Volume 16,Issue 4,2018 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Evolution law and attribution analysis of water utilization structure in Beijing
    BAI Peng LIU Changming
    2018, 16(4):1-9.
    [Abstract](615) [HTML](0) [PDF 983.61 K](1734)
    Analyzing and forecasting the water utilization str ucture is essential to w ater r eso urces planning and management. Taking Beijing as a case study, this study analyzed the chang e of water utilizatio n structur e in Beijing from 1988 to 2016, re2 v ealed the main driv ing facto rs that caused the chang e in water utilizatio n structure, and discussed the possible chang es in futur e water utilizat ion str ucture in Beijing and theirs influence on water supply. Results showed that the to tal water use in Beijing first rose and then declined, then slow ly r ose ag ain during 198822016. Agricultural and industrial water use continued to decrease, while domestic w ater use and environmental water use incr eased co ntinuously . T he reduction in agricultural and indust rial w ater use was primarily attributed t o the r eduction in cro p acreage and the practice o f w ater conser vatio n. T he increase in domestic water use was mainly caused by the incr ease in po pulat ion and the change of w at er2related lifestyle. The incr ease in env iro nmen2 tal wat er use can be ex plained by the incr ease of g arden and gr een ar ea in Beijing. It is ex pected t hat t he ag ricult ur al w ater use in Beijing w ill co nt inue to decrease in the near futur e, w her eas the chang e in industrial water use w ill depend o n the degr ee of in2 dustrial st ructur e adjustment. In the near fut ur e, the bigg est challenge to w ater r eso urce security in Beijing comes from the in2 cr ease in domestic wat er use.
    2  Analysis on characteristics of industrial structure evolution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
    LIU Yang LI Lijuan
    2018, 16(4):7-17.
    [Abstract](1333) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.10 M](2672)
    The evolution of reg ional industrial structure is closely r elated to economic g rowth. Under the backg ro und o f coo rdina2 ted dev elo pment of Beijing , T ianjin and Hebei, it is of g reat practical sig nificance to study the characteristics of industrial struc2 tur e ev olution in this reg ion. Using ter nar y plot to describe the general t rend of industrial structure evolut ion in the Beijing2 Tianjin2H ebei reg ion from 1978 to 2016, w e found t he industrial structure in t he reg io n is upg rading and its dev elopment differs spatially. We compa red and evaluated the equilibrium o f industrial structure, the conver gence o f industria l structure, the coo rdi2 natio n betw een industrial str uctur e and employment str ucture, the speed and direction o f industrial structure conversion by cal2 culating relevant indicat ors. Based o n the Shift2Shar e M etho d, we selected fo ur periods of 197821985, 198621995, 199622005, and 200622016 to analyze t he pro cess o f industrial structure evo lutio n in Beijing2T ianjin2Hebei Reg io n. Finally , w e proposed the mechanism of indust rial st ruct ur e ev olution, including : r eso ur ce endowments and development o rientatio n, inst itutional imbal2 ance and po licy management , administrative division and market barriers.
    3  Issues on the sustainable development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region based on the limited water resources
    DU Chaoyang YU Jingjie
    2018, 16(4):17-23.
    [Abstract](757) [HTML](0) [PDF 706.69 K](1449)
    This paper expounds the water- adaptability2based development theor y in terms of its backg round, co nnotat ion, ob2 jects and t asks. T he water2adaptability2 based dev elo pment is exploiting g ener al wat er resources and impro ving w ater use effi2 ciency o n the basis of sciences and technolog ies, chang ing wat er use mo de and o pt imizing water consumption str ucture and w ater resources allocatio n in lig ht of the w ater r eso ur ces condit ions, ex panding the ava ilable space of water r eso urces, and realizing the sustainable utilizatio n o f water r eso urces. This paper analy zes and describes the sever e w ater resour ces pr oblems facing the syn2 er getic development o f Beijing2T ianjin2Hebei reg ion, including the extr eme shortage of water r esources, la rge w ater supply pres2 sure, eco lo gical deteriorat ion, and low utilizatio n of unconventio nal w ater r eso ur ces, all o f w hich seriously r est rict the susta inable development o f Beijing2Tianjin2Hebei reg ion. Finally, this paper pr oposes the st rateg ic countermeasures fo r the w ater adaptabili2 ty2based development of Beijing2Tianjin2H ebei r egion, including the str ategic transformation of water r esources develo pment, re2 mo deling economic system, co nstr uct ing w ater adaptabilit y2based mo dern indust ry, develo ping w ater adaptability2based mo der n agriculture, and building a w ater adaptability2based cit y, so as to achiev e the sustainable development of society , economy , and e2 co log y in Beijing2Tianjin2Hebei r eg io n.
    4  Spatial and temporal distribution of water footprint of main crops and its influencing factors in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
    H AN Yuping LI Xinsheng H UANG H uiping JIA Do ng do ng
    2018, 16(4):26-32.
