Volume 18,Issue 1,2020 Table of Contents

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  • 1  The entire-process correction approach for flood forecasting
    LIANG Zhongmin HUANG Yixin HU Yiming LI Binquan WANG Jun
    2020, 18(1):1-7.
    [Abstract](728) [HTML](0) [PDF 9.15 M](2173)
    Real-t ime co rr ection is an important compo nent of floo d fo recast ing , and also a hot and diff icult to pic in hydrolog ical forecasting resea rch. Fo r this purpose, an ent ire2pro cess correctio n approach was pro po sed to improv e the accuracy of r eal2time floo d fo recasting. Firstly, w e to ok a basin w ith plentiful r ain g auges. Based on rainfall data of that basin, the relationship be2 tw een the density o f r ain g aug es and the rat io of flo od for ecast ing erro r was established. T hen, fo r the basin w ith a small number rain gaug es, ratio of the real2t ime floo d fo recast ing err or int o areal rainfall err or and mo del erro r w as used to calculate the err or of the flo od fo recast ing . Finally, based o n system r esponse theo ry, the tw o for ecasting erro rs w ere simultaneo usly corrected as to realize the entir e2process correctio n of model input and model structur e. The application results in thr ee ty pical basins o f H ua ihe River showed that the entire2process co rr ect ion appr oach co uld improv e the effect of erro r correctio n and the accur acy of flo od forecasting compar ed to the curr ent sing le2v ariable dy namic sy stem r esponse cur ve method.
    2  Research on four2dimensional simulation of national water consumption based on neural network model
    XU Weiming YU Jingshan WANG Wei JIANG Weiwei
    2020, 18(1):11-14.
    [Abstract](476) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.66 M](1681)
    It is o f g reat sig nificance of a nationwide water use ev aluatio n, efficient use of w ater resour ces and manag ement to achiev e sustainable eco nomic dev elo pment by analy zing the facto rs affecting the w ater consumptio n data and simulatio n data in each administrative reg ion o f China. Based on the statist ical data such as land use distributio n, po pulation, eco nomy and w ater co nsumpt ion in administr ativ e reg ions of China f rom 2000 to 2010, this paper simulates the data of w ater consumption w ith a two2lay er feed2fo rw ard neura l net wo rk model. The results showed that the compr ehensive simulation o f water consumptio n for three influencing factors ( land use distributio n, po pulation and econom y) had a high simulatio n accur acy . Considering the impact of economy and techno lo gy , wat er2saving measures and incr eased water eff iciency o n w ater consumptio n in r ecent years, t his study pro posed " four2dimensional" water consumption simulation concept, which was to supplement the time series char acteristics of land use, populatio n and eco nomy. The results showed that "four2dimensio nal" simulation concept further impro ved the simulatio n accuracy o f wat er consumptio n.
    3  Flood simulation based on TOPKAPI model in a humid basin
    XU Jie LI Zhijia MA Yanan HU Youbing
    2020, 18(1):18-19.
    [Abstract](909) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.63 M](1753)
    In o rder to explo re the applicatio n effect of the distributed hydro lo gical mo del in a humid basin, the physical distributed TOPKAPI model w as applied to simulate the flo od ev ents in the upstr eam o f the H uaihe River. The model w as va lidated abov e Xix ian station w ith 11 floo d events betw een 2007 and 2017. The results showed that the accuracy of the mo del in the flo od simulatio n w as acceptable. T he mean Nash2Sutcliffe coefficient ( NSC) of Dapoling , Chang taig uan and, Xix ian w ere 01 54, 01 5 and 01 29, r espectiv ely, which ex hibited that the simulat ion accuracy of the mo del decreased w ith the incr ease of w atershed area. The mean NSC can be incr eased by up to 01 2 by adjust ing the lag time within a reasonable r ange, and up to 01 3 by adjust ing the recession co efficients o f wat er stor age in the basin. The mean NSC of the TOPKAPI model can be r eached 01 7 by considering lag2and2ro ute method, indicating that lag2and2route met ho d can be effect ively used for the TOPKAPI mo del fo r floo d simulations in a humid basin.
    4  Flash drought: Progress and prospect
    CHEN Changchun ZHANG Yuqing WANG Junye SONG Jie LUO Lifeng YUE Yuan
    2020, 18(1):25-25.
