Volume 14,Issue 1,2016 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Establishment and application of assessment index system for river health: A case study in the Huntai River basin
    XU Zong-x ue LI Yan-li
    2016, 14(1):1-9.
    [Abstract](4362) [HTML](0) [PDF 898.76 K](6306)
    An index of land use, w ater and habitat qua lity ( ILWH Q) w as pro po sed and applied to evaluat e the env iro nmental qualit y in the st udy area. The least deteriorat ed sites ( ILWH Q [ 2; T 13, T15, T16, T17 and T 18) wer e selected as the reference sites. Five of t he initia l 35 candidate metr ics w ere select ed using a stepw ise pro cedure ( principal component analysis, the analy sis of the range o f index v alue distributio n, stepwise reg ression analysis, Pearso n co rr elation) to evaluate metric stabilit y, r espon2 siv eness to environmental va riables and r edundancy. The selected metrics included the number of Cy pr inidae species ( F5) , the pr opor tion of indiv iduals as bent hic species ( F12) , the pro po rtio n of omniv or e species ( F14) , the pro po rtio n of individuals as tolerant species ( F22) , and the pr opor tion o f demersal egg s species ( F23) . Ratio n scor ing met ho d was employ ed to sco re the five metr ics, and the eco sy stem health of the Huntai Riv er basin defined into fiv e classes. The r esults show ed that fiv e sites wer e in ex cellent co ndition, elev en wer e in go od conditio n, eight in normal condit ion, nine in poor co ndition, and eight in ver y po or co ndition in the T aizi River basin. Ther e w as no site in ex cellent condition, five in go od co ndition, six in no rmal conditio n, six in po or co ndition, and six in ver y poo r conditio n in the H un River basin. T he sites in poo r and v er y poo r co nditions acco unted for 52. 2% o f the total sites in the H un River basin, and 41. 5% o f t he to tal sites in the T aizi Riv er basin. These f inding s indicated that eco sy stem health was w orse in the Hun Riv er than that in the T aizi Riv er.
    2  Calculating the water quality response coefficient of water functional zone
    DONG Fei LIU Xiaobo PENG Wenqi ZH AO Jinyo ng ZUO Xin
    2016, 14(1):10-17.
    [Abstract](2376) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.43 M](3654)
    The w ater quality respo nse coefficient is a cr itical foundatio n fo r both calculating wat er env ir onmental capacity and i2 dentify ing the responsible bo dy . Based on 12D co nv ect ion2diffusion equat ion and linea r superposit ion principle, the w ater quality response co efficient matr ix w as established. Efficient calculatio n method o f w ater quality r esponse coefficient of wat er functional zo ne w as studied, which based on comprehensiv e hydro dy namic and w ater qualit y model. Based on H EC2RAS, the hydr odynamic and w ater quality model of Lihao Riv er was built. T hen the w ater quality response coefficient matrix was calculated on the mod2 el. T he r esults pr oved that it is an efficient metho d to calculat e the water qualit y response coefficient matr ix of water functional zo ne by the comprehensive hydro dy namic and w ater quality mo del. T he H EC2RAS model could be used in water qualit y model2 ing . In addition, the calculatio n accur acy co uld be sig nificant ly impro ved by the method w hen calculate the water quality r esponse coefficient of w ater funct ional zone.
    3  Groundwater environment under human intervention and the methodological system for research in this field
    LI Peiyue
    2016, 14(1):18-24.
    [Abstract](1948) [HTML](0) [PDF 702.75 K](4468)
    Groundw ater research under the inf luence o f human activities has become and w ill be a hot research field in cur rent and fut ur e. This ar ticle defined the concept o f gr oundwat er environment under human interfer ence and expanded its connotation. I t po inted o ut t hat under the impact of human activ ities, gr oundw ater env ir onment is a concept w ith both nat ur al and socia l prop2 er ties, and all natural and so cial facto rs that have dir ect and/ or indir ect r elationships w ith g r oundwater sho uld be t aken into the research areas of g ro undwater env iro nment. This article also discussed some main gr oundw ater environmental pr oblems caused by human act ivities, and int roduced several appr oaches and techniques that g ro undwater env iro nmental studies usually use. Based on a framew or k integ rating surv ey, assessment, test ing , fo recasting, monito ring and management, a methodolo gical system for gr oundw ater resear ch in the context o f human inter ference w as pr eliminar ily established. It is of impor tant scientific sig nifi2 cance for t he promotio n of research in the field of g ro undwater env iro nment.
    4  Numerical simulation and experimental investigation for oi l spill transport characteristics of trapezoidal open channel in water transfer
    LIU Xiaoqing LIAN Jijian MA Chao
    2016, 14(1):25-29.
