Volume 13,Issue 4,2015 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Current land use situation and characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of its evapotranspiration in the Ejina Delta
    LIU Xiao ZHANG Yichi DU Chaoy ang YU Jingjie
    2015, 13(4):609-613.
    [Abstract](1424) [HTML](0) [PDF 769.24 K](4014)
    The land use was r eclassified based on the evapotr anspir atio n ( ET ) and land use dat a in 2010 obtained f rom remot e sensing r etrievals in the H eihe Water shed, the ET data w ere resampled using the nearest neig hbor s mEThod, t he mo nthly and yearly ET of each land use w ere calculated, and the char act eristics of its tempo ral and spatial distr ibut ion wer e finally analyzed. The results showed t hat ( 1) the remote sensing analysis area of Ejina Delta is 8 073. 6 km2 ; ( 2) accor ding t o the characterist ics of moist ur e dissipatio n and recharg e, the land use can be reclassified into water , farmland, bar e land, construction land, and for2 est2o asis land, and the o rder of annual E T in each land use t ype in 2010 is water ( 815. 9 mm) > farmland ( 142. 8 mm) > for2 est2o asis land ( 103. 3 mm) > co nstr uction land ( 61. 6 mm) > bar e land ( 55. 6 mm) ; ( 3) the to tal ET o f Ejina Delta is 5. 39@ 108 m3 in 2010, and the ET of bar e land, fo rest2oasis land, and water accounts for 71. 6%, 18. 5%, and 6. 9% of the tota l E T, re2 spect ively; ( 4) the maximum mo nthly ET of w ater, farmland, bare land, co nstr uctio n land, and for est2oasis land occur s in June, Aug ust, June, June, and June, respect ively, w hile t he minimum occurs in No vember, January , January, Januar y, and January , re2 spect ively. The ratio n o f max imum and minimum ex tr eme v alues is 223. 5 ( farmland) and 43. 5 ( w ater) ; ( 5) the to tal ET from June t o September accounts f rom 61. 3% ( water ) to 83. 9% ( fa rmland) , while the to tal ET fr om No vember to Mar ch o f next year accounts from 2. 7% ( farmland) to 7. 7% ( w ater) of the annual E T; and ( 6) the spatial va riability of ET o f one land use type is remarkable. The max imum of ex tremes ratio , standar d deviat ion, and coefficient o f v ariation of pix el of all land use types are 30. 3 ( w ater) , 511. 5 ( w ater ) , 0. 63 ( w ater ) , r espectively, indicating that the spatial va riability o f annual ET fo r land use type of w ater is the g reatest.
    2  Transformation relationship of return period between municipal drainage system and waterlogged drainage system
    FENG Yaolo ng M A Shanshan XIAO Jing
    2015, 13(4):614-617.
    [Abstract](1498) [HTML](0) [PDF 721.71 K](4538)
    The transformation relationship o f r etur n perio d bet ween the municipal drainag e system and water lo gg ed dr ainage sys2 tem w as inv est igated using t he desig n flow analysis method accor ding to the drainag e project in H aikou City. The r esults show ed that the municipal2dr ainage return perio d of 1 year cor responds to the water2dr ainage retur n perio d of 10 y ear s, munici2 pal2dra inag e retur n period of 2 y ears to w ater2drainag e r eturn per iod o f 15 ~ 20 y ears, municipal2drainag e r eturn per iod of 3 years to water2dr ainage r etur n perio d of 20~ 28 y ea rs, municipal2drainag e r et ur n per io d of 5 years to water2dr ainage return per i2 o d o f 30~ 40 years, and municipal2dr ainage return period of 10 year s to wat er2drainage return per iod of 45~ 70 year s, r espec2 tively. Based o n the r esear ch r esult s obtained prev iously and in this paper , the g eneral tr ansfo rmatio n mo del o f r eturn period be2 tw een municipal drainag e system and w aterlogg ed dr ainag e system w as determined.
    3  Application of the weighted Markov chain model in the inflow prediction of the Miyun Reservoir
    H E Juan WANG Xiaosong WANG Cai yun
    2015, 13(4):618-621.
    [Abstract](1631) [HTML](0) [PDF 675.15 K](4180)
    Acco rding t o the act ual inflow data of the Miyun Reservo ir fr om 1960 to 2011, riv er runoff was select ed as the r andom variable, and t he r elated concept of the w eig hted Markov chain model and the st eps for the inflow pr ediction in the incoming one year w ere intro duced. The classificat ion metho d of averag e2standard was used to div ide the inflow sequence into four conditio ns, including dr ought, lean dr ought, lean wet, and w et. The autocor relation w as r egar ded as weig ht coefficient to pr edict inflow be2 tw een 2010 and 2011, which w ere compared w ith the measured data. T he results showed that the weig hted Mar ko v cha in model can predict inflow o f the Miyun Reserv oir w it h high pr ecision. Therefo re, the model w as used to predict inf low betw een 2012 and 2013. Finally, the erg odicit y and statio nary distr ibut ion of Markov cha in wer e analyzed, and the return per iods of o bser ved sequence under the w et and dry condit ions w ere calculat ed, which sugg ested that the occurr ence pro bability o f lean dro ught is the larg est. The inflow of the Miy un Reserv oir was predicted to be lean dr ought in the futur e.
    4  Spatial variation of groundwater guarantee extent in typical well irrigation area of North China Plain
    WANG Dianlong ZH ANG Ganghui FENG Huimin TIAN Yanliang WANG Jinzhe
    2015, 13(4):622-649.
    [Abstract](1508) [HTML](0) [PDF 741.46 K](3634)
    Nor th China Plain( NCP) is an important g rain product ion base in China, and gr oundwater is the main ir rigation w ater resource. However , g ro undwater r esource has significantly spatial var iation. In o rder to r eveal the spatial variatio n of g roundw a2 ter guarantee ex tent fo r g rain production in NCP, an evaluatio n index system o f g ro undwater g uarantee ex tent w as develo ped o n the basis of thr ee t ypical r egions including Baoding of pediment plain, Dezhou of central plain, and Cangzho u of coastal plain. The cr op w at er requirements in the three typical r egions w ere calculated using penman equatio n, and gr oundwat er g uarantee ex2 tents wer e analyzed using the statist ical evaluation method. T he results indicated that the annual av erag e g ro undwater g ua rantee ex tent for gr ain pr oductio n is the middle level in Baoding while the infer ior level in Dezhou and Cang zhou; g ro undwater guaran2 tee ex tent incr eases with t he increasing o f pr ecipitatio n, and it can increase by 4. 9% in Baoding , 1. 6% in Dezhou, and 0. 6% in Cangzhou wit h the increasing of 100 mm pr ecipitation; and g ro undwater g uar ant ee ext ents o f Baoding, Dezhou, and Cangzhou ar e in the log arithmic no rmal dist ribution in the future 50 year s( 2011 to 2060) , and the main pro bability o f Baoding co rresponds to the middle level w ith the pro babilit y of 0. 726 w hile the ma in pro bability of Dezhou and Cang zho u cor responds to the ex tr emely inferio r level w ith the probability o f 0. 577 and 1, r espectiv ely.
    5  Analysis water use linkage among economic sectors in Zhejiang Province
    GUO Xiangchun LIU H ong yan H AN Yuping
    2015, 13(4):626-629.