    [Abstract](769) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.41 M](2655)
    In r ecent years, a new concept of dr ought called flash drought has occurred at a rapid r ate w ith a hig h deg ree of damag e and which is hard to pr edict. Wit h the outbreak of an ex tremely severe dro ug ht in the Unit ed States in 2012, the st udy of flash dr ought has been paid r emarkable at tention in the US. T he research o n flash dr ought has beg un rapidly in China and o ther co un2 tries. T his paper intr oduced the connotation of f lash dr ought and its deepening process, w hich w as dr awn2out fr om sing le heat wav e f lash dr ought to ano ther pr ecipitation deficit flash dr ought. T he exist ing metho ds of identifying and monito ring o f flash dr ought wer e summarized based on thr ee sources, such as the gr ound meteo ro log ical data, the measured and simulated soil mo is2 tur e, and the remo te sensing ana lysis and interpretat ion t echniques. Furthermore, the pro gr ess of the mechanism and spatiotem2 por al characteristics of flash dro ug ht wer e summarized and the research prospects o f flash dr ought w ere pro po sed.
    5  Optimal water resources allocation based on interval two2stage stochastic programming in Beijing
    LIU Hanqing ZHAO Yong LI Haihong WANG Lizhen CHANG Huanyu PENG Peng
    2020, 18(1):34-38.
    [Abstract](662) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.76 M](2090)
    Considering the uncerta int y in the w ater resour ces allocatio n pr ocess of w ater2deficient cities, an interv al tw o2stag e sto chastic pro g ramming mo del w as established fo r the study o f o ptimal water resource a llo cation in Beijing for 2025. T his model took the max imum compr ehensive benefit of wat er use in Beijing as the objectiv e funct ion, intr oduced probability distributio n and interv al number to represent multiple uncertainties, and obtained the optimal w ater supply objectiv es and w ater distributio n schemes under different levels of w ater inflow for liv ing, industrial, ag ricultural and eco lo gical w at er use in six urban areas and subur bs o f Beijing fo r 2025. T he r esults show ed that t he o ptimal w ater supply ta rg et of Beijing in 2025 w as 4. 739 billion m3 , and the water supply t arg et of industrial w ater in six ur ban areas and ag ricultur al water in suburbs should co nserv ativ e. T he optimal allocation o f water under different levels of inflow was [ 31 649, and 41 739] billion m3 , r espectively, and there w as no water sho rtag e when t her e was a hig h flow year in Beijing . Likew ise in the same periods, the water shortage was [ 01 548, and 11 090] billion m3 , r espectiv ely, w hen ther e w as a low flow y ear in Beijing and Danjiang kou r eser voir. This scena rio posed a g reat threat to t he w ater supply security o f Beijing. This mo del fully co nsidered the impact o f uncertain factors on water resources al2 locatio n, evaluated the relat ionship betw een water use benefits and water shortage risks, and o bta ined the allocatio n results in the fo rm o f interval. T his study can pr ov ide a scientific basis for the fo rmulat ion of w ater supply objectives and optimal alloca2 tion of w ater r eso ur ces as w ell as t he analy sis of w ater r eso ur ce securit y measur es in Beijing fo r 2025.
    6  Short-term rainfall multi-mode integrated forecasting based on machine learning models
    SHU Xingsheng WANG Ziru LI Fuwei PENG Yong
    2020, 18(1):42-45.
    [Abstract](931) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.35 M](1931)
    H igh accuracy o f sho rt2term rainfall for ecast ing is of g reat impo rtance fo r flood for ecasting and reserv oir operat ion. It can not only improv e the accuracy o f floo d for ecasting but also make t he r eser voir operation mo re scient ific and reasonable. Based o n the pr edicted rainfall of the Huanren reservo ir basin using ECMWF, CMA and NCEP in the T IGGE datasets, the artif icial neural netw or k ( ANN) , support v ect or machine ( SVM) and ext reme lear ning machine ( ELM) mo dels w ere dev eloped to simulate and forecast the rainfall o f Huanren reservo ir basin in the nex t 1 to 3 day s, and the effect o f the forecasting results wer e analyzed fr om the aspects of mean absolute err or ( MAE) , roo t mean square error ( RMSE) , Bias, Nash2Sutcliffe efficiency co efficient ( NSE) and predictio n accur acy. Results showed that the int eg rat ed forecasting mo dels based o n SVM and ELM wer e better than the sing le mo dels, and the integ rated models based on ANN wer e better t han the sing le mo dels w hen the input facto rs w ere selected pr operly. Amo ng the thr ee integr ated models, SVM model had the mo st o bv ious impr ovement in ra infall forecasting accuracy, which indicated that the multi2mo del rainfall int eg rat ed fo recast ing method based o n machine learning model was feasible and co uld impr ov e the accuracy o f sho rt2term rainfall fo recast ing .
