Volume 13,Issue 5,2015 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Classification forecast method for mid2 to long2term runoff in river basin
    LI Ho ngyan XUE Li jun WANG H ongr ui WANG Xiaox i
    2015, 13(5):817-822.
    [Abstract](1701) [HTML](0) [PDF 695.87 K](3969)
    Based on the basic pr inciple o f hydr olo gic cycle, the basic concept and classificatio n of mid2 to long2term r unof f fo recast are defined from the perspect ive of impact factor s of water vapor so ur ces o f riv er basin r unoff, the met eo ro lo gical fact ors ( mid2 term) , climate facto rs ( long2term) , and ast ronomica l f acto rs ( v ery long2term) ar e selected as the pr edict ors, and the ten2day, monthly, seaso nally ( floo d) or annual runoff tar geting to the outlet sect ion of riv er basin ( or ty pical section) and dro ught and floo d t rend are f orecasted. Thro ug h the compar ison o f the differ ence in the physical mo vement mechanism of w ater vapo r sy st em under different time scales, the r ationality of / shor t2term climate prediction0 as the theo retical basis fo r mid2 to long2term r unoff forecast is demo nstr ated. The impact factor s fo r the r unoff sources in r iver basin and their performance are summar ized as thr ee law s: the per io dic law o f astr onomical facto rs is the main rule, which r eflects the basic st ate of hydro log ical and climat ic pro cess; the r andom law o f atmospher ic cir culation has interference on the basic state o f hydro lo gy and climate, which leads to fluctua2 tion; and the character istic law o f riv er basin reflects the compr ehensiv e effects fr om var ious facto rs, which has par ticular ity . Fi2 nally, the mid2 t o long2term r unoff forecast can be divided into t wo catego ries: runoff pr ocess forecast in no rmal y ear and dr ought and floo d for ecast in abno rmal calamity y ear. T he fo rmer takes the hy dr olog ical and climatic elements as predictor s whereas the latt er takes t he astro nomical factor s as predictor s. In terms of service objects, the fo rmer serv es fo r the regular op2 er ation and scheduling of wat er pr ojects whereas the latt er pr ov ides disaster fo recast fo r disaster preventio n and reduct ion in floo d co nt rol and dr ought resistance departments. In terms o f publicatio n of results, t he former pr ovides the quant itativ e fo recast of r unoff pr ocess whereas the latt er pr ovides t he qualitative for ecast of level 3 ( or level 5) and similar year s. In terms o f fo recast met ho ds, t he fo rmer adopts mathematical statistics met ho d or physical cause co rrelatio n analy sis w hereas the latter ado pts com2 prehensive for ecasting ident ificatio n method of per iodicity , r andomness, and w atershed particularit y.
    2  Variation characteristics of baseflow between Zhutuo and Datong stations along the mainstream of Yangtze River
    CH EN Shuai LU Chengpeng LI Shulei WANG Guan LI Junjiang
    2015, 13(5):823-826.
    [Abstract](1814) [HTML](0) [PDF 834.87 K](3412)
    Abstract:Baseflow is a relatively stable compo nent o f str eamflow, and baseflow separ ation is widely used in the management and research of w ater r eso ur ces, water env ir onment, and water secur ity . In or der to inv estigate the var iatio n of baseflow along the Yangtze Riv er, recursive digital filters method was emplo yed to calculat e the baseflow at seven hydr olo gica l stat ions in the main2 str eam of the Yangt ze River. The research results showed that the BFI ( baseflow index ) is betw een 01 768 and 01 798 at each stat ion. T he r iver reach between Yichang and Luo shan stat ions has the g reatest co nt ribution to the basef low betw een Zhutuo and Datong statio ns, follow ed by the river reach betw een Zhutuo and Cunt an stations, and the smallest is the r iver r each betw een Yichang and Wanxian statio ns. Around the year o f 2000, the basef low in the mainstream of the Yang tze River decreased sig nifi2 cantly . Basef low at Yichang st ation had the hig hest r eduction rate o f 81 82%, follow ed by Wanx ian station w ith a r eductio n rat e of 81 79%。
    3  Dynamic simulation of urban water resources carrying capacity based on system dynamic model ) A case study in Jiamusi City
    JIANG Qiuxiang DONG H e FU Qiang WANG Zilong JI Yi XIE Meng
    2015, 13(5):827-831.
    [Abstract](1410) [HTML](0) [PDF 1002.54 K](3144)
    In o rder to resolve the contradictio n bet ween urban w ater resources supply and demand, to enhance t he sustainable car2 r ying capacity o f ur ban w ater r eso urces, and to realize t he sustainable dev elopment of social economy, the system dynamics met ho d w as applied to build a dynamic simulatio n model of w ater resources car ry ing capacit y in Jiamusi City. Based on t he char2 acter istics of reg ional r eso ur ces utilizat ion and so cioeconomic develo pment, fo ur schemes w ere desig ned to enhance the water re2 sour ces carr ying capacit y, including current situation co nt inuation scheme, po llution co nt rol and incr easing income scheme, lim it2 ing ex ploitat ion and decreasing expendit ur e scheme, and compr ehensiv e coo rdination scheme. The simulatio n r esult s showed t hat the balance betw een w ater resources supply and demand is not r ea lized under t he fo rmer thr ee schemes fr om 2012 to 2030, and water resources sho rtag e still r est ricts the industr ial and ag ricult ur al pro ductio n and socioeco nomic dev elo pment of Jiamusi City. Howev er, t he balance betw een wat er resources supply and demand in 2015 and rapidly so cioeconomic dev elopment ar e real2 ized under the comprehensiv e co ordinatio n scheme. Thus, the comprehensiv e co or dination scheme is t he best scheme t o enhance the w ater r esources car ry ing capacity o f Jiamusi City.
    4  Historical flood recurrence under the impacts of hydraulic engineering
    SUN Xinguo ZHOU Huicheng WU Jian
    2015, 13(5):832-836.
    [Abstract](1913) [HTML](0) [PDF 888.03 K](3346)
    With the r apidly economic dev elopment and incr easing o f po pulat ion, a larg e number o f hy dr aulic pr ojects, such as res2 er voirs, levees, floo d sto rage, and flood detentio n, wer e built in the upstream of Fengman Reservo ir o f t he seco nd So ng hua River Basin, w hich changed the natural water flow and had sig nificant impacts on the flo od discharg e and pro cess. In this paper, based on the measured hy dr aulic engineer ing data, the impacts of water conservancy eng ineering on t he flo od w ere analyzed and ap2 plied to simulate histo rical floo d. The r esults show ed that t he qualificatio n r ate o f floo d simulation incr eases from 57% to 86%. The floo d r ecur rence method under the influence o f w ater conserv ancy eng ineer ing operat ion was dev eloped using the TOP2 MODEL model. U nder the condition of curr ent w ater conservancy engineering , t his method was used to simulate the recur rence of histo rical floo d in the upstr eam o f Wudaog ou in the Fengman Reservo ir , w hich showed the compariso n between the histor ical floo d pr ocess and measured pr ocess. The research results can pr ovide r eference fo r the flo od co nt rol in the riv er basin.
    5  Relationship between climate change and urban development in Yinchuan City
    LIU Yu TAN Junli LI Wangcheng LIU H aijun
    2015, 13(5):837-841.