    [Abstract](1379) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.36 M](3197)
    For t he need o f r apid r esponse to sudden o il pollutio n accidents in t he lo ng distance w ater tr ansfer pr oject, two2dimen2 sional hydro dynamic and oil spill numerical simulatio n and ex per imenta l model wer e emplo yed to investig ate the transpo rt char2 acter istics for oil spill in the tra pezoidal open channel. The r esult s indicated that due to the la rge var iatio n of velocity distr ibution at the hor izo nta l cro ss2section of the trapezo idal open channel, the longitudinal leng th o f oil slick depends on the middle velocity of open channel after sudden o il pollutio n accidents, and it s va riation rate is 01 5 times o f t he middle v elo city and less affected by the o il2spilled lo cation, w ind, and slope co efficient. The r esult s can pr edict the o il spill sco pe quickly and pro vide technical sup2 po rt fo r the emerg ency disposal and regulation.
    5  Spatial2temporal characteristics of land use changes in the ten tributaries of Yellow River in Inner2Mongolia since 1980
    LIU Xiaolin YANG Shengtian ZH OU Xu GU AN Yabing WANG Zhiwei CHEN Ke
    2016, 14(1):30-36.
    [Abstract](1849) [HTML](0) [PDF 996.71 K](3396)
    The study of the land use chang es in the ten tributar ies o f Yellow River in Inner2M ongo lia is o f gr eat sig nificance for no t only the const ruct ion o f regional ecolo gica l env iro nment, but a lso the evaluat ion of water and soil co nser vatio n effects. Based on the land use data inter pr eted fr om r emo te sensing images in 1980, 1998 and 2010, t he spatial and tempor al variation o f land use in the ten t ributaries since 1980 was analy zed from the land use dy namic change and the direction of land use tr ansfo rma2 t ion. Some co nclusio ns can be draw n as fo llow s: First, Ar able land, g rassland and unused land wer e the majo r land use types in the ten tr ibut aries. The area of gr assland gr adually increased, while unused land decreased since 1980. The r ate and speed o f v ar2 iatio n w ere higher dur ing 199822010 than 198021998. Seco nd, during 198021998 and 199822010, the dir ect ions o f land use chang e wer e mainly as fo llow s: unused land was converted to low and middle co verag e gr assland, low cover age g rassland to middle and high cov erag e g r assland, middle cov erag e g rassland to hig h co ver age g rassland. T he a rea of conversio n wer e mainly distr ibuted in the upper and middle basin of the ten tributar ies. The lar gest area of conversio n o f low co verag e gr assland to middle and hig h cover age g rassland w as obtained during 198021998. While the lar gest unused land to low and middle cover age g rassland w as ob2 ser ved during 199822010. The ur banizatio n level had gr ow n, water and soil co nser vatio n o f for est and g rass had been enhanced, reg ional eco log ical env iro nment had been impr ov ed in the ten t ributaries since 1980, and mo re o utstanding impr ovement effects wer e found after the launch o f bioenvironment al r eco vering policy of Grain to Gr een Prog ram ( GT GP) in 1999.
    6  Researches on early warning of groundwater source field pollution: a case study in alluvial2pluvial fan of Hun River
    YAO Lili GAO T ong HU Litang
    2016, 14(1):37-41.
    [Abstract](1866) [HTML](0) [PDF 717.49 K](3687)
    Early w arning of g roundw ater so urce field pollution is an impo rtant base fo r water r eso urce pro tect ion and manage2 ment. In o rder to co nt rol g roundw ater pollutio n and impro ve the pr edictability and the initiat ive of g ro undw ater pr otectio n, this paper pr oposed a new w ay for ear ly w arning of gr oundw ater so urce field pollution, based o n curr ent water qua lity status and po llut ion r isk. Curr ent w ater quality is a basement and it det ermines the initial state o f pollution ear ly w arning. Po llution r isk in2 cludes pollution so ur ces load and po llut ion hazard. It reflects the influence o f human activities on g roundw ater and determines the development o f reg ional pollutio n. This paper took the dr inking w ater sources in alluv ial2 pluv ial fan of H un River as an ex2 am ple, evaluat ed the ea rly war ning value thro ug h facto r assessment and over lay analysis. T he r esult s show ed that most gr ound2 w ater so urce fields in alluv ial2 pluv ial fan o f H un Riv er had suffer ed from pollutio n to some deg rees. The results can pr ov ide cer2 t ain theo retical foundatio n fo r local gr oundwater sources pr otectio n.
    7  Influence of fertil ization and irrigation on nitrogen percolation leaching in black soil region
    SH I M in XIAO Weihua WANG Chunmei H AO Cailian
    2016, 14(1):42-49.