    [Abstract](1191) [HTML](0) [PDF 799.04 K](3478)
    Wat er use linkages among indust rial secto rs o f Zhejiang Pr ov ince in 2010 w ere ana lyzed using the indust rial linkage a2 nalysis metho d based o n the ver tically integ rated consumptio n and hypothetical ext ractio n method, and the tr ansformatio n of vir2 tual water among industr ial secto rs in the economic systems o f Zhejiang w ere obtained. Results show ed that enormous difference occur s betw een the direct consumptio n and v ertically integ rated consumptio n of w ater in each sector , but the total dir ect con2 sumpt ion and t otal v ertically integ rat ed co nsumption of wat er is t he same, w hich is 220. 08 @ 108 m3 and indicat es that the ex ist2 ence o f t ransfo rmation o f v irt ual amo ng differ ent sector s of economic system. In the economic system, ag ricult ur al secto r had net outputs o f vir tual water w ith a vo lume o f 78. 46@ 108 m3 , w hereas the indust rial, constructio n, and ser vice secto rs had net inputs of virtual w ater w it h v olumes of 32. 98@ 108 m3 , 43. 22@ 108 m3 and 2. 26 @ 108 m3, respect ively. The findings pro vide reference for t he r egio na lly industr ial str ucture adjustment and water manag ement po licy .
    6  Flood variation and its cause analysis of Xuanen district under changing environment
    LI Qingping LI Binbin XIANG Yanqing XIE Ping
    2015, 13(4):630-634.
    [Abstract](1396) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.03 M](3579)
    As themain engineer ing means o f contr olling urban flood, riv er and upst ream r eser vo ir reg ulatio ns which pr otect people against flo od disaster s can chang e r iver channel stor age and lead to the var iatio ns of the formatio n, evo lutio n, and spatial and tempo ral distributio n of urban flo od due to climate chang e. In this st udy, hydrolog ical var iatio n diagnosis system and the fo rmula of Ch?zy2manning w ere used to determine the f loo d var iation fo rm, degree, and causes of Xuanen dist rict under the chang ing en2 v iro nment. The results show ed that ( 1) the aver age annual max imum monthly rainfall ser ies f rom 1956 t o 2010 have a mo derat e variatio n w ith downw ard jump in 1998, which indicates t hat rainfall decreases under the chang ing env iro nment; ( 2) the annual maximum daily flow series from 1962 to 2013 have a moder ate v ariation with dow nw ard jump in 1999, which indicates that peak flow decr eases; ( 3) The dual effects of climate chang e and human activ ities cause the flo od variation, but the former effects ar e only 41% o f the lat ter; and ( 4) riv er cana lizatio n r esult s in the decreasing o f t he flood flow and exacer bation of flo od v ariation, ther efor e t he flood w arning plan needs to adapt to the chang ing environment .
    7  Effects of Dahuofang reservoir on the runoff characteristics of Hun River Basin
    LIU Wei H E Junshi CH EN Yang
    2015, 13(4):635-638.
    [Abstract](1477) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.42 M](4010)
    In or der t o analy ze the impact o f human activ ities on the runoff char acter istics of Hun River Basin, the daily runo ff da2 ta o f six hy dr olog ical stations, including Beikouqian, Dahuo fang , Fushun, Shenyang, H uanglatuo, and Xing jiawo peng, fr om 1959 to 2011 w ere selected, the t ime when Dahuo fang reservo ir w as closed and started to st orag e water w as selected as the initial re2 search perio d, the variatio n character istics o f annual runo ff, r unoff in the floo d seaso n and non2floo d season, monthly runo ff, and daily runo ff wer e compared and analyzed. The r esults show ed that runo ff in the Hun River Basin has slig ht v ariat ion in the fir st 20 years after the com pletion of the Dahuofang r eser vo ir, and hig h peak of r unoff appear s in the subsequent 30 year s. The sto rag e ca pacity of Dahuofang r eser vo ir in the flood seaso n did not change sig nificantly , and the var iatio n trend of sto rag e capacity in the f loo d season was consistent wit h the annual sto rag e ca pacity .
    8  Assessment of current construction situation of urban water ecological civilization in Zhengzhou
    WANG Fuqiang WANG Lei WEI H ua ibin ZH AO Naili
    2015, 13(4):639-642.
    [Abstract](1489) [HTML](0) [PDF 735.11 K](4206)
    An ev aluatio n system o f ur ban w ater ecolog ical civ ilizat ion w as developed w ith 20 index es from six aspects, including the str ictest water resources manag ement and optimal allocatio n o f water resources, and was applied to assess the cur rent con2 str uction situat ion of urban water eco lo gical civilizatio n in Zheng zho u. The results showed t hat the strict est w ater r eso urces manag ement has the sco re o f 18 ( scor ing per centag e is 72%, same hereinafter ) , the optimal allo cation of w ater r eso ur ces has the sco re of 9 ( 60%) , the f loo d contr ol and dr ainag e system has the sco re of 6. 5 ( 65%) , the water2sav ing societ y construction has the scor e of 14 ( 70%) , the w ater ecolog ical prot ection and r est ore system has the scor e o f 9 ( 45%) , and the w ater culture con2 str uction has the sco re o f 6 ( 60%) , thus t he tota l sco re is 62. 5, which indicated that it reaches the standa rd of urban w ater eco2 log ical civilizatio n. The str ictest w ater r eso ur ces management and w ater2sav ing society constructio n perfo rm well in Zheng zhou, while the o pt imal allo cation of w ater resources, w ater ecolog ical pro tect ion and r esto re system need mo re wo rk.
    9  Review of effects of flow and sediment on the transport and transformation of phosphorus in rivers and lakes
    ZH AO H anqing TANG H ongw u LI Zhiw ei YUAN Saiy u XIAO Yang JI Fei
    2015, 13(4):643-649.
    [Abstract](1420) [HTML](0) [PDF 699.31 K](3752)
    Pho sphor us has st rong affinit y t o react w ith sediment part icles. T he motion of flow and sediment can change t he occur2 r ence fo rms of phosphor us that may cause such env iro nmental pro blems as eut ro phicatio n in r iver s and lakes under certain con2 ditions. The recent st udies wer e analyzed, which sug gested that there are some limitat ions in the resea rch co nt ents, co nt rov ersy of mechanism, and incomplete mathematical mo dels fo r the tr anspor t and tr ansformatio n o f phosphorus in rivers and lakes, and pr evio us studies ar e ma inly o n t he macro sco pic level. Fur ther studies sho uld be fo cused on the ex plor atio n o f micr o2adso rptio n betw een w ater and sediment interface on the basis of ex perimental t echnolog y innovat ion, and t heo retic r esear ch of phospho rus transpo rt and t ransfo rmation on the co upling function of multiple fact ors under complicated co nditions.
    10  Physiological responses of phytoplankton to the periodic changes of environment during water bloom in Nanhaizi Lake of Beijing
    YIN Tao DING Aizhong
    2015, 13(4):650-653.
    [Abstract](1410) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.09 M](3591)
    Alg ae liquid w as taken fr om the Nanhaizi Lake during the bloom course and w as put into t he pho tobio reactor FMT150 and cultur ed under diff er ent co nditions. The results show ed that ( 1) under the 122hour per iodic cultivatio n co ndit ions, the dis2 so lved ox yg en, carbon diox ide, chlor ophy ll f luor escence of alg ae so lution appear w ith a 122hour per io dic response, and OD680 show s the daily perio dicity of 24 ho urs; and ( 2) after 12 hours, the perio dic conditio ns wer e changed to t he const ant conditio ns, chloro phy ll fluor escence show s the 122ho ur per iodicit y at first and then t he periodicity sta rts to increase gr adually. The r esults sug gested that periodicity ex ists in the community o f phy toplankton.
    11  Distribution characteristics and source of BTEX in groundwater of Eastern Foshan, Guangdong
    LIU Chunyan H UANG Guanxing ZH ANG Ying JING Jihong SUN Jichao LIU Jingtao CH EN Xi WANG jianw ei
    2015, 13(4):654-658.