    [Abstract](1444) [HTML](0) [PDF 893.53 K](3358)
    Based on the meteor olo gical data from 1951 t o 2013 at Yinchuan station o f Ningx ia H ui Autonomous District, the mov2 ing aver age and Mann2Kenda ll t est methods wer e used to investig ate t he climate change trend in Yinchuan, and the relat ionship betw een urban dev elopment and climat ic fact ors in r ecent 20 years w as analy zed using t he mov ing aver age and Spearmanc s Rho test metho d. The results showed that most climatic facto rs var ied slightly befor e 1990, but chang ed signif icantly since then, and the mean, max imum, and m inimum temperatur es incr eased significantly w hile w ind speed, mean relativ e humidit y, and sunshine ho ur s decreased significantly. Comprehensive analysis of the r elationship betw een the ur ban development and climatic factor s show ed that incr easing of tot al industr ial output v alue and building ar ea in the city has a po sitiv e co rrelatio n w ith the increasing of temperature w hile a negative cor relat ion w ith the incr easing of r elative humidit y and sunshine hours.
    6  Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in Putian Ci ty
    LIU Niu ZH ANG Xiane QIU Yaqin LIU Ning DING Xiangy i
    2015, 13(5):842-846.
    [Abstract](1575) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.07 M](3000)
    Based o n the precipitat ion data of each weather statio n in Putian Cit y, t he spatial and tempo ral v ariat ions o f precipitat i2 o n w ere systematically analyzed fr om t he aspects o f spatial distributio n, var iatio n tr end, mutatio n and per iodicity using the meth2 o ds of M ann2Kendall rank cor relation metho d, Mann2Kendall mutation testt, and Mor let wav elet analysis. The results show ed that ( 1) the spatial distributio n o f annual precipitat ion shows an increasing tendency fr om the southeaster n co ast t o the no rth2 w estern mountains in Putian, and precipitation in most of the ar ea has an insig nificantly increasing t rend in the past 57 y ears; ( 2) the inter2annual pr ecipitatio n distr ibution is no t uniform w hile annual precipitat ion is relat ively stable, annual precipitatio n show s fiv e a lternative stages w ith mor e r ain and less r ain in each dist rict of Put ian, and annual pr ecipitation show s a mutatio n from 1996 to 1998 and from 2003 to 2004; and ( 3) annual precipitat ion in each dist rict of Putian show s primary per iodicities of 3 year s, 8 years, 12 y ea rs, and 28 y ears, and the first pr imar y per iodicity is 28 years for all the dist ricts ex cept fo r Zho ngmen sta2 tion, w hich has the fir st pr imary per io dicity o f 22 years.
    7  Spatial and temporal variation characteristics of heavy rainfall in the Huaihe River Basin in recent 60 years
    ZH OU Liangg uang DAI Shibao
    2015, 13(5):847-852.
    [Abstract](1374) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.28 M](3205)
    Based on the daily precipitation data at 44 stations in the Huaihe River Basin from 1951 to 2009, we analyzed the spatial and temporal variation patterns of Precipitation Concentratio n Degree ( PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Per iod ( PCP) of rainstorm, heavy rainfall, and total precipitation in the study area using the methods such as wavelet analysis, Mann2Kendall mutation test, , and krig ing interpolation. The results showed that ( 1) the increasing trend of the rainstorm PCD and PCP is insignificant, but the amount of rainsto rm and total precipitation show a significantly increasing trend with the rate of 21 64 mm/ 10 a and 151 17 mm/ 10 a, respectively; ( 2) the periodicity of the PCD is appro ximately 5 years and 10 years, the periodicity of PCP is appro ximately 5 years and 15 years, and the periodicity of rainstorm and to tal precipitation is appr ox imately 6 to 10 y ears in r ecent 60 y ears; ( 3) there are obvious muta2 tion year s fo r the PCD, PCP, r ainstorm, and total precipitation; ( 4) t he spatial distr ibutio n of rainstorm PCD is uneven in the riv er basin with t he increasing trend fr om w est to east and from south to nor th, and the P CD is hig her in t he area w ith heav ier rainfall and hig her to tal precipitat ion; ( 5) rainstorm PCP o ccur s mo st ly in the middle t o late July , and it is pushed back from no rtheast to nort hw est w ithin a year ; and ( 6) the cor relat ion co efficient betw een the rainstorm amount and r ainst orm fr equency is up to 01 96, so they have similar ly spatia l and tempor al v ariat ions in the H uaihe River Basin.
    8  Variation tendency of dry2wet index in Hillock Area of northern Hubei in the recent 54 years
    LI Xinyao SUN Xiaozhou
    2015, 13(5):853-857.
    [Abstract](1273) [HTML](0) [PDF 903.15 K](3015)
    Based on the daily meteor olog ical data of eig ht w eather stat ions in H illock Ar ea o f nor thern H ubei fr om 1960 to 2013, the v alues of refer ence cro p evapot ranspiratio n and dr y2w et index w ere calculated using t he Penman2Montecito equatio n r ecom2 mended by the FAO, and the v ariat ion tendency and g ener al char act eristics o f dry2wet index w ere analyzed by the methods of Mann2Kendall test and Morlet wavelets analysis. The r esults indicated that ( 1) the dry2wet index has incr eased slow ly with a rate of 01 038/ 10a from 1960 to 2013, and the dry2w et condition has been improved to some extent; ( 2) the dry2wet index is the highest in sum2 mer, fo llowed by spring and autumn, and the low est in winter; ( 3) the dry2wet index has an abrupt chang e from 1980 to 1981; ( 4) the dry2w et index has three periodicities of 3~ 6 years, 8~ 15 years, and 17~ 25 years, and the primary perio dicity is 13 year s; and ( 5) the dr y2w et index has posit ive cor relation w ith relativ e humidity and precipitat ion, and negative cor relation w ith t emperat ur e, w ind speed, and sunshine time, and pr ecipitation is the dominant fact or t o cause the var iatio n o f dr y2w et index .
    9  Impact of groundwater internal discharge on the water quali ty of open channel in theMiddle Route of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
    WANG Xingw ei CH EN Jiajun
    2015, 13(5):858-861.
    [Abstract](1352) [HTML](0) [PDF 840.05 K](2857)
    Guar antee of w ater qua lit y in the M iddle Ro ute o f So uth2to2North Wat er Tr ansfer Project is key fo r successful o per a2 tion of the project . In this study, a coupling mo del int eg r ating w ater quality and quantity betw een channel w ater and g roundw a2 ter along the channel w as developed based on the hydro dy nam ic and advection2diffusion mo dules of MIKE11. The mo del co nsid2 er ed the impacts of gr oundw ater internal discharg e sectio n alo ng t he channel and Beijing2Shijiazhuang section was selected as the simulatio n demonst ratio n sectio n. In terms of the character istics of water quality in the inter nal dischar ge sectio n, NH32N w as select ed as the ty pica l po llutant compositio n. Acco rding to the actual engineering desig n, water quantity of the inter nal discharg e sectio n w as calculated under the most disadvantag e w or king conditions, and the impacts of w ater quality in the internal dis2 charg e section on the channel w ere simulated using the scenario analysis. The r esults indicated that there is no impact on the channel w ater qualit y under the most ser ious scenar io in w hich g ro undw ater inthe inter na l discharg e section is contaminated ver2 y serio usly.
    10  Experimental study on the effects of slope surface of engineering accumulation on overland flow and sediment reduction
    NIU Yaobin GAO Zhaoliang LIU Zizhuang ZHANG Shaojia
    2015, 13(5):862-866.