    [Abstract](993) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.10 M](1485)
    Wat er sho rtag e is o ne of the important bott lenecks restrict ing the coo rdination and sustainable development of the Bei2 jing2T ianjin2H ebei r egion. In or der to clearly describe the wat er demand char acteristics of differ ent cr ops in the r eg io n, this pa2 per discussed t he spatial2tempo ral char acteristics and influencing facto rs of the blue, gr een, and g rey w ater fo otprints ( WF) of main cr ops based o n cro p acreag e, yield data, and daily meteoro lo gical data of 24 meteor olog ical statio ns during the perio d of 200022015. Results showed that the annual aver age tot al WF per unit mass o f w heat, cor n, soy bean, o ilseeds, g rains, co tton and vegetables during 200022015 w ere 1 7841 2 m3 / t, 1 5641 2 m3 / t, 4 3861 6 m3/ t, 3 4271 5 m3 / t, 2 032 m3 / t , 9 574. 1 m3 / t, and 152 m3 / t respectively . T he annual aver age blue, g reen and g rey WF w er e 211 16 billion m3, 161 48 billio n m3 and 321 14 billion m3 re2 spect ively. From 2000 to 2015, t he pro po rt ions of blue, g reen and gr ey WF in to tal WF respect ively show ed a tendency of de2 cr easing , incr easing , and first increasing then decr easing . T her e w as less distribut ion o f WF in the no rthwest and no rth o f the re2 g io n and mo re dist ribution in the so uth, so utheast and middle of t he reg ion. Amo ng the fact ors influencing the total WF, t he first and the fifth principal components w ere nitr og en application and cro p acreag e; the seco nd principal component w as the thermo2 dynamic and kinetic factors; and the thir d and fo urth principal com ponents wer e bot h mo isture factors.
    5  The applicability research of TVGM model in arid and semiarid watersheds of Liaoning Province
    WANG Qiang XIA Jun SH E Dunxian WANG Fudong SUN Yuhua
    2018, 16(4):35-37.
    [Abstract](430) [HTML](0) [PDF 929.64 K](1593)
    Natural w atershed is a typical complex open sy stem, and the tempo2spatial v ariation of hydro lo gical elements is hig hly no nlinear especially in arid and semiarid w atersheds. Therefor e, focusing o n the no nlinear r elatio nship bet ween rainfall and r un2 o ff in arid and semiarid w atersheds, this paper applied the T ime Variant Gain Mo del ( TVGM ) , GR4J, To tal Linear Response Model( TLR) , and Linear Perturbation Model( LPM) to simulate the da ily str eamflow in Liaoning Prov ince, China. We compared the applicat ion effects o f the four mo dels in terms of tw o accuracy measures to investig ate the applicability of these four mo dels in the simulatio n o f rainfall and runoff in arid and semiarid w atersheds. The r esults show ed that the TVGM mo del w as the best cho ice, followed by the GR4J mo del, w hereas the tw o linear mo dels perfo rmed po orly in the hy dr olog ical simulat ion of arid and semi2arid w at ersheds in Liaoning Prov ince. T he TVGM mo del intr oduced the t ime v ariant gain factor and consider ed the key facto rs ( e. g . , w atershed wetness and rainfall intensity) of runo ff generatio n. It presented much mo re satisfying results t han the other mo dels during the calibratio n and validat ion perio ds. T his is the char acteristic and application value of T VGM model.
    6  Hydrological characteristics and adaptive utilization of water resources in water source area of the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project
    ZUO Qiting WANG Yan T AO Jie H AN Chunhui WANG Xin
    2018, 16(4):42-44.
    [Abstract](1848) [HTML](0) [PDF 943.73 K](2282)
    The Middle Route of So uth2to2No rth Water Diversio n Pro ject is a majo r w ater div ersion pro ject to allev iate the water crisis in North China, and the g eog raphical char acteristics in its w ater so ur ce area are impo rtant fo r ensuring the quantity and qualit y of t he divert ed water. H ow ever, the curr ent research is inadequate o n the main characte ristic par ameters such a s bound2 a ry , ar ea , and rive r leng th o f the w ate r sour ce ar ea o r o n the w ater r esour ces chara ct erist ics. Ther e a re still some pro blem s in w ater r esour ces utilizatio n. In v iew of this, w e sy st ematica lly teased o ut the main char acteristic par ameters of t he w ater so urce ar ea in the M iddle Route o f So uth2to2North Water Div ersio n Pr o ject from the g eog r aph ical perspectiv e by using geo2 g r aphic info rm atio n t echno lo g y, stat istical metho ds, a nd field inv estig atio n. We a na ly zed and summ arized the characte ristics of w ater r eso urces, the dev elo pment and utilization pro cess o f w ater r esour ces, a nd the ex isting pro blems ther eof. I n v iew of the reality of t he w a ter sour ce ar ea o f the Middle Route of South2to2No rth Water Diversio n Pro ject, w e put forw ard a r e2 sear ch appro ach a nd str ateg ic measur es o n adaptiv e utiliza tio n o f w ater reso urces based o n the theo ry o f adaptiv e utilizatio n of w ater reso urces. T he r esults w ill pr ovide technical supports fo r ensuring sustainable water diversio n in the Middle Ro ute of So ut h2t o2North Water Diversion Pro ject and fo r development , utilization and co llabo rative manag ement of water r esources in the water so urce area.
    7  An improved method of parameter range selection and its application to WEP2L model
    DUAN H ao ZH AO H ong li JIANG Yunzhong JIA Yangwen DU Junkai LIU Jiajia XU Fei
    2018, 16(4):50-50.
    [Abstract](733) [HTML](0) [PDF 962.02 K](1737)
    There ar e many par amet ers in a distributed hydrolog ical mo del and the parameters ar e no t completely independent from each other. During model calibr atio n, there is mut ual restrain o f t he selectio n o f some par ameters. T he WEP2L, a distribu2 ted hydro log ical model, w as taken as an example to v alidate the efficacy of the GLUE method fo r parameter calibratio n. T he So bo l method and the parameter range selectio n method of co ncept ual hydro log ical models w ere combined to pro vide a scheme of parameter calibratio n fo r WEP2L. The scheme w as applied to the Baihe basin. Results showed t hat the par ameters of WEP2L model could be auto2calibrated w ith the help of GLUE method, Sobol analy sis, and par ameter range selection. The simulatio n pr ecision w as 01 633. The Sobol ana lysis can o ptimize the principle of par ameter rang e selectio n and im pr ove the simulation pre2 cisio n. The results can pr ov ide useful refer ence for the par ameter calibar ation of distributed hydro log ical models.
