; o ver standard total hardness and TDS ar e caused by the pollution and overex plo itation; and fluoride is from the g eo logical evo lution.
    15  Comprehensive diagnosis method of water environment damage of control unit
    CH AI Miaorui LEI Kun QIAO Fei FU Guo XIAO Jing WANG Xudong
    2015, 13(2):257-262.
    [Abstract](1579) [HTML](0) [PDF 770.69 K](3116)
    The water env iro nmental damag e diag no sis of contro l unit is the basis of the wat er quality tar get management of con2 tr ol unit . In or der to evaluat e t he w ater environment of contro l unit comprehensively, the classificat ion and g rading compr ehen2 siv e index evaluation method was pr oposed to evaluat e the w ater quality, phy sical habitat, and ecolog ical damag e o f contr ol unit. Fir st, the w ater envir onment damag e t ypes w ere divided into chemical damage, phy sica l damag e, and bio log ical damag e. Seco nd, the ex per t sco ring method was used to determine the index w eight, and the multistag e prog ressiv e centesimal system w as used to quantify the compr ehensive sco re index . Finally , based o n the comprehensive sco re, the damage type and damag e degr ee of co nt rol unit wer e ev aluated, and the damag e deg ree can be divided into no damag e, slight damage, moderate damag e, mo derat ely sev ere damaged, and sever ely damag ed. T he method w as applied to ev aluate the w ater env iro nment damag e in the contr ol unit in the Daliao Riv er, w hich sug gested t hat t he damag e types a re physical and biolog ical damag es, the ox yg en consumptio n pollutio n is heav y, and the compr ehensive damage degr ee is slig ht.
    16  Analysis of ecological instream runoff of Luanhe River under the interference of human activities
    FU Xiao-hua DONG Zeng-chuan SHAN Chengju XU Wei TAN Juanjuan
    2015, 13(2):263-267.
    [Abstract](1231) [HTML](0) [PDF 914.23 K](3039)
    Based on the daily r unoff data at the Luanx ian stat ion in the Luanhe Riv er Basin f rom 1956 to 2010, the hydrolog ical variatio ns wer e analy zed fr om f ive respects including mag nitude, fr equency, timing , duratio n, and var iatio n rate. A to tal of 67 sta2 tist ical parameter s w ere selected, including 33 IHA parameter s and 34 EFC par ameters. Indicator s of H ydro log ic Alteratio n ( IH A) softw are was used to analyze the var iatio n characteristics o f these index es befo re and after the int erference o f human ac2 tivit ies, and the deg ree of alt eratio n o f t he r iver r egime closely related to the riv er ecosystem health. A case study in the Luanhe River Basin show ed that human activities have changed the hydrolog ical elements sig nificantly, such as the high flow and its f re2 quency in the flo od season, the mag nitude and t iming of ex tremely low flow, the fr equency o f hig h f low pulses, and the var iatio n rate of daily str eam flow s, and these changes in the hydro logical elements can mainly be attributed to the river ecolog ical envir onment destruction. The findings in this paper can pro vide the theoretical basis for r iver ecosystem manag ement and restoration.
    17  Application of five2element connection number method2improved entropy method in water quality evaluation
    SONG Li-jing WEI Chen SONG Ling-mei
    2015, 13(2):268-273.
    [Abstract](1362) [HTML](0) [PDF 674.83 K](2891)
    To tig ht the r elatio nship betw een the w ater quality mo nitor ing value and wat er classified standar d, the fiv e2element co nnection number met ho d w as used to establish the fiv e2element connect ion numbers o f the evaluat ion cr iter ia for v ario us indi2 cato rs of w ater quality evaluatio n. On the basis of t raditio nal entro py w eig ht calculation, t he rank method w as used t o set the pr eference cor rectio n co ef ficient s and then to o btain the impr ov ed entro py weig hts. The fiv e2element co nnection number ui w as combined w ith the improv ed entro py weight WRi to obtain the com pr ehensive fiv e2element connect ion for w ater quality ev alua2 tion. T his is a new ly combined o bject ive and subjectiv e method for w ater quality evaluation. T he method w as applied to evaluat e water qualit y g rade and analy ze the var iatio n tr end of water qualit y in a riv er of Guiy ang City o f Guizho u Prov ince based on the monitor ing data of a cr oss section, w hich v erified the applicability of the five2element connect ion number metho d2impr ov ed en2 tr opy method in w ater quality ev aluatio n.
    18  Pol lution characteristics and source analysis of PAHs in the karst groundwater of Qingshui Spring
    WANG Xiao-y uan GUO Chun-qing PEI Jian-guo LU Li
    2015, 13(2):274-278.