    [Abstract](1266) [HTML](0) [PDF 972.87 K](2758)
    In or der t o investig ate the effects o f eng ineer ing measures fish2scale pit and lev el ter race on the reduct ion of over land flow and sediment by the steep slope of eng ineering accumulat ion, in this paper, the r unoff sco ur ing experiments w ere used to simulate the runo ff and sediment pro cess in t he steep slo pe o f eng ineer ing accumulat ion with the flow of 40 L/ min and slo pe of 24b, 28b, and 32b . The results showed that ( 1) fish2sca le pit and lev el terr ace can reduce slo pe r unoff and incr ease soil wat er in2 filtr atio n at the early stag e of the pro ductio n flow; ( 2) the intercept ion ability of two measures decr eases aft er the pr oductio n flow and the tw o measur es even hav e adver se effects; ( 3) fish2scale pit can r esult in tw o peaks in runoff intensity w ith t he con2 tinuatio n o f dischar ge time, and soil ero sion rate has two peaks as w ell, w hich o ccur after 6 and 24 minutes o f pr oduction f low ; ( 4) lev el ter race can lead to the staged v ariation of r unoff intensity w ith dischar ge time; ( 5) the w ater log ging phenomeno n ap2 pears in the level ter race and fish2scale pit in the later per io d of product ion flow , so il infiltr ation rate is neg ativ e, w hich indicates that soil w ater r echarg es to r unoff in the early stag e o f pro ductio n flow and leads to the increasing of slo pe erosio n; and ( 6) fish2 scale pit and level ter race have low ered the co rr elation o f pow er function o f cumulativ e sediment y ield and runoff. For the dr ain2 ag e design of st eep slope, the maximum runoff and am plification effect o f slope measures are needed to be considered. For the runoff reg ulation system of steep slo pe, the timeliness of the protective benefit of eng ineering measures is needed to be considered.
    11  Pollution source analysis and ecological restoration for drinking water sources from reservoir in Chongqing City
    LI Yuncheng YANG Ling ZHU Qiande
    2015, 13(5):867-870.
    [Abstract](1217) [HTML](0) [PDF 752.50 K](2728)
    Thir ty2eight drinking w ater sources fr om r eservo ir in Chong qing City w ere selected to investig ate the cur rent w ater qualit y situatio n o f dr inking wat er so urces fr om reserv oir s, and the effects of no npoint source po llution, such as agr icultural fer2 tilizer, soil ero sion, livesto ck and poultry breeding , and sediment pollutio n, and po int sour ce po llution, such as sewag e and gar2 bage, on the dr inking w ater sources fr om reserv oir . In terms of different t ypes of reserv oirs, tw o str ateg ies of resto ration2im2 pro vement and ma int enance2o pt imizatio n wer e put fo rw ard to r esto re the ecolo gy in addition to the str ict co nt rol o n the pollutio n so ur ce. Ecolo g ical r esto ration measures and st rateg ies w ere a lso pr oposed to pro tect the dr inking w ater sources, such as con2 str ucted wetlands, r iparian buffer zo ne, soil water conser vation, and sediment dr edg e.
    12  Preliminary theoretical frame of cumulatively environmental assessment of cascade hydropower development
    SH I Wanli YANG Fan WANG Shangy u CH EN Fengx ian
    2015, 13(5):871-876.
    [Abstract](1264) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.05 M](3267)
    Env ir onmental effects o f cascade hy dr opow er dev elo pment on river ecosystems are lar gely cumulative in natur e, w hich are caused by individua lly minor but co llectively signif icant actions t hat accumulate ov er space and t ime. Assessment of water2 shed cumulativ e effects of cascade hy dr opow er development w ith its mechanisms can enr ich the theo ry o f Cumulativ e Effects Assessment ( CEA) and provide the important basis of cumulative effects of ecolog ical enviro nment w ith watershed development. Based on the theoretical and practical theories on the hydro power development including cumulative effects and evaluation method , the key techniques and problems of CEA are analyzed, and the theo retical frame and practical problems of cumulatively environmental assessment of cascade hydropower development in China are proposed, as well as the adaptive manag ement measur es.
    13  Estimation of ecological water demand in Sanmenxia reservoir wetland
    ZH OU Weibo LI Yue peng WANG Shiy an YANG H eng
    2015, 13(5):877-882.
    [Abstract](1268) [HTML](0) [PDF 709.13 K](2552)
    Based on the hy drolog ical and meteoro lo gical data in 2005 and remot e sensing image interpretation o f fo ur t ime periods ( Febr uar y, June, Aug ust , and Nov ember ) in 2005 in Sanmenxia r eservo ir, var iation o f ecolog ical w ater demand in the w etland in 2005 w as est imated accor ding to the classificat ion of w etlands, and var iation law s o f ecolo gica l w ater demand in differ ent types of w et lands w ere analy zed. The results show ed that the minimum eco lo gical water demand is 81 364 billio n m3 , the suitable eco2 log ical water demand is 141 407 billion m3 , and the ideal ecolog ical w ater demand is 301 45 billion m3 .Water demand for sediment transpo rt is the most impo rtant one of ecolog ical w ater demand, and w ater demand for sediment tr anspor t w as concentr ated in the floo d seaso n fr om June to October w ith the max imum in August o f 21 527 billion m3 . Calculatio n o f ecolog ical w ater demand in the w etland can pro vide basic database fo r ecolog ical water allocatio n and ecological restoration in Sanmenx ia reservo ir wetland
    14  Quantitative inversion model of hyperspectral for turbidity in the Nansi Lake
    CAO Yin YE Yuntao ZH ANG Xiaojuan SH I Yubo JIANG Yunzhong ZHAO H o ngli
    2015, 13(5):883-887.
    [Abstract](1604) [HTML](0) [PDF 922.93 K](2908)
    Based on the measured hy per spectral data and synchronous water qualit y measur ement dat a, thro ug h t he ident ificatio n of hig h hy per spectral bands sensitiv e to w ater turbidity, the o riginal spectr al reflectance model, normalized spectr al reflectance model, band r atio mo del, and first deriv ativ e mo del wer e built and ver ified respect ively. The results showed that the det ermina2 tive coefficients of the four mo dels are all above 0. 75, and the no rmalized reflect ance model in 825 nm and band r atio model of pr ov ide a hig her precisio n to est imate wat er turbidity with the RM SE o f 28. 79 NTU and 24. 23 NTU, respectively . T heresult2 soft hestudy canpro vide t he technicalsuppo rt for thebusiness2or iented manag ement oflarg e2area water tur bidit y remote sensing monitor ing in t he NansiLake.
    15  Assessment of groundwater quality and pollution in the plain area of northern slope of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang
    ZHAO Jiangtao ZHOU Jinlong GAO Yexin LI Qiao
    2015, 13(5):888-894.