    8  Study on the characteristics of drought in Haikou City based on standardized precipitation index
    SUN Qiuhui XU Guobin M A Chao CH EN Liang
    2018, 16(4):58-58.
    [Abstract](386) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.54 M](1494)
    Acco rding to the daily r ainfall data of the eight rainfall statio ns in Haiko u City fr om 1970 t o 2012, w e used two differ2 ent SPI pro cessing schemes, ( 1) SPI calculated from all2station av erag ed precipitation ( pr ecipitatio n2mean) and ( 2) mean o f all SPI calculated fr om pr ecipitatio n at indiv idual stations ( S PI2mean) , to ca lculate t he SPI v alues at 32, 62and 122month sca les. We compar ed the droug ht situat ion reflect ed by the t wo schemes at each month scale with the actual dr ought situatio n and selected the suitable scheme fo r dro ug ht evaluation in H aikou City. We used the Mann2Kenda ll test and Mo rlet w avelet analysis method to analy ze the chang e trend and the cycle o f dro ug ht change in H aikou City from 1970 to 2012. The results show ed that pr ecipi2 tat ion2mean is mo re suitable to ev aluate the dro ug ht situation in H aikou. Fr om 1970 to 2012, the o ccurrence frequency of dr oughts of differ ent degr ees in H aikou City w as as high as 56% , especially in spring and autumn, w here the fr equency w as 51% and 41% respectively . T he o ccurr ence fr equency o f extr eme dr oughts in autumn was 14% . The g ener al dro ug ht situatio n in Haiko u Cit y w as ag g ravating , and the t rend w as especially o bv ious in autumn. T he dro ug ht in Haiko u had a first main cycle of about 13 years, a second main cy cle o f 4 y ears, and a third main cycle of 22 y ears. The r esults can pro vide a r efer ence for dr ought evaluat ion and fo recast ing and the dev elo pment of dro ug ht relief measur es in H aikou City .
    9  Study on the boundary threshold of flood resources utilization in river2lake interconnected system of Taoerhe River
    ZH ANG Can LIU Jianw ei
    2018, 16(4):66-64.
    [Abstract](100) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.07 M](1158)
    The river-lake inter co nnectio n project pro vides str ong support fo r flo odw ater diversion and sto rag e. In this process, se2 curity and benef its are equally impo rtant. Based o n the double attributes of the flo od, w e used MIKE11 o ne2dimensional hydro2 dynamic model and the r elated calculation methods to calculate the safe value of f loo d st orag e in the river2lake inter connected sy stem and the water demand o f wetlands, ponds, and irrigated areas. The r esults indicated that the g ate can o pen for diversio n when t he r etur n period of flo od events is 20 years o r below . T he max imum safe flow of the riv er is 2 140 m3 /s, and the ecolog i2 cal base f low of different segments of the riv er is 41 79 m3 /s, 31 19 m3 /s, and 21 97 m3 /s respectively. T he w ater demand o f w et2 lands, ponds, and irrig ated areas is 51 60 @ 108 m3 to 91 38 @ 108 m3 . The river2lake inter co nnected system has strengt hened the hy dr aulic connection inside and o utside the riv er, and t he bo unda ry threshold w ill prov ide important refer ence fo r the dispatc2 hing decisio n2making in the pro cess of f loo d r eso urces utilizatio n.
    10  Study on interannual and annual variation characteristics of runoff in the main stream of Xijiang River
    CH EN Lihua LIU Weifu LENG Gang WANG Yan
    2018, 16(4):74-71.
    [Abstract](458) [HTML](0) [PDF 951.48 K](1725)
    In o rder to study the inter annual variatio n tr end and annual distribution o f r unoff in Xijiang Riv er, we used Mann2Ken2 dall trend test, R/ S metho d, ordered cluster method, and sliding T t est to ana lyze the variatio n trend and abrupt changes o f in2 ter annual runo ff, and we conducted trend tests and prediction of t he fut ur e chang e tr end fo r each index o f annual r unoff distribu2 tion. T he analy sis was based on the measured runo ff data of the main stream of Xijiang Riv er for o ver 60 years. The r esults show ed t hat M2K statist ic values in the t hr ee st at ions wer e - 21 47, - 21 38 and - 11 47 r espectiv ely. The H urst indexes of the three stations w er e 01 72, 01 83 and 01 80 respect ively, a ll g reater than 01 5. The abr upt chang e points at T ian'e and Qianjiang sta2 tions wer e bo th in 2002, while the abrupt change points at Wuzhou statio n w ere in 1954 and 2002. Xijiang Riv er runoff has sig2 nificantly declined over the past 60 y ea rs w ith a stro ng co nt inuit y. T he annual distributio n of runoff w as unev en. The r uno ff con2 centrated during April to September, which accounted for about 75% o f the annual runoff. After 2002, the annual distributio n of runo ff show ed a r emarkable t endency towar ds unifo rmit y; the deg ree o f concent ratio n and variatio n amplitude bot h sig nificant ly decreased, and the concentr at ion perio d mo ved about 12 days forwar d.
    11  Influence of the two types of ENSO events on seasonal precipitation over middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
    LUO Jianfeng CH EN M in LI Yu PENG Tao XU H aot ing
    2018, 16(4):82-78.