    7  Spatiotemporal evolution of runoff in the mainstream of the Mekong River from 1960 to 2012
    SUN Zhouliang LIU Yanli LIU Ji TANG Xiongpeng SHU Zhangkang GUAN Tiesheng
    2020, 18(1):51-53.
    [Abstract](781) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.43 M](2204)
    This study evaluat es the hy dr olo gical char act eristics such as annual r unoff, r uno ff in flood and dr y seaso n, monthly runo ff and ext reme r uno ff using daily measured runo ff data of Chiang Saen, Luang Pr abang, Mukdahan and Stung Treng hydro2 log ical stat ions in the mainstream of M eko ng River fr om 1960 to 2012. For this purpose, t he Mann2Kendall trend test, the Pettitt mutation test, and the coefficient o f variance ( CV ) w ere used to analyze the evo lution characteristics. . The results show ed t hat the annual runoff of Chiang Saen, Luang Pr abang , and Stung Tr eng statio ns ex hibited dow nw ar d tr end, w hile the annual runo ff of Mukdahan stat ions show ed upw ard tr end. Among them, the annual runo ff o f Mukdahan statio n had a sig nificant chang e in 1994. The runo ff r atio show ed a dow nw ar d trend, w hile the difference in runo ff distribut ion during the flo od season and dry sea2 son tended to decrease. Furthermor e, the CV of each station showed decreasing trend. The declining tr end o f Chiang Saen and St ung T reng stations w as signif icant, and the runoff distributio n o f each statio n w as distributed w ithin the y ear. The f low fluc2 tuatio n range of t hr ee stat ions ( Chiang Saen, Mukdahan, and Stung Tr eng ) w as g radually decr eased, w hile the flow fluctuatio n range o f Luang Prabang statio n increased gr adually. On the w ho le, the runoff change t rend show ed an incr eased and decreased patter n at differ ent riv er sect ions in the past 50 years which rev ealed that the spat ial differ ence of w ater pro ductio n capacity of the Mekong Riv er Basin is quite lar ge.
    8  Surface runoff simulation based on SWAT model in Beishan Reservoir watershed
    ZHOU Zheng WU Jianfeng YANG Yun CHEN Gan SONG Jian SUN Xiaomin LIN Jin
    2020, 18(1):66-60.
    [Abstract](631) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.61 M](1698)
    SWAT soft war e was used to emplo y the distributed hy dr olog ical model t o evaluate the surface water resources in the Beishan Reser voir w atershed. Based on measur ed hydro lo gical data fr om 2016 to 2018 prov ided by the lo ca l wat ershed manag e2 ment institutio n, and the elevat ion, land use, and soil type data, the SWAT and SWAT2CUP so ftwar e w ere used to calibr ate and analyze the sensitiv ity of the par ameters in the Beishan Reserv oir w atershed. The coefficient of determination ( R2 ) , Nash2Sut2 cliffe efficiency ( NSE) , mean absolute relative erro r ( M ARE) and ro ot2mean2square erro r ( RM SE) w as selected as the model ev aluatio n index es. The results indicated that the simulated value of Beishan Reser vo irc s mo nthly water sto rag e show ed go od agr eement w ith the measured value. The mo del evaluation indexes R2 , NSE, M ARE and RMSE, w ere 01 89, 01 88, 51 04% and 11 15 @ 106m3 in calibration period, and 01 89, 01 85, 41 23% and 01 90 @ 106 m3 during validation period, r espectiv ely. This sug ges2 ted that the calibrated model can appr ox imately r eflect t he char act eristics of runo ff in the study ar ea, indicating the displayed best applicability of SWAT model in the w atershed. Mor eover, the sensitivity analysis of the main parameters based o n the vali2 dated hy dr olog ical mo del indicated that GWQMN ( threshold of shallow g r oundwater r egr ession flow) and CN2 ( number of SCS runo ff cur ves) w ere the most impo rtant par ameters show ed sig nificant effect o n the model r esults.
    9  Assessment of variations and driving factors of water resources development and utilization in the Sanjiang Plain
    JIANG Qiuxiang ZHANG Shunkai ZHANG Xu WANG Zilong
    2020, 18(1):74-69.