    [Abstract](1696) [HTML](0) [PDF 861.81 K](2815)
    To determine the compo nents, source, and po llution character istics o f Polycyclic Ar omatic Hy drocar bo ns( PAHs) in the kar st gr oundwat er of Qingshui Spr ing, five sampling points w ere set along the upstream, midst ream, and dow nstr eam of the riv er, and 16 pr ior ity PAH s w ere detected. T he r esults show ed t hat ( 1) the t otal PAHs concentr atio n in the w et seaso n is 1631 87~ 2091 96 ng/ L w it h an aver age value o f 1831 10 ng / L, and 2~ 3 r ing naphtha lene, fluoranthene, phenanthrene account for 52% o f the total PAH s; ( 2) t he downstream of Qingshui Spring has the hig hest PAH s concentr atio n in t he dr y, no rmal, and wet seasons, followed by the midstr eam, and the upstr eam has the low est, w hich , is caused by the continually incr eased pollu2 tion source alo ng the riv er; ( 3) the of 2~ 3 r ing PAH s, 4 ring PAH s, 5~ 6 ring PAH s, and total PAH s concentr ations ar e the highest in the dr y seaso n and low est in the w et season, which is related to t he physicochemical pro per ties of PAH s; and( 4) the PAHs so ur ce is petr oleum in t he downstream and fuel combustion in the upper and middle streams. Compar ed to other reg io ns, the PAHs pollutio n level o f the kar st gr oundw ater in Qingshui Spr ing is low .
    19  Research progress of heavy metal pollution characteristic in urban rainfall
    WANG Shu-min M A Yue-hua LIU Zheng H AN Feng M A Jun-ping LI Qiang
    2015, 13(2):279-283.
    [Abstract](1342) [HTML](0) [PDF 717.23 K](3021)
    The research prog ress of heavy metal pollutio n in ur ban rainfall w as intro duced fr om the aspects o f heav y metal con2 centrations, chemical forms, and impact factor s of concentr ations. T he r esults sug gested that heavy concentrat ion in urban r ain2 fall has sig nif icantly spatial and temporal var iations, and rainfall pH , human activ ities, met eo ro lo gical factor s, and seaso nal fac2 to rs can affect the heavy metal concentr ation. The relat ionship betw een heavy metal co ncentration and impact facto rs is an im2 por tant research topic for heav y metal po llut ion in urban rainfall in futur e.
    20  Water quality evaluation and prediction of upstream of Dahuofang Reservoir in the Hunhe River based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
    YAN Bin YANG Xiao
    2015, 13(2):284-288.
    [Abstract](1535) [HTML](0) [PDF 689.60 K](2971)
    Water quality in the upst ream o f Dahuofang Reservo ir of the H unhe River w as evaluated in three detecting sections ( Beizamu, Gulou, and Taigou) using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and ana lyt ic hier archy pro cess ( AH P) . T he co rr elation analysis between w ater qualit y ev aluatio n results ( w ater quality fuzzy comprehensiv e evaluat ion index ) and cor re2 sponding upstream inflow was prefo rmed. A no nlinear reg ression mo del o f the upstream w ater inflow and water quality fuzzy compr ehensiv e ev aluatio n index w as developed to pr edict w ater quality . The r esults show ed that the no nlinear reg ressio n model has hig h f itting accuracy and it can pr edict t he w ater quality cat eg or ies of each upstream inflow section.
    21  Effects and measures of mineral resources development on groundwater environment - a case study of a mining area in Fengkai County of Guangdong Province
    LUO Yu-chi SONG Bao-de RU AN Wen-g ang
    2015, 13(2):289-293.
    [Abstract](1405) [HTML](0) [PDF 811.76 K](2980)
    On the basis o f gr oundw ater environment investig atio n and eva luation, a numer ical simulatio n was per formed to ana2 lyze the effects of mineral resource development o n g roundw ater envir onment o f a mining ar ea in Fengkai County of Guangdong Pro vince. T he r esults show ed that the ar ea wit h sig nificant effects on gr oundwat er flow field during the mineral resource devel2 o pment is w ithin the r ang e o f 1 000 m upstr eam and 600 m downstream, and g ro undwater levels in t his ar ea need to be reg ular ly monitor ed. Under st eady g ro undwater f low and after t he po llutants in the mineral pro cessing w ast ew ater settling tank under the abnormal w or king conditio ns spill eig ht y ears, the distance that the content o f Cu in gr oundw ater exceeds 0. 05 mg/ L can reach 149 m, and gr oundw at er in the ex cessiv e pollutants zones begins t o discharg e pollutants to the Banti Riv er. Effective seepag e co nt rol measur es need to be conducted to r educe the impact of mineral resource development activ ities on g roundw ater envir on2 ment in the mining and its sur rounding areas.
    22  Effects of CPAM on adsorption and desorption characteristics of Cd in dredged sludge
    FANG Shen-zhu H AO T ing T IAN Yu WU Yan
    2015, 13(2):294-297.