    [Abstract](502) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.37 M](1654)
    The monthly pr ecipitatio n data fr om 91 meteor olo gica l statio ns in the middle and lower reaches of t he Yangtze River from 1966 to 2015 wer e used to analyze the pr ecipitatio n v ariation in the r eg io n over the past 50 y ears and its r esponse to the two types of ENSO events. We used linear propensity estimation, Mann2Kendall test, and anomaly analysis. T he r esults show ed that the summer precipitation in the reg ion tended to increase at a rate of 21 04 mm/ a in the past 50 years. The annual pr ecipita2 tion showed an increasing tendency in the east and a decr easing tendency in the w est. El Niìo events were pro ne to cause an ab2 normally lar ge amount of precipitatio n in spring and w inter, whereas La Niì a events caused much mo re pr ecipitation in summer. In the y ea r of the Eastern Pacific ( EP) El Niì o, summer pr ecipitation along the Yang tze River was less than usual. In the year of the Centr al Pacif ic ( CP) El Niìo , summer pr ecipitation wo uld increase in the nort h and decrease in the south, w hereas the de2 cay ing y ear wo uld see an o pposite spatial patt ern. In the year of CP La Niì a, there was a sig nificant ly larg er amo unt of pr ecipita2 tion in autumn, w hereas in the y ear o f EP La Niìa, the amount was significantly smaller. In the decaying year of EP La Niì a, summer pr ecipitation w as generally mor e than usual, especially in the east of the reg ion; but in the decaying y ear o f CP La Niì a, summer pr ecipit ation w as mo re than usual in the southeast and less in the northwest
    12  Sensitivity of potential evapotranspiration in Shaanxi Province and attribution of its variation
    AN Bin XIAO Weiw ei
    2018, 16(4):90-85.
    [Abstract](566) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.24 M](1603)
    Po tent ial ev apo transpiratio n( ET0 ) is an important refer ence fo r the accurat e estimatio n of cro psc w ater dem and and fo r the reasonable formulatio n o f a farmland m anag ement system. Analy sis of the sensitivit y of ET 0 to m eteo ro log ical factors is of g reat significance fo r assessing the utilizat ion efficiency of land w ater resour ces in a reg ion. Based o n the daily w eather data from 20 m eteo ro log ical statio ns in Shaanx i Pr ov ince from 1955 to 2015, w e used the FAO256 Penman2M onteith equatio n to calculate daily E T0 . T hen w e used the sensitiv ity formula to calculate the sensitiv ity coefficients of ET 0 to the main meteo rolog i2 cal facto rs, such as the daily max imum temperature ( ST H ) , da ily minimum temperature ( ST L ) , relative humidity ( SRH ) , w ind speed ( S A W ) , and sunshine dur ation ( SSD ) . We ex plor ed the tem po ral and spatial distributio n featur es and v ariation tr ends o f the sensitivity coefficients and quantitativ ely ana lyzed the contributing factors to ET0 v ariation in view o f the multi2year va riatio n of the meteo ro log ical facto rs. Results show ed that t he meteoro lo gical facto rs so rted by the annual variation amplitude o f the sen2 sit ivity coefficient o f ET0 to these factors wer e SRH > SSD > STL > SA W > ST H . The sensitivit y o f annual averag e ET 0 in Shaanx i Pro vince to the meteor olog ical facto rs all r eached the middle o r abov e level. It was the most sensitiv e to SRH . The interannual variatio n tr ends of sensit ivity coefficients show ed a big differ ence between the nort h and south, and they also show ed differ ent spatial distribution characteristics. The complicat ed no nlinear relationship between E T0 and the key meteor olog ical factors caused the dominant meteoro lo gical factors o f ET0 to differ acr oss differ ent meteo rolog ical stations and to show obvio us spatial differ ence
    13  Real-time water2ssupply optimal operation in Li River Basin
    H E Suming TAN Qiaofeng LEI Xiaohui LI H ongliang WANG Xu YANG Mingx iang ZH ANG Peilun
    2018, 16(4):98-93.
    [Abstract](307) [HTML](0) [PDF 818.93 K](1179)
    Cho osing the thir d2phase w ater2tr ansfer pr oject as the research object, w e studied the r eal2time w ater2tr ansfer o ptimal operatio n in Li River Basin. First ly , w e built the quantitative r esponse relationship betw een the release of the w ater2supply res2 er voirs and w ater demand of the contr ol sect ion based on Musking umcs f low a lg orithm. Then we pr oposed a real2t ime w ater2 transfer optimal o per atio n model and co rr esponding operating rules fo r the r eser vo irs gr oup o n Li River, w hich to ok into co nsid2 er ation the water flow evo lutio n delay and the ecolo g ical water demand. T hr ough co nstr aint2handling t echniques, w e tr ansfo rmed the model into a question which could be so lved by linear programming. The application results showed that the joint operation of the six reservoirs on Li River ( including Fuzikou, Chuanjiang , Xiaorong jiang, Qingshitan, Wulix ia and Sicanjiang reservoirs) could raise the wa2 ter2supply daily assurance rate to abo ve 94% in especially dr y years. This study has important significance fo r maintaining a healthy riv er channel, increasing navigation assurance rate, and impro ving eco nomic benefits of to urism on Li River.
    14  Review about effects of reclaimed water usage on soil and groundwater
    WANG Qian HU AN H uan WANG Ho ng r ui ZH ANG Botao
    2018, 16(4):104-101.
    [Abstract](409) [HTML](0) [PDF 960.83 K](1438)
    There ar e residual contaminants in the reclaimed w ater due to the limitatio ns o f w astewater treatment techno log y and operating co sts. The quality o f the so il and gr oundw at er in the reclaimed w ater usag e areas is bo und to deterior ate in the long term. I n this r esear ch, we collected the t ypes and co ncentrat ions of contaminants in these areas thr ough liter atur e investig atio n and data stat istics. We analyzed the effects of or ganic po llut ants ( po ly cyclic ar omatic hydro carbons, persistent o rg anic pollu2 tants, pharmaceuticals and personal car e pr oducts ( PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals) , heavy metals, nut rients, salini2 ty , pH , and micro bes in reclaimed wat er o n soil and g ro undwater envir onment. Since most reclaimed water is from domestic sew2 ag e, att ention should be paid to the pollutio n of the PPCPs and salinity . We sugg est adopting contaminant mo nitoring pr og rams, emer gency plans, and relev ant management measur es t o ensure the safety o f reclaimed w ater usage.