    [Abstract](1604) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.01 M](3582)
    In order to determine the distr ibut ion character istics o f BTEX ( including Benzene, To luene, Et hy lbenzene, o2Xylene, m2 Xylene, and o2Xylene) in gr oundw ater, 37 g ro ups of gr oundw at er sam ples and 10 surface wat er samples collected fr om the east2 er n area of Foshan in Guangdong dur ing 2005 to 2008 wer e tested using t he gas chr omatog ra phy and mass spectrum ( GC/ MS) . The results showed that the detection rate of BTEX is 24. 32% in g ro undw ater , and the to tal BTEX co ncentrat ion is low er than 27. 2 Lg / L. Among the six kinds of BTEX, T oluene had t he hig hest detectio n r ate ( 24. 32%) and detect ion value ( 10. 7 Lg/ L) , which was fo llow ed by Benzene w ith the detectio n r ate of 10. 81% and detectio n v alue of 9 Lg / L respect ively. Ethy lbenzene, p2 Xylene, m2Xylene, and o2Xylene w ere only detect ed in a few of samples, and the concentr ations in gr oundw ater did not exceed the st andard. Mo st of samples with BT EX w ere dist ributed in Nanhai ar ea, and most o f g ro undwater samples w ere detected con2 taining only one kind o f BTEX. There w as an obvio us co rr elation bet ween the BT EX distributio ns in gr oundw ater and sur face water , and To luene and Benzene wer e the dominating BTEX in surface water . The infiltration o f surface water co nta ining BT EX is an impo rtant source of BTEX in g ro undw ater of the easter n a rea of Foshan.
    12  Temporal characteristics and impact factors of nitrogen loss in Shanmei Reservoir watershed
    LIU Meibing CHEN Xingwei CHEN Ying
    2015, 13(4):659-663.
    [Abstract](1236) [HTML](0) [PDF 897.09 K](3469)
    Based on the development o f SWAT model in the Shanmei Reser voir water shed, var iatio n char act eristics of T N load and concentrat ions with the precipit at ion and r uno ff during the pr ocesses o f rainstorm at the o ut let of the w atershed wer e simu2 lated. Furthermore, linear co rr elation analysis w as co nducted to analyze t he r elationship between runo ff and nitro gen lo ss under differ ent pr ecipitatio n intensities. T he results showed that the peak of runoff lagg ed one da y behind the peak o f rainfall. Dur ing the pro cess of rainstorm, nitr og en lo ss var ied consistent ly w ith t he var iatio n process o f precipitat ion and r unoff, and T N load show ed hy steresis propert ies lagg ing behind precipitation peak wit h o ne or two additio nal day s, while TN co ncentrat ion pr ocess show ed the o pposite tr end w ith pr ecipitatio n process. Under differ ent conditio ns of rainfall intensit ies, aver age lo ss rate of nitro2 g en incr eased wit h the increasing o f rainfall intensity, and runoff showed a st atistically sig nificant ( P< 0. 01) positive linear re2 latio nship with TN lo ad. Runoff is the pr imary factor affecting nitro gen lo ss.
    13  Effects of polluted ice thawing on water quality in cold area
    SUN Shaochen XIAO Weihua YU Xiang WANG Hao
    2015, 13(4):664-680.
    [Abstract](1211) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.24 M](3406)
    Taking t he pollutio n incident in the So ng hua River as an ex ample, the experiments of po llutant distr ibution in ice and water phases wer e per formed to det ermine that the nitr obenzene concentr atio n under icing conditions is 6. 2 to 13. 4% of that in the o riginal w ater samples. On the basis, the dev eloped hydro dy namics and w at er quality model dur ing the icebound seaso n w as applied, which sug gested that nitro benzene concentrat ion increases by 0. 02 to 0. 025 ug/ L in the 2. 52km long main str eam of the So ng hua River due to the effect s of nitr obenzene from ice melting. Fur thermor e, it show ed that nitro benzene concent ratio n incr eases by a max imum value o f 12. 5 ug/ L caused by the ice melting in To ng jiang section in the end of the So ng hua Riv er, which wo uld no t affect w ater qualit y signif icantly. The water qualit y simulation based o n the ex per iments o f po llutant distribu2 tion in ice and w ater phases can analyze the secondar y pollutio n pro blems caused by po lluted ice melting in co ld reg ions simply and quickly .
    14  Water chemical ions and heavy metal characteristics of water and sediment in Beijing section of Wenyu River
    WANG He GU H ongbiao CH I Baoming LI H aijun ZHOU Jingw ei JIANg H aining
    2015, 13(4):667-673.
    [Abstract](1794) [HTML](0) [PDF 890.52 K](3526)
    On the basis of data analysis of water envir onmenta l qualit y in Wenyu Riv er f rom 1980 to 2010, t he ion char acter istics, water quality v ariat ion trend, and the co rr elation betw een water and sediment w ere ana lyzed thr ough field sampling. The r esults show ed that( 1) Na+ , Ca2+ , K+ , and HCO3 - contents are higher in 2013 compar ed t o tho se from 1980 to 2006, while Cl- and SO4 2- content s ar e lower in 2013 and M g+ co ntent is r elatively stable in the Wenyu Riv er; ( 2) water chemistry t ype va ries from CCa II to CNaI, indicating an increasing trend o f salinity and alkaline; ( 3) NH4 + 2 N and nitrates are the main po llutants in the We2 nyu River and its tributar y. Although the ov er2standard r atio decreases o ver t he y ears, it is still in the range o f 2 to 7; ( 4) o nly Cr and Cd of the heav y met al in the sediment have the cumulative index betw een 0 and 1, w hich indicates that the sediment pol2 lut ion lev el is light; and( 5) wat er and po llutants in the sediment hav e sig nificant co rr elatio ns in the Weny u River, such t hat NH 4 + 2N and nitr ate show posit ive cor relations w ith Cr and Pb w her eas Cd and As show neg ative cor relations wit h Cr and Pb, and the co rr elatio n wit h Pb is the str ongest.
    15  Analysis of characteristics of urban water disasters in Jinan
    SHI Lihua H AN Mei ZHANG Cui
    2015, 13(4):674-680.
    [Abstract](1256) [HTML](0) [PDF 840.36 K](3835)
    With the r apid ur banizatio n in China, w ealt h and informat ion ar e g athering in the cities, which also leads to the increas2 ing of urban water disaster s and lo ss of disasters. The occur rence o f urban w ater disasters is caused by the inter act ion betw een human so cial sy st em and natura l ecosystems, and is the result of the combined effects o f v arious factor s. In this paper, the char2 acter istics of precipitat ion, t opog raphy , and hydrolog y in ur ban w ater disasters of Jinan City wer e analyzed using t he percentile met ho d and R/ S analysis metho d. The r esults show ed that the number of ex treme pr ecipitation ev ents and the frequency o f r ain2 sto rm ar e co nsistent with the ur banizatio n tr end, the t ime w hen urban w ater disaster s occur is co nsistent w ith the period o f time when rainstorm appears mo st ly, and the futur e trend o f pr ecipitatio n has the possibility of a continuation of the over all trend of pr ecipitatio n in the past years. The frag ile environment o f develo ping hazards caused by the inter act ions between human land use patter ns and natural ecosystems in the souther n mount ains and urban w ater sy stems combined w ith fr ag ile hazard2bear ing bo dies lead to ur ban w ater disasters. Meanw hile, five sugg estions w ere pr oposed acco rding to t he floo d contro l and preventio n ex perience in other countries. The r esear ch can pr ov ide a better understanding o f the fo rmat ion mechanism of urban wat er disas2 ter s, w hich can then offer theoret ical suppor t for the pr ev ent ion of the occurr ence of urban water disaster s.