    [Abstract](1688) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.06 M](3097)
    In o rder t o clarify the r ea lit ies of nitr og en leakage in paddy so il in black soil a rea o f No rtheast China and to under stand nitro gen mig ration patt ern, a dist rict ex per iment al was dev eloped in ty pical black district based on farmland w ater balance, so as to contr ol the nit rog en leakag e and r educe g roundw ater pollution threat. T he three nitro gen co ncentration chang es in leakag e water of paddy so il under different ir rigation and nit rog en level conditio ns w ere analyzed, and the to tal amo unt of nitr og en leac2 hing in different treatment was calculated using the w ater balance equat ion. Result s show ed that the co ncentrat ions o f ammoni2 um nitro gen, nitr ate nitrog en and to tal nitr og en in the leaching water w ere positively co rr elated wit h nitr og en applicatio n a2 mo unt. Co nt ro l ir rigation and wet2shallow irr igat ion can r educe 11. 89% and 14. 15% of nit rate leakage co ncentration, respec2 t ively. Nitr ogen leaching amount incr eased 0. 117 5 kg per hectare with each addit ional kilo g ram o f nitr og en ( conv er ted into pur e nitro gen) w hen using normal ir rigation, it w as r espectiv ely 0. 035 9 kg and 0. 055 7 kg for contr ol irr igation and w et2shallow ir2 rig atio n. The nitro gen leaching loss in w ho le g row th per iod under contr ol irrigation w as the least, av erag e at 4. 51 kg # hm22 , and it is r espectiv ely 1/ 3 and 1/ 2 of that under no rmal irr ig ation and w et2shallow ir rig atio n. Wet2shallow ir rig atio n w as mo re appli2 cable, and the most reasonable theor etic fertilizer amo unt is 137. 30 kg # hm22 .
    8  Study on the estimation of design value under non2stationary environment
    LIANG Zhong min H U Yiming HUANG H uaping WANG Jun LI Binquan
    2016, 14(1):50-53.
    [Abstract](1950) [HTML](0) [PDF 776.87 K](3118)
    In no n2stat ionary hydrolog ical f requency analysis ( NSH FA) , w ith the purpose of co nsider ing the impact o f environ2 ment chang e o n the character istic o f distr ibution function o f hydro lo gical ex tr eme series, the par ameter of distr ibut ion function is usually r egar ded as the funct ion of time or o ther factor s ( precipitat ion, t em perat ur e, etc. ) , which leads to the fact that the de2 sign value r elated to a g iven return per iod var ies w ith time or o ther dr iving facto rs chang e. That is to say that during t he desig n life per iod, fo r the g iven desig n standard, the cor respo nding desig n v alue obtained by the NSHFA metho d is chang eable, w hich makes it be diff icult t o em ploy the co ncept o f r eturn period and desig n v alue in tr adit ional frequency ana lysis ( T FA) to NSHFA . T her efore, the paper intr oduces the" equiv alent r eliability "method to solve hy drolog ical desig n pro blems under no n2stationary case. The" equiv alent reliability"means that the desig n reliability o f the hy dr aulic engineering is the same bot h in stationary and no n2stationary co ndit ions. Meanwhile, using" equivalent reliability "method can establish the r elationship bet ween NSH FA and TFA, which ensures the coor dinat ion of hydr olo gica l design obtained by NSH FA w ith TFA.
    9  Estimation of groundwater withdrawal for agricultural irrigation based on surface2groundwater hydrological simulation
    YANG Liu CH EN Xi ZH ANG Shuan ZH ANG Zhicai ZH ANG Junfang GAO Man
    2016, 14(1):54-58.
    [Abstract](1636) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.06 M](3186)
    In this study, w e develo ped a "Xinanjing "model in balancing water sto rag e of both unsatur ated and satur ated zo nes, then quantified precipitation r echar ge, g ro undwater ev apo rtr anspir at ion, and exchange betw een r iver flow and g ro undwater flow. The model w as used to calibrate ir rigation amo unt in terms of both obser ved f low discharg e and depth to gr oundw ater ta2 ble, and estimated ir rig atio n demand of cro ps. The established metho d w as further applied in the ir rigated area of Shaying River Basin, o ne o f plain areas in H uhai River . The results indicated that our method not only w ell simulate river flow discharge and depth to groundw ater table, but also reliably estimate variation o f g roundwater withdrawal and its influence on changes of groundwater table. Estimation of groundwater withdrawal and variation of g roundwater level is very valuable for management of g roundwater r esources.
    10  An optimal operation model for multi2objective water resources schedule in coastal area
    YAN Kun ZH ONG Pingan WAN Xinyu
    2016, 14(1):59-66.
    [Abstract](1924) [HTML](0) [PDF 792.42 K](2988)
    The conflict betw een w ater supply and demand become mo re and more ser ious in co ast al ar ea of our co untr y. There2 fo re, it is meaningful t o make optimal and jo int operatio n o f limited fresh water resources so as to r eliev e t he conflict.With the objectiv e of minimizing the w eig hted sum of wat er deficit and the to tal w ater supply cost, a w ater resources multi2o bjective opti2 ma l operat ion model was established accor ding to the char acter istics o f the co astal area water r eso ur ces system. T he system con2 sists o f water supply pro jects in plain r iver netwo rks, r eser vo irs and a water div ersion project . A mult i2objectiv e part icle swarm optimization alg or ithm w as emplo yed to solving the mo del, the approach of pr ocessing v ario us types o f constrains was pr oposed, and the pa reto so lutions wer e obtained. The best coo rdinated solution for the tw o g oals w as o bta ined based o n the rule that the Euler distance fr om the ideal so lutio n is m inimum, then the co rr esponding operatio n results wer e ga ined. The case study w as carr ied o ut in t he coastal areas of Jiangsu prov ince, which pro ved t hat the pro po sed method is effective.