    [Abstract](1337) [HTML](0) [PDF 737.04 K](2915)
    The effect s and influencing mechanism of CPAM w ith different ion deg rees, mo lecular w eights, and dosag es on the ad2 so rption and deso rptio n character istics of Cd in dredged sludg e wer e investig ated. Results showed that when the initial concen2 tr atio n o f Cd in dr edg ed sludge is 0. 5 Lg/ L, the Cd concent ratio n in the super nat ant fluid is less than 0. 1 Lg/ L under the natu2 r al sediment ation af ter the adding of CPAM, w hich is similar to that w ithout the adding of CPAM. However , under the conditio n of vacuum filtr atio n, the concent ratio n o f Cd in the filtrate can r each 0. 35 Lg/ L, and abo ut 64% o f so luble Cd desor bs fr om the sludg e par ticles into the filtr ate. The intro ductio n of CPAM can desorb the no nspecific adsor pt ion Cd and some specific adso rp2 tion Cd in the sludge particles into t he weak do uble electr ic water t hr ough the ion ex chang e. After the v acuum filt ratio n, the de2 so rption r ate of Cd cand r each mo re than 60%, inst ead of 1% w ithout the adding o f CPAM.
    23  System identification of thermodynamic process for the air chamber of hydraulic ram pump
    LI Jia-zhen YANG Kai-lin GUO Yo ng-x in GUO Xinlei SHI Chun rong ZH ANG Guopeng
    2015, 13(2):298-301.
    [Abstract](1465) [HTML](0) [PDF 804.57 K](3177)
    Based on the ex per iments conducted on the independently innov ativ e hydraulic ram pump, t he impacts of cer tain key facto rs, such as thermodynamic pr ocess and water level fluctuatio n of the air chamber, on t he hydraulic ram pump wer e studied. The sy stem identificat ion method of the thermodynamic pro cess for the air chamber was pro po sed. With the sy stem ident ifica2 tion of the measur ed r esult s, the variation o f po ly tro pic ex po nent k w as analyzed. T he r esults show ed that t he polytr opic ex po2 nent k of the t hermodynamic pr ocess is betw een 1. 0, indicating the isot hermal pr ocess, and 1. 4, indicating the adiabat ic pro cess, and is usually less than 1. 2, which decreases w ith the increasing of the delivery head.When t he deliver y valve is closed, water in the air chamber can flow back into the pump body to lower the deliv ery flow . Thr ough the impr ovement of the o pen2close char2 acter istics of the deliver y v alv e, the backflow can be reduced and the hy dr aulic perfo rmance of the hydraulic ram pump can be pr omot ed.
    24  Experimental study on fully softened strength of loess
    QIANG Fei ZH AO Fa-suo SONG Fei
    2015, 13(2):302-305.
    [Abstract](1660) [HTML](0) [PDF 757.86 K](2932)
    Experimental study o n fully so ftened strengt h o f lo ess needs to be perfo rmed in or der to accurat ely acquire the shear st reng th parameters o f the slip so il in the r esur gent and creeping loess landslide. In this paper, direct co nsolidatio n method and pr eloading co nso lidatio n method w ere used to prepare the saturated r emolded samples of lo ess in Shanx i Pr ov ince fo r the dir ect shear t ests w ith different shear rates and triax ial consolidation drained shea r tests. Resea rch results show ed that ( 1) the fully so ftened strength is not affected by sampling methods under low normal st ress conditions, but the fully soft ened streng th of pre2 loading consolidation samples is gr eater than that of direct consolidation samples under hig h normal str ess co nditions; ( 2) the fully so ftened str eng th is no t affected by the r ates of the direct shear tests in which samples wer e prepared by prelo ading co nsol2 idation met ho d; ( 3) fo r the triax ia l conso lidation dra ined shear tests, t he fully softened streng th incr eases with the increasing of the co nfining pressur e under the same prelo ading co nso lidatio n str ess and it increases with the increasing of preloading consoli2 datio n str ess under the same confining pressur e, and t he str ess2strain curv es appear to o ver lap within a cer tain range o f strain; and ( 4) the fully softened cohesions o f samples are close to 0 kPa, and the fully soft ened fr ictio n angles of prelo ading co nso lida2 tion samples ae clo ser to the actual conditio n. The r esear ch r esult s pro vide reference fo r the sampling methods and ex perimental met ho ds of str eng th par ameter tests in the st abilit y analy sis o f resurg ent and cr eeping lo ess landslides.
    25  Comparison of hydraulic characteristics between upturning and side2dump flap valves
    H ONG Shun-jun LI Zhi-peng
    2015, 13(2):306-308.
    [Abstract](1401) [HTML](0) [PDF 786.06 K](2984)
    In or der to ana lyze the hydraulic characterist ics of flap valve, t he upturning and side2dump flap valves w ere used as the research object, the three2dimensional mo del of fla p va lve w as developed using Pro / E softw are and the numerica l simulat ion of outlet flow patter n w as conducted using Fluent softw are under three opening ang les of flap valv e: 30b, 40b , and 50b. T he hydrau2 lic lo sses of t he tw o flap v alv es w ere o btained. T he r esear ch r esults pr ov ed that the side2dump flap v alve over comes the disad2 v antag es of tr adit ional upturning flap v alv e in that it has a bigg er opening angel, low er hydraulic lo ss, and bet ter flow patter n under the same w or king conditions.
