2018, 16(4):26-32.
Wat er sho rtag e is o ne of the important bott lenecks restrict ing the coo rdination and sustainable development of the Bei2 jing2T ianjin2H ebei r egion. In or der to clearly describe the wat er demand char acteristics of differ ent cr ops in the r eg io n, this pa2 per discussed t he spatial2tempo ral char acteristics and influencing facto rs of the blue, gr een, and g rey w ater fo otprints ( WF) of main cr ops based o n cro p acreag e, yield data, and daily meteoro lo gical data of 24 meteor olog ical statio ns during the perio d of 200022015. Results showed that the annual aver age tot al WF per unit mass o f w heat, cor n, soy bean, o ilseeds, g rains, co tton and vegetables during 200022015 w ere 1 7841 2 m3 / t, 1 5641 2 m3 / t, 4 3861 6 m3/ t, 3 4271 5 m3 / t, 2 032 m3 / t , 9 574. 1 m3 / t, and 152 m3 / t respectively . T he annual aver age blue, g reen and g rey WF w er e 211 16 billion m3, 161 48 billio n m3 and 321 14 billion m3 re2 spect ively. From 2000 to 2015, t he pro po rt ions of blue, g reen and gr ey WF in to tal WF respect ively show ed a tendency of de2 cr easing , incr easing , and first increasing then decr easing . T her e w as less distribut ion o f WF in the no rthwest and no rth o f the re2 g io n and mo re dist ribution in the so uth, so utheast and middle of t he reg ion. Amo ng the fact ors influencing the total WF, t he first and the fifth principal components w ere nitr og en application and cro p acreag e; the seco nd principal component w as the thermo2 dynamic and kinetic factors; and the thir d and fo urth principal com ponents wer e bot h mo isture factors.