    11  Variation characteristics of potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration during 196022011 in Baiyangdian Basin
    H U Shanshan ZH ANG Tao
    2016, 14(1):67-71.
    [Abstract](2122) [HTML](0) [PDF 806.67 K](4218)
    Based on the meteo ro log ical and hy dr olog ical data of Ba iyangdian basin dur ing 196022011, the chang e trends of pot en2 t ial ev apo transpiration( ET 0) and act ual eva pot ranspiratio n( ETa ) and their relatio nship w ere studied by using Penman Mo nt eith formula and Budy ko hy po thesis. Our r esult s showed t hat both ET0 and ETa pr esented a decreasing tr end and the decreasing rate were about 10. 3 mm/ ( 10a) and 11. 6 mm/ ( 10a) , respectively. Through the inter2decadal variation analysis, ET0 was char acter ized by a continuo us decline, and ETa was char acter ized by fluctuate loss, which was influenced by precipitation volatility. The results o f the corre2 latio n analysis showed that the chang e of ETa was po sitively correlated with the chang e of precipitatio n( R2 = 0. 99) , and negatively cor2 related with the change o f ET0 ( R2 = 0. 37) . The precipitat ion was the main driv ing fo rce for the r eductio n o f ETa .
    12  Research on water resource management decision2making system in coastal reclamation area
    CH EN Xu DONG Zengchuan YANG Guang
    2016, 14(1):72-77.
    [Abstract](1586) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.36 M](2556)
    The coastal development o f Jiang su plays an impo rtant r ole in alleviating the co nt radiction betw een people and land, supply ing ar able land r esources and stepping up the industr ial development o f the Yang tze River. It also has pr ofo und influence on the demand o f water resources, w ater r esources security is facing eno rmous challeng es. T her efore the establishment o f sys2 t em, w hich has the timely and r eliable info rmatio n, effective model and co ncise and efficient consultation, to suppor ting w ater re2 so ur ce manag ement decision2making is very necessar y. The w ater r esource manag ement decision2making system, using Java lan2 g uage, based o n t he database system Oracle and GIS techno log y, generally use C/ S mode and B/ S mode. T he system is fo r use by decisio n makers and manag ers, including five subsy stems info rmatio n management and quer y, water demand for ecasting , r un2 o ff for ecast, water reg ulatio n, decisio n in consultation. T he implementatio n of the development and research o n water r eso urce manag ement decision2making sy st em in coastal reclamatio n ar ea w ill be of significant impor tance to optimizing w ater demand and supply patt erns in Jiang su coastal area and solving water2supply securit y issue.
    13  Long2term rainfall forecasting based on random forest
    YU Shengnan CH EN Yuanfang GU Shenghua KANG Yo u H E Ranran
    2016, 14(1):78-83.
    [Abstract](1594) [HTML](0) [PDF 678.36 K](3290)
    Random for est is an algo rithm w hich has o bv ious advantag es in dea ling w ith la rge data set based on classificatio n tr ee and pro po sed in this century In this paper, random for est w as applied to pr edict t he long2term precipitat ion, the Yangt ze River reg ioncs precipitatio n in January is taken as an ex ample, the random forest is used to select the im po rtant facto rs from the 74 at2 mo spheric circulation fact ors and t he precipitation mo nthly by The National Climate Center forecast as predictio n factor s and to predict the precipit ation. Besides, the neur al netw or k fo recast ing results ar e compared. Fo recasting results o f the two models, random for est mo del generalization erro r is 13%, forecast accuracy r ate is 75%, w hile the r ate o f neural netw ork accur acy is 67%. Besides, t his study also for ecasted the class of pr ecipitatio n of the flood season in the middle and low er reaches of the Yan2 g tze r iver region T he results showed that random forest is wo rthy of further research and applicat ion as the simulat ion and fo re2 casting of the lo ng2term pr ecipitation is r elatively go od.
    14  Correlation study of rainfall and runoff in Xiangxi River watershed using theMaximum Entropy2Copula Method
    YANG Aili H UANG Guohe KONG Xiangming H AO Zhenda
    2016, 14(1):84-89.
    [Abstract](2139) [HTML](0) [PDF 845.29 K](2852)
    Based on the rainfall and runo ff in Xiang xi River Wat er shed, this paper applied a maximum ent ro py2co pula ( MEC) metho d to study the cor relation between the rainfall and r unoff o f wat er shed. Results show that: the generated marg inal distr i2 butio ns o f the rainfall and runo ff can effectiv ely fit the obser ved v alues w ithout any hy po thesis, and t he statistical character istics of r andom v ariables can be r eflected w ell as the constraints o f mean, standar d dev iatio n, skew ness and kur tosis; Among all the Co pula functio ns used, Gumbel ho ug aard copula can be used to generate the jo int distributio n of the rainfall and r unoff as the best effect o f fitting; the upper tail dependence ex ists betw een the rainfall and runo ff in Xiang xi River Water shed, w hich not only can play a gr eat ro le in f loo d and drainag e contr ol in Xiang x i River Wat ershed, but also pr ov ide refer ence basis fo r water shed project planning and desig n w o rk.