    16  Eco2environmental water requirement analysis in Huangshui River based on improved Tennant method
    ZHENG Xiaokang HOU H ongy u FU Yongfeng
    2015, 13(4):681-690.
    [Abstract](1480) [HTML](0) [PDF 668.52 K](3398)
    In this pa per, the t raditio nal T ennant method was improv ed. Based on t he or ig inal metho d, a t ypical year in the av erag e annual flow ser ies of many years was selected, w hich r equired that the flow in the ty pical y ear is clo se to the av erag e annual flow of many y ear s. For t he ty pica l year cho sen fr om the river flow process, it has the seasonal w etness and dry ness char acter istics. Use o f river flow in a typical y ear instead o f the av erage annual flow in Tennant method can reflect the seasonal characterist ics of r iver flow . T he results show ed that the eco2environmental water r equirement calculated by the improv ed metho d bet ter re2 flect s the seasonal w etness and dry ness char acter istics in the main str eam of Huangshui Riv er and all reaches of Dato ng Riv er.
    17  Analysis and comparison of determination methods for stable channel
    DAI Wenho ng YAN Zhifang CEH N Yi ZH ANG So ng SH EN Yulong
    2015, 13(4):686-690.
    [Abstract](1392) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.78 M](4168)
    Three typical determination methods o f stable channel, including Yalin and da Silva met ho d, Chang method, and H uang and Nanson method, w ere selected and verified using 323 dat a sets fr om prot oty pe measurement s and flume tests. T he calcula2 tion err or s o f these methods w ere analyzed and compared quantitativ ely. The results show ed that Yalin and da Silv a met ho d has the hig hest pr ecision w hereas Chang metho d has the lowest in the calculatio n of channel w ith stable w idth and depth, and H uang and Nanson method has the highest pr ecision whereas Yalin and da Silva method has lower pr ecision in t he calculation o f chan2 nel w ith stable slo pe. In general, Yalin and da Silva metho d shows a better precisio n and can be recommended for use in t his study.
    18  Optimization of flow distribution of different units in a single2stage pumping station
    LI Zhi LIU Bobo WANG Xinmin LIU Mengtai DOU Yuy ing
    2015, 13(4):691-707.
    [Abstract](1417) [HTML](0) [PDF 786.88 K](3745)
    After the pumping st ation of the w ater tr ansfer pro ject is built, it may car ry o n different water transfer tasks at differ2 ent times. In o rder to finish w ater transfer tasks, the pumping stat ion operates under different w or king conditio ns. Based on the discr et e w or king points of a sing le2stag e pumping station, flow distr ibution of the pump statio n was optimized. T o achieve the maximum efficiency of the pumping statio n sy st em, w e established the flow dist ribution o ptimization mo del under the con2 str aints of pump flow, pump assembly head, and number of o per ating units. Flow dist ributio ns of different units w ere compared under sev eral wo rking co nditions, and the optimal combination o f flow distr ibution o f different units in a sing le2stag e pumping stat ion was o btained.
    19  Research on consolidation test of soft clay under constant loading rate
    ZH OU Wen yuan SH AN Li SONG Xinjiang XU H aibo
    2015, 13(4):695-712.
    [Abstract](1403) [HTML](0) [PDF 829.22 K](3707)
    Consolidat ion test under constant lo ading rate is the test metho d for the co nso lidatio n process o f clay ey so il w ith a con2 stant rate o f contro l conso lidation str ess. Consolidat ion t ests with four different lo ading rates and instantaneo us lo ading wer e car ried out using the GDS advanced consolidat ion testing sy stem. The co nso lidatio n deformatio n character istics of soft clay and the chang e law of po re2w ater pressur e wer e analy zed. The findings indicated that ( 1) the faster of lo ading r ate, the larg er de2 fo rmation rate and the shorter time fo r consolidation o f soil sample; ( 2) the final defo rmation of soil sample is independent of the loading r ate but dependent o n the magnit ude o f co nso lidatio n str ess; ( 3) with the increasing o f loading r ate o f co nso lidatio n st ress, the averag e conso lidation deg ree of soil sample decr eases after loading ; ( 4) t he hig her the loading rate, t he faster the in2 cr easing rate o f por e pressure in the so il sample bo ttom and the lar ger t he ext reme v alue o f por e pressure; and( 5) the por e pres2 sure r eaches the max imum before the completion of loading of co nso lidatio n str ess, then decr eases w hile the effect ive str ess in2 cr eases rapidly.
    20  Identification of modal parameters of water2outlet tower of pumping station under operational excitation conditions
    XU Cundo ng LIU H ui WANG Yanan NIE Junkun WANG Ro ngro ng SH I Guokun
    2015, 13(4):699-703.
    [Abstract](1211) [HTML](0) [PDF 779.02 K](3326)
    The wat er2outlet tow er of hig h2lift pumping station can v ibr ate serio usly and even fail under the ex citatio n o f flow. In order t o study the v ibration char acter istics of w ater2outlet t ow er, accurate identificatio n of its mo dal par amet ers is necessar y. In this paper, the v ibration signals o f a w ater2outlet tower under the operational ex citation conditio ns w ere co llected in the No. 6 pumping statio n of Jing dian phase II project in Gansu Prov ince. Acco rding to the measured vibrat ion data, the modal parameter s of the w ater2o ut let tow er w ere identif ied using two t ime2domain identification metho ds, including the sto chastic subspace ident i2 ficat ion and eig en sy stem r ealization alg or ithm. The identification results w ere com par ed w ith t he simulated results determined by ANSYS finite element method. The results show ed that both metho ds can identify the mo dal par ameters of the water2outlet tow er accurately and the identificat ion results ar e in go od ag reement w ith the simulat ion results o bt ained from ANSYS finite el2 ement metho d. The research can not o nly pr ovide the t heo retical basis for the renewa l design and safe operation monito ring of the w ater2o ut let tow er, but also offer the technical r eferences fo r the identification of mo dal parameters o f the hydraulic struc2 tur es in the ir rigation distr ict.
    21  Water surface slope variation under sand extraction activity in the Ganjiang River
    T IAN Yuxin CH EN Jieren
    2015, 13(4):704-707.
    [Abstract](1308) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.09 M](3649)
    Due to the uno rder ed sand ex traction, the lo cal flow pat tern becomes mo re complex and the navigation conditions ar e effected. Acco rding t o the measur ed river terr ain data and hydro lo gical data, the annual var iations of max imum r iver bed slope hav e been analy zed fo r the r iver r each betw een Zhang shu to Waizhou in the downstr eam of Ganjiang River after sand ex tr action. The river w ater sur face var iation is calculated using the one2dimensio nal mathematical flow mo del under different flow discharg e co nditions, and the relatio nship betw een the local max imum w ater sur face slo pe and riv erbed slo pe is analyzed. The r esult s show that local water sur face slope incr eases sig nificant ly and lo ca l max imum water surface slo pe is closely r elated to r iv erbed slope due to the effects o f sand ext raction, and the maximum water surface slope decr eases and t he effects of riv erbed on w ater sur face slope weaken wit h the increasing of r iver flow dischar ge.
    22  Research on hydraulic model test of Rampura rainwater pumping station
    LEI Heng TAO Yongxia LUO Quansheng
    2015, 13(4):708-712.