    15  Study on instream basic ecological water demand based on the improved dynamic calculation method
    ZH AO Ranhang PENG Tao WANG H aofang GAO Feng QI Zhen
    2018, 16(4):114-109.
    [Abstract](354) [HTML](0) [PDF 799.62 K](1220)
    In or der t o broaden the applicability o f the dynamic calculatio n method, w e impro ved the method in v iew of the obvious seasonality of northern riv ers in China. On the basis of the o rig inal method, w e substituted the percent o f the av erag e flow in the same periods w ith t he rat io of the annua l runo ff in ex treme droug ht y ea rs ( P= 90% ) to the multi2year aver age runoff, and used the mult i2year averag e mo nthly runoff for calculation of the instr eam basic ecolog ical w ater demand. Taking the hydrolog ical sectio n of T anjiafang as a case study, w e calculated the basic ecolog ical water demand in the river and compared the metho d with the T ennant met ho d and other methods. The results show ed that the calculation results o f the improv ed metho d wer e r easo nable and could meet the r equir ement of mainta ining the basic ecolo gica l function of t he river in the general w ater using period and the spaw ning and nursing period. This method has inherited the strengt hs of t he o rig inal method in show ing the ov erall r unoff pr ocess and the chang ing char acteristics of the river co urse during a y ear. It can be applied to riv ers w ith o bv ious seasonalit y. This metho d is suitable fo r the calculat ion of instr eam basic ecolo g ical w ater demand.
    16  Simulation of characteristic pollutant load and analysis of pollution source in Liuhe River basin
    ZH ANG Ruihao ZH U Lo ng ji WANG Baimei
    2018, 16(4):120-117.
    [Abstract](552) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.37 M](1458)
    The generalized watershed loading functio n ( GWLF) mo del was used in this paper to simulate the hydrochemical pr ocess o f Liuhe Riv er basin f rom 2006 to 2014, and to eva luate the mo nthly water flow and the load flux es o f characteristic pol2 lut ants in the basin. Acco rding to the mo del results, w e analyzed t he sources of the characterist ic po llutants and their contribu2 tion rates. T he r esults showed that in terms of inter annual variation, the total load flux o f COD, ammo nia nit rog en, and tot al ni2 tr og en decreased in r ecent years, and the tot al load flux o f total phospho rus incr eased y ea r by year. In terms of annua l av erag e level, the point source pollutio n and non2point source po llution made basically equiv alent co ntributio ns to COD and ammonia ni2 tr og en, bo th appro aching 50% . For to tal nitr ogen, the no n2 po int so ur ce pollutio n had a much hig her co ntribution rate ( up to 791 6% ) than t he point sour ce pollutio n. The main po llution source of to tal phospho rus was point so ur ce po llut ion, w hose con2 tribution rat e w as up to 741 9%
    17  Optimization of water environment management performance based on total amount control of pollutants) A case study of Zhaosutai River Basin in Jilin Province
    RAN Xin SUN Shijun FENG Jiang CUI Peng LONG Zhenyu LIU Sihan
    2018, 16(4):128-124.
    [Abstract](388) [HTML](0) [PDF 968.54 K](1463)
    n or der to ex plor e the relationship between total amo unt contro l of po llutants and water env iro nment manag ement performance, we established a compr ehensive manag ement performance index system for w ater env iro nment co vering so cial, eco2 nomic, and ecolog ical aspects o f the basin. We calculat ed the environmental perf ormance and analyzed its chang e t rend. Taking the r eduction o f w ater po llutants as the decisio n2making v ariable, w ith minimum investment as the optimization o bject ive, we set certain const raints, and built a water environment management performance o pt imizatio n model. Taking Zhaosut ai River basin in Jilin Prov ince as a case study, using Lingo 81 0 sof twar e pr og ramming to optimize the solution, w e obtained an optimizatio n scheme that required a to tal inv est ment o f 151 09 billion Yuan, could reduce the chemical o x ygen demand and ammo nia nit rog en by 98791 1 tons and 619. 68 to ns respectiv ely , and could impr ove the end2o f2term water envir onment management perfo rmance to 01 856. T he perfo rmance index system for w ater env iro nment manag ement can comprehensiv ely r ef lect the quantitativ e chang e of performance value. The optimizatio n scheme meets the requirements of w ater quality improv ement and to tal amo unt co ntr ol of po llutants in the basin, and effect ively reduces capital input. It can pr ovide a reference for w ater environment management and sustainable dev elo pment of river basins.
    18  Hydrochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of groundwater in Hohhot basin
    LI Xiaohan ZH ANG Yilo ng WANG Rui LI Zhenghong
    2018, 16(4):136-134.