    [Abstract](1504) [HTML](0) [PDF 806.62 K](2625)
    Gr oundw ater is o ne o f t he impor tant w ater sour ces of domestic water , industr y w ater, and ir rig atio n w ater in the pla in area of nor thern slope of T ianshan Mountains in Xinjiang . Based on the pH, T DS, to tal har dness, ammo nia, NO2 - , NO3 - , per2 manganate index , F- , Cl- , and SO4 2- values of 77 g ro undw ater samples in 2011, t he sing le factor metho d w as used to evaluat e gr oundwat er quality and ca lculate the pr opor tions of each ev aluatio n index in different g ro undwater qualit y lev els. Gro undw ater po llution w as assessed based on 18 g ro undw ater samples o f the same observ ation well in 2003 and 2011 using the chem ical com2 ponent co ncentrat ion compariso n metho d, and the v ariat ion t rend of gr oundw ater quality and causes o f g ro undwater pollutio n wer e analyzed. The results showed that gr oundw ater w ith quality level of ? and ? in the unco nf ined and co nfined aquifers ac2 counts for 40. 0% and 47. 6% in 2011, and the water qua lity of unconfined aquifer impro ves w hile the wat er quality of confined aquifer deteriorates.
    16  Relationship between soil nutrient and salinity of native shrub2herb communities in the coastal wetland
    CHEN Yo ngjin JING Shuhui DU Tingt ing LIU Jiazhen XU Mengchen LIU Yaqi
    2015, 13(5):895-900.
    [Abstract](1365) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.03 M](2637)
    The distributio n character istics of soil nut rient and soil salinity o f native shrub2herb communities in the Yellow River Delta w etland and their r elationship w ere investigated using the methods of shrub2her b association classificatio n, so il sampling , labor ator y analy sis, and mathematical stat istics. The results show ed ( 1) the v ertical var iatio n o f soil soluble salt differ s sig nifi2 cantly , and the distr ibution of soil salinity o f the Suaeda glauca asso ciatio n and Tamar ix chinensis associatio n show s the trend of surf icial accumulatio n; ( 2) the or der w ith high to low o f so il or ganic mat ter co ntent is Phragm ites communis association, Tamar2 ix chinensis association, and Suaeda g lauca asso ciatio n; ( 3) the C/ N rate o f the shrub2her b communities is hig her than 5, w hich sug gests high humificatio n degr ee of soil o rganic matter ; ( 4) soil to tal nit rog en has a positive co rr elation w ith or ganic matt er, while so il total salinit y has an inver se co rr elatio n w it h o rg anic mat ter and to tal nitr og en, which indicates the restr ictio n of to tal salinity on o rganic matter and total nit rog en; and ( 5) the soil sa linity range from 15 to 20 g / kg cor responds to the tr ansit ion for the r apid to slow r educt ion of so il to tal nitrog en and o rg anic matter. The r esults can pr ov ide reference for the impr ovement of saline soil.
    17  Experimental study of efficient consol idation drainage for tubes filling with soi l material of fine particles
    CH ANG Guangpin WU Xiaonan SH U Yiming LIU Yunfeng GU Ke
    2015, 13(5):901-904.
    [Abstract](1234) [HTML](0) [PDF 832.98 K](2715)
    The co nstr uction speed of embankment with mud2f illed tubes is constra ined by the co nso lidatio n drainag e efficiency af2 ter the filling o f tubes, w hich is r elated to the g radatio n of the f illing soil mater ial. Smaller soil par ticle size r esult s in smaller co nso lidatio n dra inag e efficiency. I n the southeaster n co astal area o f China, ther e a re a lot o f so il mater ial w ith small gr ain size, which can cause ser ious clog g ing w hen they ar e filled into the tubes, and therefo re t he traditio nal co nstr uctio n scheme o f tube filling is no lo ng er applicable. The compar ativ e study of laborat ory tests showed that f illing the tubes w ith the soil mat erial of high content of fine2gr ained part icles can fo rm a soft clay layer at the surface o f tubes and cause difficulty for consolidation. However , o pening o f mud drainag e mo ut h at the surface o f tubes can remov e the mud with fine2gr ained par ticles and then in2 cr ease the dr ainage efficiency. The punching bag precipitation tests also sugg est ed t hat most o f the so il materia l w ith co arser2 gr ained particles appear in the bottom of the bag s while the soil mater ial w ith finer2g rained par ticles occur at the surface of the bag s. The ex istence of drainag e pipe o pening at the surface of the bags w ill not cause loss of coar ser2gr ained so il mater ial.
    18  Dynamic finite element analysis of a landscape sluice in Shanghai
    QIU Jianchunl WANG Xingmei NI Yanbo CH EN Jian CAO Ruizhe
    2015, 13(5):905-909.
    [Abstract](1578) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.20 M](2920)
    Seismic ana lysis should be car ried out fo r the landscape sluice which has the risk o f eart hquake. As an important nu2 mer ical simulation method used in the engineer ing field, finite element method has been widely used for seismic analy sis. In t his paper , a landscape sluice in Shang hai w as t aken as an ex ample. The respo nse spectr um metho d w as adopted to simulate the seis2 mic r espo nse, and the additio nal mass method w as adopted to simulate the ea rthquake dynamic w ater pr essure. Finite element so ftwa re ABAQUS was used to perfo rm the numer ical calculatio ns, to ana lyze the str ess and displacement o f the sluice cham2 ber, and to v erify the validity.
    19  Three2dimensional numerical simulation of morning glory shaft spillway with swirling flow
    SH I ChunRong GUO XinLei YANG KaiLin ZH AO LinMing XIA Qingfu
    2015, 13(5):910-914.
    [Abstract](1277) [HTML](0) [PDF 966.53 K](2950)
    The mor ning g lor y shaft spillw ay w ith sw ir ling flow is a new kind of env iro nmentally fr iendly inner energ y dissipa2 tion. Compared w ith the t raditio nal morning g lo ry shaft spillwa y, mo rning g lo ry shaft spillway with sw irling flow has obviously differ ent f low pattern, co rro sion mechanism, and ener gy dissipation. As a new type of mo rning g lo ry shaft spillw ay, its complex flow characterist ics a re no t illustrated clear ly . In this paper, the shaft spillway of Qing yuan pumped st orag e pow er stat ion w as select ed as the study object. Based o n t he RNG k2E tw o2equatio n mo del for turbulent flow and VOF method, thr ee2dimensional tur bulent flow in the inlet and o utlet of mo rning g lo ry shaft spillway w ith swirling flow w as simulated. Analytical calculations wer e perfo rmed to character ize some hy dr aulic parameter s. T he var iatio n law o f flow pattern, pr essure, v elocit y, and cav itatio n number was obtained. The calculated results w ere in g ood ag r eement w ith the observ ed data. The dischar ge ca pacity and hig h ef2 ficiency of ener gy dissipation wer e verified by the numerical simulatio n.
    20  Coupling effect of water and gypsum on loess collapsibility
    ZHANG Xiaolong CU I Zizhi YANG Ningning
    2015, 13(5):915-917.
    [Abstract](1055) [HTML](0) [PDF 776.10 K](2473)
    or der t o ex plor e t he coupling effect of w ater and g ypsum on loess co llapsibility a uniformly m ix ing test scheme w as car ried out to st udy the coupling effect based o n the factors of mo isture co nt ent and g ypsum content o f loess. T he nonlinear re2 g ression mathematical model bet ween the co lla psibility coefficient and g ypsum content and moisture co ntent w as develo ped by the least squar es fit ting method. The results showed that gy psum co ntent has sig nificant effects on loess collapsibility, the loess co llapsibilit y co efficient has a decr easing ex ponent ial relatio nship w ith gy psum co ntent and mo isture co ntent, and the coupling of water and gy psum can decrease the co llapsibility of loess.
    21  Vibration mode analysis of blade based on the wind turbine with horizontal axis under icing condi tions
    MAO Jun FU Chunt ian CHEN H ongy ue YU Yanho ng
    2015, 13(5):918-921.