    [Abstract](1438) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.04 M](3720)
    In terms of the flow reg ime pr oblems of o pen suction sump in Rampur a rainw ater pumping station, a norma l physical model was built wit h 1: 6 ratio o f g eometr ic scale for the study and its hydraulic test w as conducted. Sev eral ty pical wo rking co nditions wer e analyzed to determine the flow r egime, velocity distr ibut ion, and w ater lev el var iatio n in the intake section, fo re2 bay sectio n, pump chamber sectio n, and different sections o f bell mouth wer e obtained. The r esult s showed that the design and lay out o f each sect ion are reasonable and unsatisfactor y flow regime does no t occur during the o per ating perio d o f the rainw ater pumping statio n, but the flow reg ime can be affected under the operation of low water level. T he physical mo del test is feasible and reasonable, w hich can pro vide refer ence for the design of simila r pump statio ns.
    23  Research on water hammer protection of pneumatic tank
    JIANG Menglu ZHANG Jian LUO Hao LI Do ngzhou
    2015, 13(4):713-725.
    [Abstract](1622) [HTML](0) [PDF 788.13 K](3732)
    Acco rding to the w o rking principle of pneumatic tank, the sur ge cy cle and pr essure fluctuat ion fo rmulae o f the pneu2 matic t ank w ere deduced under the circumstance of pow er2o ff pumping. Compa red w ith the or dinar y air tank, the effects of dif2 fer ent par amet ers o n the perfo rmance o f w ater hammer pr otectio n for pneumatic tank w ere analyzed, and the mathematical mod2 el of the pneumat ic tank in tr ansit ion per iod w as developed. Combined w ith the ex ample o f a lo ng distance w ater supply pro ject, the effects of w ater hammer pr otection bet ween pneumatic tank and o rdinary air tank w er e compar ed using the numer ical simu2 latio n o f t ransition per iod. The r esult s showed t hat pneumatic tank can effect ively elim inat e pump2stopping water hammer in the long distance water supply pr oject and has better pro tect ive features than t he o rdinary air tank.
    24  Experiment on the filtration and back wash of sediment desil ting filter of circular ring
    ZH ANG Linlin SH I Kebin JIAO Wenjuan H U H ao
    2015, 13(4):717-746.
    [Abstract](1369) [HTML](0) [PDF 907.91 K](3561)
    The ex per iment s o n the filtr ation bed in the filter tank of sediment desilting filter of circular r ing wer e conducted to in2 v est igate the filtration perfo rmance o f the filter lay er after the desig n o ptimizat ion and backwashing effects o f the filter lay er af2 ter the filtr ation period. Thr ough the pavement and ex per iment of the filter layer after the desig n optimizatio n, the r esults show ed that w hen t he velocity w as 19 m/ h and the turbidity o f incoming w ater to be filtered w as 50 NTU, the turbidity of efflu2 ent w as close to 0; when the turbidit y o f incom ing w ater w as 300 NTU, the turbidity of effluent w as 3 NTU; and w hen the tur2 bidity of incoming water was below 500 NT U, the turbidity o f effluent w as below 5 NTU, which met the standar d o f r ough fil2 tr atio n in the rur al wat er supply. Mo reov er, w hen the velo city o f f low was 18. 75 m/ h, the tur bidit y of incoming w ater to be fil2 ter ed w as about 400 NTU, t he filtration cy cle r eached 13 hours. T he filter material was clean after six times o f backwashing, the differ ence between upstr eam and downstream water levels r eco ver ed to the o riginal state, filt ratio n cycle w as about 15 minutes, and water consumptio n r ate w as 11 8%. The gr avit y of water w as applied t o flush the silt and sand in the g rit chamber and filter tank, and no additional pow er w as needed. Therefo re, the dev ice achiev ed the objectiv e of energ y saving, environmental pr otec2 tion, and hig h efficiency w hen applied t o the ro ug h filt ratio n o f rura l w ater supply .
    25  Numerical simulation of unsteady hydrodynamic pressure in the stilling basin of flaring gate pier
    QIU Chun LIU Cheng lan
    2015, 13(4):721-725.
    [Abstract](1274) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.07 M](3475)
    The RNG k2E turbulent model and dynamic mesh technolog y w ere applied to simulate the unsteady flow in the st illing basin of Y2shaped flar ing g ate pier dur ing the pro cess of r adial g ate opening . The effects of tot al g ate opening time, w ater head over weir, and initial downstream wat er depth o n the pressur es of anti2ar c and stilling basin w ere analy zed. Thr ee different flow patter ns w ere defined accor ding to differ ent g ate o pening velocit ies. The pressure char acter istics of anti2arc and st illing basin wer e o btained. The results show ed that ( 1) if the to tal g ate o pening time is sho rter, flow lagg ing behind the gate is more obvious and the lag ged maximum pressure is hig her in the impact zone; ( 2) ther e is a linear relationship betw een the max imum pressur e and water head in the impact zo ne dur ing the g ate o pening pro cess; and ( 3) the differ ence betw een the max imum pr essure in the impact zone and aver age pressur e in t he adjusting zone decreases w ith the incr easing o f dow nstr eam w ater depth. T he simulatio n results ag reed w ell w ith the ex per imental data, which sugg ested that t he numer ical simulatio n method is r eliable and can prov ide import ant r eference fo r the reasonable o perat ion of hy dr aulic gate.
    26  Research on crack expanding mechanism of fractured rock tunnel with hydrodynamic pressure
    LUO Sheng XU Mo KANG Xiaobing
    2015, 13(4):726-741.
    [Abstract](1516) [HTML](0) [PDF 685.75 K](3471)
    Based o n t he theor y o f fracture mechanics and the effects of hydrodynamic pr essure o n the fractured ro ck, the condi2 tions that o pen crack in the f ractured ro ck continues to ex pand when it bears t he tensile st ress w hich is per pendicular to the length dir ection of the cr ack, and the application o f cr ack ex panding mechanism in tunnel w ater g ushing( mud) o f fr actur ed r ock wer e inv est igat ed in this paper . T he results show ed that : the hy dr odynamic pr essure changes the stress intensity factor at the cr ack tip by increasing the stress near crack tip to reach the cr itical v alue o f cr ack initiation, thereby causing cr ack ex pand. I n the fractured rock tunnel, hydro dy namic w ater pr essure can no t only incr ease t he str ess intensit y facto r at the crack tip to ex pand cr ack, but also deter io rate the hydrog eolog ical conditio ns in the tunnel due to its er osion actio n, and seepag e defo rmatio n o f the filling medium in fracture o ccurs o r filling medium can be w ashed aw ay to cause tunnel w ater g ushing( mud) .
    27  Estimation of leakage aquifer parameters with simplex2particle swarm optimization algorithm
    YUAN Fan LIU Yuanhui GUO Jianqing WANG Lulu
    2015, 13(4):729-755.
    [Abstract](1293) [HTML](0) [PDF 718.12 K](3363)
    The par ticle swa rm optimizatio n alg o rithm has slow converg ence, pr ematur ity , and lo cal minimum pro blems; therefo re, the sim plex method alg or ithm w as combined with the part icle sw arm alg or ithm to develop a hy br id algo rithm called simplex2 par ticle sw arm algo rit hm g iv en that the simplex met ho d algo rithm has stro ng lo cal search ability. Based on the analy tical so lu2 tions to unst eady w ell flow pro blems in t he fir st ty pe leakage system, the simplex2part icle sw arm alg or ithm w as emplo yed to an2 alyze the pumping test data in o rder to determine aquifer par ameters. Numerical results show ed that the simplex2particle sw arm alg or ithm can analyze the pumping test dat a effectively for the estimation of aquifer par ameters, and this met ho d has stro ng local sear ch ability , fast calculation abilit y, rapid co nv erg ence rate, and hig h accuracy.
    28  Case study of parameter auto2calibration of distributed parameter model based on Condor algorithm
    YAO Chenchen WEI Jiahua
    2015, 13(4):733-770.