    15  The study of drought events and drought2waterlogging asynchronismin Fen2wei plain
    LUAN Qinghua FU Xiaor an LIU Jiahong SH AO Weiw ei BAI Liangliang XU Xiaoy u
    2016, 14(1):90-95.
    [Abstract](1616) [HTML](0) [PDF 927.43 K](2584)
    The droug ht and water lo gg ing in China have been show ing a wide and fr equent trend, dest roy ing the supply and de2 mand balance o f w ater resources ser iously , and r estr icting the develo pment of the nat ional economy gr eatly in recent years. Firstly, based o n the hydro log ical, meteor olog ical and dr ought disast er data in Fen2wei plain, dr ought events g rades ar e desig ned and the relat ed mapping s are drew ; the results show that t he dro ug ht events happened f requent ly in recent year s. Secondly, the dr ought2w aterlog ging asynchr onism and the hydro log ic r etur n per io d in Fen2wei plain using t he pr ecipitatio n data( 195122012) based on SPI, which reflects the conditio n space set compr ehensive responses at the same time in Fen2wei pla in. The results could supply t he r eference to water resources optimization in Shanx i and Shaanx i pro vince.
    16  Study on monthly rainfall and runoff prediction in Danjiangkou Basin
    ZH U Shixue LIANG Zhongmin DAI Changjun YANG Wenfa
    2016, 14(1):96-101.
    [Abstract](1645) [HTML](0) [PDF 885.55 K](2770)
    In o rder to predict monthly rainfall in Danjiang kou basin of the upper H an River , w e selected predictor s fr om 74 atmos2 pheric circulatio n facto rs by analyzing corr elation o f rainfall and fact ors, and multiple linear reg ression mo del w as established by which the monthly rainfall was predicted. SWAT model of the study area w as built to fo recast the monthly runoff by using monthly rainfall fo recast values as the mo del input. The monthly r ainfall and runo ff of 2012 wer e for ecasted w ith passing r ate bo th wer e abo ut 83 percent. It show s the metho d that monthly r ainfall predict ion based o n t he statist ical co rr elatio n of r ainfall and atmospheric cir culation factor s, and r unoff pr ediction combined w ith hydrolog ical mo del, is applicable to the studied ar ea.
    17  Operating stability of new escalator2type bidirectional hydraulic shiplift
    LIAN Jijian LIN Zhe LIU Fang
    2016, 14(1):102-108.
    [Abstract](1645) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.27 M](2466)
    With the development o f so ciety and economy , the development o f nav igat ion and ecolo gica l tour ism in middle and small riv ers receiv es mo re and mo re att entions. Due to complicated str uctur e, hig h investments and bad compatibility w ith na2 t ur e, here we put forwar d a new escalator2type bidir ect ional hydraulic shiplift . The new shiplift is simple in structure, easy to op2 er ate, environment2pr otectiv e and energ y2conservat ive, and has g ood eco nomical and practical features. In o rder to analy ze the operating stability o f the shiplift, a ship2ship compartment cable2 ship reception chamber 2 water fluid str uctur e inter act ion nu2 mer ical model was built , the rules of liquid sloshing and ship shaking dur ing the o per ating period o f ship lift wer e analyzed, and the measures of enhancing operating stability w ere studied. The results showed t hat: Firstly , the vert ical displacement of the ship and t he hydr odynamic pr essure in the ship reception chamber display peaks during the decelerat ion time, and sloshing dis2 placement peak is almost pro po rtio na l to sto p acceler ation, which is not affected by t he v ariat ion of w ater depth in the ship re2 ceptio n chamber ; Secondly, the frequency of slo shing is corr elated wit h w ater depth in the ship reception chamber and has noth2 ing to do w ith stop acceler ation; thirdly , the vert ical and T2ty pe baffle arr ang ed in the chamber can reduce the slo shing displace2 ment of the ship to a cer tain ex tent; Finally, t he lo ng itudinal and tr ansv erse cable arr ang ed betw een the chamber and the ship can signif icantly r educe the sloshing displacement o f ship and the longitudinal cable has the better effect on r educing slo shing than transver se cable. T he f inding s o f this paper have impo rtant r efer ence value fo r eng ineer ing design.
    18  Inspiration performance of self- excited pulse jet nozzle in submerged condition
    GAO Chuanchang H U Yazhou LIU Xiny ang XIE Key u MA Wenliang WANG Mengfei
    2016, 14(1):109-113.