    [Abstract](1186) [HTML](0) [PDF 742.70 K](3101)
    In this paper , a three2dimensio nal f inite element model of the blade o f w ind turbine with hor izontal ax is w as car ried o ut under the icing co ndit ions. The resonance of impeller blade str ucture was analyzed under the icing conditio ns and the natura l f re2 quency of blade w as compar ed. Accor ding to the research content, t he g eometr ic parameter s of the impeller blades wer e deter2 mined, and the 3D so lid draw ing o f the blades w as per formed using the Pr o/ E softw are. The Fluent soft war e w as used to simu2 late the icing conditio ns of thr ee2dimensional blade, and the ANSYS st ructur e analysis so ftw are was used to simulate the f rozen blade. The Lanczo s Blo ck was used to perfo rm the analy sis o f g rav itatio na l pr elo ad of the blade. The multi2body dynamics meth2 o d w as used to determine the v ibration t ype, mode, and max imum displacement of each or der of blade. The numerical simulatio n and analysis results of the first 102or der o f blade wer e o btained and compar ed. The r esults show ed that the main vibrat ion mode of the blade is shimmy and w aving , and the blade has a stro ng resistance ability to to rsio n. Therefo re, t he desig n o f blade sho uld st reng then t he bending rig idity , w hich pr ovides refer ence for the desig n and o pt imizatio n o f wind turbine blade.
    22  Direct shear test on expansive clay in Nanyang under freeze2thaw cycles
    XU Lei LU Yang ZONG Jiamin SONG Yingjun
    2015, 13(5):922-925.
    [Abstract](1310) [HTML](0) [PDF 886.58 K](2802)
    Par t of ex pansiv e clay channel in the M iddle Route o f South2to2Nor th Water T ransfer Project ( SNWTP) in China is located in the seasonal fr ozen so il r egion. In or der to inv estigate the effects of fr eeze2thaw cycle o n the shear st rength and vol2 ume chang e of ex pansiv e clay, direct shear test w as conducted o n the ex pansiv e and non2ex pansive clay samples w hich had expe2 r ienced the freeze2thaw cycle, and then the sizes o f sam ples w ere measur ed. The results showed that ( 1) the shear str eng th de2 cr eases g radually at the initial st age of f reeze2thaw cy cle and then incr eases g radually with the decr easing of w ater content ; ( 2) during the pr ocess o f fr eeze2thaw cycle, t he vo lume chang e of no n2ex pansiv e clay appears as " fr ost heav ing and thaw collap2 sing ", while the v olume chang e of ex pansive cla y appears as " fr ost shr inking and thaw ex panding "; ( 3) the var iatio n o f dr y den2 sit y does no t aff ect the shear str eng th and volume chang e of clay, and the ex pansiv e clay w ith higher dry density has smaller fi2 nal volume shrinkage; and ( 4) the shear strength of ex pansive clay w ith w at er retentio n measur e decreases g radually at the fir st three freeze2t haw cycles, then tends to be stable, and its final v olume is not affected by dr ying shr inkage.
    23  Continuous moni toring technology of parallel electrical method for the infiltration characteristics in the dam body
    T AN Lei H U Xiongw u ZH ANG Pingsong XU H uali ZUO Wanghui
    2015, 13(5):926-930.
    [Abstract](1217) [HTML](0) [PDF 944.79 K](2689)
    The infiltration characteristics of dam body is an impo rtant index of reservoir safety test. The routine testing methods have the shortcoming s such as lack o f enoug h measuring points, high cost, and vulnerability, thus they cannot produce economic benefits. Accord2 ing to the relationship between the measured resistivity and soil moisture content, we put forw ar d a new idea of using the parallel electri2 cal technology to continuously test the infiltration characteristics of dam body. Based on the numer ical simulation of response characteris2 tics of dam resistivity caused by w ater level variation in the dam body and the laboratory physical model test, the parallel electric tech2 nique can be used to monito r the dynamic pro cess of dam w ater level var iatio n. According to the variation r ate of resistivity measured in the same monitoring po int before and after water level variatio n and the ratio parameter analysis technique of vertical resistivity meas2 ured in different positions of surv ey line, we can visually calibrate the position of water level in the dam body. The in2situ monitor ing re2 sults proved the feasibility of the parallel electr ic technolog y in detecting the infiltration characteristics of dam body , which can prov ide powerful technique support for the safety evaluation and treatment of r eservo ir dam.
    24  Crank2Nicolson discrete form of pipeline water hammer equation and its engineering application
    LI Na JIN Sheng DING Weiy e WANG Youqing
    2015, 13(5):931-934.
    [Abstract](1379) [HTML](0) [PDF 818.27 K](2986)
    In or der t o simulate the hydraulic tr ansit ion pro cess in the pipeline, a new model o f hydraulic calculation of pressur e pipe w as established. The finite v olume metho d was used to conduct the spatial and t em po ral integ ratio ns for the o ne2dimension2 al equation of water hammer pr essure pipe , the implicit Crank2Nicolso n scheme of central difference of time w as used to treat the pa rtial differ ential items, and the discrete format of w ater hammer equatio ns with the second or der accuracy and unco ndit ion2 al stability was obtained. The ex ample w ith analytic solutions w as used to v erify the met ho d accuracy . Thr ough the simulation of opening and closing pro cesses o f H uinanzhuang pum ping station o f t he South2to2Nor th Water Div ersio n Project in Beijing , pres2 sure fluctuatio n can be predicted, therefor e ear ly respo nse measur es can be pro po sed to reduce the o ccur rence probability o f w a2 ter hammer and the adver se effects of pressur e fluctuatio n, and t he trainset co nditions can be chang ed into no rmal o per ation. T he met ho d has go od eng ineering applicat ion.
    25  Assessment of influence area and emergency plan for debris2flow dammed lake - A case study in Mozi Gully of Wenchuan, Sichuan
    LIU Jingjing SUN Zhengchao CH ENG Zunlan
    2015, 13(5):935-940.
    [Abstract](1359) [HTML](0) [PDF 989.23 K](2930)
    After the "5. 12 Wenchuan ear thquake" , a lar ge number of new and old debr is2flow g ullies increase their activities, and the possibility of dammed lake fo rmed by debris flow increases as w ell. The dam formed by debris flow is unstable, and ther e are only a few hours f rom the dam fo rmatio n to outbur st, so it is diff icult to conduct man2made eng ineer ing interv ention. Assess2 ment of influence a rea and establishment of emergency plan for debr is2flow dammed lake are necessar y and effective for disaster reductio n. The dam2failure flood caused by debris2flow dammed lake is differ ent from the tr adit ional flood or the outburst of man2made dam, which is an infrequent disaster ty pe in the emerg ency plans. The Mozi Gully was cho sen as the study object, and the pr inciples and preparatio n metho ds of emerg ency plans wer e put fo rw ard on the basis of r isk assessment fo r the outburst of debris2flow dammed lake. Fir st, the po tent ial peak f low , flo od heig ht, and outbur st dur atio n time w ere determined fo r the out2 burst of debris2flow dammed lake. Second, the inundat ion area w as circled and r isk po pulation was estimated throug h f ield sur2 v ey, and po ssible escape r oute and after car e locations w ere cho sen acco rding to ter rain co ndit ions. Finally, t he notificat ion pr oce2 dures, secur ity measures, and time node o f emerg ency plan star ting and ending w ere set based on go vernment al administr ativ e arr ang ements. T he emerg ency plan fo r the Mo zi Gully can lay the foundatio n for t he similar plans of other dang erous debr is2flow gullies and impr ove the response efficiency of debr is2flow dammed lake.
