2015, 13(2):231-235.
In recent years, water resources sho rtag e has become the main factor r estricting the sustainable develo pment of eco no2
my and society . Meanwhile, the factor s such as economic dev elopment , population g row th, and acceler ated ur banizatio n pr ocess
hav e formed the new challeng e fo r the water resources demand. Based on the w ater use data in the T aihu Lake Basin fr om 2001
to 2011 and o ther informat ion such as so cial economy , science and t echnolog y, and w ater resources endow ment, the weighted
gr ey abso lute cor relat ion deg ree method was used to quantit atively analy ze the different dr iving factor s fo r the total water use,
agr icultural w ater use, industr ial w ater use, and domestic w ater use. The r esults show ed that the industr ial added v alue account2
ing for GDP, one driv ing facto r of t he indust rial w ater use, has the mo st sig nificant effects on the tot al w ater use; fo llowed by
the ur banizatio n rate, one driving factor o f the domestic water use; and the effective ir rigatio n area, one driving factor o f the ag r i2
cultura l w ater use, has the least sig nif icant effects. On the basis, the contr olling w ater use measures wer e pro po sed from the as2
pects of industrial water use, domestic wat er use, and ag ricultural w ater use, which can prov ide the reference fo r the co ordinated
and sustainable develo pment of w ater resources and social eco nomy.