    26  Experimental study on permeability of plastic concrete under different load levels
    SONG Bo H E Jiang-tao LIU Chang-li
    2015, 13(2):309-313.
    [Abstract](1341) [HTML](0) [PDF 848.60 K](3020)
    Permeabilit y of plastic co ncr et e under the t wo co nditions, including the same load level and increasing load level with time, w as investig ated using the steady state flow measurement method based on Dar cy. s Law , and t he relationships betw een the permeability and lo ad and betw een the permeability and inter na l crack wer e analyzed. T he r esults show ed that w hen load is co nstant and the plastic concrete sample is not destro yed, t he permeabilit y coefficient remains stable; while load increases step by step until the sample is destroyed, the permeability coefficient reduces slightly when stress ratio ( G) is less than 30%, reduces signifi2 cantly when G is between 30% to 60%, beg ins to increase when G is g reater than 60%, and increases r emar kably w hen G reaches 80%.
    27  Study on optimal operation method for parallel pumping stations with combinational working condi tion adjustments based on experimental optimization for single pump unit
    GONG Yi CHENG Ji-lin LIU Jing-sen
    2015, 13(2):314-319.
    [Abstract](1882) [HTML](0) [PDF 738.89 K](2761)
    Taking t he minimal daily elect ric cost of par allel pumping statio ns as t he objectiv e function, t he mathematical model of daily optimal o per atio n fo r parallel pumping st ations with adjustable blades and var iable speeds w as co nstr ucted w ith four deci2 sio n variables, including the operation number of pumping st ations, o per ation number of units in a sing le pumping statio n, blade ang le, and unit speed. T he tw o2stag e decomposit ion2dynamic prog ramming ag gr eg atio n met ho d based o n t he ex per imental o pt i2 mization for the seco nd stag e sub2mo del w as pro po sed to so lve the mathematical model. Thro ug h the t wo2stag e decomposition of the o riginal mo del, the mathemat ical model o f daily optima l operation fo r the sing le pump unit wit h adjustable blades and var ia2 ble speeds wer e obtained. The second2stag e sub2model too k the minima l da ily electric cost o f the sing le pump unit as the objec2 tive function, the blade angle and unit speed in each time per iod as the decision v ariables, and w as so lved by the ex per imental op2 timization. After a series of optimization o f t he sub2model under different water pumping quantities, the r elationship betw een each w ater pum ping quant ity and the cor responding w ater pumping cost was obtained. Then the o riginal mo del w as tr ansfo rmed into the ag g regat ion model of daily o ptimal o per ation fo r the parallel pumping statio ns w ith adjustable blades and v ariable speeds, and was solv ed by t he one2dimensional dynamic pr og ramming method. The pr oposed method can further impro ve the op2 timal o per atio n theor y of parallel pumping st at ions w ith var ious operatio n mo des, and the operatio n benefit w as mo re sig nificant compar ed with that o bt ained from the o ptimal operatio n w ith a single o perat ion mo de. A study case using the optimization meth2 o d show ed that the unit co st of o ptima l operat ion under 100% , 80%, and 60% loads w ithin the aver age daily heads can be re2 duced by 8. 41%, 23. 07%, and 32. 79% compar ed w ith the operation with t he fixed blade ang le and constant speed.
    28  Processing methods of axial flow pump with the fixed blade and high head
    YANG Chong-jiu ZHANG T ie LI Pu-jiang CH EN Xiu-ju LI Zhi-peng YANG Ping-bo
    2015, 13(2):320-323.
    [Abstract](1495) [HTML](0) [PDF 897.95 K](2970)
    Under the prescr ibed flow, the measurement head of ax ial flow pump w ith the fix ed blade is hig her than the desig n head, and t he im peller of the ax ial flow pum p needs to be tr eat ed. I n or der to achieve low er head and ensur e that the hig hest effi2 ciency o f pump does not decrease, the metho d combining the cutting the leng th of airfoils and fix ing t he thickness of thin blade outlet side face was applied. T he test r esults showed that the highest Pump efficiency decr eases fr om 72% to 71. 8% w ith the pump head decreasing from 9. 53 to 8. 23 m( the decr easing rate is hig her than 10%) w hen the metho d o f cutt ing the length o f airfo ils is used. On the basis o f pr evio us cutting differ ent leng ths( cut ting the or ig inal impeller airfo il by 15 mm) , the thickness of the thin blade outlet side face is thinned( thinning the t otal thickness by 4 mm and smo othing the tr ansit ion) , the pump head decreases to 7. 23 m w ith the highest efficiency of 72. 2%. Therefor e, the purpose of reducing the pump head and ensuring the highest efficiency of pump is achieved.
    29  Geochemical characteristics of geothermal water in Beijing
    LIU Ying-chao LIU Kai SUN Ying LIU Jiu-r ong LIU Zo ng-ming
    2015, 13(2):324-329.