    26  Application of geophysical prospecting techniques in identification of water2rich conditions of fault fracture zone
    ZH ANG Baoy un YAO H ongzhao WANG Yang ZH ANG Wei JIA Changx iu
    2015, 13(5):941-945.
    [Abstract](1473) [HTML](0) [PDF 865.91 K](2729)
    The tunnel passes throug h the larg e fault, and the wat er2r ich conditions o f the fault can have gr eat impacts o n the safe2 ty of tunnel const ruct ion. In or der to prevent the occur rence of w ater inrush dur ing the const ruct ion, the water2rich co ndit ions of lar ge fault ar e investig ated using the g eo phy sical pr ospecting method. In this paper , the preliminary ex plor ation o f tunnel con2 str uction in the Gucheng mine of Shanxi Pro vince was taken as an ex ample. T he fault str ucture w as analy zed by the contr olled2 so ur ce shallow seismic technique, which can pr ovide the geo lo gical structur e and litholog y of the ar ea w here the tunnel passes. The frequency domain electromagnetic so unding metho d w as used t o inv estig at e the w ater2 rich co nditions and hydraulic conduc2 tivit y of the fault, the sto rag e co ndit ions of Permian sandstone water and Or do vician limestone w ater, and karst fracture condi2 tions. The source fo r water2rich conditions and hy dr aulic propert ies o f t he fault w ere analyzed by the abov e two g eophysical techniques.
    27  Stabi lity analysis of Yintaishan slope in Huangling County
    PAN Wangsheng LU Yudong
    2015, 13(5):946-952.
    [Abstract](1519) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.21 M](2810)
    Acco rding to the unstable status o f o ld landslide in Yint aishan of H uang ling Co unty , the physical pro per ties and shear2 ing strength o f so il samples collected in the field w ere determined thro ug h labo rato ry tests. Based o n the analysis of seepag e pr ocess and action mechanism of unsatur ated soil, the impacts of g ro und fracture on the stability of Yintaishan slope w ere dis2 cussed, and the pro cess was simulat ed using the geo2studio2007 so ftwar e. T he results show ed t hat there is an obvio us co rrela2 tion betw een pr ecipitation intensity and duratio n and slope st abilit y, and slope stability decreases with t he increasing o f pr ecipi2 tat ion intensity and duration. The ex istence of g ro und fr actur e can affect slope stability . On one hand, the pr eferential f low gen2 er ated by g ro und fr actur e can affect t he st ress equilibrium of so il slo pe thro ug h the v ariation of po re w ater pressur e; on the other hand, the interaction between the pr eferential flow and interface o f so il lay er can change the interface of so il layer into the prior i2 ty slip surface and then affect slo pe stability . Finally, based on its adver se impact of fr actur e, some sugg estions o f prev ention and treatment wer e put fo rw ard, such that the ant i2slide pile should be co nsidered at the beg inning of slope to increase the antiskid resistance and t he fr act ur e is filled wit h the o rg anic matter to av oid the pr eferential flow .
    28  Groundwater chemical characteristics and formation mechanism of Hanshuiquan region in Xinjiang
    WU Xia WU Jinro ng ZH OU Jinlong DU Jiangyan Li Qiao
    2015, 13(5):953-958.
    [Abstract](1624) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.17 M](2760)
    Study on the g ro undwater chemical char acteristics in natural state is o f g reat import ance fo r the investig atio n and anal2 y sis of g ro undwater co ntamination. In this paper, the statist ical analy sis method of Shukar lev classificatio n, and softw are of SPSS, MAPGIS, and Surfer wer e used to analy ze the ev olution character istics o f chemical components in the ho rizontal and ver2 tica l directio ns based o n the 39 g roundw ater samples collected fr om the H anshuiquan r egion in Xijiang and the hydro geo log ical co nditions in the area. T he r esults show ed that ( 1) there are four hy dr ochem ical ty pes including SO42Na# Ca, SO4 # Cl2Na# Ca, Cl# SO42Na# Ca, and Cl2Na; ( 2) TDS has signif icant cor relat ion w ith K+ + Na+ , Ca2+ , and Cl- in unconfined g ro undw ater while TDS has significant cor relation w ith K+ + Na+ and Cl- in co nfined gr oundw ater; ( 3) spatial distr ibution of the main io n co ncentrations is consistent w ith that of TDS; ( 4) T he TDS, main ion co ncentrations, and gr oundw ater hydro chemical types hav e apparent zonations; and ( 5) leaching, io n ex change, concentr at ion, and mix ing ar e the major pr ocesses to fo rm the gr ound2 w ater hy dr ochemica l ty pe.
    29  Performance analysis of unsteady flow equation with first kind of leakage recharge
    FANG Bei LIU Yuanhui GUO Jianqing
    2015, 13(5):959-962.
    [Abstract](1231) [HTML](0) [PDF 820.19 K](2559)
    When the or iginal data has r andom err or s, the H antush equat ion for the fir st kind o f leakag e aquifer system can trans2 fer the er ro rs w hen it is used in the calculations of the dir ect and inv erse pr oblems. T he conditio nal numbers to char acterize the per formance of H antush equat ion hav e been der ived, and the appr ox imate relationship between the er ro rs from the calculat ed re2 sults and err ors from the or ig inal data is determined fo r the dir ect and inver se pro blems. On the basis, the transfer effect s of dif2 fer ent u and r/ B v alues o n the random er ro rs from the o rig inal dat a ar e obtained, the v ariat ion curv es of condit ional numbers for char acter izatio n o f the transfer effects a re plo tted, and the scopes of u and r/ B values ar e determined w hen the direct and inver se pr oblems have / bad per formance0.
    30  Hydrochemical characteristics and isotope analysis of geothermal water in Liangxiang geothermal field
    LIU Yingchao LIU Kai SUN Ying LIU Jiuro ng GUO Gaox uan
    2015, 13(5):963-967.
    [Abstract](1566) [HTML](0) [PDF 982.97 K](3223)
    Acco rding to the g eo thermal settings, hydrochemical dat a, and research o n the iso topes of DD, D18O, 3H, 14 C in geo ther2 mal water in the Liangx iang geo thermal field, the or igin, metamo rphism and evo lutio n, and hydro lo gical character istics o f iso2 to pes o f geot hermal water w ere investig ated. The results sugg ested that ( 1) the hydrochemistr y type o f g eothermal w ater in the Liang x iang g eothermal field is mainly H CO3 # SO42Ca# Na# M g, and the geo thermal w ater co nta ins miner al com ponents with medical benefits, especially chlo rine and metasilicic acid; ( 2) accor ding to the ana lysis o f ion concentrat ions, the geo thermal w a2 ter is lixiviated and belong s t o initially metamo rphic water ; ( 3) t he g eothermal water is immature based o n the w ater2r ock bal2 ance status; ( 4) the geothermal w ater is mainly fo rmed by t he mix ing o f g eo thermal heat source w ater and modern cir culating water supply fr om the southwest of Beijing multiphase fault2subsidence; ( 5) the age of g eothermal w ater is about 38 960? 630 years based on the iso tope analysis of 3H and 14 C; and ( 6) the recharg e elevatio n o f the geo thermal w ater is abo ut 620 to 730 m acco rding to the stable iso tope calculations o f ox yg en and hydrog en, and the r echar ge source is t he mountain ar ea w ith relativ ely low er elevatio ns in the southwest of Beijing.
