MO Chongxun
LIU Peng
ZH U Xinrong
YANG Yunchuan
SUN Guikai
2019, 17(1):46-53.
Based on the meteo rolog ical data of 25 met eo ro lo gical stat ions in Guangx i fr om 1958 to 2016, w e ado pted Daniel trend test method, Lee2H eg hinan test, Morlet wav elet analy sis, R/ S analysis, and Kriging interpolation to analy ze the spatial and tem2 por al v ariat ions of the sunshine duratio n, w ind speed, precipit ation, relat ive hum idity, and temperature data in Guang xi. T he re2 sults show ed that in the past 59 years, the annual sunshine duration, annual av erag e w ind speed, and annual av erag e r elativ e hu2 midit y show ed a decr easing tr end; the annual precipitation and annual aver age t em perat ur e show ed a slight rising tr end; these facto rs r espectively had abr upt chang es in 1979, 1974, 2011, 2002 and 1997; they all show ed the complex char act eristic o f multi - time sca le coupling, and their first main periods w ere 22 a, 29 a, 31 a, 26 a and 13 a, respectiv ely ; the H urst indexes o f these met eo ro lo gical fact ors w ere all g reater than 01 5, indicating that the futur e tr end w ill still be consistent w ith the past tr end. In space, the annual sunshine durat ion in Guangx i declined fr om the northwest to the so utheast, wher eas the annual aver age w ind speed, annual precipitat ion, annual aver age relativ e humidity , and annual aver age temper at ur e showed a rising tr end from north to south.