    [Abstract](1431) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.04 M](2871)
    Based on the chemical analy sis on 80 g eo thermal w ater and g ro undwater samples, the geo chemical ty pes of the g eo2 therma l w ater va ry fr om SO42Na in the nort her n mo untain ar ea, H CO32Na in Beijing Depression, and to Cl2Na in the souther n edg e o f Beijing Plain. The co ncentrat ions of F- , SiO3 2- , BO2 - , and H2 S in g eothermal water are hig her than those in cold gr oundwat er. Further analy sis sug g ests that t he geo thermal w ater is formed by t he temper ature increasing of peripheral cold water during the infilt ration pr ocess. The results show that eva po ratio n concent ratio n and co ld water dilution have insig nificant effects on the component r atios o f Na/ K, Cl/ F, Cl/ B, and Cl/ SiO2 ; how ever, the mix ing degr ee betw een co ld and hot water can affect t he rat ios. M ost of the g eothermal w ater is immature, and the w ater2r ock inter action has not reached io n balance. The cal2 culated K2M g g eothermomet er temperature r ang es f rom 38. 1 to 136. 6 e , the calculated quartz temperature ranges fr om 57. 4 to 154. 2 e , and the well head temper atur e o f g eothermal w ater ranges from 22. 0 t o 118. 5 e . The compar ison between the cal2 culated and measur ed temperatures r ef lects the temperatur e which the bo re can r each and the hig hest temper atur e of the g eo2 therma l w ater. The results can pro vide the hy dr og eochem ical evidence fo r g eothermal water exploitat ion in Beijing.
    30  Characteristics of hydraulic connection between aquifer groups in Jiaozuo Mine Area
    CH EN Li WAN Li ZH ANG Faw ang MA Linna GENG Xinx in
    2015, 13(2):330-333.
    [Abstract](1404) [HTML](0) [PDF 910.26 K](2961)
    Jiaozuo Mine Area has complex hy dr og eo lo gical conditio ns w ith ser ious mine w ater damag e, determination of the hy2 draulic connectio n betw een the aquifer g ro ups can pr ov ide the scientific support fo r water damage contro l. Accor ding to the g eo2 log ical and hy dr og eolo gica l data, the hydraulic connectio n characterist ics bet ween the aquifer gr oups wer e analy zed fr om the per2 spect ives of constr uctio n, mine water chemistr y, and enviro nmental iso topic char acter istics. T he r esults showed that ( 1) t he Or2 dov ician and Carbonifer ous aquifers hav e a str ong hydraulic co nnection and the main r echar ge source of the Car bo nifer ous aqui2 fer is Or do vician aquifer ; ( 2) the Permian sandstone aquifer has no hy dr aulic connectio n w ith other aquifers except fo r the Car2 bonifer ous aquifer; ( 3) the main recharg e so ur ce of the Quater nar y aquifer is surface w ater; and ( 4) the surface water and Qua2 ter nar y aquifer can rechar ge the Ordovician and Car bonifero us aquifer s throug h the tectonic fault in the mine area.
    31  Spatial effect analysis of regional geological hazards
    ZH U Ji-x iang ZH ANG Li-zhong ZH OU Xiao-y uan LU Yan
    2015, 13(2):334-338.
    [Abstract](1391) [HTML](0) [PDF 701.45 K](2758)
    Evaluation of the reg ional g eolog ical hazar ds depends on the specific spatial and tempor al scale. Due to t he no nlinear e2 v olution in the tempo ral scale and heter og eneity in the spatial scale o f the ev aluatio n index es, the geo log ical haza rd assessment is inev itably impacted by the scale effect. H ow ever, t he evo lution of factor s ( such as the str atum and to po gr aphy ) is relativ ely slow , the scale effect pr esents mainly as spatial effect. Based on ana lysis o f the int ernal factor s w hich cause the spatial effect of the r egional g eolo gica l hazar ds, the influencing mechanism of spat ial effect on the uncertaint y of the reg ional geolog ical hazards assessment w as investig ated, which is of g reat sig nificance fo r the study of uncerta int y and impro vement o f ev aluatio n precisio n of reg io nal geo log ical hazards.
    32  Impact factors of drawdown in light wel l with multilayer geologic structure
    LIU Wei JIANG Dingg uo
    2015, 13(2):339-342.
    [Abstract](1320) [HTML](0) [PDF 879.02 K](2642)
    Light w ell dew atering is widely used in the t empor ary dew atering scheme of foundation pit. H ow ever, it is affected by many fact ors and insufficient or ex cessive draw dow n can impact the co nstr uct ion o r cause waste. In this paper, a cro ss sect ion in Zhenping of the main channel in t he South2 to2Nor th Water Transfer Pr oject w as taken for ex ample, and the finite element meth2 o d w as ado pted to analy ze the effects o f well dept h, well spacing, and well bo ttom character istics on the draw down in the lig ht well w ith mult ila yer geo lo gic structure. T he results showed that( 1) the dr awdow n in the light well increases w ith the increasing of w ell depth w hen the w ell bott om is in the st rong ly permeable la yer; ( 2) well depth has insig nificant effects o n the dr awdow n when t he w ell bo ttom is in t he r elatively impermeable lay er; ( 3) the draw down decr eases w ith the increasing of w ell spacing ; ( 4) the invalid draw down decr eases w ith the incr easing of the thickness o f the str ongly permeable layer w here the w ell bottom occur s; and( 5) t he inv alid draw down is nea rly constant w hen the thickness of the st rong ly permeable layer is higher than 5 m, and the invalid draw down increases with t he increasing of w ell spacing.