    [Abstract](597) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.59 M](1592)
    Assessment and analysis of water r eso urces dev elopment and ut ilization lev el pr ov ide pr actical and sig nificance guid2 ance for regional w ater r eso urces planning and manag ement. Sanjiang Plain w hich is a national g rain pr oduction base play s an import ant r ole in ensuring national fo od securit y. On the other hand, w ater r eso ur ces dev elo pment and ut ilizat ion issues, and co nt radiction betw een supply and demand ar e prominent. To quantit at ively study the st at us and situation of water resources de2 v elo pment and ut ilizat ion, the impro ved T OPSIS metho d based on variance coefficient and r elative entr opy w as used to compre2 hensively evaluate the dev elo pment and utilization o f wat er r eso urces in the study ar ea. T he chang e char acteristics and driving facto rs o f water resources development and utilizatio n lev el in the study area from 1984 to 2011 w ere also analyzed. T he r esults show ed t hat the level o f water resources dev elo pment and utilizat ion in the Sanjiang Plain was mo derat e while hig her levels in the northeast a rea compared to southwest ar ea. The chang e t ime po int of w ater r eso ur ces develo pment and utilization lev el w as found in the year o f 2001 in the Sanjiang Plain. From 2001 to 2011, mo re than half subareas in the Sanjiang Plain develo ped to moder ate level. The gr oundw ater resource utilizatio n and agricultural irrigat ion w ere the cor e driv ing factors for the development and ut ilization of w ater r esources in Sanjiang Pla in. H eg ang cit y, Shuang yashan city, and Jiamusi city w er e the main subar eas that pr omoted the ut ilization and dev elo pment of w ater r eso ur ces in the study area. Compared to 2011, the wat er r eso ur ces de2 v elo pment and utilizat ion lev el and the key driving facto rs of t he reg ion had no fundamenta l chang es in 2017. The r esear ch re2 sults can pr ov ide r eferences for sustainable w ater r eso urces utilizatio n in the Sanjiang Plain.
    10  Analysis of the impact of major crop trade on regional water resources in Northwest China
    HAN Xinxueqi AN Ting li GAO Xuerui WANG Yubao WU Pute
    2020, 18(1):82-75.
    [Abstract](426) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.09 M](1387)
    With the shift of Chinac s foo d pro duction centr e to the no rth, Northw est China pla ys an prominent ro le in the na2 tional foo d security . H ow ever, the la ck o f w ater reso urces and the po o r spatia l and tem po r al compatibility of w ate r and so il reso urces pose a hug e thr eat to the lo cal eco lo g ical security, foo d security , and w ater security in this r egion. In r ecent y ears, gr ain pr oductio n and t ransport v o lume in Northw est China has been increasing ra pidly due to pr om pt dev elo pm ent o f ur bani2 zation and r egional tr ade. A larg e am ount o f cr op v irtual w at er has been t ransported to all o ver the co unt ry alo ng w ith t he gr ain tr ade, w hich has furt her exa cer bated the pressure on w ater r eso urces and seriously restricts t he sustainable develop2 m ent in northw est r egion o f China. Based o n abov e scena rio , th is study co nducted a quantitativ e analysis of w a ter fo o tprint and v irtual w ater flow pattern accom pa nied by ag ricultur al pro ductc s t rade in No rt hw est China from 2000 to 2015 . Besides, the wa ter r eso urce pressur e caused by ag ricultural pr o ductc s t rade in Northw est China w as also assessed. T he results show s that during the study perio d fr om 2000 t o 2015 , the w ater foo tprint of m ajo r cr ops in No rthw est China a ppear ed in an up2 w a rd trend, fr om 411 716 billio n m 3 in 2 000 to 431 98 7 billio n m3 in 201 5. M or eov er, the v irtual w ater flow associated w ith agricultural pro ductc s tra de signif icantly incr eased, w hich w a s betw een 22 billion m 3 ( 2 000) to 27. 29 billion m3 ( 20 15) , w ith an incr eased rate o f 24% . Consequent ly , lo cal w ate r r esour ce pr essure w as sev ere. T he w ater reso urce pr essur e of Shaanx i, Inner M ong o lia , Xinjiang and Gansu w as hig her than t he natio nal aver ag e w ater r esour ce pressure, w hile Shaanx i w as in a state o f sev er e w a ter reso ur ce str ess. The refo re, this paper pro posed co ping strateg ies and sug g estio ns on techno2 log ical developm ent fo r innov ativ e ag ricultura l entity w ater reso urces utilizatio n efficiency , and rationally optimizing and ad2 just ing reg io nal industrial str ucture, to pr ovide scientific r eference fo r ensuring sustainable utilizatio n o f w ater r eso ur ces in No rthw est China.
