2020, 18(3):73-80.
The study on the natural runoff characteristics of Yalong River Basin has important significance for the operation and management of cascade hydropower stations and the planning of hydropower development and utilization in the future. This paper selected three typical years of extremely high,above-average and extremely low annual runoff. The water balance method was used to restore the natural numff of the river. The Gini coefficient and the runoff contribution rate were used to analvze the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of natural runoff. The results showed that Gini coefficients of each station were between 0.30 and 0.3 9, respectively, and the distribution of natural runoff was relatively unifom1 in extremely dry years. Gini coefficient of each station was between 0. 40 and 0.59,and the distribution of natural runoff was relatively uneven in above-aver age and extremely high annual runoff years. Gini coefficient of special abundance, partial abundance and special dry years were 0.49,0.43 and 0.35,respectively, and the distribution inhomogeneity of natural runoff was positively correlated with lotal runoff. In the dry season, the proportion of contribution rate of runoff in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the basin was close to 1 : l : l in extremely low and above-average annual runoff years, while the runoff contribution rate was followed by upstream,dowmstream and midstream in the Year of extremely high annual runoff. The spatial distribution characteristics of runoff in the flood season and the whole year were the same. The runoff contribution rate of the basin was followed upstream, down stream and midstream in the years of extremely high and extremely low annual runoff, while the proportion of the runoff contribution rate of the basin was close to 1 : 1 : 1 in the Year of above-average annual runoff. Overall, the spatial distribution pattern of left bank runoff was larger than the right bank runoff. The distribution of natural runoff time in the Yalong River Basin was mainly affected by rainfall factors, while the spatial distribution characteristics were detemiined by various factors such as rain fall, topography and catchment area.