    [Abstract](1459) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.03 M](2511)
    This study investig ate the self- excit ed inspiration pulse jet nozzle in submer ged co ndition by using the independently dev eloping test ing equipment . To analyze t he influence o f inspir ator y capacit y on inspir atio n perfo rmance, the str ucture parame2 t ers of nozzle cav ity leng th, lumen diameter , diameter of nozzle and cavit y volume to the no zzle under the influence of inspirato ry capacity wer e evaluated. The r esult s indicated t hat t he inspirat ion is an effective w ay to improv e dev ice performance. The r ela2 t ive impact of the no zzle w as enhanced w ith t he increasing of inspirat ion eff iciency ;Within t he scope o f the optimal r atio o f noz2 zle st ructur e par ameters, the larg est inspir ation r at io o f no zzle w as o btained; T he nozzle a rea ratio, r elative cav ity length and lu2 men diameter o f optimal inspir atio n efficiency r anges from 3. 5~ 4. 0, 8~ 9 and 11~ 12. 5, r espectiv ely.
    19  Simplified method for core dam saturation line calculation
    XIAO Junsheng SH EN Zhenzho ng YU Yang
    2016, 14(1):114-118.
    [Abstract](1869) [HTML](0) [PDF 818.07 K](3067)
    The satur atio n line position is o ne of the main bases for flow char acter istics evaluation o f ear th r ock dams, w hich must be calculated before the compar ing and select ing the appropr iate anti2seepage reinfo rcement pro gr am o f danger ous earth2r ock dam. Co nsider ing the relatio nship betw een the r elativ e permeabilit y coefficient o f the dam and the cut2o ff wall, a simplified cal2 culat ion method w as pro po sed t o estimate the satur ation line of the cor e dam by theor etical ana lysis and numer ical ca lculatio n. A fitting formulatio n was dev elo ped to calculate the po sition o f the satur ation lines. The simplified calculation methods pr ov ed to be r easonable when compar ing w ith the r esults o f finite element methods based o n the dam of Baiyashan Reser voir. The simpli2 f ied calculat ion method can signif icantly r educe the computational w orkload when com par ing and selecting t he r einfo rcement prog ram o f sma ll and medium2sized r eser vo ir dams.
    20  Mechanical properties of compacted cement loess
    WAN Qingqi CUI Zizhi YANG Ningning LIU Shengy u
    2016, 14(1):119-123.
    [Abstract](1510) [HTML](0) [PDF 708.59 K](2599)
    In or der to ex pand the application of compacted soil- cement in loess foundation tr eatment, taking cement do sage, fly ash dosag e and w at er co ntent as factor s, an or thog onal experimental scheme L9 ( 34 ) w as car ried o ut to study the mechanical propert ies o f compacted cement loess at 28d and 56d. T he effect o f v arious factor s o n dry density, st reng th and elastic modulus, mechanism, r elationship between elastic mo dulus and str eng th w ere analyzed. The r esult s showed that t her e w as an ext remely signif icant inf luence of fly ash do sage on dr y density o f com pacted cement loess, followed by w ater content and but not fo und o f cement dosage. The influence o f fly ash dosage sho uld be taken into account w hen max imum dr y density and optimum water content o f cement soil ar e determined, the influence o f cement dosage can be ignor ed. Fly ash can significantly increase the strength and elastic modulus of compacted cement loess, especially the later strength. T he influence of cement do sage on strength and elast ic mo dulus o f compacted cement lo ess at tw o ages is ex tremely significant, as well as the fly ash do sage ; in ad2 dit ion, the w ater content also show ed a sig nificant influence effect.
    21  Numerical simulation for hydraul ic characteristics of double suspended grid in the stilling basin
    JIANG Jiannan MU Zhenwei ZH ANG Jiayi NIU Tao JIA Pingyang
    2016, 14(1):124-130.
    [Abstract](1518) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.40 M](2455)
    Thr ough phy sical mo del ex periment, it is hard to g et det ailed hydraulic parameter data such as v elocit y, pr essure, et c. To co pe, the paper uses fluid dynamics softw are FLUENT to set up RNG k- Edo uble2equat ion turbulence model to make nu2 mer ical simulatio n, so as to get hydraulic parameters such as max imal wat er depth, flow pattern, v elo city and pr essure, etc. Then makes analy sis of compar ison betw een mathemat ical model calculated value and physical mo del ex per iment al value, and makes a2 nalysis of compar ison among numerical model calculated values. T he result show s the mathemat ical mo del calculated value and phy sical model ex per imental v alue are r oughly ident ical, and the er ro r between calculated value and experimental value is small when double suspended gr id is arr ang ed. The double suspended gr id has stro ng capacity t o make curr ent g enerate sw irl, hence small impact o n a pr on slab by cur rent, and lower ed surg e at the apr on slab, lar ger effect on
    22  Water2hammer in the long2distance and high2drop water2supply project of gravity flow
    LUO Hao ZH ANG Jian JIANG Menglu YU Xiaodong LI Dongzhou
    2016, 14(1):131-135.