    33  Current research situation on field data col lection informatization based on mobile GIS
    LIU Li ZHANG Li-zhong ZH U Ji-xiang
    2015, 13(2):343-348.
    [Abstract](1780) [HTML](0) [PDF 790.60 K](3399)
    Field data co llect ion is an impo rtant compo nent of the field g eolo gica l surv ey. Wit h the develo pment of new science and technolog y, field data co llect ion has been tr ansfo rming f rom the t raditio nal manual acquisit ion mo de to the informat izat ion mode gr adually. This paper discusses the pr ocess and basic techno lo gy o n the f ield g eolog ical data co llection info rmatization, intro2 duces the main functio n mo dules of field dat a collection sy st em, and analyzes the three key technolog ies based o n mo bile GIS: PDA, GPS, and GIS. Mor eo ver , the main achiev ements and ex isting problems o f the field data co llection informatization sy st em are summar ized.
    34  Study on the drainage scheme of water2rich soft rock tunnel based on solid2fluid coupling
    LAI Jin-x ing FAN Hao-bo SH EN Ai-jun
    2015, 13(2):349-353.
    [Abstract](1304) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.06 M](2885)
    In or der t o determine the best drainage scheme o f wat er2rich soft rock tunnel, the excavation models of the Guanshan tunnel in Gansu Pro vince wer e established under str ess and seepag e fields based o n t he co upling theor y of fluid and solid. T he complete dr ainage scheme, no n2dra inag e scheme, and co nt rolled dr ainage scheme w ere ana lyzed using the finite element analy sis so ftwa re SoilWo rks. The distributio n character istics of pore w ater pressure and water lev el, t unnel displacement and stress, and plastic zo ne o f sur rounding ro ck w ere studied. T he results showed that the co nt ro lled drainag e scheme can reduce the effect to under gr ound w ater during the tunnel excavat ion; fo r the contro lled dr ainage scheme, the amo unts o f cr ow n set tlement, inv ert up2 lift, and g round settlement are the smallest w hile the surr ounding r ock str ess is the larg est, and t he inver t max imum tensio n st ress fo r the contro lled dr ainage scheme is 2. 2 times of that for the complete dr ainage scheme; and the r ock plastic zone is mainly distributed in the invert area for the complete drainag e scheme and no n2drainag e scheme, and in the side w all fo r the con2 tr olled dr ainage scheme. The results can pro vide refer ence for the select ion of drainag e scheme of w ater2r ich so ft ro ck tunnel.
    35  Back analysis on thermal parameters of ship lock head based on BP neural network
    SU Chao WANG Lu DONG Yi-Jia DAO Van-hung
    2015, 13(2):354-357.
    [Abstract](1569) [HTML](0) [PDF 733.61 K](3198)
    Due to eng ineering constructio n limits, the thermal parameter s of concrete for some lo ck head pr ojects cannot be deter2 mined by the adiabatic temperatur e rising test. In this paper, an inver sion analy sis method w as pr oposed to determine the lock head thermal par ameter s based o n BP neural netw or k. First, the combinatio ns o f co ncr ete thermal par ameters w ere constructed based on the unifo rm desig n theor y and they w ere used to generate a series of training samples using the thermal FEM analysis. Then, the measured temper ature dat a w ere put into the neural netw ork to per form the inv ersio n ana lysis on the thermal parame2 ter s. Finally, t he therma l parameters o btained from the inv er sion ana lysis w ere used to ana lyze and pr edict the temper ature data at certain po ints and compared t hem w ith the actual temperature data. The results show ed the co nv erg ence r ate o f t he BP neural netw or k is improv ed by the t hermal par ameters developed by the unifo rm desig n, and the obtained parameter s meet the eng i2 neering requirements.
    36  Finite element inversion of hoist cylinder vibration of a large tail water emergency gate
    YANG Bin H OU Qin LIU Li hua ZH OU Sheng-peng ZH ANG Ya-chuan
    2015, 13(2):358-361.
    [Abstract](1292) [HTML](0) [PDF 789.21 K](2770)
    The hoist cy linder vibr atio n o f lar ge mag nitude at a lar ge tail wat er emerg ency g ate w as detected. T he finite element met ho d w as used to determine the vibration mechanism, the cy linder vibration disturbance force combined with the cylinder v ibration amplitude through field detection, and the pulsating water pressure distribution on the gate panel. Using the finite element method for the determination of vibration mechanism and inversion analysis of vibration load of cy linder is a beneficial appro ach. Given the difficul2 ties of the vibration lo ad detection sometimes, the method provides a new solution for the structure detection.