    11  The simulation and experiment of fluted floating garbage collection device
    ZHOU Nianqing ZHOU Ting
    2020, 18(1):98-83.
    [Abstract](428) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.94 M](1414)
    Wat er envir onmental pollution caused by floating gar bag e in rivers is increasingly w orse, and sev erely affects biodiver2 sit y, human health and eco systems. In this paper, a flo ating g arbag e co llect ion dev ice is desig ned acco rding to the hydro dy namic char acteristics of t he channel in Nago ya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The r etaining plate in the device is used to change the flow stat e, and the flow is g uided to drive the flo ating w aste into the g roo ve str ucture, so as to achiev e the collectio n effect. First of all, the simulation so ftwa re iRIC is used to simulate the water, the appr opriat e scale of the test mo del is determ ined, and the in2 doo r ex periment al device is designed. Under certain hydrodynamic co nditions, the indoo r model test research is carried o ut . By adjusting the g ro ov e leng th and the inner wa ll length of t he co llect ing device, and setting different w or king conditio ns t o carry on the test, t he concr ete floating g arbag e collectio n rate results a re o bta ined. On this basis, the test r esults are ana lyzed and com2 pared, and it is found that w ith the increase of co ncav e lengt h and inner w all leng th, the co llect ion efficiency of the device w ill improv e.
    12  Impact of flood events on water quality of the Biliuhe reservoir
    QIN Guoshuai LIU Jianwei XU Shiguo XIE Zaigang
    2020, 18(1):110-91.
    [Abstract](596) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.73 M](1496)
    The frequency of ex tr eme floo ds is increasing due to t he impact of g lo bal climate chang e. Reser voirs, as an important water co nser vancy project , suffer ed fr om serious w ater qualit y problems during flo od ev ents in the river basin. This study too k the Biliuhe r eser vo ir as an example and analysed the water quality data befo re and after seven flo od events since the dam w as co nstr ucted. T he r esults show ed that floo ds could w eaken the thermal str atification o f the Biliuhe reser voir and influence the vert ical distribution of disso lv ed ox yg en. Flood ev ents had gr eat impacts o n water quality v ariables of hex avalent chrom ium, coli2 fo rm bacteria, permang anate index , ammonia and t otal phospho rus, w hich had incr eased aft er the floo d event. In terms of spatial distribut ions, the concentr ation of po llutants at the entr ance section of t he r eser vo ir w as gr eater than the fr ont of the dam. T he topog raphic characteristics o f the Biliuhe r eser voir could w eaken the impact of floo d density flow o n the w ater quality in fro nt of the dam. T he assessment results indicated that the w ater qualit y gr ade of the r eser voir become w orse after the flood, but it meet the env iro nmental quality standards for surface water. The po llutants ent ering the reserv oir during f loo ds mainly come fr om the no n2point so ur ce pollution in the Biliuhe r eser vo ir basin. The countermeasur es such as contro lling non2point so ur ce po llutants, intercept ion at the entr ance o f the reservo ir, reasonable r egulation during flo ods pro cess could alleviate the im pact of floo d e2 v ents on the wat er quality o f the Biliuhe r eservo ir.
    13  Study on chemical weathering and consumption of CO2 during dry season in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin
    WANG Lei WANG Zhaohan YAO Zhijun HAN Yuping
    2020, 18(1):118-97.
    [Abstract](130) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.62 M](1203)
    Based o n t he surface runoff, spring w ater, g r oundwater, and pr ecipitatio n samples obtained in the dry seaso n from the main t ributaries o f Yarlung Zangbo River basin, the main ions, pH , TDS and CO2 co nsumpt ion wer e analyzed. The hy dr ochemi2 cal char act eristics and causes w ere studied. T he chemical w eathering r ate and CO2 co nsumption flux in the basin w ere also ana2 lyzed. The results indicated that t he basin water w as mild alkaline as a who le. The mean T DS of surface runoff was appro x i2 mately 21 3 times compared t o the wo rldcs rivers. It w as similar to the Yang tze River Basin but far below the Yellow River Ba2 sin. Rock weathering was the main facto r affecting the ion sour ce of surface runoff. Carbonate weathering , silicate w eathering and evapor at e w eathering acco unted for 461 3% , 281 6% , and 211 3% o f the io n so ur ces, respect ively. The carbonate w eathering rate and silicate rat es w ere 11 43 t/ ( km2. a) , and 11 11 t/ ( km2 . a) , the correspo nding CO2 co nsumpt ion r ates wer e 01 80 @ 105 mol/ ( km2 . a) and 01 55 @ 105 mol/ ( km2 . a) , w hile the chemical w eathering and CO2 consumptio n r ates w ere found lower in dry season.