    [Abstract](1222) [HTML](0) [PDF 945.29 K](3494)
    Phy sically2based distributed parameter models hav e been widely used to evaluat e and pr edict g roundw ater flow and hy2 draulic respo nse. The traditio na l tr ial2and2erro r approach for ca librat ing the numerical model par ameters depends on the ex per i2 ence and subject ive assessment of the modeler and can be v ery time2co nsuming. In this paper , the Co ndor a lgo rithm, a co nstr ain2 ed, non2linea r, and der ivative2free o ptimizer, is intr oduced into parameter auto2calibration o f a synthet ic g ro undwater mo del. It a2 chieves a complete pro cess of par ameter auto2calibration o f the model. T he co nv erg ence effects ar e compared w ith those using the g enet ic alg or ithm, w hich sugg ests that the Condo r alg or ithm is less affected by the initial par amet ers and impr ov es the o pt i2 mizing efficiency sig nificantly compar ed w ith genetic algo rithm.
    29  Evaluation of stability regional ization of gob based on Plaxis and specification
    ZHOU Aihong YUAN Ying HE Guofeng
    2015, 13(4):737-741.
    [Abstract](1179) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.37 M](3366)
    The sur face subsidence value o f stability r egio na lizatio n index o f a coal g ob w as calculated using Plax is. Based o n the e2 quations in the specificatio n, the surface inclinat ion value, sur face hor izontal deformatio n v alue, and cur vature v alue w ere calcu2 lated, and the cor responding stability r egio na lizatio n maps of the abov e fo ur indexes wer e plo tted using Sur fer. Finally, the abov e stability reg ionalization results w ere compared and analy zed comprehensiv ely, and the comprehensiv e map of stability r eg io nal2 ization of the go b w as plotted using AutoCAD. The results showed that the surface subsidence v alue and sur face ho rizontal de2 fo rmation value have g r eat er influence o n the stability reg io nalization of t he go b, and the status of entire g ob is between basically stable and understable under natural w orking co nditio ns and betw een understable and unstable under lo ading co nditions. T he pr oposed a ppro ach can pr ovide refeencefo r the stability ev aluatio n o f g ob and site selection of pro po sed building abo ve the g ob.
    30  Impact mechanism of groundwater flow on overlying strata movement in the goaf
    WANG Yung uanga ZH ANG Ziyueb
    2015, 13(4):742-746.
    [Abstract](1153) [HTML](0) [PDF 815.94 K](3536)
    T he cur rent r esear ch on t he over ly ing strata mov ement in the co al mine go af r arely consider s the influence of g roundw2 ater flow; howev er, gr oundwater lo ss can result in str ata movement and both facto rs occur simult aneously in some area. In t his paper, the basic form of ov erlying strat a mov ement and t he effects of gr oundw ater flow in t he water2bear ing stratum passing throug h the fr actur e o n the strata w ere analy zed, and the impact mechanism of g ro undw ater flow on the o ver ly ing strata mo ve2 ment in the go af was discussed. The f inding s sugg ested that gr oundw ater flow can / help0 t he o verlying st rata mov ement under cer tain conditions, and long2time g roundw ater flow can cause the ov er ly ing strata mov ement with la rg er ar ea and deg ree and lead to locally sudden co llapse.
    31  Slope stability analysis of high fill canal in the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project based on ABAQUS
    LUO Quansheng CH EN Xiaonan FU Xinhang
    2015, 13(4):747-750.
    [Abstract](1419) [HTML](0) [PDF 849.49 K](3678)
    A two2dimensio nal finite element mo del o f a section o f the high fill canal r each was est ablished using the finite element analysis softw ar e ABAQUS. Based o n the principle o f strength reduction FEM and soil mass cha racterist ics, the slo pe stability of the high fill canal reach w as analyzed, and the reasonable stability and safety fact or o f slo pe w as determined using the insta2 bility judgment basis o f the strengt h reduct ion FEM. The simulatio n r esult s show ed that the crit ical sliding surface obtained from t he str eng th reductio n FEM is almost consist ent with that determined by the limit equilibr ium method, w hich sug gested that using the displacement mutation o f feature po ints and interconnect ivit y of plast ic zone to analy ze the critical damag e o f slope can reduce the estimation erro r and pr ovide the reasonable and unique slo pe safety facto r.
    32  Analysis on distribution and formation of the karst collapse in Tongluoshan of Chongqing
    XIE Xiaotong LI Shaorong LIAO Yunping YANG Le PENG H aiy ou YANG Chang
    2015, 13(4):751-755.
    [Abstract](1413) [HTML](0) [PDF 943.68 K](3848)
    Karst ro cks in To ng luoshan o f Cho ng qing city ar e mainly distr ibuted in the heartland of the To ng luox ia Anticline and Nanw enquan Ant icline, and are mostly the carbonate o f t he Lower T riassic Jialing jiang Formatio n and Middle T riassic Leiko upo Formatio n. The kar st r ocks H dev elo p alo ng t he st rata lay ers unev enly and are char acter ized by v ertical zonatio n, and t he over ly2 ing str at um o n the karst ro cks has a Hdual st ructur eH consist ing of the upper permeable lay er and low er imperv ious layer . Tw o types o f karst collapse dominate in t he study ar ea including the natural co llapse and man2made co llapse, and the nat ur al collapse occur s independently w hile t he man2made co lla pse usually occurs in g r oups. T he distr ibution o f kar st co llapse is affect ed by the distr ibut ion of kar st rock, kar st development, and inducing facto rs. Ka rst collapse in T ongluo shan o f Cho ng qing city is ma inly located in( 1) low2ly ing ar eas in the tro ugh v alley; ( 2) carbonate outcrops w ith karst development; ( 3) ar eas cov er ed by so il layer s wit h thickness o f 3 to 10 meters; and( 4) areas with sig nificantly decreasing gr oundw ater levels. H Gro und collapse in study ar ea is mainly caused by / H subsur faceH erosion and H softeningH2H seepage failureH2H negative pr essureH abso rption0 . Mo reov er, sudden decline in g ro undwater levels resulted from tunnel excav ation thro ug h aquifer is the key o f collapse develo pment.
    33  Three2dimensional simulation demo of large2scale landscape lake
    GAO Xueping T ANG Zhaoyang ZH ANG Chen
    2015, 13(4):756-784.
    [Abstract](1221) [HTML](0) [PDF 936.49 K](3559)
    A simulatio n demo system of a larg e2scale landscape lake has been developed. The sy stem includes the landsca pe and water facility simulations. In or der to r ealize the simulations of pano ramic view and key ar eas, the three2dimensional virtual real2 ity environment of the lake and landscape video of the key areas have been develo ped using the v irtual r eality techno lo gy and Virto ols simulation techno lo gy . T hr ee2dimensional animation techno lo gy is used to make the simulat ion animat ions o f sluice gat e and diaphr agm w all in or der to realize the simulation demo of w ater facilit y. T he simulation demo system of landscape lake has multiple funct ions, such as ser ving the operation manag ement, int roducing the landsca pe lake comprehensiv ely , recreating the beautiful landscape aro und the lake, and showing the key functio ns of the water facility. T he st udy results ar e helpful fo r the co nstr uction of simulat ion demo sy stem of similar larg e2scale landscape lakes.
    34  Design and development of real2time water quantity dispatching system of South2to2North Water Diversion Project in Beijing
    ZH ANG Ho ng
    2015, 13(4):760-764.