    31  Features and measures of Bainiba gully debris flow in Mianning County
    GUO Ning
    2015, 13(5):968-972.
    [Abstract](1023) [HTML](0) [PDF 871.33 K](2543)
    Bainiba g ully is located in the middle section of the fault zone in the Anning River, where debr is f low is well dev eloped due to the influence o f ver tical lifting and depr essing w ith difference in fault blo cks. Based on the quantit ative calculation of the area2alt itude analy sis metho d, the g eomo rphic development is in the adult stage and beneficial t o the fo rmatio n of debris f low , and the hazard po tential g rade o f debris flow is medium. The debris flow so urce co nsists of four part s, including ebo ulement ac2 cumulatio n, landslide accumulatio n, gully depo sit, and slo pe er osion mater ial. The to tal quantit y of loose solid mater ial is 211 39 @ 104 m3 , and the possible dy nam ic r eser ve contr ibut ing to t he debris flow is 4. 88 @ 104 m3 . Thr ough site investig atio n and analy sis, the instability o f dynamic environment in the basin is the main facto r to cause debr is f low , and the o ccur rence pr ob2 ability of small2 and medium2sized viscous debris flow is mo re than 85%. The pr oposed measur es fo r debr is flow preventio n ar e mainly multilevel o bstr uction.
    32  Modeling and optimizing reservoir operation for trade2off between water supply and power generation objectives
    LI Xiang WEI Jiahua SI Yuan YIN Do ngqin
    2015, 13(5):973-979.
    [Abstract](1211) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.24 M](2742)
    This paper focuses on the optimal o per at ion o f a wat er supply reserv oir and considers both the wat er supply and pow er generatio n objectives and the tr ade2o ff betw een the tw o objectives. The water supply model, power pr oductio n model, and multi2 objective model are fo rmulat ed and so lved by quadratic pr og ramming , mixed integ er linear pro gr amming, and nonlinear pro gr am2 ming , r espectiv ely . The hig h2dimensional, nonlinear, and multi2o bjective difficulties inherent t o the o ptima l operation o f r eser vo ir sy stem are invo lv ed in this study . A two2reserv oir pr oblem is taken as a case study and r eso lv ed effect ively and efficiently using the o ptimizat ion so ftwar e LINGO. The st udy pr ov ides a demonst ratio n for r eservo ir operat ion w ith water supply and pow er gen2 er ation as the main objectives.
    33  Evaluation of impact factors of smart water construction based on TOE Framework
    ZH ANG Yiming TIAN Yu JIANG Yunzho ng
    2015, 13(5):980-984.
    [Abstract](2763) [HTML](0) [PDF 752.24 K](11381)
    Based on the T OE theor et ical fr amewo rk ( T echnolo gy2 Or ganizatio n2Environment) and the specific situation of smart water co nstr uction, the TOE framew ork w hich affects smart water constructio n was developed, and the effect s of each impact facto r o n the construction and development o f smar t w ater wer e analyzed from the technical, o rg anizat ional, and env iro nmental dimensions. T he technical dimensio n factors include the technica l superio rity, complex it y, compatibility , and o bser vability. T he org anizational dimension factor s include the const ruction necessity, demand urg ency , and co nstr uction feasibility . The envir on2 mental dimension factor s include the support sy st em, standard system, and info rmation securit y. On the basis, analyt ic hierarchy pr ocess ( AH P) w as used to determine the pr ior ity of the impact facto rs. The results showed that the or ganizatio nal dimensio n facto rs and technical dimension fact ors have hig h impacts on smart water construction w ith the weig ht o f 49% and 31% o ver the index system respect ively. Amo ng the impact factor s, const ruct ion necessity has the hig hest weig ht ( 25%) , follow ed by technical super io rit y ( 16%) , demand urg ency ( 12%) , and construction feasibility ( 12%) . The r esear ch pr ov ides an effectiv ely new metho d fo r the quantitative analy sis of impact factor s of smar t w ater const ruct ion, and the evaluation r esult s can prov ide import ant r eference fo r decision2making of w ater secto r and develo pment of w ater business.
    34  Comprehensive assessment of pump station operation based on genetic projection pursuit model
    ZH OU Qihui FANG Guohua WU Xuew en LIU Qin SUN Ho ngbin WANG Yongnian
    2015, 13(5):985-989.
    [Abstract](1103) [HTML](0) [PDF 736.92 K](2482)
    In o rder to unfold the comprehensiv e assessment o f pump operation o ptimizat ion mo re scientifically and reasonably, the pr incipa l component analy sis ( PCA) w as applied to the optimal selection o f evaluatio n indexes. On the basis o f co nstr ucting the char acter istic index set of pump operat ion o pt imization, the high2dimensional data w ere pro jected onto the low2dimensio nal space using the Genetic Pro jectio n Pur suit Model ( GA2PP) to det ermine the o ptimal pr ojectio n directio n. The pro jectio n index value was obtained f rom the calculat ion of the optimal project ion directio n and linear pro jectio n o f ev aluatio n indexes, w hich can syn2 thesize the v ir tues or defects deg ree of pump o per atio n o pt imization and conduct a unifo rm evaluation, and further pr omo te the eco nomical operatio n capacity of pump station and comprehensiv e level of united optimal o perat ion o f pumping station system. A calculatio n ex ample for the daily optimal operation o f the No. 4 H uai. an pumping station w as conducted. T he results show ed that the appro ach can avo id the a rtificial distur bance o f t raditio nal metho d in the weight value identif ication to the max imum ex2 tent and the evaluat ion results of pr ojectio n pursuit not o nly have low cost but also are suitable fo r practical operation.
    35  Scheme optimization of water transfer in the Yalong River based on fuzzy optimization method
    WANG Linghe WANG Hao ZH OU H uiCheng YAN Denghua JIN Xin
    2015, 13(5):990-994.
    [Abstract](1122) [HTML](0) [PDF 751.40 K](2451)
    Scheme selectio n is common in eng ineer ing co nstr uctio n, , and the best scheme can balance the benefits f rom differ ent aspects. Fuzzy optimization metho d is w idely used in scheme selection o f engineer ing pr ojects due to its strict log ic o f mathemat2 ical and philo sophical thinking. In t his paper, fuzzy optimization metho d w as used to select the best scheme for t he w ater trans2 fer in the Yalong Riv er in consideratio n of the eco2environment al impacts. The r esult s showed ( 1) under the same w ater tr ansfer scale and different water transfer pro cess, v ariation of w ater t ransfer pr ocess can incr ease the adver se effects of water transfer; ( 2) under t he same wat er t ransfer pro cess and differ ent water t ransfer scale, reduction of w ater transfer scale can benefit the ec2 o lo gical env ir onment; and ( 3) w ater transfer is better co nducted during the flood season and water t ransfer scale can be reduced in order to decr ease it s impacts on the eco lo gical env ir onment.
    36  Relationship between pollutant reduction and ecological compensation in the Taihu Lake
    FAN Xiaofen JIANG H ong SH I Deng rong LIU Zhuang
    2015, 13(5):995-999.