    14  Analysis of the spatial characteristics of Ulungur Lake water quality based on improved comprehensive water quality index
    GAO Fan ZOU Lan SUN Xiaoyi
    2020, 18(1):127-104.
    [Abstract](493) [HTML](0) [PDF 9.26 M](1206)
    The status o f lake water quality is an important index to identify and to eva luate the lake changes and the lake health, which is directly r elated t o the eco lo gical env ir onment security of the basin. By taking , Ulungur Lake which is a ty pical arid in2 land lake as the research object to study the status o f water qualit y and the spatial distributio n laws in Ulung ur Lake area ( Jili Lake and Buluntuo Lake) fo r t he year of 2017 using impro ved comprehensive w ater quality index ( WPASEQI) and GIS technol2 o gy . The main conclusions of this study are as fo llow s; ( 1) water quality of the Ulungur Lake was classified in thir d nat ional standard and less polluted. Amo ng them, wat er qualif y of the Jili Lake w as classif ied into the second standar d of the surface w a2 ter env iro nmental functio n, while the Bulunt uo Lake w as classif ied into the third standard. Mo reov er, it showed that ther e wer e significant spat ial difference char acteristics of water quality that wer e clo ser t o the easter n part of the lake center and the bey ond away from the inlet area, indicated mo re serious the water po llution. ( 2) The key o ver2standard indices o f w ater po llution in Ulungur Lake wer e COD, CODMn, T N, TP and fluoride, and their spat ial dist ributio n char acteristics w ere as follows; the spatial distribut ion law s of COD, CODM n and fluoride indices co ncentration w ere ro ug hly sim ilar, show ing that the Jili Lake was supe2 rio r to the Buluntuo Lake and the water inlet w as g reater to the center area. In additio n, the concentr atio n of TN and TP indica2 to rs had little difference, which g enera lly show ed that t he inlet area was better than the lake center and the w est o f the Buluntuo Lake w as better t han t he east, r espectiv ely. ( 3) Eut rophicatio n, o rg anic matter and inor ganic matter w ere the main pollutio n so ur ces o f water quality in t he Ulungur Lake. Climate chang e and human act ivities may be the driv ing for ces for further deterio2 r atio n o f lake water quality.
    15  Study on the prediction of water quality based on artificial neural network combined with grey theory
    ZHAI Wei MAO Jing MENG Yadan WU Wenya ZHANG Cheng bo ZHOU Xinlong GAO Wei
    2020, 18(1):138-112.
    [Abstract](653) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.18 M](1256)
    In this paper, the gr ey theor y, a rtificial neural netw or k ( back2 pr opagation neura l netwo rk, radial basis function neural netw or k, and g ener alized regr ession neural net wo rk) , and the combinat ion of these two metho ds w as pr oposed to st udy the dy2 namic predictio n o f water quality. Taking the Xielug ang in Jiax in as an example, the model prediction effect w as analy zed based on the posterior difference test r atio ( c) and small pro bability accuracy ( p ) . T he r esults show ed t hat within a predict ion y ear, the av erag e relat ive err or of the dynamic predictio n value of the g ener alized r egr essio n neura l netw ork was 01 61% , and the c was less than 01 65, w hile the p w as g reater than 01 7, respectively . The r esults ex hibited that the predictio n value using the combinat ion of the gr ey theo ry and g ener alized r eg ressio n neur al netw or k, the av erag ed relative err or w as 01 85% , the c< 01 65, and the p= 11 0, r espectiv ely. The inter2y ea r pr edict ion based on the combinatio n o f the gr ey theor y with BP neura l netw or k and radial basis function neura l netw or k, the av eraged relat ive err or w as 01 57% and 01 80, respectively , and the ratio o f posterior er2 r or was less than 01 5, and the small pro bability err or w as 01 9, but g reater t han 01 8.
    16  Influence of flow vibration effect of flat gate on opening force
    LIU Peng XU Guobin
    2020, 18(1):144-119.