    [Abstract](1260) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.26 M](3075)
    After the Middle Ro ute o f So uth2to2No rth Water Diver sion Pr oject has been constructed, a complex w ater supply sys2 tem w ill be formed in Beijing . In this paper , the real2time w ater quantity dispatching system o f Beijing was develo ped based o n J2EE layer ed architecture to adapt to the new water supply sy st em. In view of the actual water quantity dispatching , the desig n co ncept and key techno log y o f real2time w ater quantity dispatching sy stem, and the packag ing of hy dr odynamic model inter face wer e described. The realization scheme of real2time w ater quantity dispatching sy st em based o n GI S platfo rm and Flash wer e display ed. The system is technolog ically advanced, pr actical and reliable, and user2friendly . It combines t he g eog raphic informa2 tion system, calculation, display , and query as a whole, w hich can pro vide effective technical suppor t for r ea l2time w ater quant ity dispatching.
    35  Temporal stability of soil water under different soil coverages
    ZH AO Nana LI Chuanzhe LIU Jia MU Wenbin YU Fuliang XING Jiuping
    2015, 13(4):765-770.
    [Abstract](1522) [HTML](0) [PDF 936.09 K](3427)
    Tempor al stability is an im po rtant factor to analy ze the spatial and tempo ral var iability of so il water , so its study can pr ov ide r eference fo r the prediction of local soil mo isture, ev aluatio n of water reso ur ces, and development of hy dr olog y model2 ling . Acco rding to the r eal2time monito ring o f soil moisture data collected by EC25 senso rs in the hillslope scale o f 2 m2 , the tem2 por al stability of shallow so il water under fo ur different v eg etatio n co ver s ( spring maize, wheat, ry egr ass, and bar e land) wer e analyzed using the r elative difference method and Spearman r and corr elation co eff icient method. Result s show ed that the tempo2 r al stability occur s in t he shallow soil water under different veg etable types and slo pes w ith small MRD and standard dev iatio n values at var ious soil depths. There w as no signif icant differ ence for the t em po ral stability of soil w ater under different slo pes, but obvio us differ ence under differ ent veg et ation types. The tempor al stability of so il w ater for maize and r yeg rass w as obviously low er t han that of w heat and ba re land wit h smaller MRD and standar d deviat ion values.
    36  Transpiration of Salix psammophila and its response to meteorological factors in arid area
    WANG Qiangm in WANG Wenke WANG Zhoufeng AN Kedo ng CH EN Li GONG Chengcheng
    2015, 13(4):771-775.
    [Abstract](1376) [HTML](0) [PDF 880.45 K](3487)
    In or der t o investig ate the r elationship between the tr anspir ation of Salix psammophila and meteo ro log ical facto rs, packaged sap flow gauge w as used to measur e the sap flow v elo cities in the full leaf season and defo liation seaso n. The r esults show ed that ( 1) the sap flow v elo city of Sa lix psammophila branch has a positive corr elation w ith br anch diameter ; ( 2) sap flow velo city incr eases gr adually fr om 7 am in the mor ning , r eaches a peak between 10 am in the mo rning and 3 pm in the aft ernoon, then decreases g radually from 4 pm in the aft ernoon to the low est value ( near zero) aft er 9 pm at night; ( 3) sap flow velo city of Salix psammo phila has an obv iously seaso na l v ariat ion w ith the maximum value in July while the minimum in Nov ember ; ( 4) met eo ro lo gical facto rs ar e the mo st significant factor s affecting the sap flow velo city o f Salix psammophila in the following or2 der: vapor pr essure deficit> sola r radiatio n> air tem per at ur e> relative humidity> w ind speed; and ( 5) there is a sig nificant ly linear relat ionship betw een sap f low velocity and refer ence evapotr anspir ation w ith a cor relat ion coefficient of R2 = 0. 77
    37  Relationship between plant transpiration rate and meteorological factors of walnut trees under drip irrigation
    ZH AO Jinghua H ONG Ming MU H ax i M A Yingjie WANG Changxin
    2015, 13(4):776-779.
    [Abstract](1320) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.06 M](3213)
    The transpirat ion rates of sing le 62year2o ld w alnut t ree at different per io ds dur ing different g rowth stag es in Aksu of Xinjiang wer e measured using the packaged sap flow system produced by Dy namax Company o f America. The r elatio nship be2 tw een the var iation law s of tr anspirat ion rate o f walnut tr ees and met eo ro lo gical factor s w as investig ated. The results indicated that the diurnal var iatio n of the t ranspir atio n rat e show s the sing le2peak curv e in sunny day s, and t he bimodal or multi2peak curv e in cloudy days. T ranspiratio n rat e had a g ood po sitive cor relat ion w ith so lar r adiation and temperature Ta, but neg ativ e co rr elation wit h humidity RH .
    38  Agricultural irrigation water net consumption in the Hebei Plain
    YUAN Zaijian XIE Luyue ZH ANG Bingwen SH EN Yanjun ZHOU Shumei
    2015, 13(4):780-784.
    [Abstract](1208) [HTML](0) [PDF 915.81 K](3745)
    Agr icultural ir rig atio n is the main sour ce o f the g ro undwater resources co nsumpt ion in the No rth China Plain( NCP) . Resear ch on the ir rig atio n water consumptio n can pro vide impor tant reference to the reg ional irr ig ation efficiency and scale. In this paper, based o n the economic st atistical data, conventio nal meteo rolog ical dat a, and gr oundw ater level data in H ebei prov ince from 1981 to 2010, the agr icultural ir rigation water net consumption and its relat ionships w ith precipit ation, temper atur e, g ra in yield, and g roundw ater level w ere investig ated. The results showed that 0. 6 billion tons o f gr ain hav e been pro duced in the H e2 bei Plain in the past 30 y ear s, w hile the ir rigation w ater net consumptio n is about 149. 4 @ 109m3 , w hich causes a decline of abo ut 18 m in g r oundwater lev el. M oreo ver, ag ricultur al ir rigation water net co nsumpt ion has positiv e cor relat ions w ith temper ature, gr oundwat er exploitat ion amount , g roundw ater dept h, and g rain y ield, but has insig nificant corr elation with pr ecipitatio n. In or2 der to ut ilize g roundw ater reso ur ces reasonably in NCP and reduce the decline r ate of gr oundw ater lev el, fur ther development of water2sav ing ag ricultur e is necessary to promote the sustainable develo pment of ag riculture in the reg ion.
    39  Experimental research on reasonable irrigation system of winter wheat in Hebei plain
    WU Jian
    2015, 13(4):785-797.
    [Abstract](1569) [HTML](0) [PDF 664.67 K](3348)
    A reasonable ir rigation sy stem of w inter w heat determined by experiments can achiev e t he effects o f water sav ing, in2 cr eased pr oduction, and environmental pr otection. Ex per iment s on r easo nable ir rigation system of winter w heat in H ebei pla in wer e co nducted, and fo ur ir rigation treatments wer e com par ed under the co ndition o f sufficient seeds, w hich included the ir rig a2 tion quota o f 900 m3 / hm2, 2 250 m3 / hm2 , 2 700 m3 / hm2 , and 3 600 m3 / hm2 in spr ing. The results showed t hat in the plains of centr al and so uther n H ebei Pro vince, r easo nable ir rigation quo ta of winter w heat is in the range of 2 250 to 2 700 m3 / hm2 to generate hig her yield. Fo r the ir rigation quo ta o f 2250 m3 / hm2 , t hr ee irr igat ions can be applied to the wheat joint ing st age, flow er ing stage, and filling stage w ith each o f 750 m3 / hm2 . For the ir rigation quota of 2 700 m3 / hm2 , two irr igat ions can be applied to the w heat jo inting stag e and flow er ing stage w ith each of 1 350 m3 / hm2 . Det erminatio n o f r easo nable irr ig ation sys2 tem of w int er wheat in H ebei plain thro ug h the ex periments can pr ov ide the scientific basis for reasonable irr igat ion, ag ricultural water2sav ing, and increasing pr oductio n.