    37  Analysi s of thermal stresses and crack control measures in mass concrete of hydropower station powerhouse
    DING Bing-yong YANG Zho ng-liang T ANG Yu-lian CH EN Sho u-kai AN Xiao-w ei
    2015, 13(2):362-365.
    [Abstract](1328) [HTML](0) [PDF 813.65 K](2656)
    The concr ete st ructur e of hydro power st ation pow erhouse can easily crack dur ing t he co nstr uction per io d. In this pa2 per, three2dimensio na l finite element method w ith unsteady temperature and st ress field w as used to simulate the w hole con2 str uction pr ocess o f the under part concrete structure of a hy dr opow er st ation power ho use. The develo pment process and distr i2 bution r eg ular ity of the temper ature field and str ess field w ere o btained, and the feasible temper ature contro l and crack preven2 tion metho ds w ere proposed accor ding t o the computation results. The analy sis show ed that on t he basis o f low t em perat ur e be2 fo re concrete pouring , temperature contr ol and crack pr event ion measur es w ith surface heat pr eser vation and inter nal heat con2 duction can effectively decrease the temper ature difference betw een the internal and exter na l early2ag e concrete, and also de2 cr ease the temper ature amplit ude of later2ag e concrete, w hich can impro ve the safety ag ainst cracking of the pow erhouse con2 cr et e.
    38  Study on the shape and excavation methods of trench on the second phase cofferdam
    DU Zhenyu WANG Yo ngping ZOU Wei YANG Qing DAI Guangqing
    2015, 13(2):366-369.
    [Abstract](1759) [HTML](0) [PDF 822.52 K](2991)
    Due to that the demo lition alt itude is hard to reach under pr act ical limitations, a div ersio n tr ench was excav at ed on the second2stag e cofferdam to div ert w ater befo re the o pen div ersio n channel clo sure of a hydro power station. The hydraulic clo sur e model test results indicated that the shape of div ersio n trench affects the difficult y of t he closure, and r educing the bottom eleva2 tion of t he diver sion trench is essential to r educe the closure dr op and increase t he diversion r atio of tr ench. If deep ex cavation is har d to conduct, an alter nat ive is to increase the bo ttom w idth of diver sion t rench. Dur ing the constructio n, sever al measur es wer e adopted to dig the diver sion t rench as deeply as possible, including ex cavatio n in differ ent parts, blasting diaphr agm wall to the design altitude at o ne time, and ex cavating a hy dr aulic scour pit behind the diaphr agm w all.
    39  Check method of irrigation water consumption and i ts application based on crop water requirement
    WEN Zho nghui ZH ANG Gang LU Chengpeng SH U Lo ngcang Ay iguli# Aikebaier LI Wei
    2015, 13(2):370-373.
    [Abstract](1587) [HTML](0) [PDF 735.73 K](4014)
    The check method o f w ater co nsumption is a technical suppor t fo r the strictest water r esources management system. In this paper, the Penman2Mo nteith equation recommended by FAO w as adopted to calculate t he daily crop wat er requirement and net irr igat ion wat er demand fo r the three main cr ops in Liang shan Co unty o f Jining City in Shandong Prov ince. The facto rs such as cr op plant ing ar ea and irr ig ation w ater use coefficient wer e co nsidered in t his study and the concepts of theor etical w ater use and co nv ersio n coefficient wer e pro po sed. T hroug h the calculation of the conver sion coefficient between the theo retical and actu2 al wat er use, the irr ig ation w ater consum ption r esults w ere checked fo r 2011 and 2012 in Liangshan County. The relat ive err or s wer e 0. 08% and - 1. 52%, respect ively, indicating that the check results are accur ate.
    40  Water use characteristics of thermal and nuclear power industry based on DEA model
    YANG H ong ZH ANG Hai-tao XIE Co ng-cong
    2015, 13(2):374-377.
    [Abstract](1399) [HTML](0) [PDF 747.54 K](3265)
    T hermal and nuclear pow er industr y has the larg est w at er use in the indust rial sector . Knowledg e o f the w ater use char acter istics of t hermal and nuclea r power industry is the foundation o f improv ing w ater use efficiency, which is beneficial for the constr uctio n of wat er2saving society and the str ictest w ater resources manag ement system. Data env elo pment analysis( DEA) is a non2pa rametric fr ontier method, and it is used to analyze the w ater use characterist ics of thermal and nuclear power indust ry based o n t he w ater use trend and reg ional dist ributio n. The r esults show that( 1) the installed capacity scale and wat er use of thermal and nuclear power indust ry are increasing from 1999 to 2011; how ev er, water use is st eady w hile the installed capacity is st ill increasing in r ecent y ea rs; ( 2) water use efficiency of t hermal and nuclear power indust ry is improv ed because of the in2 cr easing of o nce2thro ug h coo ling pow er plants; and( 3) character istics o f w ater use efficiency increases g radually fr om the south2 east coastal area to the nor thwest inland area, w hich is similar to the distr ibut ion char acteristics o f water resources in China.