    [Abstract](635) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.29 M](1493)
    On the basis o f hydr ogeo lo gical inv est igat ion and sample collectio n, w e used descriptive statistics, ionic ratio s, Piper trilinear diag ram, Gibbs diag ram, and Scho eller fig ur es to sy stematica lly st udy the g ro undwater in H ohhot basin. T he r esults show ed: ( 1) T he chemical com po nents of gr oundwat er ar e obviously co nt ro lled by the topog raphic and geomor phic facto rs and gr oundwat er occurr ence conditions. T he unco nfined and co nfined w ater in alluv ial2pr oluv ial pla in ar e mainly affected by weathe2 ring2dissolut ion of car bo nate and sulphate, and they ar e mainly the H CO32Ca # Mg type. In the center of alluv ial2lacustrine plain, evapo ratio n and ion2ex change reactio ns become the main co ntr ol pro cesses fo r hy dr ochemical components. ( 2) Fr om the edg es to the center o f alluvial2lacustrine plain, t he hydrochemical ty pes ev olv e r apidly. The catio ns evolve from the Ca# Mg # Na type to the Mg # Na and Na# M g ty pes, and end up w ith Na+ as the only dominant type. The anions evo lve fr om the H CO3 # Cl type, Cl # HCO3 type, Cl# SO4 type, to Cl ty pe in the end. ( 3) Near the surface water sy stem and irrig ation areas, the mix ing effect has obvio usly chang ed t he chemical compo sitio n of g ro undwater. In addition, t he influence o f human act ivit ies cannot be igno red. Aro und densely po pulated areas and major agricultural r eg io ns, ther e is hig h2 nit rog en gr oundw ater, which even caused the fo rmation of Cl# NO3 type gr oundw ater.
    19  Hydrochemical distribution characteristics of shallow groundwater in the north of Muling2Xingkai Plain and their formation mechanism
    CUI Xiaoshun ZH ENG Zhaox ian CHENG Zho ng shuang SU Chen LI Zhuang WU Yulong CH EN Zong yu
    2018, 16(4):146-142.
    [Abstract](322) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.02 M](1123)
    We studied the distribution characteristics o f to tal disso lved so lids ( TDS) and hydro chemical ty pes of shallow gr ound2 w ater in the Muling2Xingkai Plain on the basis of analy zing 192 gr oundw ater samples. Then w e explo red the cause of fo rmatio n by co nsidering the hy drog eolog ical conditions and human act ivities. The results showed that the shallow gr oundwat er in the study ar ea w as mainly fresh w ater w ith T DS less than 01 5 g/ L, and ther e w as no saline g ro undwater w ith TDS higher than 11 0 g/ L. Influenced by aquifer medium, leaching, and g r oundwater2river interaction, the gr oundwat er TDS showed zonal distributio n in the study area. T her e w as no obvio us zo nal distribut ion r egularity o f the hy dr ochemical types in the study area. Nowadays, the HCO32Ca# Mg type water has r eplaced the H CO32Ca# Na ty pe w ater in the 1960 s ( considered as backg ro und water t ype) to become the common w ater ty pe in the study area. T he incr eases of sulfate ion, chlo ride io n, and mag nesium ion in g ro undw ater wer e mainly due t o coal mining, domestic w astewater po llution, and fertilizatio n
    20  Study on the change of irrigation water utilization and energy consumption in well irrigation areas of Hebei Province
    WANG Qingming ZH ANG Yue ZH AO Yong JIAN Shan ZHU Yongnan WANG Lizhen ZH AI Jiaqi
    2018, 16(4):154-148.
    [Abstract](436) [HTML](0) [PDF 942.33 K](1203)
    To carry out the r esear ch of w ater saving and ener gy sav ing fo r agricultura l irrig ation is a necessar y requirement of suppo rting the sustainable development of reg io nal ag riculture and a concrete practice to support Chinac s pr omise on energ y co nser vatio n and emission r eduction. I n the w ell irrig ation areas o f H ebei Pro vince, the relat ionship between irrig at ion water and irrig atio n energ y consumptio n is complex due to the impact of ag ricultur al wat er2saving and the dr op o f gr oundwat er level. T his paper analyzes the changing patterns of the irrigation w ater, irrig atio n ener g y co nsumpt ion, and g ro undw ater level in the well ir2 rig ation ar eas o f Hebei Prov ince fr om 1980 to 2015, and then dr aws the fo llow ing co nclusio ns: ( 1) The g ro undwater depth and the power co nsumpt ion for ex tracting a cubic meter of w ater has a pow er functio n relatio n; as the gr oundw ater depth incr eases, the incr ease amplitude of irrigat ion ener gy consumption caused by drop of g ro undwater lev el w ill g radually expand; ( 2) Due to the dro p o f gr oundw ater level, the amo unt of w ater that can be ex tracted per kilow att2hour decreased from 8 m3 in 1980 to 01 9 m3 in 2015. Compared wit h the situation in 1980, the amount o f irrigat ion water decreased by 11 3 billion m3 , but irrig atio n ener2 g y co nsumption incr eased by 131 1 billion kW # h in 2015. ( 3) After 1997, the reductio n in ener gy consumption as a r esult o f agricultural w ater2saving was no t enoug h to make up for the incr eased energ y consumption caused by t he dr op o f g ro undw ater lev2 el, resulting in an addit ional loss of 20 850 kW # h o f irrigation energ y consumption per hm2 per year. T his study pro vides a use2 ful reference fo r g uiding the dev elopment of ag ricultur al irrigation water in Hebei pro vince.
    21  Analysis of spatio2temporal matching of agricultural water and land resources in Heilongjiang Province during the grain production growth period
    JIANG Qiux iang GONG Shux in QIU Zhiqiang WANG Zilong FU Qiang H UANG Ruo lin
    2018, 16(4):160-154.