    [Abstract](1679) [HTML](0) [PDF 757.79 K](2641)
    Wat er hammer of fir st phase usually occur s in the lo ng2distance and high2head water2supply system. Thus, once the downstream v alve is ur gently closed in case of an accident in a pro ject, a rat ional closure r ule is needed to ensur e the safet y o f the water2supply sy stem. Based on the long2distance and high2fall g rav ity flow w ater2supply pr oject, the fo rmula of water hammer at the end of first phase and the formula fo r linear v alv e clo sure wer e proposed based on the metho d o f characterist ic (MOC) when v alv e clo sur e law or w ater hammer pr essure w ere know n. The two fo rmulas had been tested by numer ical calcula2 t ion. It was observ ed that the results of both fo rmulas fit t he r esults o f numer ical calculat ion ver y w ell. Taken tog et her , w e be2 liev e t hat t he conclusion of this paper could pr ovide a refer ence fo r pipeline desig n, operatio n and dispatching of long2distance and hig h2dro p g r av ity flow w ater2supply pro ject.
    23  Investigation of vertical load transfer mechanism for PHC2steel composite pile
    H U Junw en ZOU Yuguang T ANG Lei WANG H aijun Guan Fuhai
    2016, 14(1):136-142.
    [Abstract](1497) [HTML](0) [PDF 796.82 K](2827)
    PH C2steel composite pile, w ith cor rosion resistance and g oo d penet ratio n pr operties, has been po pularized in high2pile whar f. H ow ever, there are alway s some difference of t heir diameter, modulus of elast icity and density between PH C pipe pile in the upper part and steel pipe pile in the lower part , and the load tr ansfer o f com posite pile w as sig nificantly differ ent in its upper and low er part. The tr adit ional method can not be applied directly to calculate the vert ical bear ing ca pacity , thus the load tr ansfer mechanisms wer e no t investig ated. Therefor e, the desig n of compo site pile lacked mechanism basis. Based o n g eo lo gical condi2 t ions of the Yang tze River reg ion of Zhenjiang Yangzhong, and considering softening o f soil, the contact cha racteristics of pile2 soil and gr eat settlement deformation, simulation test of ver tical static loading of PH C2steel composite pile w as conducted by u2 sing FLAC3D softw are, then the effect of / depth o f jo int0, / area o f jo int0 on ult imate bearing capacit y and the ax ial force and pile later al f rictio n resistance w ere analy zed. The r esults indicated that the PH C2steel composit e pile which driven in Yang tze Riv er r egion of Zhenjiang Yangzhong is end2bear ing fr iction pile; t he area and depth o f joint affects the ult imate bearing capacity and settlement value o f unstable pile; the g reater attenuation of ax ial force occurs in the jo int ; the pile lateral friction resistance changes intr icately w ith incr easing depth; the ult imate pile lateral frict ion resistance o ccur s in the joint.
    24  Simulation of the water2rock reaction in Chaobai River ground2water storage area
    JIA Wenfei YANG Yang ZH AO Yang LI Juan LV Ningqing XI Beido u LI M ingx iao GUO Yanfei
    2016, 14(1):143-148.
    [Abstract](1579) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.00 M](2534)
    In t he process o f T he South2 to2Nor th Water Transfers, some of the w ater w ill be used t o supplement the g ro undwater of Chaobai Riv er basin. Due to the differences of Danjiangko u reserv oir w ater and Beijing gr oundw ater, w ater2r ock interaction may occur. Taking the ex ample of Chao ba i Riv er basin, w e analyzed the water2ro ck inter act ion and chang es of w ater during re2 charg e by batch ex per iments and hy drog eochemistry simulat ion. T he results show ed that: dur ing the r echarg e, the water w as af2 fected by nitr ificatio n, cation ex change and solution of minerals.With t he incr ease of pr opor tion o f so uthern water , calcite and do lomite disso lv e and concent ratio ns of calcium and mag nesium wer e elevated coupled wit h catio n ex change w hich mainly is so2 dium w ith calcium and/ or mag nesium. The higher pr oport ion o f south wat er , the st rong er o f nitr ificatio n is fo und. Affected by nitrificatio n and car bo nate balance, pH of g roundw ater w as reduced at early stage then elevated at lat e stag e.
    25  Dynamic features of groundwater level in Xican city and i ts influence factors
    LI Hui ZH OU Weibo M A Cong LIU Boyang SONG Yang
    2016, 14(1):149-154.
    [Abstract](2557) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.14 M](4007)
    Acco rding t o the gr oundw ater lev el mo nitor ing data, here w e analy zed the dynamic v ariat ion features of g ro undwater lev el in Xican City and studied its influence facto rs, such as pr ecipitatio n and exploitat ion in differ ent hydro geolog ical ar eas. The results show ed that the g roundw ater lev el in Xican Cit y w as o n the decline dur ing 1965~ 2010. The dynamic changes of gr ound2 w ater affected by precipitation mainly reflected in that g ro undwater level fell slow ly o r raised in wet years, but fell r apidly in dry year s; the incr eased ex ploitat ion of g roundw ater led to a dr op o f g roundw ater lev el, but under the same ex ploitatio n, the dr op amplitude o f gr oundw ater lev el in differ ent hydro geolog ical ar eas behav ed differently. Finally, ex ploitatio n is ident ified as the main influence factor s for changes of g ro undwater level by using g rey r elational analy sis.