    [Abstract](666) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.16 M](1534)
    In or der t o ex plor e t he mechanism of the influence of flow2induced vibr ation on the o pening and closing for ce of the gate, the f luid2so lid coupling analysis o f the plane g ates in the form of fix ed upper and low er w ater level and bo ttom edg e show ed that t he ex citing force causing the v ibration. The variation of frict ion arm and coefficient o f friction caused by v ibratio n displacement of the gate w ere the main causes of the change of the o pening and closing for ce. On the basis of the unfav orable opening deg ree of the g ate vibr ation calculated by the predecessors, t he ca lculatio n formula o f the ex citing fo rce acting o n the gate panel w as pro po sed by the w avefo rm sy nthesis metho d and the vibrat ion t heo ry . The f rictio n coefficient and f rictio n for ce of the gate w ere consider ed in the calculation met ho d of the o pening for ce of the plane gates under the effect o f the flow vibr ation. Comparing w ith the measur ed data of the middle plate o f t he Shiquan H ydro power Statio n, the theor et ical calculatio n r esults wer e in g oo d ag reement with t he actual measured v alues, w hich can prov ide a scient ific basis for the calculation of the o pening and closing for ce o f the actual pr oject.
    17  CFD analysis of cavitation flow for axial2flow pump based on FBM model
    LYU Ruirui ZHENG Yuan ZHANG Dehu YU An
    2020, 18(1):150-129.
    [Abstract](530) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.30 M](1489)
    The w orking co ndit ion of the ax ial f low pump is changeable, and cavitat ion is easy t o occur, w hich can seriously affect the hy dr aulic performance of a pump. T o study the flow characteristics o f the ax ial flow pump under cavitat ion co ndition, nu2 merical simulatio ns and pr essure pulsatio n analysis o f cavitat ion flow in full channel w ere carried o ut. The superiority of FBM model in predicting the ex ter nal characteristics and cavitation performance of axial flow pump w as v erified by comparing the ex2 perimental data based o n calculated r esults o f different turbulence models. The results showed that the FBM model had least er2 r or in pr edict ing ex ternal char acteristics under non2desig n conditio ns, especially in the flow field under small flow conditio ns. The averag e lift err or w as 11 19% , and the aver age efficiency err or w as 51 31% , respectively . T he accur acy of FBM in predicting cav itation vo lume and g as fr actionw as hig her than o ther thr ee turbulence models, w hich w as mostly close to the obtained ex peri2 mental r esults. In the initial stage of NPSH = 51 25 m cavitat ion, the main f requency o f pr essure pulsat ion on the blade w as loca2 ted at f n, and its frequency w as do ubled, while la rge number of low2fr equency amplitudes appear ed at the pressur e monitoring po int on the suction surface of the blade due to the influence of cav itation collapse. The pr essure pulsatio n at the outlet of the guide vane w as influenced by the flow pattern on the back of the g uide blade.
    18  Experimental study on shape optimization of skew bucket based on orthogonal design
    LIU Fang WANG Chang HE Junling
    2020, 18(1):166-137.
    [Abstract](499) [HTML](0) [PDF 8.24 M](1196)
    The shape of a flip bucket is ver y important fo r the shape o f the w ater tong ue and the sco uring of the downstream ri2 v erbed. Based o n the hydraulic model test , optim izing the shape of the skew bucket of the Nazix ia spillw ay tunnel by o rthog onal desig n. Using ex tr eme difference analy sis and va riance analy sis, the max imum crater depth, t he dist ance from the low est point to the slope, the left jet tr ajecto ry leng th, the right jet t rajecto ry leng th and nappe width wer e selected as the ev aluation indicators for t he o ffset o f the left and rig ht side w alls o f the skew bucket. The three factors of the deg ree o f distortion o f the no se wer e calculated, and the sensitiv ity o f each facto r to the evaluatio n index w as analy zed t o establish the optimal flip bucket fo rm of the skew bucket. The r esults show ed t hat the hydraulic characteristics w ere more sensitive t o t he change of the offset of the left side wall to the rig ht bank. T he ot her facto rs had little effect on t he energ y dissipation effect of the skew bucket. The optimal shape was also analyzed by orthogo na l desig n. The hy dr aulic char acteristics w er e superio r to ot her schemes, while t he obtained r esults co uld pr ovide a basis for the design of t he actual engineering skew bucket.