    [Abstract](393) [HTML](0) [PDF 993.54 K](1302)
    While the total gr ain output in H eilongjiang Prov ince increased fo r 12 co nsecutive y ea rs, there arise many pro blems in agricultural water and land resources. In order to o bjectively evaluate the spatio2tempo ral mat ching o f agricultural w ater and land r eso urces in H eilongjiang Pro vince, based on the ut ilizat ion situation of w ater and land resources in H eilo ng jiang Prov ince in the g rain pro ductio n g rowth period ( 200322015) , we analy zed the relat ionship betw een ag ricultur al w ater and land r eso urces in Heilong jiang Pr ovince by using the Gini coefficient and the matching coefficient of ag ricultur al water and land resour ces. T he results show ed as follows: ( 1) T he spatial matching o f ag ricultural w at er and land resources in Heilong jiang Prov ince during the gr ain pr oduction g rowth perio d varied g reatly, w ith the Gini co efficient r ang ing fr om 01 4475 to 01 4907, falling in the po or matching range. The matching coefficients of agricultural w ater and land r eso urces wer e low er t han t he nat ional aver age, and wer e declining continuo usly o ver t ime. ( 2) I n terms o f spatial differ ences, the centr al and w ester n parts of H eilongjiang Prov ince had a relat ively low matching deg ree of water and land resources and should not be further r eclaimed. The Sanjiang Plain has a larg e gr ain planting ar ea, and w e sugg est dev elo ping w ater2sav ing irrig atio n there. The w ater resour ces in the no rthern and so utheast2 er n r egions ar e relatively abundant , and should be co nserv ed fo r sustainable development
    22  Analysis of agricultural water footprint cycle and trend change in Shandong Province
    CHENG Yufei CAO Sheng le YANG Yuheng ZH ANG Xi LI Xito ng
    2018, 16(4):169-161.
    [Abstract](395) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.08 M](1450)
    The agr icultural w ater utilization situatio n and the analysis o f it s cycle and trend is o f g reat practical sig nificance for the r ational allocatio n o f ag r icultural w ater and the impro vement of wat er resource utilization efficiency. Based on the w ater foot pr int theor y, in this paper we calculated the total ag r icultural w ater foo tpr int and its components in Shando ng Pr ovince from 1978 t o 2014. Empir ical mode decompo sition ( EMD) w as used to analy ze the fluctuatio n cycle of each wat er footpr int v alue.We analyzed the influencing factor s of t otal ag ricultura l w ater foo tpr int fluctuatio n on mult iple t ime scales. Furthermore, adopting the log arit hmic av erag e Dewar decomposit ion method ( LMDI) , w e analyzed the main contributor s to the g rowt h of to tal w ater foot pr int. T he r esults show ed that the water footpr int o f forestr y, animal husbandr y, and f isher y fluctuated ov er a per iod of 31 5 years, the water foot pr int of planting industr y fluctuated ov er a per iod of 5 year s, and the to tal w ater foo tpr int fluctuated over a per iod of 8 years. T he three2y ear f luctuation perio d of total ag r icultural w ater foot pr int v alue w as mainly affected by planting in2 dustr y. The eig ht2y ear fluctuatio n per iod was ma inly affect ed by animal husbandry befor e 2002, and by plant ing industry after 2002. The total ag ricultur al w ater foo tprint and its compo nents show ed an increasing tr end over the years. The chang es o f blue, gr een, and gr ay w ater fo otprints all play ed a posit ive r ole in the gr ow th o f to tal w ater fo otprint. Ov er the y ears, the main fact or influencing the gr ow th o f total ag ricultural w ater foo tprint sw it ched fr om the g reen w ater fo otprint to the blue w ater foo tpr int.
    23  Effects of water saving and nitrogen reduction on tomato yield and water and nitrogen use efficiency in solar greenhouse
    ZHANG Fang yuan LIU Yuchun GUO Bin YANG Xiaojiao CAI Wei WANG Yizhe
    2018, 16(4):176-168.
    [Abstract](391) [HTML](0) [PDF 690.25 K](1126)
    In or der t o reduce t he waste of resources caused by the ex per ience manag ement of wat er and fer tilizer in the vegetable gar den, and to impro ve w ater and fer tilizer use efficiency o f crops, w e discussed the ef fects of w ater sav ing and nit rog en reduc2 tion on deep per colat ion of tomato r oot zo ne, tomato w ater co nsumpt ion, y ield, and water and nitr og en use eff iciency under tw o irr ig atio n conditio ns: dr ip irr ig atio n and under2film fur row irr ig ation. The r esult s showed that w hen the ir rigation amount w as 60%280% o f the ex perience amount o f the g arden, the w ater co nsumption o f tomatoes decr eased by 17%243%, and the w ater use efficiency increased by 9%259%; t he effect of irr igat ion amount on yield w as no t sig nificant. When the nitro gen applicatio n amount w as 50% of the exper ience amo unt of the ga rden, the tomato y ield incr eased by 9%217%, and the nitro gen use efficiency incr eased by 12%235%. Compar ed w ith under2film furr ow irr igation, dr ip ir rig atio n could increase the av erag e values of w ater use efficiency, nitro gen use efficiency, and y ield by 61 9%, 81 4% and 81 2% respectiv ely fo r the spr ing and summer bat ch, and by 41 1%, 41 9% and 51 3% respect ively fo r the autumn and w inter batch. Compr ehensive analysis showed that compared w ith the ex perience amount of w ater and nit rog en use in the gar den, using 80% o f the ex perience ir rigation amount and 50% of the expe2 r ience nitr og en amo unt w ill not sig nificantly reduce t he yield, but w ill sig nificantly im pr ove water and nitro gen use efficiency. Compar ed w ith under2f ilm furr ow ir rigation, drip ir rig atio n can reduce deep percolatio n, and r educe the w aste o f w ater and fer til2 izer resources.
    24  Study on emergency gate control in long distance water transfer project based on AHP-Grey fixed weight clustering
    LONG Yan LEI Xiaohui XU Guo bin QUAN Jin LI Yo uming
    2018, 16(4):184-174.