    26  Prediction and negative effects of landslide damming in medium and small2sized reservoir,Mountainous area
    CH EN Wei XU Mo GUO Jian ZH AO Yo ng XIAO Xianx uan
    2016, 14(1):155-160.
    [Abstract](1423) [HTML](0) [PDF 891.14 K](2522)
    The natural landslide damming is much mor e likely to happen in the reserv oir ar ea, and the heig ht of landslide dams di2 rectly affects the normal o perat ion of r eser vo ir, especially for medium and small2sized r eser voirs. I n this paper , the author sum2 ma rized pr evio us r esear ch r esult s on landslide blo cking r iver and studied the landslide accumulatio n body in the reservo ir ar ea o f a medium2sized reserv oir in Southwest China o n the basis o f assume that it is blocking the r iver com pletely , predicting the possi2 bilit y of landslide damming of the r iver . Then the autho r par ticular ly selected thr ee methods to predict the height of the dam and discussed its negative effect s, so as to complet e the risk pr edict ion o f landslide damming of r iv er in reserv oir ar ea. On this ac2 co unt the autho r has pr elim ina rily built the basic research thinking for the prediction o f landslide damming o f r iver in medium and small2sized reserv oir of mo untaino us area, in or der to pro vide a cer tain refer ence for solv ing this kind of pro blem.
    27  Exploration and expectation of smart sponge city
    LI Yunjie ZH NAG Chi LENG Xiangy ang LIU H aix ing
    2016, 14(1):161-164.
    [Abstract](4033) [HTML](0) [PDF 826.74 K](6387)
    Both spo ng e city and smart city ar e the new generations of concept for urban management to make t he city become bett er . It can help to become intellig ent wit h adding the intellig ent concept o f smart city into the spo nge cit y, which can be o f gr eat signif icance by speeding up the pace to co nstr uct the sponge city and taking advantag e o f the spo ng e cit y mor e efficiently. Firstly, this ar ticle int roduces the intelligent concept o f sponge cit y, and t hen intro duces the applicatio n o f intelligent concept to the sponge city form planning, co nst ruct ion, o per ation manag ement and per formance ev aluation of spong e city in or der to prov ide some refer ence and rev elation for t he develo pment of smar t spo ng e city.
    28  Initial pricing of emission rights of water pollution2Take Henan province as an example
    ZH ANG Xi YU Luji WANG Yanpeng ZHANG Pei
    2016, 14(1):165-171.
    [Abstract](1722) [HTML](0) [PDF 634.04 K](2518)
    The purpose of the study w as to ex plor e the metho d that combines bo th theor y and utility. On the basis of pricing the2 o ry of paid use of emission rig hts, by ex plor ing the r eso ur ces and v alue of the env ir onmental capacit y, the conting ent v alue pr i2 cing method and the rent allocatio n pricing model wer e established. Then, the initial distr ibut ion pr ices o f emission rights in Henan pr ov ince w ere calculated using abo ve two metho ds. Result s show ed that the emission pr ice of COD and ammonia was re2 spectively 3463 and 4329 y uan per ton w hen using the conting ent value pricing met ho d, which wer e 4499 and 9122 y uan per ton when using the rent allocatio n pricing mo del. The two mo dels are both feasible. By compar ing the tw o models, our finding s indi2 cate that the theor y and results of the r ent allocatio n pricing mo del ar e mo re reasonable. T her efor e, rent allocatio n pricing mo del may be recommended as a main metho d, and the co nt ing ent value pricing model can be used as an aux iliar y means.
    29  Regional socio2economic water consumption based on factors decomposition and total water2use quantity limi t
    GE To ngda FANG H o ngyuan LIANG Zhendong
    2016, 14(1):172-177.
    [Abstract](1796) [HTML](0) [PDF 709.75 K](2074)
    In consider atio n o f the sig nificance o f indust rial st ructur e adjustment and w ater use efficiency co ntr ol to the H ydr oso2 cial2Cycle, and taking Yancheng Cit y, a t ypical r egio n in Jiang su Coastal Distr ict as case study reg ion, a no nlinear pr og ramming model w as set up by using Log arithmic Mean Divisia Index appr oach and mathemat ical prog ramming metho d, w hich contains const raint of t otal w ater2use quantity limit and quantization equations of dr iv ing fact ors decomposit ion effect. The analy tic mo del too k full account o f socio2econom ic development pr esent situatio n and plan, water resources utilizat ion strateg y and ta rget, sav2 ing2w ater society co nst ruct ion planning . Dur ing 2010 to 2015, the r ational scheme o n Yancheng Cityc s so cio2economic dev elop2 ment size, industr ial st ruct ur e pr oport ion and w ater resour ces utilizat ion efficiency was achieved by so lv ing model. Acco rding to our computatio n r esults, the char act er istic o f dr iving factor s effects from intensity of w ater utilizatio n, industr ial str ucture, eco2 nom ic dev elopment level and po pulation scale w ere analy zed, as well as the adjustment po licy o f the prima ry industr y, secondary industry and ter tiar y industr y.

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