    [Abstract](1259) [HTML](0) [PDF 841.92 K](2638)
    The calculation of eco lo gical compensatio n amount in t he tr ansboundar y basin is a ho t topic of cur rent eco lo gical com2 pensation. In t his paper, the eco lo gical compensation standard and eco lo gical compensatio n amount can be considered as the same concept w itho ut co nsidering pollutant flux . Based on the total co st of water shed po llution contr ol and reg io nal pollutio n co nt rol cost, the r elatio nship between reg ional po llutant r educt ion and ecolo gica l compensatio n amo unt in each area of the Tailu Lake w as inv est igated. Resear ch r esult s sugg ested that the differ ence betw een the actual reductio n amount and the theor etically optimal reductio n amo unt of a certain ar ea determines the dir ection and amount of ecolo g ical compensation, and the difference has a positive cor relat ion w ith the eco log ical compensation amount.
    37  Suggestion and thought on how to guarantee the col laborative work of river and reservoirs in Dongguan
    ZHANG Lijuan H AN Jiang
    2015, 13(5):1000-1002.
    [Abstract](1354) [HTML](0) [PDF 721.05 K](2645)
    In or der t o reso lve the problem o f being dependent on pumping w ater from the Do ng jiang Riv er without sto rag e capa2 bility and causing the lack of w ater dur ing the dr y per iod in the middle and coastal area of Dongg uan, the constructio n of collab2 o rative wo rk of riv er and reservo ir pr oject is pr oposed to impr ov e the water supply guar antee rate and the ability to respo nd the emer gency w ater pro blem. In this paper , several sug gestio ns are proposed to address the quest ions o f how to carr y out the w a2 ter resour ces pr otectio n plan, to adjust the w ater supply pattern, and to conduct water pr ice r eformat ion, ther efo re the collabor a2 tive w ork can play its impo rtant r ole w ith the economic, so cial, and ecolog ical benefits.
    38  Application of fuzzy matter element model based on Euclid approach degree on vulnerability assessment of water resources
    MA Dongmei CH EN Dachun
    2015, 13(5):1003-1007.
    [Abstract](1689) [HTML](0) [PDF 689.07 K](2684)
    The wat er resources vulnerability ev aluatio n index system and gr ade standard in Urumqi wer e develo ped using the fuzzy matter element theo ry based o n Euclid appr oach deg ree from three aspect s of benefit level, w ater r esources quant ity, and eco log ical enviro nment, and the dy namic var iatio n of long2series w ater resources v ulnerability in Urumqi w as evaluated quant ita2 tively using the fuzzy matter element evaluation model. T he evaluation results wer e compared with those obtained fr om the g rey co rr elation analysis and fuzzy compr ehensiv e ev aluatio n, the fuzzy matter element model w as pro ved to be suitable fo r the as2 sessment o f water resources v ulnerability in Ur umqi. T he ev aluation results show ed that the v ulnerability level o f water re2 sour ces in U rumqi increases fr om 2005 to 2011, and w ill reach g rade ? in 2015 and 2020. Therefor e, w ater reso ur ces in Urumqi become mo re vulnerable in future.
    39  Development and application of comprehensive experiment platform for rotatable open channel flow
    RONG Guiw en YUAN Yue XIAO Baiqing XU Guangquan
    2015, 13(5):1008-1010.
    [Abstract](1250) [HTML](0) [PDF 718.85 K](2750)
    In or der to cultivate the innov ative ability o f co lleg e students and over come the disadv antag es in the ex periment dev ice of single open channel flow , such as simple ex per iment co ntent, o ccupation of larg e area, and high cost, a compr ehensive ex per i2 ment plat form fo r ro tatable o pen channel flow w as develo ped based on the co nv entional hydraulic exper iment appar atus and bas2 ic pr inciple of fluid flow . The ex per iment plat form used t he ro tatable metho d to integr ate differ ent open channel flow ex per i2 ments, w hich can meet the demand of co nducting var ious co nv entional open channel f low experiments in the same platform, and the demand of mo der n teaching including the compr ehensive, designed, and inno vativ e tr aining plans. The platfo rm has the ad2 v antag es of perfect desig n, complete funct ion, and co nv enient r eestablishment, w hich is o f impo rtant sig nificance for the cultiva2 tion of innovat ive talents w ith w ater conservancy major .
    40  Comprehensive evaluation method of levee engineering safety
    H UANG Jinlin YANG Guanghua WANG Sheng
    2015, 13(5):1011-1015.
    [Abstract](1226) [HTML](0) [PDF 680.58 K](3279)
    The safet y evaluat ion of levee eng ineering is o ne of t he important co nt ents o f safety evaluation of water conserv ancy eng ineering. The wat er conservancy industr y is lack o f related technica l standar ds. In o rder to impr ov e the operability of safety ev aluatio n o f lev ee eng ineering , the ev aluatio n principle, ev aluatio n content , evaluat ion method, and eva luation co nclusio n of lev ee eng ineering safety wer e discussed. T he comprehensive evaluat ion metho d o f levee eng ineering safety w as pr oposed based on the eng ineering qua lit y ev aluatio n, operatio n management evaluation, and engineer ing safety check. In addit ion, the cor respo nding classificatio n pr inciple of comprehensive evaluation w as illustrated, which can be used as r eference for the safety evaluation of levee engineer ing .
    41  Value analysis for equivalent roughness of pressure FRP pipe with large diameter
    CH ANG Sheng MU Zhenw ei WAN Lianbin
    2015, 13(5):1016-1020.
    [Abstract](1611) [HTML](0) [PDF 837.33 K](2911)
    In terms of the value pr oblem fo r the equivalent ro ug hness of pr essure FRP pipe with lar ge diameter , the water flow reg imes o f FRP pipe under different wo rking co nditions w ere analyzed using the calculation method, w hich ver ified the impor2 tance of equiv alent ro ug hness to hydr aulic calculatio ns. On the basis, JiEn formula and H aaland formula w ere used t o calculat e the head loss of small t roug h inv erted siphon with differ ent equiv alent roug hness v alues under each wo rking conditio n. The cal2 culation results w er e compared with the measured data, which sug gested that the flow r eg ime in the pr essure FRP pipe with lar ge diameter is usually in the t ur bulent tr ansit ion zo ne, and the equiv alent ro ug hness is about 0. 005 to 0. 01 mm for t he pres2 sure FRP pipe with lar ge diameter.
    42  Design method of thin wall sluice pier reinforced wi th a shallow groove paste steel bar
    XU Peng ZH ANG Yachuan WU Pei lan OU Zhug uang
    2015, 13(5):1021-1024.
    [Abstract](1477) [HTML](0) [PDF 750.76 K](2499)
    This paper intro duces the design method to r einforce the thin wall sluice pier by pasting the steel bar to the sha llow gr oov e. Thr ough the crack detectio n and eng ineer ing mechanics calculation, a safety haza rd w as found in the t hin wa ll pier of sluice gate in the Jinweizhou hy dr opow er plant. T he reinfo rcement scheme o f shallow gr oov e paste steel bar was pr oposed to so lv e t he pro blem, and finite element simulatio n w as per formed fo r the o ptimal design o f reinfo rcement scheme. No similar ap2 pro ach has been included in The Reinfor ced Concrete Structure Design Code GB 50367- 2013, ther efo re the pro po sed desig n met ho d can pr ov ide new ideas and r eference fo r the reinfo rcement o f hydraulic str ucture engineer ing pro jects.

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