    [Abstract](400) [HTML](0) [PDF 657.47 K](1221)
    For lo ng2dist ance w ate r tr ansfer pr oject s, w e pro po sed six indexes w hich affect t he effects o f g ate contr ol in emer2 g ency reg ulation. T he six index es include contr ol tim e, spher e of po llutio n after co ntro l, pea k co ncentration o f po llutants af2 ter contr o l, co st of co nt ro l, diff iculty lev el o f contr o l, and im pact o f co ntr ol o n the pr oject. T hen w e used the analyt ic hierar2 chy pro cess t o establish and quantify these index es, and adopted the g r ay fixed w eig ht clustering metho d t o conduct g r ay classificat ion o f the g ate contr ol mo des. We esta blished the tr iang ular w hitening w eig ht function so as to det erm ine the gate co ntr ol mo de m or e accurately. Finally, t aking the channel from the star t of the eme rg ency sect ion of the m ain canal o f t he Middle Ro ute of So uth2to2 Nor th Water T r ansf er Pro ject to the Xiheishan o fftake as a case study, using the AH P2g rey fix ed w eig ht cluster ing metho d, w e determ ined that sy nchr ono us g ate closur e is a mo re reaso nable co ntr ol m ode in emer g ency reg2 ulatio n of the M iddle Route pr oject.
    25  Roughness prediction model for artificially roughened channel based on partial least square and least square support vector machine
    GE Sai ZH AO Tao WU Si WU Yang feng
    2018, 16(4):189-182.
    [Abstract](397) [HTML](0) [PDF 782.62 K](1358)
    The fact ors that affect the roug hness o f a channel are quite complex , and there is a cer tain co rr elatio n between the fac2 to rs. In o rder to o bt ain a more accurate prediction of t he r oughness, we used the pa rtial least squares ( PLS) method to analyze the facto rs that affect the r oughness o f ar tificially r oughened channels, and we extr acted t he import ant compo nents that affect the independent v ariables. Then w e established the ro ug hness predictio n model for artif icially ro ug hened channels based on least squar e suppo rt v ect or machine ( LSSVM) . We used the ex per imental data of an ar tificially roug hened channel fo r training and pr ediction of the PLS2LSSVM mo del, and compar ed the pr edict ion results w ith the pr edict ion results of PLS, LSSVM, and for2 mula metho ds. T he results showed that the mean absolute percentag e er ro r (MA PE) o f predictio n based o n PLS2LSSVM model was 11 38%, and t he r oot mean square er ro r ( RMSE) was 21 24 @ 1024 . Its predictio n accuracy w as better than t hat o f t he PLS, LSSVM, and fo rmula methods. The results show ed that the PLS2LSSVM mo del w hich combines PLS and LSSVM can int eg rat e the advantages of PLS and LSSVM. PLS2LSSVM model can effect ively pr edict the roug hness of ar tificially roug hened channels.
    26  Numerical analysis and safety evaluation of the underground powerhouse of the Xianju pumped2storage Project
    CAO Xi LIU Qiming ZHAN H ao MA Zhenyue ZH U He
    2018, 16(4):195-188.
    [Abstract](570) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.01 M](1209)
    The vibr ation pr oblem of pow erhouse is the key in desig ning pumped stor age pow er plant. This paper too k Xianju Pumped2storag e Pr oject, one of the larg est projects in China, as a case st udy. We conducted resonance check and vibr ation re2 sponse ev aluatio n o f the under gr ound power ho use, and pr oposed the v ibration2co ntro l standard values fo r Xianju pro ject. T he a2 nalysis showed that attent ion sho uld be paid to the ver tical amplitude of machine pier in structure desig n as it is slig htly lar ger than the contro l v alue. The resonance check showed that t he ov erall structure of the pow erho use and its main compo nents meet the code requirements, so the po ssibility o f under gr ound pow erhouse resonance is small. T he max imum vibrat ion displacement, velo city, and acceler atio n all meet the requir ements o f the proposed vibr ation2contr ol st andard. T he vibrat ion r oot mean squar e acceler atio n o f the co lumn str uctur e is slig ht ly larg e, but the fr equency2w eig ht ed acceleration amplitude is small, so it meets the pr oposed v ibration2co nt ro l standard. In v iew o f the situation w her e the v ibration r esponse o f some lo cal members such as the co lumn is slig htly lar ge, we discussed the effectiveness o f taking local reinfo rcement measures to r educe the intensit y o f vibr a2 tion. T his paper can pr ovide a r efer ence fo r the ant i2vibr ation o ptimizat ion desig n of similar powerho uses.
    27  Comparison of structural arrangement schemes of pumping station project
    JIANG Lulu CAO Qiulin LI Bei
    2018, 16(4):202-193.
    [Abstract](388) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.52 M](1685)
    There ar e three structur al ar rangement schemes in the r eco nstr uction o f Liushan Nor th Pum ping Station: separ ate ar2 r ang ement o f the main bo dy and the siphon o utlet passage, integr ated ar rangement o f t he main bo dy and the straig ht pipe outlet passage, and integr ated ar rang ement of t he main body and the siphon outlet passag e. Each scheme has its ow n advantages and disadvantages. Compa ring the schemes and selecting the o pt imal one is an impor tant w or k in the desig n of the pumping st ation. In this paper, w e fir st compared the thr ee st ructur al arr ang ement schemes of Liushan Nor th Pumping Statio n, then conducted three dimensio nal finite element st ructur al calculat ion and analy sis o f the thr ee schemes under different w orking co ndit ions.We compar ed the hor izo nt al and v ertical displacement and the st ress states of t he floo r, g ate pier, and flow channel in differ ent schemes, so as to pr ovide a theor etical basis for the select ion o f a structural ar rangement scheme of Liushan Nor th Pumping Sta2 tion. T he r esults show ed that separate ar rangement o f t he flo or and siphon passage wo uld present satisfacto ry displacement and st ress state, so we r ecommend this scheme fo r the desig n.

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