    41  Application of particle swarm optimization in the optimal water allocation of Miyun Reservoir
    SONG Jian-jiao ZH AO H ong-li JIANG Yun-zho ng
    2015, 13(2):378-381.
    [Abstract](1317) [HTML](0) [PDF 689.29 K](2574)
    Application of particle swarm optimization in the optimal water allocation of Miyun Reservoir
    42  Research progress of urban water source allocation and solution assessment
    YANG Mei-jian QIN Tian-ling YANG Zhi-y ong YU Ying-dong GUO Hai
    2015, 13(2):382-386.
    [Abstract](1267) [HTML](0) [PDF 793.32 K](2805)
    Many cities utilize multiple wat er sources. Reaso nable allocation betw een different w ater so urces in different time scales has become a big issue for the cur rent r esear ch in order to meet demand efficiently . In this paper, the research pr og ress of ur ban w at er source allocation was analy zed based o n the urban water source a llo cation character istics, ur ban development, and water so urce ev olut ion. Different allocatio n mo dels and their scheme assessment methods wer e discussed, and t he development tendency of urban w ater so ur ce a llo cation in the fut ur e was predicted.
    43  Effects of flood season rainfall on main channel water level in Beijing2Shijiazhuang section of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
    WANG Wenchuan YIN H ang QIU Lin
    2015, 13(2):387-390.
    [Abstract](1721) [HTML](0) [PDF 766.15 K](2847)
    In or der t o prov ide technical suppor t and useful ex perience r efer ence fo r the flo od r eg ulation in the Middle Route of So ut h2to2Nort h Water T ransfer Pr oject af ter w ater flow ing across the ro ute, t he effects of rainfall on t he channel water level wer e analyzed based o n the water transfer data o f fo ur tasks from 2008 to 2013 in Beijing2Shijiazhuang section of South2to2 No rth Water Tr ansfer Pr oject. The results showed that rainfall in the flood season is mainly lig ht r ain and w at er level in the channel generally rises from 20 to 30 mm; water lev el in the channel can r ise from 80 to 100 mm w hen heavy rain occur s; and ther e is no heavy r ainfall during the four water t ransfer t asks so the water level r ising is small w hich has no effects on the chan2 nel saf et y o f channel. Acco rding to the design sto rm flo od atlas in t he small w atersheds o f H ebei Pro vince, the effects o f r ainfalls in differ ent r eturn r ecur rence periods on the channel water level w ere analy zed to determine t he contro l w ater lev els in differ ent return recurr ence perio ds.
    44  The operation and management of inter2basin water diversion projects abroad and its inspiration to China
    SH EN Ying MAO Chun-mei
    2015, 13(2):391-394.
    [Abstract](2638) [HTML](0) [PDF 657.98 K](8931)
    Thro ug h the analysis of t he technique, envir onment, law , and eco nomy in the manag ement and operatio n o f inter2basin water transfer projects abro ad, this paper summar ized the successful ex per ience o f int er2basin w ater tr ansfer pr ojects in the wo rld fr om the aspects of leg islat ion, w ater r ig ht s, water pr ice, unified manag ement o f water resources, investment manag ement of eng ineering const ruct ion, and management o per ation mode, w hich can pro vide t he refer ence fo r the o per ation of inter2basin water transfer pro jects in China.
    45  Analysis of water conveyance loss of Bei jing2Shijiazhuang emergency water supply section in South2to2North Water Diversion Project
    T IAN Jing-huan CH ANG Si-yuan H UANG Xin WANG Wen-chuan
    2015, 13(2):395-398.
    [Abstract](2009) [HTML](0) [PDF 709.92 K](2948)
    Water conveyance lo ss can be affected by many factor s, including w eather co nditions, canal constructio n quality, and water co nv eyance flow . Based on t he measur ed w ater flow data of Beijing2Shijiazhuang emerg ency w ater supply section in the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Pro ject, w ater balance principle w as ado pted to analyze the wat er convey ance loss rates in the no rmal season, f loo d season, and ice season, w hich can pr ovide technical suppo rt fo r the w ater convey ance operation in the Mid2 dle Ro ut e o f the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Pr oject.
    46  Tendering and bidding supervision of the South2to2NorthWater Diversion Project
    ZH ANG Jing M A Qian WANG Xue-hai ZH ANG Jun-sheng
    2015, 13(2):399-400.
    [Abstract](1427) [HTML](0) [PDF 696.00 K](2762)
    In this paper, the char acter istics of the South2t o2Nor th Water Div ersio n Pro ject and its bidding and tender ing sy st em and prog ram w ere analyzed, and the supervision ex perience fo r the bidding and tender ing of the South2to2 No rth Water Diversio n Pro ject w as summar ized. Some sugg est ions w ere pr oposed to pro vide t he refer ence fo r the bidding supervision o f larg e eng ineer2 ing project s.

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