    40  Operation control of storage compensation of canal system in the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project
    WU H uiming LEI Xiaohui QIN T ao XU H ao WANG H ao
    2015, 13(4):788-802.
    [Abstract](1501) [HTML](0) [PDF 863.29 K](3387)
    The canal system in the Middle Route of the South2to2Nor th Water Div ersio n pr oject has the o per ation mo de o f con2 stant w at er lev el befo re the sluice gat e, which means that t he w ater lev el contro l point of the operat ion mode w ith constant dow nstream w ater lev el is located befo re the sluice gate in the dow nstr eam channel. The o per ation mo de with const ant down2 str eam water level is beneficial for the channel design with the max imum w ater flow , minimum super hig h, and low co st. In t his paper, acco rding to the r esponse, r eco very char acter istics, and sto rag e compensat e t ime o f the o per ation mode w ith constant w a2 ter lev el befor e the sluice g ate, the o per ation co nt rol metho d for constant w ater level befor e the sluice gate was proposed, and the feedforwar d co nt rol strateg y of stor age compensatio n and w ater lev el feedback contro ller w ith cascade lev els of water flow wer e desig ned. T he channels o f the main canal in the Middle Ro ute o f South2to2nor th Water Div ersio n Pro ject w ere used fo r t he re2 search object, operatio n co ntr ol simulatio ns w ere perfo rmed under typical co ndit ions, and t he calculation r esults wer e compared wit h t ho se o f w ater flow compensation and conventional o per atio n contro l method with constant dow nst ream water level, w hich co nfirmed the r eliabilit y of o per atio n contr ol alg or ithm
    41  Evaluation model and its application of agricul tural water price satisfaction
    LI Jing
    2015, 13(4):793-797.
    [Abstract](1356) [HTML](0) [PDF 674.40 K](3691)
    Ther e is a hot debate abo ut ag ricult ur al w ater pr ice reform in r ecent year s, especially the char ge of w ater price. Analy2 sis o f t he impact fact ors of ag ricultur al w ater price satisfaction is essential to determine t he r easo nable ag ricultur al w ater price. In this paper, 21 impact facto rs affect ing ag r icultural w ater pr ice satisfaction wer e selected as the basic var iables, the Analytic Hierarchy Pr ocess ( AH P) and fact or analy sis w ere used to dev elop the evaluation mo del of ag ricultura l water price satisfaction, which was applied in Binzho u o f Shando ng Pr ovince as a case study. T he r esults show ed that the main factor s affecting agr icul2 tur al w ater pr ice satisfactio n include the eng ineer ing const ruction and manag ement level, w ater supply quality , farmer. s income, manag ement mechanisms, and farmer. s bea ring capacity , and the most impo rtant factor s a re wat er supply project const ruct ion2 cost, operation and manag ement co st , end2canal facilities, per capita income o f g rain, farmer. s willingness to pay , and ir rig atio n water qualit y.
    42  Situation and progress of pig wastewater treatment in Poyang Lake Basin
    WAN Li ZH ANG Ho ngtao GONG Xiaofeng WAN Jinbao DAI Yong CH E Jiang ang
    2015, 13(4):798-802.
    [Abstract](1374) [HTML](0) [PDF 938.67 K](3394)
    In this paper, t he characterist ics o f t he ex isting pig fa rm wastew ater quality and tr eatment approaches ( returning , nat2 ural tr eatment, and industr ialized t reatment) in the Po yang Lake Basin wer e summa rized, and the adv ant ages, disadv ant ages, and applicable sco pe of the treatment metho ds wer e discussed. T he combinatio n techniques wer e intr oduced, including the technique for t he larg e2scale pig farm wastew at er tr eatment: IOC2 SBBR2CW and BCO2SBBR2BA2CW technique, the technique fo r the small and medium2sized pig farms: A/ O bio lo gical membr ane reacto r, and MFC technique which can degr ade or ganic matter and recycle energ y at t he same time. Finally, the pr imar y problems w ere pr oposed, including promo ting pig cleaning pr oduction, sol2 v ing the pollution o f heav y metals and antibiotics, and developing microbial technique w ith low tem per at ur e and high.
    43  Development of risk evaluation index system of long2distance water transmission pipeline based on fuzzy simi larity
    LI Dan YAO Wenf eng GUO Fuqing WANG Chuny an
    2015, 13(4):803-816.
    [Abstract](1280) [HTML](0) [PDF 904.14 K](3126)
    Vario us r isks ex ist in the long2distance w ater transmission pipeline pr oject because o f its complex it y. Because the acci2 dent is usually disastr ous, it is not r ealistic to obtain t he fr equency and induced loss of the r isk ev ent. Due to that the vag ueness and co rr elation o f r isk index es usually have sig nificant impacts on the risk assessment results, a fuzzy similarity evaluation meth2 o d w as pr oposed based o n the fuzzy sim ilar ity theo ry and tr iang ular fuzzy number, and it w as used to evaluate the risks for the long2distance w ater tr ansmissio n pipeline project lo cated in the nor theast of China. T he initially identified risk events w ere se2 lect ed, and the fuzzy similarit y evaluat ion method was applied to the r isk index system. T he results show ed that five g ro ups of index es hav e high similarit y, including heavy snow fall and landslide, irr ationality of the o ver all layout of the pro ject and fr equent flow adjust ment, equipment failure and breakdow n o f monito ring sy stem, incomplete management facilities, and inadequate fund guarantee. The r esult s w ere consistent with t he actual conditio ns and the indexes w ith lower weig hts can be eliminated. Co nse2 quently, the complex it y of com pr ehensive r isk assessment can be r educed using the new ly const ruct ed r isk index sy st em.
    44  Research of the spillway lining cracks of Shuangquan Reservoir under different working conditions
    H U Liangming SUN Baocheng ZH ANG Bin
    2015, 13(4):808-764.
    [Abstract](1293) [HTML](0) [PDF 957.21 K](2918)
    With the w ide application o f concrete in eng ineering , the cr ack pro blem has received mo re attention. Cr acks are usually caused by constr uctio n o r o ther ext ernal factor s, w hich no t o nly affect the aesthet ics of str uctur e, but also affect the str uctur e function because cracks can decrease t he permeability and then induce leaking . In this paper , the spillway concrete lining of Shuan2 gquan Reservoir in Anyang County was used as a case study. The finite element model was developed using ANSYS to analyze the varia2 tion rules of temperature and stress fields under different wo rking conditions, and to investigate the causes of cracks in the concrete lin2 ing and initial position of cracks. The measur es fo r temperature and stress contro l of concrete w ere pr oposed.
    45  Damage detection of pressure pipe based on statistical pattern recognition theory
    HOU Xiaoqiang ZH U Junwei REN Jianm in
    2015, 13(4):813-816.
    [Abstract](1196) [HTML](0) [PDF 902.48 K](3163)
    Based o n the statistical patt ern recog nition theor y, t he AMRA tim ing analysis method combined w ith the long auto re2 g ressive mo del residual method and the least squares method w ere used to estimate the model parameter s and then to develo p the sy stem mo del. The mean co nt rol chart method w as used to ex tract and select the v ibratio n information and feature of the pr essure pipe, therefo re the damag e of the pressur e pipe can be ident ified effectively. T he simulation r esult s show ed that struc2 tur al abno rmality test metho d of the mean contro l char t, w hich is based on the statist ical patter n recog nitio n theo ry , can diag2 nose the structur al damage accurately, and is sensitive to the damage deg r ee and location.

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