    19  Research on vertical recharge and specific yield of the unconfined aquifer in a typical deep groundwater areas of North China Plain
    PEI Yuansheng LI Xudong ZHAO Yong ZHAI Jiaqi
    2020, 18(1):176-143.
    [Abstract](536) [HTML](0) [PDF 7.78 M](1695)
    The area o f reg ions w ith a deep g roundw ater table is expanding in No rth China Plain ( NCP) . The characteristics of gr oundwat er recharg e and the value of specif ic y ield hav e not been w ell studied in NCP. Therefo re, an ag ricultura l area near Lu2 ancheng Ex perimental Stat ion, H ebei Pr ov ince, was taken to study the v ertical r echarg e and the specific yield using distributed water cy cle modeling based on a field ex periment. Mor eo ver, t he gr oundwat er r echar ge char acteristics w ere also explo red. T he results show ed that in 2012 and 2013, the potential rechar ge was 2361 6 mm and 2231 5 mm, while the gr oundw ater recharg e w as 1441 1 mm and 1291 8 mm, respect ively, in the study area. And the daily recha rge rate ranges betw een 01 370 mm/ d and 01 404 mm/ d and 01 327 and 01 382 mm/ d in 2012 and 2013 r espectiv ely. This scenario indicated that the gr oundw ater recharg e w as rel2 atively stable and the inter2annual and inter2diurnal differences wer e small due to the r egulat ion and buffering of the deep vado se zo ne. Besides, the specific y ield of the unconfined aquifer w as abo ut 01 03.
    20  Analysis of the relationship between water, energy and food based on total water consumption
    ZHANG Jie HAO Chunfeng LIU Haiying LI Haiming QIU Yaqin
    2020, 18(1):194-149.
    [Abstract](506) [HTML](0) [PDF 6.55 M](1481)
    Social-eco nomic dev elo pment and t he incr ease of populatio n escalated Chinac s energ y and fo od demand, w hile the sho rtag e o f wat er resour ces is g radua lly constrained. In or der to further study the relat ionship betw een w ater resour ces, energ y and foo d, this paper uses t he method of actual measurement st at istics o f 31 prov inces and combined w it h quota estimatio n to an2 alyze the total water use and pr ocess of ener gy development and food pr oduction and planting . The results show ed that in 2015, the w ater consumption of synthetic ammonia and co king industr y in coal mining and washing, thermal pow er industr y and coal chemical industry acco unted for 21 9% ~ 41 4% , 901 4% ~ 941 8% , 11 5% ~ 21 6%, 01 8% ~ 21 7% of the total life cycle of coal, re2 spect ively. The t otal water co nsumption of coal has r eached 5061 7~ 531 15 billio n m3 , account ing for 381 0% ~ 391 8% of the to2 tal industrial w ater co nsumption. The irrigation w ater co nsumption of fa rmland accounted fo r 871 7% o f the total ag ricultural water use, the actual irrig at ion w ater consumptio n per mu w as 394 m3 , and the w ater consumptio n per unit of g rain output w as 5431 3 m3 / t. The research results can pr ovide a r efer ence for the water2ener gy2food link.
    21  Study on emergy and spatial distribution of industrial production value of water resources
    HUANG Shuoqiao WU Zening DI Danyang
    2020, 18(1):202-156.
    [Abstract](397) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.65 M](1276)
    Fr om the perspective of eco2economics, the emerg y analy sis metho d w as used to quant ify the industrial pr oductio n value of water resources in 60 cities of the Yellow River Basin, and the spatial distributio n char act eristics o f industrial pr oductio n value o f w ater resources w ere st udied by spatial auto co rr elation analy sis. The results show ed that the industrial pr oductio n value of w ater r eso ur ces in the Yellow River Basin r ang ed f rom 161 3 to 261 9 yuan/ m3 , and this v alue w as higher in the middle and easter n parts o f the basin. T he g lo ba l Mo ran index of the industrial production value of water resour ces in the Yellow River Basin was 01 3271, w hich showed a sig nificant po sitive spat ial autocorrelatio n. Mor an scatter plot and LISI agg lomeratio n map show ed that the industrial pr oduction value of water resour ces in the Yellow River Basin was mainly "H2H " ( hig h value) ag glomer ation, which mainly gathered ar ound the middle and easter n parts of the basin. This study can provide theoretical support for water allocation in the industrial system o f the Yellow Riv er Basin and data r eference fo r o ptima l allocation of w ater r eso ur ces in the basin.

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